This game does everything in its power to demotivate me to play it

  • Thread starter Alex p.
So, you're going to waste all that time grinding to get a handful of expensive cars? Instead of you know, driving and enjoying the ones you do have...
As Scaff said, this game promotes collecting cars and downright makes it a clear focus of this game. But aside from that, I've actually done the math and grinding for the credits I currently have made from the Tokyo/Tommy exploit has saved me over 30 hours of my life grinding other events to get the same amount of money. That's a whole day of my life I got back.
"Driving Simulator" is something different than "Collection Simulator". Collecting is effort and comes at a price, but I can only speak for myself when I say: in no GT did I ever have every car, nor was I interested in trying to get them all. It is not Pokemon were it actually is the central theme.
As for the info screen: sure it does, why would you want to hide any kind of information like that.
(World of Warcraft would also tell you how much of whatever you have collected, but just a few gamers ever tried for 100%, and dont come around with different kind of game: you can see both as a collecting game just to invalidate this point in advance.)
And the effort required is so unbalanced as to be flawed game design, whataboutism doesn't change that at all, nor does citing an inaccurate marketing strapline either. GT, from the very first title has been about collecting cars, and very few past iterations of the series have made that as absurdly hard to do as this one.
If the developers want you to do this, today they connect it with a trophy. That has also been a standard for a long time now.
Let's see that list of games then (aside from the fact not everyone is trophy hunter - nor does a trend mandate something)
If you want to go the extra mile, the path is clear ahead. Whether this is fun or not solely depends on the methods you choose to reach the finish line.
No it's not clear, fundamental game design issues see to that. A year of solid grinding isn't balanced, particularly given that it translates into 4 to 5 years of non-grinding gameplay, in a title with limited curated events as it stands.
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There's a real sort of devil's gambit when you take into consideration the actual mechanics of the grinding that Polyphony has set up in this game - yes, most of the vehicles are priced under a million, but the high end of those vehicle prices are always staring at you and as has been already mentioned, the game very much is focused around car collecting, in contrary to what some say. As a result, people are going to want to get those vehicles, and that means grinding, and putting more money in, in order to make sure you're doing it effectively. Those who are wanting 100% are going to be going for it naturally, so they too are wrapped up in the whirlpool that is the grind. But more then anything else, you're forced to wait in order to get the next car you need, or want - either in the UCD or the Legends Pavilion.
That's a whole day of my life I got back.

in the most polite way possible: do you see why this part of the argument is absurd? consider the amount of time you have done that one race with that one car, and ask yourself if you’re really hard-pressed for time.

I am sorry if that comes off rude but it’s a bit absurd for this to be the hill to die on. I understand everyone wants to play the game their own way, but we rarely complain about PP limits for offline races… I’m not sure why suddenly having one enforced is a game breaker. I think we can all recognize that the car was never meant to work in that race- and the race still exists, it just now will take as long as it would for people who don’t find these tricks.

I can only suggest giving yourself a chance at trying the other three long races - yes they will take longer - but you will get a chance to upgrade and use the cars you’ve spent dozens of hours to collect. It’s not as simple as plugging in new parts and loading up a praiano tune, there’s a lot to figure out with a lot of the LCD cars.

I realize this isn’t the place for it but: remember that some day they will turn these servers off, and there are things we can do in our actual lives that will still exist when that time comes.
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in the most polite way possible: do you see why this part of the argument is absurd? consider the amount of time you have done that one race with that one car, and ask yourself if you’re really hard-pressed for time.

I am sorry if that comes off rude but it’s a bit absurd for this to be the hill to die on. I understand everyone wants to play the game their own way, but we rarely complain about PP limits for offline races… I’m not sure why suddenly having one enforced is a game breaker. I think we can all recognize that the car was never meant to work in that race- and the race still exists, it just now will take as long as it would for people who don’t find these tricks.

I can only suggest giving yourself a chance at trying the other three long races - yes they will take longer - but you will get a chance to upgrade and use the cars you’ve spent dozens of hours to collect. It’s not as simple as plugging in new parts and loading up a praiano tune, there’s a lot to figure out with a lot of the LCD cars.

I realize this isn’t the place for it but: remember that some day they will turn these servers off, and there are things we can do in our actual lives that will still exist when that time comes.
I honestly don't see why it's absurd. That extra 30 hours frees me up to enjoy the cars I've collected.

As for the other races, I've already done Spa twice without the Tommy and thoroughly enjoyed it.
Four races. Just four races is all you're suggesting people repeat over and over to earn credits at a reasonable pace. How do you not see that as a problem?

There should be 10, 20 or more different races to do, to give players a variety. 50 even. Or they could program custom races properly so any race possible pays at roughly the same per minute.

I mean think about what you're actually pitching as a single player game here.

1. Complete the same old license tests and beginner cafe mode, 10 - 15 hours.
2. Complete circuit experience time trials, even though most are the same as you did in Sport.
3. Complete the Mission events.
4. Now you've done everything the game has to offer in 50-70 hours, you can either turn it off and play another game or if you want to drive some more if the cars in the game, there are four races for you to do over and over and over again.

