Things you would like to see in GT5 other than cars?

  • Thread starter Inkil
Yea the weather would be awesome specially the rain coming down on your windshield and you cant see anything, how tough would that be.

Also i would a feature where as you progress into the game you get better pit crews, which are faster and less mistake, pit crew restriction and actually having to drive it your self into the booth. I think thats asking to much lol
Driving through the pits yourself would be nice. I am a bit sick of games having auto drive through the pits.
The ultimate race event ( IMO ) :
24 hr. endurance race at Nurburgring , day night cycle , weather changing on and off , light mist to a heavy downpour , changing back to sunshine. A real test of skills.
Now that you guys are mentioning rain again, I would like to add that I hope for actual rain, not just wet tracks. If I remember correctly, it wasn't actually raining on any of the wet tracks, which takes away from the whole sense of being in wet weather. Sure, the track is slippery, but with the new cockpit view, we're going to need some rain pattering on the windshield to satisfy us, right?
The ultimate race event ( IMO ) :
24 hr. endurance race at Nurburgring , day night cycle , weather changing on and off , light mist to a heavy downpour , changing back to sunshine. A real test of skills.

That would be fantastic.👍:D
How about this?

GT offers car from pretty much any age.

So lets say Muscle cars from 70s, many of them had no power steering, no ABS, no Traction controls.

There for The car should have PowerSteering option turned off (can not be turned on) As well ABS should be off, as well NO traction controlls of any kind. This would only apply to cars that either have these features or not.

Lets say you would like ABS in an OLD school car, you would have to buy ABS for that car, if you would like Traction controls, you would have to buy Traction controls for it. same goes with power steering!

What you guys think?
I like it. You do make a very good point there. How can old mustang have TC, ABS, power steering and ASM if it's from the 60's.
Nurb in rain is a must. Only then we will know the true horror of Green Hell.. and just for fun, make us run Nurb backwards in the rain, that should hurt our brains.
Seasonal differences in simulation mode. They had a calender in GT4's Simulation mode. With this, different weather conditions can be more common in different months of the year.

EG: On the French/German tracks in December, their could be snow on the circuit, which means snow/rain tires must be purchased.

In spring/autum their will be a lot of rain on the Asian circuits.

Also, I want to do Top Gear Power laps, with Jezza commentating and everything!
On road circuit races you don't tend to race with snow tires, ever. The tracks are cleared if snow has settled before a race and if the snow is too heavy to clear then the race is postponed.
How about this?

GT offers car from pretty much any age.

So lets say Muscle cars from 70s, many of them had no power steering, no ABS, no Traction controls.

There for The car should have PowerSteering option turned off (can not be turned on) As well ABS should be off, as well NO traction controlls of any kind. This would only apply to cars that either have these features or not.

Lets say you would like ABS in an OLD school car, you would have to buy ABS for that car, if you would like Traction controls, you would have to buy Traction controls for it. same goes with power steering!

What you guys think?

This is what i want... realistic AIDS... if a car doesnt have ABS then it shouldnt....

but also if TC is never completely off (Mercedes) you have to unlock it to turn it off completely...
It doesn't bother me, if someone can't handle a car with no TCS then let him drive with TCS. If you want it to be realistic to that level then turn TCS and ABS off for cars that don't have it irl. There's nothing stopping you playing like that as it is.
It doesn't bother me, if someone can't handle a car with no TCS then let him drive with TCS. If you want it to be realistic to that level then turn TCS and ABS off for cars that don't have it irl. There's nothing stopping you playing like that as it is.

Indeed, and if people want a "realistic explanation", just think of it as you've tuned the car with your own custom TCS and ABS :P

People need to realise there is a line before realism becomes uneccesary or begins to detract from the game/simulation experience. This is one of those lines.
Although we want a realistic simulation of driving and/or racing, we still need to keep a level of fantasy around it otherwise it becomes tedious, annoying or, ironically, un-realistic. For example, without a large amount of time and money spent on a rediculously complicated system of force feedback seats, wheels, gearsticks, etc then a simulator can never really give a 100% realistic impression of movement. So, it would be unrealistic to make the cars super-realistic handling, because without the ability to feel the car around the track, you can't respond to the handling as realistically as you could in real life, so the game/simulator has to have the handling at about 80% realistic, so that it still gives the sensation of being real within the ability of the player to realistically react.
That was sort of off topic, but I got onto the subject and ran with it, so :P
On road circuit races you don't tend to race with snow tires, ever. The tracks are cleared if snow has settled before a race and if the snow is too heavy to clear then the race is postponed.

Have you ever played PGR4? Tracks like the 'ring can easily can be driven in the snow. And there is always rain in every 24 hours of Le Mans.
Funnily enough, no I haven't played PGR4. But since when was Gran Turismo a Project Gotham simulator. It's not. PGR4 is miles away from real life. I'm wondering what your implying here, are you saying that because you can race the Ring in PGR4 that it must happen irl, or are you saying that because the cars in PGR4 are easy to race in the snow that they will be in GT5 or what? As for rain, I didn't mention rain, short of a torrential downpour road races go ahead in the rain regularly.

