Things you would like to see in GT5 other than cars?

  • Thread starter Inkil
well, if the ai and physics were better; we wouldnt mind the endurance races so much, because there would be alot more variables to worry about and a need for actually strategy. :P
Multiple save slots per mem. card.

The ability to choose the difficulty of the game before you start, and not be able to change it later in the game. For example:
Easy: No damage, more sarting money, you win more money in each race

Medium: Damage, that gets fixed after evey race for free, and a little less money at the beginning

Hard: Damage doesn't get fixed, unless you pay for it, or DIY (which still costs money and has possibility for mistake) Little or no money to start with.

OR, you could have a way to change every option, so you could start with no money but still have damage fixed and win an average amount of money in every race.
I have a slightly different take on B-Spec myself. I've been tinkering around with it some, because yes, like many of you I need Bob to run those enduros I just don't have time for. But another thing is I want to look at the A.I. Polyphony put into the bot driver. I spent a lot of time working with the drivatar in Forza, exploring how the A.I. "learned" from my driving techniques. Ultimately he became pretty deadly. My brother took it in a whole new direction, teaching a bot to drive horribly, downright erratically, and it was hilarious to watch. That is until his bot behavior basically infected all the other bots in the game including my drivatar! It was like a freaking virus. I had to reteach the dumb thing how to drive, and I'm not sure that the A.I. bots are still quite right in their toxic little heads. But I'm digressing.

The B-Spec driver in GT4 is much simpler, and you don't actually teach it anything, but it is fascinating to watch its skill level increasing as you nudge it through successive victories. It's actually what I've been doing the past couple of days, and for some reason, maybe my inner geek, it's actually fun improving the little monster.

I don't think having B-Spec Bob keeps Polyphony from implementing things like time changes and weather. I think some things would have pushed the game even further into spring or summer, maybe even the 2005 Christmas season, verging on the time Sony was thinking the PS3 might be ready. Some things would be extremely hard to impossible to do on the harddriveless, ram skimped PS2. The saving mid-race, I'm not sure of. It depends on the amount of data that would have to go on the memory card, and that might have been too much. I have no idea. But will it be possible on the PS3, a system which is essentially a beast of a computer? No doubt. I know it's a bit late, but you play the hand you were dealt.

I do hope that Kaz and the lads don't take anything away from GT4 to make GT5. Just add to, improve and expand.
I hate to say it, but I really don't think they will expand on any concept that can be covered-up by B-spec. Specifically, I don't think they will add mid-race saves for as long as they have B-spec to run races for us.

Personally, I'd rather run 96 different 15 minute sessions to complete a 24 hour race than leave my PS2 running for 8+ hours while "Bob" has all the fun for me.

And that is what I intend to be my final word on why B-spec shouldn't be in GT. :sly:
Well Kent, there is one thing we can count on from Kaz, and that he's been chomping at the bit to realize some kind of dream game ever since the mid-90s when he started his Gran Turismo fixation. He's always been disappointed that the consoles Sony produced just weren't up to the challenge of delivering the world he wanted to create. And what he wanted to create was a virtual world to one extent or another. Worlds are big, complex things and involve things like weather and all kinds of things that we think of casually.

Indications are he and people in his team come to boards like ours to see what people consider the good and bad points of his past games, and what are the hot items we want to see in the next installment of our beloved franchise. This time around, chances are if we harp on a certain thing, even if Kaz isn't all that into it, it could be in GT5. I'm sure Kaz has definite ideas of what will be there, but isn't so arrogant to think he can decide what we should like.

