Things you would like to see in GT5 other than cars?

  • Thread starter Inkil
RAndom whather changes? what if the system was connected to the Internet all the time, and REAL weather patterns could pop up above the track.

This feature could easily be abused. Take, for instance, the 24 hr. races. You could drive until the weaather turns bad, pause the game and come back when it is sunny and dry. That would totally eliminate the challenge of realtime weather.

Another thing I would like to see is for photodrives. It would be nice to see a frame advance/reteat feature so if you just miss an amazing shot, you can go back half a second or so to get it.
I agree too: Some very good points there. Let's hope someone linked to PD is listening!

That's a point actually. Surely we could draw up a comprehensive list of all the things we want in the next game, and send it to PD. Is that possible?

I am working on an index right now :D
Well don't send it to PD, Sony or any part of Sony, just post it on message boards. Sony (along with a hell of a lot of other companies) will ignore any ideas you send to them outside of a controlled environment. It saves them from potential legal issues later on.
Brake fade would be awesome on normal brakes and to fight it you could purchase racing brakes (that work!).

Also, not sure if I've mentioned this in here but...

I'd like to see Online Track Meets with Virtual Parking Lots. We could have avatars or something and our car parked in the lot. When you want to race you use the race option and join in on the online track meet but if you want to just sit around and chat, the parking lot could serve as an online chat room. 👍

Of course, I know that's way too much (and way too cool) for PD to ever consider. :ouch:
Note to Fred: I realize that I am hijacking previous threads by Inkil, and a few others, but those are not really being managed. The “Suggestions other than cars” thread has grown to 88 pages. This topic lists today 194+ suggestions. Far too many for a single thread, don’t ya think? After the first 20 pages, almost everything is just repeated anyway, because no one wants to read 1600 posts before making their own.

Soooo, everyone, I am attempting to create an index of all suggestions here. Strictly a list of suggestions, and links to each discussion. I will edit this OP from time to time. Again, this is NOT a discussion it is only an index & link to the discussions listed. I will provide links to each subject as they are provided. I am aware that this will make all the discussions in the official suggestions thread –obsolete- but with this index, all subsequent discussion can be organized and perhaps useful.

For any suggestion topic, if there is no link, please post it here, or:

1) Create a thread with the subject listed, preferably with a poll.
2) THEN post in this thread with the link to your discussion

If everyone contributes, we will have an excellent suggestions database, and I may even add poll figures to this page, if they are usable and appropriate.

AI needs drastic improvement
AI vehicles should be as susceptible to bumping and etc as our own cars
Dynamic AI – Avoid collisions instead of slamming into whatever is in its line
AI memory – AI drivers remember if you bashed them & so they bash you back
The same AI drivers/AI personality for the duration of a series
Selectable options & settings for AI opponents

A-spec points should be shown before start of race
A-spec points should mean something rather than being just an arbitrary metric
Prize money should depend on A-spec points of win
A-spec points should account for crashes, starting position, win margin, etc.
Reduced A-spec points for finishing 2nd, 3rd, etc.

More detailed options for racing in B-spec mode
Better system for improving B-spec driver skills

Include more cars in game
Allow users to import/add cars from online or USB device
Include more trucks and more trucks
Include motorcycles

Include fewer cars in game
Include fewer Skylines
Eliminate useless cars
Eliminate / reduce trucks, vans, gimpy-mobiles
Make “special” cars useful, race-able or sell-able

Purchasing Cars
Fully 3D rendered interactive dealerships, walk around cars, test drive, etc
More information about cars before purchasing
Full model-appropriate option selections when buying a car
Used car auctions
Region specific used car lots
Online used car sales

Selling Cars
Better computation on the re-sell values,
Lower mileage cars should sell for more than same model with higher mileage.
Performance modded cars should sell for more, etc.

