Things you would like to see in GT5 other than cars?

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It doesn't bother me, if someone can't handle a car with no TCS then let him drive with TCS. If you want it to be realistic to that level then turn TCS and ABS off for cars that don't have it irl. There's nothing stopping you playing like that as it is.

Well, the thing is that there are plenty of cars with TCS. I think that if cars that don't have TCS/ABS didn't have them in the game, it would be better because it would make car choice more realistic. It's another factor one would have to consider when choosing a car in GT onther than choosing a car because it's "the best", or choosing a car for a reason somewhat lacking in depth such as its appearance. If someone needs/desires ABS or TCS, they'll buy a car that has those features.

At the very least, they could make TCS/ABS a purchasable upgrade for cars that don't typically have the feature. That way, hardcore GT fans can enjoy the added realism without disallowing the casual GT fans the ability to drive the cars they want to drive the way they want to drive them.

In my personal opinion, the entire racing aspect of GT5 should be designed as a very realistic simulator (I.E. not a game). Then they should go and add several options to simplify GT for those who use it as a game. Designing it as a game and then adding options for the hardcore fans who use it as a sim is kinda backwards.
I know it's already been said, but I want to reiterate the desire for more voluminous looking tire smoke/road dust/fog. Things that are misty or cloudy should have volume, not be flat textures rotating in space.

Well, the thing is that there are plenty of cars with TCS. I think that if cars that don't have TCS/ABS didn't have them in the game, it would be better because it would make car choice more realistic. It's another factor one would have to consider when choosing a car in GT onther than choosing a car because it's "the best", or choosing a car for a reason somewhat lacking in depth such as its appearance. If someone needs/desires ABS or TCS, they'll buy a car that has those features.

At the very least, they could make TCS/ABS a purchasable upgrade for cars that don't typically have the feature. That way, hardcore GT fans can enjoy the added realism without disallowing the casual GT fans the ability to drive the cars they want to drive the way they want to drive them.

In my personal opinion, the entire racing aspect of GT5 should be designed as a very realistic simulator (I.E. not a game). Then they should go and add several options to simplify GT for those who use it as a game. Designing it as a game and then adding options for the hardcore fans who use it as a sim is kinda backwards.

I don't remember clearly, but weren't TCS/ASM available to buy in the older Gran Turismo games? I swear I remember having to buy them to use them when I was little.
:sly:Here is a thought that maybe has not been presented before. I am sure that lots of us enjoy watching the replays. What if in say arcade mode you can create random race events with randomly matched cars. Perhaps even settings to manually pick and tune the A.I. cars for the race. Once the race is ready you could then just set back and watch it unfold. With hopefully a lot more viewing options then we have ever seen. Perhaps picture in picture, view up to 4 cars at once. Live stats on each car etc. To top it off, pause the race and be able to take pictures there and then of any car. Maybe GT5 would even have a video editor, make video clips out of any race, track session, and merge them together to make your own race movie. GT could so easliy be much much more than just racing your car around the track.
EDIT - My apologies for the huge post, I swear it seemed so brief in my head..

This is a list by the way, but I've posted it in paragraph form to make it easier to read.

A realistic calendar - i.e. the game starts on January 1st, not 'Day 1'. There would be several clubman/entry level events going on every day (although you could still only enter 1 per day, there's simply many to choose from on any particular day) whereas some of the more 'professional' events only come around a couple times a month. I think this would be a good idea, as PD could then make some of the more expert races (a 6 hour Nurburgring race, for example) only come around once or twice a year, and the prizes and prize cars for certain races would be that much more valuable if you theoritically had only one or two chances to win them per in-game year. And for those of you who will quote this and whine, there's always the good ol' standby of saving before the race in question and therefore having as many times to complete it if you wish to, and I use this word loosely, 'cheat'.