I'm also sure that he takes it a bit personally when something in GT isn't appreciated. I doubt he enjoys hearing that people don't personally drive out his 24 hour races. As much as I make faces at the trucks, SUVs and what I call the "dinkmobiles," I don't want them pulled from GT5 to make room for more Mustangs, BMWs, Saabs, 240s and Skylines. I do want a game that is loaded to the brin with a variety of vehicles. Besides, Kaz will insist that they be in the game so few worries on that point. :P

But what about the endurance races? This time around, Kaz will have the system of his dreams, as good as a mid to high end PC. Saving mid-race at a pitstop should be a simple matter to code. Weather? Time of day changes? Likewise. Better, more accurate physics? A no brainer. The return of race modification and a paintshop? All but guaranteed. Graphics to die for? GT HD is but a taste of glory to come. Anything else? If Kaz hasn't decided on something but it's a hot topic on the boards, chances are we'll see it. Or not, things could get pulled. ;)

Forza 2 is showing the shortcomings of a team bumping their heads against a ceiling somewhere, if they can't even increase the car count by a few on a system perhaps 15 times as powerful as its predecessor. But the PS3 doesn't seem to be hindered by the same issues 360 developers are facing. Formula 1 has 11 cars in online play, and Motorstorm has 12. With another 12 months or more, could a triple-A developer like Polyphony deliver the racing game of our dreams? Chances look good. I'll take my chances. ;)
I'm sure we can all tell that Kaz is chomping at the bit to get GT5 on the PS3 when he says things like 'PS3 is a weapon of revolution'.
Personally, I'd rather run 96 different 15 minute sessions to complete a 24 hour race than leave my PS2 running for 8+ hours while "Bob" has all the fun for me.

Maybe if you could save unique sessions in GT5, where the individual race progress will be saved and you can go do anything else you wanted until you want to continue.

You would have to make each car darkened out in your garage if they are "in use" until the race is completed, and I would want to save up to a few unique sessions for it to be a good feature. I'd prefer that over mid-race saves where you'd have to continue the race until it's done, even if it appears you'd have 3-4 people racing at one time.
Track attendance by the supporter should be proportional to the importance of the race to help build atmosphere for big races. Currently some tracks have large attendance and some are practically empty but this is ridiculous. Races like the sunday cup or even track testing should have very little crowd whereas big events like Dream car champoinship and le sarthe 24 hours should be cram packed and the spectators should be present everywhere conceivable perhaps waving banners if that isn't to over the top.

on GT4 the SLR Mclarens stock sports tyres are have the same amount of grip as the stock sports tyres on the Dihatsu Midget which is foolish. I garantee that the tyres on the SLR Mclaren will be vastly different to the tyres on a Dihatsu midget in real life. The stock tyre that comes with the car should be as realistic as possible with tyre width, profile, compound, pressure, and other important factors should all be listed when you by the car. All these factors should also be availible when you want to upgrade your tyre. So you can
acctually tell how much your new tyres are going to help you.

Perhaps body kits for cars could mean the following:
Instead of having a list of 40 nissan skylines you have each of the different versions e.g R32 R33 R34 and of this you should have just the best version of that model. This will stop there being and overload of all the different veriations and all years but are basically the same car. From this you can then choose an upgrade kit which will convert it to a JGTC car engine and other specifications. You will then have a choice of different body kits, You can go for the JGTC kit you want. You can then chose certain liveries depending on the body kit you choose because not all of the R34's have the same body kits even if they look similar. You may even chose to leave your body kit a plain manufaturer colour. That way there is only a select few skylines but you still have the vast choice of veriations. I am also aware that each of the JGTC cars have slightly different weight and power outputs however this I feel is a small price to pay and will allow space to put other cars in the game E.g DTM or V8 supercars. This doen't just need to be inplace for skylines, there are also far to many Varieties of supra's,Rx-7's, impreza's, evo's, and NSX's. I like having alot of them availible for JGTC races especially since there is going to be an increase in the amount of cars on track, but there doesn't need to be so many of them as road cars or in the used car maket, like I said before just have the best road model from each era of that car. OR you just have a choice of body kits in the tuning menu including all the other tuner company kits, e.g NISMO, MUGEN, SPOON, TRIAL etc. aswell as the JGTC kits. Then the JGTC performance is a totally different Upgrade. Obviously you can chose to tune your car yourself but a tuning package should be availibe for certain cars to allow you to enter certain events like the JGTC. This may also help standardise cars for close racing. Again this isn't just something that could be used in just JGTC it could be used in other racing leagues like DTM or other racing leagues.