Car Modifications
Paint schemes, special paint jobs, winner only paint jobs
Body Kits – manufacturer specific
Cosmetics – neon, tint, headlights, taillights, gauges, exhaust tips, etc
Repainting of vehicle – for model specific paint colors only
Customizable sponsor decals
Radical modifications i.e. engine swaps, major parts
Personalized cars, imported paint schemes, decals, etc
Personalized license plates
Pet names for cars
More custom wheels
Purchased wheels should be available in my own garage

Car features
Better engine sounds
Cockpit view
Realistic mileage per gallon
Functional headlights, turn signals, reverse indicator,
Cruise control
Windshield wipers
Functional windows (would increase wind, engine noise, etc)

CAREER MODE / Professional Hall
(see Sponsorship)

Crash dynamics should be improved
Crashing should cause specific and appropriate damage
Crashing should require expenses to repair damage

Damage should be included, not included, or optional
Damage system degrades performance but not appearance
Damage should impact resale value

Much more data stored and data management/display/export options
Car History, like in GT2 and GT3
Financial history & summary, per car and overall
Full end of race statistics
More than 10 cars in records history
Automatic storage of best lap times, including vehicle and date
Overview of progress

You should have to spend money repairing things.
You should be required to buy things like fuel, tires, etc.
Entrance fees to championship races.
Massive crash results in car being totaled, race ends, driver hospitalized
Should be harder to earn money in GT5

Bikini Car Wash :D oh yeah.
Transfer ALL licenses from GT4 to GT5
3D garage view to walk around in, look at cars, take pics
Better introduction to the game for beginners
Unlockable features at 100% complete
Distinctive, user created driver suit & helmet
Driver avatar visible during non-driving activities
Add your own photo to driver avatar
Bring back the “Load Game” option
Customizable sound track, import mp3, iPod playlist/songs etc.
Greatly expanded options in Arcade mode
Dynamic background items like planes, helicopters, wave-runners, boats etc
Smoke – more smoke, that lasts longer
Realistic city/urban streets with traffic, traffic lights, stop signs, pedestrians, etc

Need much better physics
Clock – tuner shops, dealers, races, sponsors available only at certain times of day
Transmission should have –neutral-
Out of gas should really be –out of gas-
Tires should eventually blow out
Engine and interior views
Rear-view mirror more accurate
H-pattern shifter
Elimate “5 second penalty”
Realistic night driving
In-car camera view reacts/moves in response to accel/decel/g’s etc
Driver teams, pit crews that improve their skills over time, etc
No more invisible walls

Leaderboard, race records
Bracket racing,
Ladder system,
In-race chat
Online used car auctions; bid against other players
Online new car sales from PD or ?
One-off or very rare cars that cannot be copied/resold
Use your own garage in online racing
Block detailed vehicle inspection by other players
Total end-user control over creation of race, laps, car restrictions, etc

Should allow you to adjust items on the car, hood, doors, lights, etc.
Take pics of more than one car at a time

Pit babes, woot! :D
An easier way to balance yourself against the opposition
The opponents/vehicles should be more evenly balanced against each other
Better process for selecting appropriate car for race when there are restrictions
Create your own race
More cars on the track
Different classes of cars on the road
Allow qualifying on all races
Restrictions on horsepower
Better/more restrictions for races to make it harder to win and longer to get 100%
Pace cars, yellow/red flags after accidents, and penalties for infringements
Mid race damage or problems that impact the vehicles performance
Checkered flag at the end of the race
Working scoreboard on the track
Change music during race
Race announcer
Winners circle animation
Headset support, talkback to pit crew or B-spec driver
Racing line editor
Select start/end points for practice runs
Region based racing

Pit area
In-car radio for pit manager to message you with race info, when to pit,
Random mishaps in the pit area
Pit stops should be planned before you enter the pits
Allow more adjustments & changes in the pit, minor suspension, tire press, etc.

Endurance races
Allow mid-race saves
Disable pause in endurance races
48 hour endurance race

New Race types
Drag racing
Hybrid vehicle race with only one tank of gas and try to see who goes the farthest
Drift races
Use your own garage in LAN racing mode

Championships with random track selection, variable track selection, or race series editor
Rally championships on non-loop tracks like Pikes Peak
"Race the Clock" instead of another car on the track
Championship races on non-consecutive days
Championship racing in stages, and lowest cumulative time wins the series.
Be able to go to the tune shop during a series

Needs vastly improved controls like pause, slow, camera angle etc
Replays edit, save, export, output to DVD or USB