Have certain series going on throughout that calendar year that are replicas of real-life series. Obviously, acquiring an ALMS or DTM license would be great, but unnecessary. You would have to pay an entry fee to join those series, and then have those races coming up along the calendar year (as opposed to the way it was in previous GT editions - Race 1, followed immediately by Race 2, followed immediately by Race 3, etc.) In other words, and I'm completely making this up here, let's say your a few in-game years deep into GT5, and you've got a couple million in the bank and a beautiful Audi R10 sitting in the garage. You could then go and pay (again, for example) 10,000,000c to join the 'Endurance Championship'. You're free to do whatever you like as the in-game days pass, but on March 19th there's a 2 hour race at Infineon you now get to compete in. A few months later, on May 2nd, there's a 6 hour race at Monza, etc.

Winter/off season testing dates for those championships.

Would be great to have the occasional non-championship, no points ('exhibition') races, where you could (just for fun) enter a 3rd car, or enter a recently-bought car in a different class to see if you like GT2 better than P1, etc.

It would also be neat if companies (whether real of fabricated by PD) offered to buy the team from you for some exhorbitant amount, like 25,000,000c if you've been particularly successful).

These series could become even more realistic if, from year to year, the races on the calendar changed. One year you might find that the dreaded 12 Hours of Motegi has been dropped, but 6 hour events at Laguna Seca and Road Atlanta have been added.

Again, going for realism, even the AI controlled teams could drop out from time to time, with different teams coming in as well. Maybe the first season you sign up, there are only a couple of Corvettes and a privateer Aston Martin in the GT1 class, but as the years progess, Saleens, Vipers, Ferraris, etc. are added to the series.

Include pages for all series like my ideas that show records full records of past seasons - in short, essentially make Wikipedia-esque stat pages you can go over at any time, including finishing results, times, fastest laps, DNQs, DNFs, etc. of all the races in that series' history. It would certainly bring the nostalgic factor back up, as 12 in-game years down the line you could go relive the rivalries you/your team developed over the seasons in that series.

In accordance to the above suggestions, certain races on the calendar include prizes that are more than just a few hundred thousand credits - invitations to 24 hour races, as just one example, races you could only ever compete in (and thus only ever win the prize car and be able to hit 100% completion) if you joined the corresponding yearly race series in the first place.

You could also take the above idea a bit further and have the ability to enter 2 cars (provided you've already bought/won 2 cars) and therefore have a team to race in the following season. One of the cars would be controlled by the AI during the races, and consequently we could have a fairly realistic representation of ALMS/LMS/FIA GT (and so on) with both Driver's and Constructor's Championships up for grabs at events throughout the year. I'd also imagine that implementing different classes to race series like this wouldn't be too difficult - Maybe intitially you just have enough money to enter a single, 'privateer' Ferrari F430 into the GT2 class, but after a few seasons (and your activities outside this partiucular championship) you might have enough to be able to enter a second car, or even move up into one of the other classes available in that series. You could also make it somewhat model specific (i.e based on power, weight, production status, coupe/open top, etc. of whatever car you plan on entering into the championship, the game automatically decides what class of car (GT2/1, P2/1 to use a real-life example) your car fits into. You could also have the ability of reducing your horsepower to take a GT1 car down to GT2 if you feel the costs are getting too high.

This brings me to my next suggestion, and my apologies for make a post as huge as this one has been. The GT4 system of entering a race (click on the race, start the race) is fine in GT5 for clubman types of racing, but if things like my above suggestion were implemented I'd want a bit more than just start and enter. For example, say you entered a car into the GT1 class in the above suggestion, and there's a 6 hour race at Suzuka scheduled to begin on August 12th (remember, this is done using a real calendar). You have a 2 hour testing session on the 9th, and another 2 hour (real time) session on the 10th. During these, to keep it all as realistic as possible, a set amount of time would be taken away for modifications done to the set up of your car. Then on the 11th there's qualifying for the race on the 12th. Again, to make it realistic, each series (i.e each incarnation of the above suggestion) would have different types of qualifying, different regulations, different rules (in addition to the obvious differences of cars participating, tracks, series length, etc.)

You would need to acquire specific licenses (not just B, A, IC, IB, IA, S) to enter these races.