I like the Idea of being able to chose your opponents for arcade mode. Its annoying when the copmputer chooses the wrong types of car to race against. This will be increasingly important if the number of AI cars are increased like I belive they will.

Qualifying should definetly be brought back for ALL races and if I remember correctly from the first game you also won a fifth of the prize money for qualifying first. Although this isn't entirely realistic its a nice feature which should also be brought back.

P.S>I am aware most of these, if not all of these have been stated but i couldn't be bothered reading the
whole thread to check.
I was thinking of that very thing the other day. But I don't think that kind of thing is very realistic or all that desireable. In any case, endurance races will be the last races in the game, so I'm not sure what you'd be going to other races for besides a break. Maybe that would be covered with alternate profiles like we have in our games now.
I don't know about saving in the middle of an enduro and bombing out to come back later. Yes, I know this is a game, but where is the realism in that? Half of the challenge of an Endurance race is in the name... endurance. It's not like a ten lap qualifier where you just go to get a good place. The challenge of an Endurance race is to actually finish it. Literally hundreds of 'dreams of victory' have been cruelly shattered in endurance races by things like gearboxes and engines and tyres and brakes... DNF is even worse than finishing last! At least for last place you get a wooden spoon. What's in it for the DNF'er? The stripped gear award? The busted rod-end trophy?

I can understand the angst with enduros with blackouts, loss of power and such, and as such I fully support a way of saving the race as you progress. However, my suggestion would be more of a 'background save' that the system itself does at intervals along the race. If then the system loses power due to blackout or little brother hitting the glowing green light, then when you reboot the PS it could give you the option of returning back to the last saved checkpoint. You could code into the options the facility to control how frequently these background saves are made. Each save should overwrite the last so that people can't cheat and go back a save or two if they stuff something up. This facility would cover the aspect of losing progress, but still keep a bit of challenge in the enduros.

Like anything, including B-Spec, this is a facility that could be abused unless set up well.


Returning to this debate on B-Spec/no B-Spec, I think we've all missed the point. I don't think Kent was trying to start an argument, but rather to ask that his suggestion of removing B-Spec be added to the list with all the other valid suggestions. I don't think there is really any point in arguing the issue, as it really only is personal opinion. For Kent, it is right to him, but wrong to others (understand where I'm going here). For me to say only background saves and no user saves in enduros, then that is just my opinion. It is no more valid or gospel than somebody who wants to be able to save at their leisure. The point is that a list of suggestions has been made up, and whether we agree or disagree with any of the suggestions made in the past 90 or so pages, they are all suggestions and all deserve to be put into the list.
I hate to say it, but I really don't think they will expand on any concept that can be covered-up by B-spec. Specifically, I don't think they will add mid-race saves for as long as they have B-spec to run races for us.

Personally, I'd rather run 96 different 15 minute sessions to complete a 24 hour race than leave my PS2 running for 8+ hours while "Bob" has all the fun for me.

And that is what I intend to be my final word on why B-spec shouldn't be in GT. :sly:

That's also what I fear.

I like endurance races A LOT, and I've played intensively the old "LM24H" game because of it (made several 24 hour races (with the Audis, Panoz, Pescarolo, other less known LMPs), and I had great fun doing it, one stint of tyres per night (of course LM24H is, graphics and physicswise, much poorer than GT4, but it has 24 cars on track, day and night, dynamic weather and mid race saves - at the pits ).

I don't mind B-Spec being in GT5 (it's optional to use it, anyway) , but if these features (all of them already present in a 2001 PS2 game!) aren't there, I'll be very dissapointed ... if a game can't realisticaly recreate long endurance races that you can drive and have fun with, than just skip them, and stick to shorter races (like in GT3) where you can actually drive the full length and win - you, the player - all the cars that are there to be won.