Ardius, good point and one I think some people miss. If you could make a games program run a near 100% accurate physics engine it would be hell to use pad, wheel or any other peripheral. You lose so many sesnse playing a game, the game has to account for thoes and feed that informaiton back in other ways or compensate.
Have you ever played PGR4? Tracks like the 'ring can easily can be driven in the snow. And there is always rain in every 24 hours of Le Mans.

PGR4 Race sim...

Oh, er actually perhaps not. PGR4 is a fun game but its not realistic as in sim realistic. Race cars don't race on the snow in real life generally as its extremely dangerous, rallying on the other hand...

It might be easy on PGR4 but that's because its a relatively arcade physics engine. Racing the ring in real life would be anything but easy.

I don't really know how to say this without sounding like one of those mindless idiots that sits on youtube watching crash compilations, but one of if not the most frustrating thing about GT as a series is the fact that there was no threat of attrition - you started a race, and the only way you weren't going to finish it is if you for whatever reason exited the race.

Perhaps it's the fact that Test Drive Le Mans gave me unrealistic expectations (as I played that for about a year on the PS1 before ever being introduced to GT), but that game captured not only the grind of 24 hour races very nicely but even managed to do it for the 10 lap races as well. Few racing, or indeed gaming experiences have been better for me than screaming along in the Chamberlain Viper, coming up on a Cirtek Mustang and to have its engine catch fire and have smoke pour out of it right in front of me, as it brakes heavily and skids into the gravel traps, or to be nursing a Larbre Porsche or a Marcos Mantara home on raw tires threatening to burst all the while praying you had enough fuel to get her home.

That's all that really comes to mind for me at the moment, undoubtedly anything else I have to add has already been said.
Indeed, and if people want a "realistic explanation", just think of it as you've tuned the car with your own custom TCS and ABS :P

People need to realise there is a line before realism becomes uneccesary or begins to detract from the game/simulation experience. This is one of those lines.
Although we want a realistic simulation of driving and/or racing, we still need to keep a level of fantasy around it otherwise it becomes tedious, annoying or, ironically, un-realistic. For example, without a large amount of time and money spent on a rediculously complicated system of force feedback seats, wheels, gearsticks, etc then a simulator can never really give a 100% realistic impression of movement. So, it would be unrealistic to make the cars super-realistic handling, because without the ability to feel the car around the track, you can't respond to the handling as realistically as you could in real life, so the game/simulator has to have the handling at about 80% realistic, so that it still gives the sensation of being real within the ability of the player to realistically react.
That was sort of off topic, but I got onto the subject and ran with it, so :P

:cheers: This is so true.:)
Have you ever played PGR4? Tracks like the 'ring can easily can be driven in the snow. And there is always rain in every 24 hours of Le Mans.
PGR4's physics are about as real as Burnout's. The amount of snow on the 'Ring varies depending on the storm, and the conditions in PGR4 are made as if a snow plow went through the course. That won't happen in real life, and you won't see anyone attempt so because the snow is way too thick to try a run on.

In fact, the German Govt. feels the same way. That's why the track is currently closed.
More comprehensive and broader tuning abilities (more details plus more options like motor swaps, etc..)

leaving rubber on the tarmac would be a nice touch too.

I'd also like to see changeable weather conditions in GT5. Such as rain, and then the track drying and also in the 24 hour races, it should actually go dark at night.

Here you can see changeable weather.

I'm sure this has been said already,but I'm not going to search.

Online endurance races that you could enter a team with 2-6 online users/members to a car in which you could trade off control of the car to another team during a pit stop for tires/fuel without having to be in the same room or country for that matter.
That Pic is I think PGR4

Guys, we have a small preview in PROLOGUE. It in front of our eyes since Christmas.

Light snow, overcast ed sky, its darker, as well wet glossy ground.
Have to confess, I haven't seen those images before - are they from Gran Turismo 5?

Must be PGR4 as they look quite real - for instance look at the crowds - they wear differnce coloured clothes - in GT 5P the spectators only get to where a few colours - all primary bright ones so it looks quite unrealistic

Race pro and now these PGR screen shots and with the price of a xbox so cheap its becoming so tempting to buy one.

I'm soo looking forward to when PD deliver a knock out punch to the competition with some new screen shots.

No news is good news anyway.:crazy:

Isn't it?
PGR4 is rubbish though, good cars, good graphics but PGR3 is a much better game. Race Pro might be good though but buy what you really want not just for the sake of it. If you really want a 360 and PGR4 and Race Pro buy them, if you think you'd be buying them just because then don;t.
physics. Hey PD, when a car skids- it scrubs off speed. Smooth is fast. More traction, more speed. That said, for those of us who still use a pad, a little better throttle control would be nice.

and damage.

and no punting.

Get rid of performance points... I swear if my Ford GT LM car gets walked by another hatch back I'm going to @#$% myself.

real races and race series would be cool. Like the ALMS, or Rolex 24, and The 12 hours of Sebring.
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