Sponsored mode or hall that requires manufacturer/retailer sponsorships
Sponsored teams with more highly skilled pit crews, team, b-spec drivers etc
Scripted career racing, i.e. Get a manager who can advise you, help decide on cars, which sponsors to accept offers from, organise sponsorship deals when you are doing well.
Poor driving performance impacts sponsorship deals
Earn more money as a sponsored driver

More tracks
Every real-life track/circuit in the world
More tracks that are for specific classes only.
Tracks that require specific licensing, i.e., Rally, Nascar, Indianapolis, etc.
Less tracks with ‘jumps’
Skid marks
Debris / objects / wildlife on the road or running across it
Import additional tracks
Ability to ‘walk’ around the track
Imported tracks

Faster tuning process
Templates for what modifications to add for each saved set
Named and saved tuning presets for each car
Real tire makes
Drag racing tires
Adjustable tire pressure
Make/Model specific tuning
Tune options should be year/model appropriate; ECU does not exist for pre 1970 cars, etc
Adjustable wheel sizes, axle independent wheel size
More wheel & tire options
More expensive tuning options
Better descriptions for what settings do and how they affect other settings.
ECU tuning, multiple saved ECU tuning maps
Dyno testing
Vastly improved analyzer
More detailed weight reduction
More real tuner companies in the tuner village
A scrapyard which sells wrecked cars, engines and other used parts
Actual reliability/unreliability of parts, modifications, cars
Improper tuning damages vehicle
Tuning dependencies, i.e. larger turbo requires larger injectors for full benefit; ECU is % based

Add or remove selected gauges
Short cut keys at main menu for important locations like GT2.
Better menus
Indicate which cars are “special”

Time of Day changes
Temperature changes
Weather Transitions
“Season” mode
Real-time weather, time-of-day
Dynamic or date/calendar related weather
Snow/rain etc should cause car to get dirtier faster
Windshield gets dirty with bugs, grime, rain, etc.

If someone would like to help, some sort of count on how many GTPlanet users support each suggestion would be nice. I just can’t think of any way to make something like that functional. I can’t see doing it with polls, since there are dozens of suggestions, can we have a single thread with 200 polls?
When you go the the Nurburgring it shouldn't be just you driving around. Because its not like you're the only one there, if you ever go to the ring in real life on an open day there are hundreds of bikes and cars racing around. Make open track days or "practice" with a bunch of amateurs and pros driving around.
Kent's idea is really good, like at the nurburgring when youre waiting to enter the track at the parking lot from there you can exit and go onto the track or wait around and chill in the parking lot.
+Rating cars by how much you enjoy them, then being able to sort by rating

+Naming cars when you tune them, or even when you don't. I've always wanted to give my cars names like Luigi, Romeo, etc.
Well don't send it to PD, Sony or any part of Sony, just post it on message boards. Sony (along with a hell of a lot of other companies) will ignore any ideas you send to them outside of a controlled environment. It saves them from potential legal issues later on.

Worse than that, some campanies will refuse to implement unsolicited ideas sent to them for fear of future legal issues. If however they come here looking for ideas then its all fair game - they're just researching what the fans want...

+Kent - Online Track Meets with Virtual Parking Lots.
Beautiful. People sitting online in the parking lot discussing cars/times, then taking it to the grid. What better way to enjoy the online aspect.

+MINICOOPER120 - Naming cars when you tune them.
Although I tend NOT to have duplicate cars in my garage, It sure would be nice to be able to label what I do have according to tune. i.e. Stock/drift/drag etc.
This feature could easily be abused. Take, for instance, the 24 hr. races. You could drive until the weaather turns bad, pause the game and come back when it is sunny and dry. That would totally eliminate the challenge of realtime weather.

Not if when you pause it the console continues to download weather patterns for the duration of the race and make you keep going as if you hadn't paused... :sly:
Make all of the types of customization available from Need for Speed Carbon.
Fully adjustable bodykits, spoilers, etc. Not the exact parts, or anything...but the ability to adjust parts specifically, similiarly to NFS. Paint and stuff included.
If someone would like to help, some sort of count on how many GTPlanet users support each suggestion would be nice. I just can’t think of any way to make something like that functional. I can’t see doing it with polls, since there are dozens of suggestions, can we have a single thread with 200 polls?
First of all... +REP for compiling all this information into one easy to read thread! 👍

Second of all... actually a poll or polls that allow for multiple votes would effectively work to show the relative popularity of each suggestion.