I would also like to see an OPTIONAL pop-up on screen (eg. a bar running along the bottom) of the current race standings, and (again, the OPTION to) show real-time differences of how far you are behind the car infront of you and infront of the car behind you. (As opposed to being stuck with just a 2 second notice of how far behind the rabbit car you are each time you pass a sector, although keep that as one of the options).

That's all for now :scared:. I've got half a hard-on just thinking about it.. a man can dream, can't he..
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If you think that's big you haven't seen some of mine and JohnBM01's posts rfom a while back ;).

I can see pro's and cons with that post. I like some of the ideas you proposed but I think some of the implementation might be a little too much for the game. I'll try to break this down to how I'd like to see your ideas used.

Basically we have two main structures for events currently.

Spot race events - Basically you complete the event one race at a time in no particular order.

Series events - You complete a series of races in a pre-set order, highest points or average poistion etc at the end of all the races wins.

I see no reason to disrupt this an remove one or the other, so we'll keep thoes. But we can add conditions to these and make it a little interesting. So we can mix up the terms involving when an event is open for entry.

Standard events will be spot or series events which you can enter at any time, as you can in races and events in the GT series so far.

Time based events will be where you can only enter them on specific days, for example a race event may start only once a month, another may be annual you could make a limited selection of really special events even rarer than that.

Then we can add some more conditions without going into restriction on the car type you can enter.

Invitational events will be where you have to earn the right to enter by completing another objective be it winning another event or a certain number of events. It might be a special manufacturer event for example you have bought 10 Ferrari's and Ferrari decide to invite you to a Ferrari showcase race with a Ferrari concept car as a prize etc. These events can be standard or time based. Then you could also throw in an entry fee, coming in a low position every race might mean you lose money but the prizes for winning will reflect the risk.

So far so similar I guess. But where I think it gets too much is your replication of the full race weekend. I have GTR and I love it, but I don't specifically want that for GT5. I do think qualifying should be in the game and available for every race but I don't think it should go much deeper than that. Have lap or time restrictions to how much qualifying you can do but personally I'd leave it there.

I wouldn't go overboard with the calender idea either, GT4 has a calender but it doesn't serve any real purpose barring the used car cycles. So while I would expand on that I wouldn't get into the full race weekend deal. I'd have race events that only open up on certain days or in certain intervals (weekly, monthly etc) I'd keep the qualifying as part of the event, you get the choice to do it when you go into the event. If you choose not to you start last, if you do it you get 10, 15, 20 mins etc driving time or 1,3,5,7 fast laps etc to tune the car settings.

So let me illustrate, you have just bought a new TVR Sagaris and your looking for a race so you go into the events screens and you can shoose from the following.

FR 500 event (front engined rear wheel drive cars with a 500bhp limit)
Spot race event - 5 races - A license - Open

This event is a spot race even, it is always open and you can complete the races as and when you want.

British sports car trophy (British sportscars only)
Series event - 5 races - IB license - Closed (open on 1st of Every month - 3 days to go)

This series is open on the 1st of every month, you can't enter it right now but you could choose to pass the time in other ways or races until it opens in 3 game days.

International TVR Festival (TVR cars only) - Invitational
Series event - 7 races - IA license - Closed (open on March 12th)

This is an invitation series TVR has invited you to as you have been a loyal customer and bought 6 of thier cars. The event opens on the 12th of March.

So you decide to do two races in the FR 500 event which takes you to the 1st of March. You then decide to enter the British Sports car trophy. That takes you to the 8th of March. By winning the British sports car trophy you are then invited to compete in the Pride of Britain annual endurance race later in the year. You complete the FR 500 event for the time being and re-do a couple of races to take you to the 12th and then enter the Internation TVR Festival which bags you a shinny and scary Speed 12 concept prize car. Perfect for that Endurace later in the year.