Note: of course I know that some of gtp users are capable of driving 24 hours of sunny weather with 6 cars on track. My hat's off to them, but that's just not my idea of fun.
Track attendance by the supporter should be proportional to the importance of the race to help build atmosphere for big races.

Agreed. I don't like to see huge crowds for a sunday cup, and empty grandstands during the Formula GT.

I garantee that the tyres on the SLR Mclaren will be vastly different to the tyres on a Dihatsu midget in real life. The stock tyre that comes with the car should be as realistic as possible with tyre width, profile, compound, pressure, and other important factors should all be listed when you by the car. All these factors should also be availible when you want to upgrade your tyre.

Perhaps a little too much detail to list when buying tyres, but grip levels should at least take account of these factors, and tyre pressures would be a nice addition to the tuning options.

Perhaps body kits for cars could mean the following:
Lots of stuff about Skylines and JGTC cars.

Whilst I am not a fan of multiple versions of the same domestic car, I do like the various race versions. They at least give a bit of colour to JGTC etc. races. However why are they all listed as seperate vehicles?
It would be nice for PD to list the NSX JGTC 2000 model as one vehicle, then allow you to pick the sponsor (Arta/Raybrig/Mugen) much like you would chose the paint colour when buying a regular car. The NSX JGTC 2001 model would then be another vehicle with its three sponsor colours.

I like endurance races A LOT, and I've played intensively the old "LM24H" game because of it (made several 24 hour races (with the Audis, Panoz, Pescarolo, other less known LMPs), and I had great fun doing it, one stint of tyres per night (of course LM24H is, graphics and physicswise, much poorer than GT4, but it has 24 cars on track, day and night, dynamic weather and mid race saves - at the pits ).

If 'LM24H' could do this 6 years ago, PD might have to take it a step further and add seasonal changes. :D

Note: of course I know that some of gtp users are capable of driving 24 hours of sunny weather with 6 cars on track. My hat's off to them, but that's just not my idea of fun.

Capable yes, challenging yes, but fun? Not really. Anything over 6 hours just becomes more of the same. Give us the extra features from 'LM24H', or restrict the endurance races to something that can be done in one sitting.
Being able to buy new cameras for photomode. Imagine starting with a crappy point and shoot and ending up with a DSLR when you get the money! :lol:
I really want like headlights that you can actually see with, they're not just there for decorations. Like in the night time or in fog that you would b able to see farther ahead with them...
Maybe if you could save unique sessions in GT5, where the individual race progress will be saved and you can go do anything else you wanted until you want to continue.

You would have to make each car darkened out in your garage if they are "in use" until the race is completed, and I would want to save up to a few unique sessions for it to be a good feature. I'd prefer that over mid-race saves where you'd have to continue the race until it's done, even if it appears you'd have 3-4 people racing at one time.

I agree with your comments here. The endurance and long races are fine. They should just for sure allow you to save at pit stops or maybe even auto save at pit stops. I am in agreement with the option to be able to have an endurance race or multi-race series in progress, but have option to do some single races if you do not have time to complete or finish the race series. Just got my PS3 yesterday. Not sure how many seperate memory saves the average PS3 game will alow you to do. However I am sure most would be unlimited. In that since, I would think GT5 should allow a person to have multiple game saves. I would have at least have a few games in progress especially if not much has changes regarding the endurance and long race series.
Well I have not read all of the posts so I do not know if this has been said already but I was thinking that instead of just having a map and you pick and choose where to go there should be a part of story mode where instead of that you get to drive around a little town and your house is located on the map and you drive on different roads and you drive by dealerships and you can pull in and it will then bring up the car list of that certain dealership. kind of like in NBA Ballers Phenom (I don't know if anyone has played it) but you get to wall around an area and you walk by a basketball court and it will ask you if you want to play. Just an idea for a little added bonus. Also for B-spec have an option for 5X and 10X.
Well for the most part i have been happy with the GT franchise as far as in with everyone that comes out they add to it to make it a little better each time. Only things besides the obvious like damage, would be for one...more cars. Not only more cars but do it in a way to where we as the consumer could choose to cut cost on the main game. What i mean is make the base game with all the cars in it, then have other dvd's with each one having a single car manufacturer on it. So lets say you are a honda guy (sorry) and your friend hates imports and is all about racing a heavy chevy. Well he can spend his cash on that chevy dvd and have an whole list to choose from, just a thought but would be very nice. And the other is paint and graphics. I have been so spoiled by NFSU games that let me paint my car and do all sorts of visual upgrades that when i play my favorite of all, GT3 its just so dissapointing that i cant change the base color or make it "mine" so to speak.
Well I have not read all of the posts so I do not know if this has been said already but I was thinking that instead of just having a map and you pick and choose where to go there should be a part of story mode where instead of that you get to drive around a little town and your house is located on the map and you drive on different roads and you drive by dealerships and you can pull in and it will then bring up the car list of that certain dealership. kind of like in NBA Ballers Phenom (I don't know if anyone has played it) but you get to wall around an area and you walk by a basketball court and it will ask you if you want to play. Just an idea for a little added bonus.