Doesn't sound particularly enticing does it? And if you do want to play online, guess what is on offer? Yes, three races repeated over and over for a week. How people don't get bored of that I have no idea.
I honestly don't see why it's absurd. That extra 30 hours frees me up to enjoy the cars I've collected.

As for the other races, I've already done Spa twice without the Tommy and thoroughly enjoyed it.

all I was trying to say was- if you clearly enjoy the game enough to spend dozens of hours, out of desire to collect all of the cars - it seems like a strange line to draw in the sand. similarly, I’m sure people could not handle doing the 700pp Le Mans 100 times but I absolutely enjoyed it, and it paid for the remaining cars I “needed” to have. It has pained me a bit to see a few go by now in the dealership that I don’t have, but I could not keep doing the same races… I foolishly thought they’d provide a 24h Ring race for us to repeat!

it’s sad how much potential there is in the game - enjoying sport mode is the only thing I’ve got to do now that I have the cars I want - but there’s no guarantee it’ll ever improve. Or that all of these cars will be utilized.
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My guess is they spent more time, effort, resources, and money, to restrict player income, than it would have taken to add 5 championships and 30 races. They STILL don't have races appropriate for the vehicles, but they can sure keep those 20m cr cars at the 12 hours of gametime grinding. That should tell you where the priorities are over there at PD.

Am I going to talk smack about GT7 to every gamer I know? No. Just the ones that haven't bought it yet.
Am I going to talk smack about GT7 to random strangers? No. Just the ones in Gamestop that pause for second to look at it.
Am I going to be as corrosive as possible to PD sales on forums and social media? Yep.
Too bad they aren't publicly traded, or I would find something entertaining to do with that.

I have 100% complete and 100% all gold licenses on EVERY Gran Turismo, btw. I'm not just some entitled chump that doesn't know what he's talking about. I've been a fanatic-gt-addict since the game came out. But I will tell you right now, if and when PD gets wiped off the map, you won't see me crying about it.
Also, let's remind ourselves of the facts about GT7 at launch

  • Zero new tracks.
  • Zero new impactful standalone features, just Music Rally.
  • Several features available in previous games not present - B-Spec, Course Editor.
  • Only 54 new cars, far lower than any previous numbered title.
  • Less single player events than just about any previous numbered game.
  • The same catch the rabbit format with slow/bad AI for 90% of those races.
  • No events for a large chunk of the car list
  • A terrible economy slanted towards MTs
  • A whole bunch of FOMO systems
  • License tests copied and pasted from previous games, some of which serve zero purpose.
  • The exact same Sport Mode as GTS, no tangible improvements.
  • The online lobby modes were somehow worse than GTS

...and they tried to tell us this was the "most complete" GT game to date? In the three months since, they've done very little to improve most of these things.
I mean, the grinding was very bad as is, but with the recent update, not even the Tomahawk race works anymore. With the best grinding method NOW you're only at 50% of what you could grind with the Tomahawk. Yikes.
THEN there's the FFB "update". Seriously: I thought yesterday that my wheel is broken. I was about to contact Fanatec. It is that bad.

So considering all I do in this game is hotlapping, and grinding, which I need to buy all cars, to be able to hot lap them all, both of these recent "updates" COMPLETELY destroyed the game for me, and took ALL joy and fun away from it. I am literally at a point, where I want to give up on this game entirely, although it is literally the ONLY game I play. So yeah, just a lot of disappointment, anger, frustration and resignation on my side.

How do you feel about all this?
Dude I'm the same as you. I mainly do hotlapping and photographing the cars so getting the cars with how it is now is a bit demotivating.
Am I going to be as corrosive as possible to PD sales on forums and social media? Yep.
Someone intentionally setting out to be as corrosive as possible on the forum ... A real asset to the GTPlanet community!

the problem is the game isn't fun, and the grind was the only thing that made its broken economy bearable.
You're defying your own logic.

If it isn't fun, why play it?

Why grind for a broken economy in a game that isn't fun?

If you complained about lack of events or something I'd get it, but that's because I think the game is fun and I want more to play of it and there isn't quite enough of it to play right now.

But complaining about a glitch being fixed... thats a good thing, no?!?
If it isn't fun, why play it?

Why grind for a broken economy in a game that isn't fun?
Because the racing is fun. It's everything that's needed to have the freedom to race what we want that isn't. Custom races are the only real solution to the lack of curated races, but they pay next to nothing. Your only option then, if you want to do custom races, is to grind to make up for how bad the custom race payouts are. 83k for an hour is disgusting.
Well the math is rather easy, if a player averages a million credits an hour grinding, and we assume the gold all the Track Experiences and Missions (which is not going to be true for all), and they play for an hour a day on average, it will take them a solid year of grinding to get all the cars in the game (and that's assuming no changes to Legendary prices and doesn't count new cars being added).