So I would like to see events that are open on specific dates and invitational events etc I wouldn't like to overdo the calender ideal. I wouldn't specifically want to enter the DTC trophy and find I have to wait 14 game days between each race and find something else to do. It would make the game too fussy, too chaotic imo, I want to enter an event and to just do that event.
Well, I'm sorry if this has been mentioned before.. but I'm not reading through 142 pages of text to find this out. With the new tracks.. Maybe go a bit more around the world than just USA, JAPAN, and UK... Ever come up to Canada? We have Mosport International Raceway.. a great 4km road course.. and Shannonville Motorsport Park.. If you were you incorporate these more local, but fun tracks into the game.. maybe more people would buy it to help with their map memorization as a local club racer? I know a lot of people who run these tracks with their clubs or participate in the CASC racing events there.. Good suggestion?
Well, I'm sorry if this has been mentioned before.. but I'm not reading through 142 pages of text to find this out. With the new tracks.. Maybe go a bit more around the world than just USA, JAPAN, and UK... Ever come up to Canada? We have Mosport International Raceway.. a great 4km road course.. and Shannonville Motorsport Park.. If you were you incorporate these more local, but fun tracks into the game.. maybe more people would buy it to help with their map memorization as a local club racer? I know a lot of people who run these tracks with their clubs or participate in the CASC racing events there.. Good suggestion?

I think you would post that Here
I know this has been mentioned before by me.. and some one else. But would like to bring it up in case PD is reading it ;)

PS EYE toy use.

There is a software to track persons movements of face, That would work just like TRACK IR. It would be awesome for Cockpit views.
The problem is you turn your head to the side and your not looking at the TV properly anymore.
There would be away to exaggerated the on-screen movements when you're originally setting up the Eye Toy (eg. move your head 10degrees to the left, and your looking straight out the window on the game). Might be a little strange at first and it would take a while to set up originally but much better than having to press buttons to look sideways, and that much more realistic as well.
When you're looking at the stats of a car, they should tell you the construction of the block and heads.
When you're looking at the stats of a car, they should tell you the construction of the block and heads.

You mean like materials used?

All this should be included in the stat write up that GT used to have (in GT2) and Tourist trophy had. Especially now with the History being displayed I always enjoyed learning just that little bit more about the cars I buy and win.
I would love to see those little write-ups return. They (PD, and the PS3 in general) should have no problem including those, and I'd even go so far as to include race statistics for race cars and things like sales statistics/mpg/car review magazine-esque things for road cars. Some real life pictures included in the write-up, or possibly as a 'clickable' gallery at the bottom of the car's page would be welcome as well.
You mean like materials used?

All this should be included in the stat write up that GT used to have (in GT2) and Tourist trophy had. Especially now with the History being displayed I always enjoyed learning just that little bit more about the cars I buy and win.

That's exactly what I mean. Except I never had GT2.
I know this has been mentioned before by me.. and some one else. But would like to bring it up in case PD is reading it ;)

PS EYE toy use.

There is a software to track persons movements of face, That would work just like TRACK IR. It would be awesome for Cockpit views.

When I look around whilst playing GT, I move just my eyes and not my head lol! They would need to develop eye tracking software!
Most people would like to see 3 screen setup. 3 PS3s and 3 screens would be cool. If I remember, GT4 only had SINGLE RACE for this setup. PD should make full races with 16 cars.

As well as well BOOST Frames and Graphics if people have multiple consoles with one TV. Just like the 4 PS3s boosting game to bigger resolutions, smoother graphics and frames. So They should do something with at least 2 PS3s to improve Frame smoothnes, Better AA and smoke. OR even up the number of cars to 24!

When I look around whilst playing GT, I move just my eyes and not my head lol! They would need to develop eye tracking software!

It wont work.

Because TV would have to move with you as well.
You will have to move eyes to Corners of the tv or away from center...
It would never work well, it wont be focused with auto center. And without auto center cam would be really wierd. Your eyes should have freedom to look wherever they want to, your head decides the direction.. just like in real life.

It would just destroy peoples vision.

