This is America...Speak English

  • Thread starter Swift
Ok. please mind reading this post.

After reading this whole thread, I feel that I HAVE to say a couple of things.

1st. I totally agree with learning English if you are going to stay and live here for a year or more.

2nd. You guys have to take it easy on illegal immigrants. As it's been said before, the people who came to the US a long time ago like your great-grandparents or so, they DID NOT speak english fluently, you know why? simple, because back in their countries, they didn't have the sources available to learn english, they just cared about working and making a better living here. Of course that their children or great children are going to know the language a lot better because they have recieved an education here already. Same with these guys. Most illegal immigrants, are coming for obvious reasons, and just like your "german" or "dutch" great-grandparents, came from poor/rural areas where another language is not an option. And most of these people are in their mid 20's to their early 30's. a radical change in lifestyle, people around you, and the absence of your family makes it even harder to learn a completely new language.

Most of them come here to work on construction, lawn mowing, roofing, whatever has to do with physical labor. They don't come here expecting to work at an office, were they would absolutely require you to speak english. And since there are so many of them in specific states like California, Texas or New York, they only make friends who speak their own language, thus making them think that english is not a must. And like I said above, this has to do a lot with ignorance, they probably think: hey, if i'm cool, I have a full-time job, have friends, a house or apartment, then why would I bother to speak it. And it's true. Some of you say: "ohhh If i'd move to France i'd defenitely learn french in order to communicate with everyone and socialize myself" it's fine, I'd do it too, and I have done it so far... I speak/write/read english because I was in a kind of expensive bilingual school , that helped me a lot!. But let me ask you something....What if The United States went downhill on its economy and all of a sudden you'd find out that you'll have to move to another country with a better economy and job opportunities like...let's say....Norway for instance, and when you arrive in Norway, you find out that millions of Americans have moved there as well, Do you really think that 70% of all of you would learn Norwegian in a spasm of 3 years or so? Being alone in a different country is one thing, but being accompanied by thousands of your own is a whoooole 'nother thing. I'm not saying that you wouldn't, but It just doesn't encourage everybody that much.

Yes, immigrants that don't speak english and expect you to know their language is annoying, I work at Wendy's as an assitant manager and it happens ALL the time. I have patience with them, not only because I'm a manager and I have to, but also because I kind of understand them.
Now, people who have been here for like 10 years and are on their late 20's are just plain lazy and should be told off, but like someone else said before, an elder person is more likely to just stick with their native language and only learn a few basic words to let know the other person that they don't understand English just human nature. (and most of the time, these people come LEGAL to this country becasue their sons or daughters have requested their residence to saty here and be closer once again to their loved ones, so is not like they wanted to come here.)

And whether there is a law on making english as the nation's official language or not, I think there shouldn't be one, why? because guess who was here before the English Invaded this land? Yes NATIVE INDIAN REAL AMERICANS, and It a big part of the west was owned actually by mexicans...the fact that english people took over this land doesn't mean that english is the original language from this country. And you may say, but wait a come all hispanic countries have "spanish" as their official language if it was taken over by "spaniards" heheheh WRONG!!!, every sinlge latin american country, still have parts were the original dialect/language was spoken before the invaders arrived. And I know for a fact that in middle/high school, they teach these kids many of those words from that dialect just so they know their real history and try to understand why some of the typical food is called like that or why this mountain is called like this. A great example, PARAGUAY.

And you know what? Yes, the english man were the ones who started to build this country with the initial 13 colonies...but, if it wasn't becasue of all those immigrants that came from european countries like Italy, Netherlands, Ireland, Finland, Norway, France, and more, this country wouldn't be what it is now. And back in that time...immigration laws were not as strict as they are right now, so the fact that these mexicans, central american immigrants are illegal are not mainly their fault.

And all of us white people/blacks/asian/indian are ALL from immigrant roots, except for those who are actually native americans, and they are the ones we should really pay respect to because this is their country not ours...we just came over here, no matter if you were born here or not.

People cannot say: "oohhh I learned a little german and I was able to defend myself in germany, why can't these mexicans do it?" You just absolutely cannot compare to what these people are going through, you are NOT an immigrant, you DID NOT cross the border, you DID NOT almost drowned in a river while crossing it, and you DID NOT come from a small town were elcetricity is really a privilege and therfore your point of view is as relevant as peanuts here.

Sometimes you just have to think outside the bun to comprehend things at a better extent.

But I understand how you guys feel about having illegal "aliens" come to you and make you feel that somehow soon you will belong here no longer, and that illegal immigrants are going to invade the whole freaking piece of land. No it is never going to happen, and don't worry, people who don't speak english get what they deserve. They don't have a fine job and have limit to a lot of things in this country. There are enough racist people in this country that take it pretty hard on them already.
I just wanted to give you some background information.