Currently you have 198 suggestions, and quickly scanning through them I can see how you could combine many of them as several are very closely related. I'm sure a single poll could be made that would cover all these suggestions by doing some combining and editing.

However, even without any combining and editing, you could make two polls and that would cover the list you have made so far.

Besides being able to make multiple selections when voting, I would also suggest that each voter list and rank the suggestions that they voted for to get an even better idea on the relative importance of each suggestion.
:mischievous: I was sitting in my house recently when it hit me.

"non of the GT series games has had a reverse light function" 💡

I then realised that you were also unable to turn your lights on and off and nor did you have a reverse light when reversing. Just seeing what some of you think, but would it not be a good idea to be able to selected day, night, dusk or dawn in a race and then be able to turn your car lights on and off, just like in GTR and then be able to flash a friend, when on the on line function or flash a slower car. or when reversing down a track or turning a-round, only in road legal cars, there should be a reverse light, just for added realism. 👍

On that note i also feel that there is too much of an absence of flags, and regulations:mischievous: . For example you do not get to control your own cars speed in the pit lane. This should be allowed and if u exceed the limit you are given a drive through penalty and a black flag. If you were to then spin off or someone else was to spin off, then there should be a yellow flag and maybe a pace car.👍 Flags should be used for other reasons to.
I agree with the reverse/head lights function Noremac55.

One thing that i really hate is why have they put a car wash feature in the game when the cars don't get dirty?? And if they really want to put 30 or so skylines then atleast put a difference in power for each type e.g mspec, vspec e.t.c. I too think that there should be a car restriction for every race and that if you turned up with a race with a faster/slower car then your garage comes up and you can choose a car that can be raced with, so you don't have to go all the way back to garage.
-> Very excellent lists there, but I have to point some issues here:

Include motorcycles
^ Um, Tourist Trophy already covers that, do you mean motorcycle-based cars like the Campagna T-Rex, and the Suzuki GSX-R powered Smart "Smartzuki"? ;)

Include fewer cars in game
^ First "include more cars in game", now fewer? Whats really the point here? :confused:

Include fewer Skylines
^ Some people don't really mind about "tons of Skylines, Lancer, etc." I don't either. Instead of putting fewer Skylines, how 'bout adding tons of Camaro's, Falcon's, Mustang's, Euro-Escort's, Commodores', Corvette's, etc. to balance it out. :sly:

Eliminate useless cars
^ What useless cars? Can you specify? :confused:

Eliminate / reduce vans, gimpy-mobiles
^ I don't see why these certain cars need to be eliminated.

Make “special” cars useful, race-able or sell-able
^ Based on my experiences with the HPA Golf R32, I highly agree on this statement.

-> I think that it for now. (:
^ Some people don't really mind about "tons of Skylines, Lancer, etc." I don't either. Instead of putting fewer Skylines, how 'bout adding tons of Camaro's, Falcon's, Mustang's, Euro-Escort's, Commodores', Corvette's, etc. to balance it out.

Well with, say 15, of each of those...wouldn't you rather just have 90 different cars.
^ Well some GT fans especially here at GTP would like to have every Mustang ever made (from the 1st Mustang concept car to the most recent Saleen Mustang Parnelli Jones Edition). Either way, I STILL wish that 10,000 cars to be in GT5.

-> People bashes Skyline's in GT just because "theres too much freaking Skylines in the game", what if the same applies to Mustang's/Camaro's/Corvette's? I think everyone wins.

You should be required to buy things like fuel, tires, etc.
Tires are currently configured for a lifetime set with one lump payment.

Massive crash results in car being totaled, race ends, driver hospitalized
No. Double no for online play. This would be abused.

Should be harder to earn money in GT5
It's already hard to earn the 4.5 mil required for the top of the line cars. I don't know about everyone else, but I spend enough time getting all the cars I want, just the way I want them. A racing game shouldn't play like a slow RPG.

