Ok. please mind reading this post.
After reading this whole thread, I feel that I HAVE to say a couple of things.
1st. I totally agree with learning English if you are going to stay and live here for a year or more.
2nd. You guys have to take it easy on illegal immigrants. As it's been said before, the people who came to the US a long time ago like your great-grandparents or so, they DID NOT speak english fluently, you know why? simple, because back in their countries, they didn't have the sources available to learn english, they just cared about working and making a better living here. Of course that their children or great children are going to know the language a lot better because they have recieved an education here already. Same with these guys. Most illegal immigrants, are coming for obvious reasons, and just like your "german" or "dutch" great-grandparents, came from poor/rural areas where another language is not an option. And most of these people are in their mid 20's to their early 30's. a radical change in lifestyle, people around you, and the absence of your family makes it even harder to learn a completely new language.
Most of them come here to work on construction, lawn mowing, roofing, whatever has to do with physical labor. They don't come here expecting to work at an office, were they would absolutely require you to speak english. And since there are so many of them in specific states like California, Texas or New York, they only make friends who speak their own language, thus making them think that english is not a must. And like I said above, this has to do a lot with ignorance, they probably think: hey, if i'm cool, I have a full-time job, have friends, a house or apartment, then why would I bother to speak it. And it's true. Some of you say: "ohhh If i'd move to France i'd defenitely learn french in order to communicate with everyone and socialize myself" it's fine, I'd do it too, and I have done it so far... I speak/write/read english because I was in a kind of expensive bilingual school , that helped me a lot!. But let me ask you something....What if The United States went downhill on its economy and all of a sudden you'd find out that you'll have to move to another country with a better economy and job opportunities like...let's say....Norway for instance, and when you arrive in Norway, you find out that millions of Americans have moved there as well, Do you really think that 70% of all of you would learn Norwegian in a spasm of 3 years or so? Being alone in a different country is one thing, but being accompanied by thousands of your own is a whoooole 'nother thing. I'm not saying that you wouldn't, but It just doesn't encourage everybody that much.
Yes, immigrants that don't speak english and expect you to know their language is annoying, I work at Wendy's as an assitant manager and it happens ALL the time. I have patience with them, not only because I'm a manager and I have to, but also because I kind of understand them.
Now, people who have been here for like 10 years and are on their late 20's are just plain lazy and should be told off, but like someone else said before, an elder person is more likely to just stick with their native language and only learn a few basic words to let know the other person that they don't understand English ...is just human nature. (and most of the time, these people come LEGAL to this country becasue their sons or daughters have requested their residence to saty here and be closer once again to their loved ones, so is not like they wanted to come here.)
And whether there is a law on making english as the nation's official language or not, I think there shouldn't be one, why? because guess who was here before the English Invaded this land? Yes NATIVE INDIAN REAL AMERICANS, and It a big part of the west was owned actually by mexicans...the fact that english people took over this land doesn't mean that english is the original language from this country. And you may say, but wait a minute...how come all hispanic countries have "spanish" as their official language if it was taken over by "spaniards" heheheh WRONG!!!, every sinlge latin american country, still have parts were the original dialect/language was spoken before the invaders arrived. And I know for a fact that in middle/high school, they teach these kids many of those words from that dialect just so they know their real history and try to understand why some of the typical food is called like that or why this mountain is called like this. A great example, PARAGUAY.
And you know what? Yes, the english man were the ones who started to build this country with the initial 13 colonies...but, if it wasn't becasue of all those immigrants that came from european countries like Italy, Netherlands, Ireland, Finland, Norway, France, and more, this country wouldn't be what it is now. And back in that time...immigration laws were not as strict as they are right now, so the fact that these mexicans, central american immigrants are illegal are not mainly their fault.
And all of us white people/blacks/asian/indian are ALL from immigrant roots, except for those who are actually native americans, and they are the ones we should really pay respect to because this is their country not ours...we just came over here, no matter if you were born here or not.
People cannot say: "oohhh I learned a little german and I was able to defend myself in germany, why can't these mexicans do it?" You just absolutely cannot compare to what these people are going through, you are NOT an immigrant, you DID NOT cross the border, you DID NOT almost drowned in a river while crossing it, and you DID NOT come from a small town were elcetricity is really a privilege and therfore your point of view is as relevant as peanuts here.
Sometimes you just have to think outside the bun to comprehend things at a better extent.
But I understand how you guys feel about having illegal "aliens" come to you and make you feel that somehow soon you will belong here no longer, and that illegal immigrants are going to invade the whole freaking piece of land. No it is never going to happen, and don't worry, people who don't speak english get what they deserve. They don't have a fine job and have limit to a lot of things in this country. There are enough racist people in this country that take it pretty hard on them already.
I just wanted to give you some background information.
*phew* i'm tired and I'm going to bed...see ya.