*phew* i'm tired and I'm going to bed...see ya.

Quickly on the Native Americans. They lost the war. It is unfair, and Thanksgiving is just sadistic IMO, but simply, this land does not belong to Native Americans anymore. And on illegal aliens, that's just it. They are here illegally.
Quickly on the Native Americans. They lost the war. It is unfair, and Thanksgiving is just sadistic IMO, but simply, this land does not belong to Native Americans anymore. And on illegal aliens, that's just it. They are here illegally.
PC, this is not. True, it is.
couldnt have said it better myself.
but I would add that America was certainly not the first nor the only country taken over...even though one could be lead to think that the way people talk about it.

To add one thing, what about Americans who are from an english speaking country? you stated that as though every American is from a non-english speaking country.
P.S. - Grandma - speaks german, very well. speaks english, very well.
And knowing the general kind of people my family are, I can guarantee you they learned english as well as they could, and as quickly as they could, maybe before they got here....hmmm... maybe I'll ask her about that.
Mr. OzzyGT, nice well written post, however I think you talked your way into the immigration debate, which is a separate thread. I do compliment you on your English. If you hadn't mentioned that it was a second (third?) language I wouldn't have known.

While you are correct, we are a country of immigrants that came here not knowing English and looking for jobs it was founded as a country by the British and English became the unofficial language.

Today English is the predominant language. Native American and colonizing immigrants aside, the issue is about today, not 1776. My grandmother is an immigrant from Canada who's parents were German. They spoke English well out of a necessity and became succesful in their careers.

My issue is that employers are expected to know foreign languages or find some way to accomodate immigrants that haven't learned English. Why can an immigrant come here and become angry at an employer who refuses to hire him/her because of a language barrier? Why should they be able to sue and win based on discrimination? I'm not discriminating, I just can't understand that person.

Quite frankly I would prefer to not have my food prepared or my home built by someone who had to be shown how to do it using hand signals. I can't see the results being as well done as someone who received detailed instructions verbally while being shown how to do it. Over time they will most likely get it right but the learning curve has to be longer than with someone who speaks the same language as the person training them.

Despite what the history of this country is people need to adjust to what the country is today. If we based everything we did on how our history then we would have many more religion-based morality laws, slavery, and a much weaker economy. History is something that should be learned from and those who don't speak English can look back and see that many past immigrants lived in slums. The United States of today allows them the opportunity to move well beyond that, they just need to take advanatge of those opportunities and learning English is one of the steps towards doing that.
You guys have to take it easy on illegal immigrants.

No, we don't. Round 'em up and send 'em home.

I completely understand that this is a nation of immigrants. I know the invitation presented by the inscription on the Statue of Liberty. But there is a process to be here legally, a process to be a legal alien living and working here, and a process to become a citizen and stay here permanently. Most of them are not following any such process.

For next paragraph, and to get back on-topic: 1st-person = American, 2nd-person = alien, legal or otherwise.

The only way you can function is society is to be able to communicate. It is not our responsibility to accomodate your language. If you want me to understand your food order, or give you job instructions, learn English. If want to be able to buy a car, or a house, or just rent an apartment, learn English. If you can't be bothered to speak and understand English, I can't be bothered to help you out. I would expect nothing different from you if I was in your country unable to speak Spanish, German, French, Russian, Italian, whatever.

Legal immigrants sure.

You need to understand the difference between legal and illegal immigrants.
Foolkiller you have demostrated that you are no fool 👍

The reason why I started to talk about illegal immigrants struggle is to asimilate it to what the struggles of our Great-grandparetnts were.
Like I said in my first POINT, "totally agree with learning English if you are going to stay and live here for a year or more"
So is not like it's ok for them to not speak English in this country

No, we don't. Round 'em up and send 'em home.

I'm sorry wfooshee, I don't know you and I haven't had the chance to talk to you so far...but do you know that you sound like a NAIVE ignorant redneck when you say stuff like that??
Maybe this is not the thread to discuss this, but listen pal, If you knew an 1/614 th of what the goverment thinks about illegal immigrants in this country, you wouldn't be saying funny stuff like this.
Do you really think that among republicans and democrats there are not people who really want immigrants to leave the country? Of course there are!, but the difference between you and them...Is that they have the ability to THINK for their country and make sense while taking decisions, even if you rip them off becasue they let illegals stay in the country. As everyone knows, illegal immigrants, because of their lack of english, they get the hard and dirty jobs only, that a regular american guy who aspires to attend college and get a real carreer wouldn't want to do. Economy is a big factor of why the goverment is not as strict with illegal aliens as you would wnat them to be. I don't think I need to explain in detail, how these aliens help people like YOU get ahead in life.
If you can't be bothered to speak and understand English, I can't be bothered to help you out

I think you should add, "learn" in this quote wfooshee, nobody is born with the ability to speak the language. You may wanna think the world is a little bigger than the United States.

