Things you would like to see in GT5 other than cars?

  • Thread starter Inkil
If they include damage, then a "crashed cars for spares" shop would be great. So, someone smashed one of the rear lights on your R33 GTR at a previous race. You'd go to the "scrapyard" to find a new one (the way you see all the scrap cars would be like your Garage, at Home). Then, you see another R33 GTR. You select it, then it comes up on screen. It's propped up on bricks, with no front lights and no engine... and the engine bay's completely smashed in. But the rear lights are still good! So you take them off and fit them to your R33 for, say, 90cr. You could even try and find a naked space-frame and build your very own track weapon Mazda RX7 out of new bits/spares.
If they include damage, then a "crashed cars for spares" shop would be great. So, someone smashed one of the rear lights on your R33 GTR at a previous race. You'd go to the "scrapyard" to find a new one (the way you see all the scrap cars would be like your Garage, at Home). Then, you see another R33 GTR. You select it, then it comes up on screen. It's propped up on bricks, with no front lights and no engine... and the engine bay's completely smashed in. But the rear lights are still good! So you take them off and fit them to your R33 for, say, 90cr. You could even try and find a naked space-frame and build your very own track weapon Mazda RX7 out of new bits/spares.

Sounds like you are almost describing a game called Gearhead Garage.

Would be fun but highly unlikely to happen.
After some time doing B-spec with touches of A-spec in the mix... I'd like to see partial A-spec points based on how much of the race you actually drove. Maybe the percent of laps you drove in the race could be used to measure the percent of points you get out of the originally proposed A-spec number. 👍

I'd also like to see B-spec removed and the length of the races reduced (or mid-race saves during pitstops).
Oh well, can't have it all! :dopey:
If PD starts dopping race options, and lowering the length of the endurance races, and thus limit the choices players have, they will not only lose my business, but I suspect many others, judging by the popularity of the full length endurance races on this and many other GT related forums. 👎

Fortunately, I do not see this happening as they already have the code for the options they have already designed and implemented in the past, and it would not likely take much effort to improve them for GT5.

As for full length endurance races, I see no reason why PD would even consider getting rid of them and making everyone race shorter versions of them, because they know many of their fans appreciate having the opportunity to run a real time full length endurance race, some with their friends acting as a real race team – which BTW is a lot of fun to do! Not only are you working as a team, but you are also competing against the lap times of your fellow teammates.

If they want to add an option to adjust the length of an endurance race, similar to what other games offer, for those that don't want to use any B-spec during the race and also don't want to race a full endurance race - that's great! If they have the option of say setting an endurance race at 25%, 50%, and 100% its original length, it would be much better than if they forced everyone to race the same way dictated by the preference of only one type of player.

Adding options is great, removing them is a sign that GT is moving farther away from being a driving simulator, and more like an arcade game where everyone is forced to play it basically the same way.

As for options (not mandatory features) I really would like to see more than others...

  • 20+ Car Races (off and online)
  • Crash Damage (to keep drivers honest, and to add a much needed "risk & reward" element to driving)
  • Mechanical Failure (from poor driving, and poorly tuned cars)
  • Real Race Penalties (time penalties for cutting corners and speeding in the spits, etc)
  • Controlled Pit Crew Actions (where your actions effect how short or long a pit stop lasts)
If GT5 borrowed from F1:CE on the way these are implemented into the game as options, GT5 will be a far greater driving game then it is today.
After some time doing B-spec with touches of A-spec in the mix... I'd like to see partial A-spec points based on how much of the race you actually drove. Maybe the percent of laps you drove in the race could be used to measure the percent of points you get out of the originally proposed A-spec number. 👍:

Kind of like lap money in some races? Maybe they could also award extra points for getting pole position, or for leading the race (obviously they'd need to be very challenging races...) Sounds interesting.
If they include damage, then a "crashed cars for spares" shop would be great. So, someone smashed one of the rear lights on your R33 GTR at a previous race. You'd go to the "scrapyard" to find a new one (the way you see all the scrap cars would be like your Garage, at Home). Then, you see another R33 GTR. You select it, then it comes up on screen. It's propped up on bricks, with no front lights and no engine... and the engine bay's completely smashed in. But the rear lights are still good! So you take them off and fit them to your R33 for, say, 90cr. You could even try and find a naked space-frame and build your very own track weapon Mazda RX7 out of new bits/spares.
I remember playing a game called Street Legal Racing: Redline that allowed you to mess with individual parts, replacing body panels, lights, etc. and even rebuilding the engine part by part (the major parts, anyway). It was so fun to fiddle around in the garage that it was all I ever did while playing the game -- especially since the driving physics, graphics, sounds, and racing gameplay were all absolutely horrid. The buggy, low-budget, low-talent programming made for some frustrating times even in the garage, though.

I doubt that kind of detail would go into any console racing game, especially with the lack of a mouse. I would, however, like to see more games that allow you to buy damaged cars and fix them up, a la Need for Speed: Porsche Unleashed.
I would love to see strong force feedback 👍

same here, I think the G25 has 2 force feedback motors, so a more realistic ffb should be on the cards. With strong ffb theres a refined feel for the car, so you can feel oversteer and understeer easily which is certainly useful for someone like me who's main aim in the game is to win every race and get gold in all license tests
If PD starts dopping race options, and lowering the length of the endurance races, and thus limit the choices players have, they will not only lose my business, but I suspect many others, judging by the popularity of the full length endurance races on this and many other GT related forums. 👎

Fortunately, I do not see this happening as they already have the code for the options they have already designed and implemented in the past, and it would not likely take much effort to improve them for GT5.

As for full length endurance races, I see no reason why PD would even consider getting rid of them and making everyone race shorter versions of them, because they know many of their fans appreciate having the opportunity to run a real time full length endurance race, some with their friends acting as a real race team – which BTW is a lot of fun to do! Not only are you working as a team, but you are also competing against the lap times of your fellow teammates.

If they want to add an option to adjust the length of an endurance race, similar to what other games offer, for those that don't want to use any B-spec during the race and also don't want to race a full endurance race - that's great! If they have the option of say setting an endurance race at 25%, 50%, and 100% its original length, it would be much better than if they forced everyone to race the same way dictated by the preference of only one type of player.

Adding options is great, removing them is a sign that GT is moving farther away from being a driving simulator, and more like an arcade game where everyone is forced to play it basically the same way.

As for options (not mandatory features) I really would like to see more than others...
  • 20+ Car Races (off and online)
  • Crash Damage (to keep drivers honest, and to add a much needed "risk & reward" element to driving)
  • Mechanical Failure (from poor driving, and poorly tuned cars)
  • Real Race Penalties (time penalties for cutting corners and speeding in the spits, etc)
  • Controlled Pit Crew Actions (where your actions effect how short or long a pit stop lasts)
If GT5 borrowed from F1:CE on the way these are implemented into the game as options, GT5 will be a far greater driving game then it is today.

I like your Ideal of having multiple players share the racing in an endurance race. I think this could be a feature added to arcade mode allowing a few players to share the racing experience on an endurance type of race. Each player has a profile and then could in effect be a driver on a race team. The game could keep stats for your team, driver with most laps lead, fastest lap, fastest overall speed, no of times in the pits, maybe damage etc. Then at the end of the race or even durring the race if pause you could compare stat's between drivers. Might even work with race teams online. Anyway so many relative simple ideals to really increase the playabilty of the GT Series.
I really don't care about visual car damage, it's very needforspeedish, I dont even see my car when I play. Although, maybe something like a damaged suspention during race would be cool, so you can feel the difference in handling. What I want is a more elaborate tuning, helping tutorials, graphs and calculators. The way it is in gt4 is not clear and sometimes make me wonder if the setting works.