Clock – tuner shops, dealers, races, sponsors available only at certain times of day
This also seems to put GT into an RPG direction. It should be assumed that the driver isn't up at 3am and wants to race, and that sleep is automatic. I can understand during an endurance the possibility of switching drivers as they grow tired, but that's as far as it should go.

Pit babes/bikini wash
I understand why, but I thought this was a racing simulator. Leave this crap out.

Disable pause in endurance races. 48 hour endurance races.
1) Why disable pause? 2) 48 hours?? It took all day on B-spec to do a 24 hour race; B-spec needs to go much faster if you put these in.

I really like the consolidation, but those are the ones I have a beef with.
The first of many suggestions to come:

Ability to swap drivers (online human) in an endurance race for online and offline racing

Example: You can connect to the internet and have a buddy or two help you finish an off-line enduro or a team can team up against other teams during online enduros.

Racing Sims like Rfactor ( already allow driver swaps online
Well with, say 15, of each of those...wouldn't you rather just have 90 different cars.
Yes but the two are not comparable. You cannot say that if PD didn't include the Nissan Skyline R34 GT-R V-spec II they could have instead inculded the Nissan R391 race car. At the end of the day, the Nissan Skyline R34 GT-R is already modelled so to create GT-R V-spec II requires very litle effort especially compared to creating a new car from scratch.
I'm all for realism, even if I understand that the game must allow some on/off features to become accessible to the casual player. So, any feature adding realism to this game (like dynamic weather, day and night) will be most welcome.

That said, I think 48 hours endurance races don't make any sense. It's not that I don't like long races. I do.

And it's because I like long races that my wishes for GT5, apart from many of the ones already listed, concern long point to point races. Be it the Mille Miglia, for some speed on regular roads (closed to traffic, of course), or Dakar stages (with the need of road-books and a help from a GPS system on screen).

I undertand that this is very difficult because of the huge amounts of memory needed to store (and load) the data needed to make it work properly, but one can only hope ...
Personally, I'm considering shutting this down but because of your effort I'm not going to... That said, I have a few suggestions...

Try putting things up there that you don't agree with.

For example, you say "much improved physics" but many of us believe GT4's physics were not bad.

Likewise, you list stuff for B-spec but I didn't see anything about the suggestions to get rid of B-spec all together.

How to go about this... I would suggest simply doing something like
"Need much better physics (or not)"

Or for the Bspec section just add a small "get rid of the entire Bspec system"

That said, I really think you should add those because otherwise this thread would simply be a list of what you wanted to include and not what the GTP has suggested (which is not grounds for a new thread on the same subject).
Please consider my words. :cheers:
Thank you.
I can't imagine anyone wanting B-spec abolished. Maybe lock it down to endurance races, but don't get rid of it altogether.

Geez, if the "eliminate pause during endurance races" and "get rid of B-spec" suggestions passed, how could you do the 24/48 hour races :confused:

Endurance races are fun, but B-spec is completely optional. Racing purists are not forced into letting the computer drive, don't take it away from people who want to make use of it.
this thread is junky, it could be savable though if you take out the garbage like
Cosmetics – neon, tint, headlights, taillights, gauges, exhaust tips, etc

As far as having fewer certain cars or cars in general, should be having More.

Alot of effort was put into this but it seems its only what the OP wants and didnt really think of what everyone else would want.

Here you go, here is a thread i made a while back, maybe you can get some ideas or use some of mine.
Most of these seem like very good ideas except for:
Body Kits – manufacturer specific
Cosmetics – neon, tint, headlights, taillights, gauges, exhaust tips, etc
This is why Need for Speed is attractive to pre-teen boys, and this useless junk is not needed in Gran Turismo.
Functional headlights, turn signals, reverse indicator,
Cruise control
Turn Signals? Cruise Control? When would this be used?
Clock – tuner shops, dealers, races, sponsors available only at certain times of day
As said before- not useful.
H-pattern shifter
I'm as much of a Manual purist as the next car enthusiast, but it just doesn't seem reasonable or applicable for a DS2 controller.

There are somethings in here that I REALLY like too. Such as weather, damage, tuning, tracks, A-Spec, and AI. Just not the trashy NFSU things.

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