There are a bunch of games like this, ione is the NFSU series. GT games are more about realisim, not street racing.
Well I have not read all of the posts so I do not know if this has been said already but I was thinking that instead of just having a map and you pick and choose where to go there should be a part of story mode where instead of that you get to drive around a little town and your house is located on the map and you drive on different roads and you drive by dealerships and you can pull in and it will then bring up the car list of that certain dealership. kind of like in NBA Ballers Phenom (I don't know if anyone has played it) but you get to wall around an area and you walk by a basketball court and it will ask you if you want to play. Just an idea for a little added bonus. Also for B-spec have an option for 5X and 10X.
The problem with this is that real racing teams and drivers do not have to do that, also the majority of cars in GT once tuned would not be road legal. also, it would get tedius fast and to create an area big enough for 50+ dealerships, tune shops, event halls ect would mean creating a lot ofroad that would imo be better spent, creating a lot of race track. It would be a wasted feature that wouldn't fit into the game. By all means, I'm up for 3d showrooms and garages you can take a virtual walk around that, sort of thing but do you think Jason Plato ever had to drive to the local Nissan Dealership in his Nissan Primera super saloon to buy new tyre's for it. Do you think he'd have been allowed to even if he wanted to. To include a feature like that would eliminate a lot of cars and some manufacturers altogether from the GT series.
I agree although it sound like a nice idea it would be unrealistic and become extremely irritating.
Well for the most part i have been happy with the GT franchise as far as in with everyone that comes out they add to it to make it a little better each time. Only things besides the obvious like damage, would be for one...more cars. Not only more cars but do it in a way to where we as the consumer could choose to cut cost on the main game. What i mean is make the base game with all the cars in it, then have other dvd's with each one having a single car manufacturer on it. So lets say you are a honda guy (sorry) and your friend hates imports and is all about racing a heavy chevy. Well he can spend his cash on that chevy dvd and have an whole list to choose from, just a thought but would be very nice. And the other is paint and graphics. I have been so spoiled by NFSU games that let me paint my car and do all sorts of visual upgrades that when i play my favorite of all, GT3 its just so dissapointing that i cant change the base color or make it "mine" so to speak.
I agree with breakpoint on this, except for the fact that there would be WAY too many different discs that PD would have to make. A better idea would be to have certain regions on a disc, like there would be American, Japanese, other Asian, North European, South European, and Austailian (could be its own or combined with another region). Each disc could have region specific cars, tuning companies/parts, and maybe a few tracks, and if PD has a paint shop, there could also be some PD-designed paint jobs.
I don't know if you have heard of it but there is this thing called gumball 3000 where drivers from around the world bring their cars to a certain location and race across the country. they should have something like that in gt5
I agree with breakpoint on this, except for the fact that there would be WAY too many different discs that PD would have to make. A better idea would be to have certain regions on a disc, like there would be American, Japanese, other Asian, North European, South European, and Austailian (could be its own or combined with another region). Each disc could have region specific cars, tuning companies/parts, and maybe a few tracks, and if PD has a paint shop, there could also be some PD-designed paint jobs.