A year of running the same event in the same car, over and over and over and over again.

That's quite clearly describing a fundamentally broken game mechanic, one that PD is happy to see broken (because MTX), as clearly demonstrated by the fact that they nerf every high credit grind event as soon as they can after its unearthed by players.

To be blunt PD have played a slight-of-hand that a worrying number of people are quite happy to accept. The game economy at launch was broken, PD then made it worse, before rolling it back to a similar level to the launch one, PD didn't fix the in-game economy, they simply moved it from absurdly broken back to just plain broken. Oh, and no, locking high earning races in missions to make the pay-outs a one-off wasn't a fix either, rather further evidence that this is how PD want the game economy.
And what about playing the game as intended or normal play.
Let's say you have completed everything, 350 million left to collect for the rest of the cars. Plus another 300K on avg per car for parts and tires. Another 120 million on top to spend. 470 million to gain 'organically'

Sport mode: Unless you sandbag your ratings, you'll gain on avg 50K an hour, 392 days driving time.
I have played GT Sport a lot a lot, 14,814 sport races, 153 days driving time, not even half of what GT7 would require to get and equip all cars.

Custom races: About the same. You can do shorter races to up the avg a bit, longer only gets worse.
I got 48K for a 12H endurance race against custom grid...

Races in world circuit range from 15K to 550K. On avg it seems to go for 600K per hour. It's only 33 days 24/7 repeating world circuit races!
The time limited Legendary car thing is indeed ********. But you don't need to grind, just use the script. It still works and since it's fully automated you won't have flashbacks of endless grinding every time you sit down to actually play the game. Sucks that we have to make up for deliberately **** design but at least there's a way.
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This is just nonsensical gibberish. You do realize, that there comes a point QUICKLY using your tactics, where you will simply be FORCED to grind for hours for ONE new car? It's simple math.

View attachment 1154607
Agreed... they're pushing the microtransactions hard and hate it when the more clever among us figure out to beat their system.
You play games 24 hours a day, seven days a week?

No, no-one does, as such it's a deliberately misleading way to position it. An hour a day, on average, while still not accurate for everyone, is at least a more realistic measure.
Indeed. I do play a lot when I play

Those 3,677 hours were driving over 1097 days, 3h 21 minutes a day on average.
If I would maintain that pace with GT7, 33 days repeating races is more like 236 days of 3.35 hours a day playing.

Btw I earned 377 million credits total in GT Sport, avg 102K per hour :/ But no tuning, buying tires.
You're defying your own logic.

If it isn't fun, why play it?

Why grind for a broken economy in a game that isn't fun?

collecting cars is fun. the only practical way to do that was by exploiting a glitch, because payouts are completely broken on normal and custom races.

But complaining about a glitch being fixed... thats a good thing, no?!?

no. not when the glitch is more fun than the functioning events.
collecting cars is fun. the only practical way to do that was by exploiting a glitch, because payouts are completely broken on normal and custom races.

no. not when the glitch is more fun than the functioning events.

Racing is fun? But that's not fun to you (according to your post earlier) - your idea of fun is cheesing a race without competition, designed for about 25mins, in 15mins? For credits to collect cars in a game you don't enjoy racing in.

More power to you, I guess!

Racing is fun? But that's not fun to you (according to your post earlier) - your idea of fun is cheesing a race without competition, designed for about 25mins, in 15mins? For credits to collect cars in a game you don't enjoy racing in.

More power to you, I guess!

telling me i don't actually enjoy what i enjoy might not be as persuasive an argument as you think.
telling me i don't actually enjoy what i enjoy might not be as persuasive an argument as you think.
I didn't, I questioned it and suggested that if you actually do (enjoy it) then 'more power to you'

Irrespective of how illogical I find it lol
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The patching of the Tomahawk was the biggest blow to moral to me. It really makes me want to race less in a racing game due simply not being rewarded enough for my time now. Other users on this site can call me lazy or entitled as they want but I simply do not have the time nor patience to spend an hour of my life for 1 million, especially not when some of these cars in this game cost upward of 5+ million. 5 hours of my life for 1 car? Not worth it.
I honestly wouldn’t say a word about the Tomahawk (well, ok, probably a few words, but…) if this update had come with more events with high payouts, but it didn’t.

As a general rule, taking something away from your customers without offering anything in return is just basic management incompetence. Like Business School 101 here.
I honestly wouldn’t say a word about the Tomahawk (well, ok, probably a few words, but…) if this update had come with more events with high payouts, but it didn’t.

As a general rule, taking something away from your customers without offering anything in return is just basic management incompetence. Like Business School 101 here.
Very true. I think the biggest kick in the you-know-what is the fact they added VGT races but purposely restrict the PP to 850 so the now-useless Tommy can't enter without massive detuning which makes the car(s) uncompetitive. There are also a few other VGTs that can't enter either without being uncompetitive.

EDIT: All in all, the song "Getting Away with Murder" by Papa Roach seems to be an odd fit for this situation with the patched Tommy.
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