Also need more camera angles to visualize how the suspention works, but I think this already makes a part of ne gt.

GT team really need to rework nurburgring. It feels terribly flat! Those who know nurburgring will understand me. Altitude data must be modified.

There are big tendencies to turn simualtors into a game, I'm against that. And who really cares about reverse lights???
That logic makes no sense, why should we discuss anything about the game then? Why visit this forum? And why should this forum even exist?
He has a point, though. Or should I say, he would have a point if the PS3 were affordable enough to be as popular as the PS2, because then the PS3 and GT5 would sell like hotcakes.

Anyway, I'm starting to think PD will have no choice but to include visual damage, or face even greater backlash than they ever have before on the issue. The PS3 has made it so they can't hide behind the PS2 hardware anymore, and Forza has made it so they can't hide behind whiny manufacturers anymore.
Even with the potential of the ps3, i doubt polypony will include damage. Modelling Realistic damage will be an awesome undertaking, im sure you guys have seen what happens to race cars after theyve been involved in a high speed crash.GT series prides itself on being a racing sim and if Polypony was to include mere half-assed 'visual' damage (like the damage models you see on current racing games), they will be critiscized for making an unrealistic damage system especialy by GT sim fanatics.
If damage is included thatll be brilliant so long as you have the option to turn it off once in a while but i dont see it happining just yet.
Did PD actually PROMISE damage in GT5, or was that just a feature they were really pushing to get into the next GT? I don't quite recall if it was promised or not. Either way, I really hope they implement something.
Modelling Realistic damage will be an awesome undertaking, im sure you guys have seen what happens to race cars after theyve been involved in a high speed crash.
As was mentioned before by Dave A, implementing damage by way of polygon deformation is actually a relatively easy and quick process, and is much more flexible than pre-modelled damage.

It's certainly far from an "awesome undertaking," otherwise a small development team like ScaViEr wouldn't be able to use it in Live for Speed.
I didn't mean to hit anything. To see them running around in the background.
Though hitting something would be cool. Have it mess up your car if you hit something big. :lol: That sounds awesome.

I remember seeing a big hare getting hit by a Mercedes DTM car at Hockenheim. That was a while ago though.
Changing seasons. That would be awesome. Seeing moving animals. Like deer and others. That's all I can think of.

Would you have to rename Autumn Ring? to Seasonal Ring.

Its a good idea, I would like to see a snowy Trail Mountain although I am not to keen on the Migration of animals, I mean Why?? its fairly rare to see animals wandering round race tracks, but maybe on a few rally stages.
That's what I ment. You see animals on rally tracks. I don't about Autumn Ring. I would like to see the seasons chang though.
Sorry if my idea sounds stupid though. Just a thought.

Nope, more like the ones in my avatar. I won a drag race against a school bus with this. Some of them have more than 1100 Lbs. Ft. of torque, with 330HP. :eek: I wouldn't even be at this forum if they had one of these in the GT series lol.

EDIT: Go ahead call me a wierdo.
Ability to clip(yes I'm a dirty racer)

Normaly at 200+ mph if you bump the front end of your car into the rear quarter panel of the AI car, the AI would go flying into the wall.

damage would be OK but don't go overboard with the repairing the car. and if the car isn't severely damaged don't make us fix it before racing in it.

example: In the game JUICED I acidentily went to the test track. I pressed the gas button and got up to 3 mph then hit quit. Well when I got to the garage, I had to pay $3000 to repair nothing!
If you bump a car at 200mph it isn't just going to throw itself of the track, it depends on the overall stability of the car at speed, a lot also depends on how much faster you are traveling when you bump the car in front, if it is a difference of 1 mph, then unless the car in front is dangerously unstable then there isn't going to be a huge problem. I do agree that opponent AI are particularly resistant to nudges for some reason, they appear to weigh twice as much when shunting(not that is a habit of mine).

That what you get for playing crazy games like 'Juiced',

If you want to add more just edit your previous post, it saves spamming by double posting,