How about better factor of lower suspensions? In GT4 you had sparks fly off, when your suspension hit the road because it was too low but you did not really feel it or did not impact it as much. In PC sim rFactor, when I hit you could really feel it and always gives you that feeling you going over the bumps way too fast ;). GT5 needs that.
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EDIT - My apologies for the huge post, I swear it seemed so brief in my head..
That post warmed my heart. You might like to read these threads. They were full of all kinds of wonderful discussion along the lines of your post.

Official changes needed to GT4/ things wanted for GT5 thread (my post is near top)

My concept for Career Mode

How Would a More Realistic Racing-Oriented Model of GT Work?

Racing Modifications in GT5: Sponsorship Discussion

Gran Turismo mode for GT5

I think these would be great threads to re-explore to spark further discussion for GT5 and future Gran Turismos.
Better smoke

no-damage, we lose numbers of cars that way. i just want them to take away the bumper cars effect
This has been stated before plenty of times, but it's something I'll be dissapointed if GT5 doesn't have: Variable weather and time.

You should be able to race on any track in almost any weather condition at any time of day. Plenty of racing games allow you to do this. Polyphony needs to stop making their damn tracks so static. I want to be able to drive on Nurburgring in the rain. I want to be able to drive on Tokyo R246 at night. And so on.
Less lame city courses, more real courses! Or at least fantasy courses that feel like real courses!

Come on, Citta Di Aria was beautiful city course, but New York just wasn't. And now I can really say what is the biggest disapointment with those big city courses for me. The tarmac is just absolutely flat there, no drain covers, no cracks, no waves, no dilatation joints. And the tracks are losing atractivity and their real face without those surface imperfections. That is the reason for what is Nürburgring Nordschleife so attractive, you feel the car alive there!
Good point about the tarmac being so flat on the NY track.

Also Citta Di Aria was much favorite course in GT4P, I loved it.
New to this so please be kind. Damage has always been a major issue with real racing. Not just the damage inflicted by some yahoo slamming you at the end of a straight, etc..., but the damage caused by cutting through the grass, or "Maintenance Racing" as i like to call it. From gravel in the calipers, somewhat easy fix in the pits, to brake lines ripped loose, much lengthier fix in the garage area. It would be nice to someday see these kinds of issues addressed. Although not being a programmer, I have little concept of the issues involved in getting the software to properly express these problems.
New to this so please be kind. Damage has always been a major issue with real racing. Not just the damage inflicted by some yahoo slamming you at the end of a straight, etc..., but the damage caused by cutting through the grass, or "Maintenance Racing" as i like to call it. From gravel in the calipers, somewhat easy fix in the pits, to brake lines ripped loose, much lengthier fix in the garage area. It would be nice to someday see these kinds of issues addressed. Although not being a programmer, I have little concept of the issues involved in getting the software to properly express these problems.

I think a better word would be "mechanical damage" ;)

I agree it should be implemented, it would make endurance racing more relevant, but not to those extremes. Remember that you don't want to make the game too serious that it becomes no fun anymore, even for simulator-nuts. The problem with games in general is that our perceptions are not the same as in real life, you can't feel everything the car is doing like you can in real life. So it would be unfair to make the environment super-realistic while the player is struggling with an unrealistc interface and controls.

I'm not saying that the controls need to be made more realistic, for that to happen we would need some insane force feedback seat, etc. I am saying that we should keep in mind that making a game realistic that will always use a "unrealistic" method of play is never going to give anything like the 100% real experience. So, with mechanical damage, you should really limit it to stuff like:
-As you mentioned, perhaps a little bit of gravel penalties to tyre wear, brakes etc, but not excessive amounts.
-Clutch wear, transimission wear, general engine maintenance, etc.
-Some random mechanical damage, such as transmission problems (getting stuck in certain gears, etc) but this should be kept to a minimum and not prove race-ending. Imagine the frustration of running a 24 hour race only for the game to randomly decide to fatally damage the car, yes it might be realistic, but not exactly "fun". We want the joy and challenge of racing but not so much of the frustrations.