That is true about them having to make too many disks. Maybe have the regions like you said but offer cars on there that arent in orig game. So if i really want to drift that 1970 Yenko Nova, then maybe its listed on that Chevy disk i could buy? Or maybe i really want that 1994 Nissan Altima with its torquey little KA motor? Would be so nice, but i know it will not happen. Or maybe even offer more tracks, cars and such downloadable content? There are a hell of allot of games now, especially on the 360 that offer such things.
I don't know if you have heard of it but there is this thing called gumball 3000 where drivers from around the world bring their cars to a certain location and race across the country. they should have something like that in gt5

Point to point races would be way cool - including endurance ones. I remember watching movies from the 60's and 70's that showed overland races around Las Vegas - sanctioned events where the roads were closed off for the race. That would be way, way cool. I can see the drift (pardon the pun) of the Gumball 3000, but as a race on open roads, any 'racing' is illegal. If PD did simulate such a race, I'd venture a guess it would be a closed track, not open public road...
I agree with breakpoint on this, except for the fact that there would be WAY too many different discs that PD would have to make. A better idea would be to have certain regions on a disc, like there would be American, Japanese, other Asian, North European, South European, and Austailian (could be its own or combined with another region). Each disc could have region specific cars, tuning companies/parts, and maybe a few tracks, and if PD has a paint shop, there could also be some PD-designed paint jobs.
If disk space fails, use the HDD. I don't mind additional cars beocoming avalable after the games released, but only if they truely are additional cars. I don't want PD to do when happened in Test Drive where cars already modelled and made were held back to be released in an after launch car pack at a later date for a fee.
Well, I wouldn't count on PD doing the "right" thing L4S. :ouch:
Not that I know how it will turn out but I like to be prepared for the worst if you know what I mean. :sly:

Also, an idea about what I'd like to see in the next game... I'd like to see car changes during championships... As long as the car still falls into the championship specs you should be allowed to change cars. 👍

Of course, that just goes on top of my various requests for certain circuits around the world as well as my request for "virtual parking lots" and "online track days."
I'd also love to see all those other goodies we've been talking about ... (paintshop, lighting changes, etc)...

Oh and the last thing that I think may be the most important part for me (besides paintshop)... Line-up changes for races.

I really think PD dropped the ball when it came to engineering the line-ups for GT4. The Polyphony Digital cup is a perfect example of how poorly the game's ai line-ups were made.
Do the PD cup and you get a bunch of mid-90s FF street cars and one S-tune Nismo Z.
Now what in the world is that car doing in a line-up of CRX's and Civics?

So on that note, I'd really like to see more single make races than ever before, more technically designed races based on PWR, total power, and minimum weight, more races designed for specific race cars (like an entire JGTC300 series as well as a JGTC500 series), and finally, I'd really like to see more consideration when deciding what tracks will be used in various racing series.

Oh and more endurance races of normal lengths of time (as I believe B-spec to be a cop-out for good endurance race designs) I would love to see a variety of 4h races on all the courses we didn't see any enduros on.
Good ideas there Kent, especially the more events for specific cars idea, there were too many cars in GT4 that didn't really fit into and event, like the GT300 cars, in GT3 there was the beginner GT World champioship where you cold race the GT300 cars and the rally cars on road tracks and that also happened to be one of my facerout events in GT3. There was no equivelent event in GT4. There was no events for 300+bhp FF cars, unlike in GT3, there was no events for race cars like the Spoon Fit, Spoon S2000, the Motul civic and others. Yet there was 3 or 4 events for the same LMP grids over and over again. Too many events where the same grids would pop up and then zero events for other cars.
I think I would like see the practice sessions modified a bit. I would like to be able to practice specific parts of a course. I know that the license tests do that for the most part but I would like to be able to take whatever car I choose and practice specific areas of a course.