Legal immigrants sure.

You need to understand the difference between legal and illegal immigrants.

No pal, immigrants who came legal to the USA are coming for waaayy different reasons...remeber that the immigrants of the 1920's are now (if they're still alive) legal....they never came legal, unless there wasn't an immigrant law by that time. I trully understand the difference between both of them. Is just that the "illegal" immigrants of today WILL be legal in years from now, and will have descendants who will be legal and that's how the cycle continues.

Listen everybody, I UINDERSTAND that if you want to succeed in this country you need 3 things, 1st: COURAGE 2nd: CLEVERNESS 3rd: ENGLISH. period

and as far as immigration, this has to stop.. the USA has to build some sort of fortress aorund every edge of the country because remeber that illegal immigrants are not coming only from mexico and south america, but from China, Japan, Haiti, EVERYWHERE...people are struggling for survival and sustain of their families. and I'm my opnion, even though I want it to stop, I don't think it will. And so you'll have to stop growing gray hair and start living with it. Otherwise you'll have bitterness in your life for no reason.

I think you should add, "learn" in this quote wfooshee, nobody is born with the ability to speak the language. You may wanna think the world is a little bigger than the United States.

He's not saying everyone's born knowing English. However, if someone comes up to him not knowing English in this country, how can they expect him to help them if they can't be arsed to learn a couple of English words?
No pal, immigrants who came legal to the USA are coming for waaayy different reasons...


As everyone knows, illegal immigrants, because of their lack of english, they get the hard and dirty jobs only, that a regular american guy who aspires to attend college and get a real carreer wouldn't want to do.

Looks like both legal and illegal immigrants want jobs in the US to me.

What's to stop the illegals applying for work visas like everyone else?
I personally think that this is excellent. It is America and you need to speak English to get ahead. I have nothing against other languages or heritages. But our language is English. All government forms should be in English. If you want to be bi, tri or multilingual that's excellent. However learn English if you want to do business in America.

Your thoughts?

I think it's egotistical. I say live and let live. We're losing several languages every year.
He's not saying everyone's born knowing English. However, if someone comes up to him not knowing English in this country, how can they expect him to help them if they can't be arsed to learn a couple of English words?

Yes *McLaren* I know that, and like I said twice before, is not ok for immigrants that are living here for years to not know english and yet expect you to help them when you don't know what the heck they are talking about. It doesn't matter were you come from, if you're poor or have to learn english if you want service or help from an english speaking person.
The thing that I was pointing out was why do these people don't tend to be very anxious of wanting to learn the language. [/sarcasm] But I totally agree with most of you.

Looks like both legal and illegal immigrants want jobs in the US to me.

Of course. Every person that comes to the USA whether is legaly or illegaly, have to get a job in order to sustain yourself or your family; and this may sound obvious but what I want to tell you is that legal immigrants that have come legaly because one of their family member requested their not exaclty the same as one who come desperately looking to make money to send it back to their families. The legal ones, are pretty much all set here (place to stay, education, families, etc...) while the illegals may not know anybody when they come in here.

What's to stop the illegals applying for work visas like everyone else?

The thing is this Famine, The American Embassy, have locations in most if not all the latin american countries. People who are planning to come here and stay here, DO go to the embassy to get a regular tourist visa like everyone else...(ok concerning "working visas", that is sooo not available in poor countries like El Salvador or Guatemal, because the embassadors know they are coming to stay, and that's what they don't want) they don't get it because at the embassy, they ask you stuff like "are you going to school righ now" or "do you have your own bussiness or a very stable permanent job?" or they ask about your income information. they do all of this to make sure that you are NOT going to stay here...that you have something to loose if you move here, and because most of the time the prospect immigrants don't have any of that, they don't issue it to them, so their last rasort is to attempt to cross the border.
I don't think that they would pay over 2,000 a "coyote" to bring them here, risking their lives and freedom when they could only pay $100 to apply for a VISA. Embassies are harsh, and they have to be!.

So... you're happy with a workforce full of criminals AND liars then?

How many apply retroactively? If you can show that your livelihood - or life - at at risk through persecution in your own country then you are likely to be granted legal migrant status. If you move to any country illegally, without threat of persecution in your home country (and/or pass through others which could grant you asylum on the way) then you should be deported back.

Why bother living with a system if you're so eager to break it in the first place?
Becasue rules are made to break!!! :D J/K.

Seriously now.
No famine, I am not happy with illegals breaking into America, and if they come illegaly, they should indeed get deported. But. This is where the goverment take adavantage from, from the fact that they have found a loophole which would benefit the economy of this nation, is not like immigrants are a HUGE source of money for the gov. But why would you let illegals stay here, when your own citizens are raging against them? because they are nice and have sympathy with them? I don't think so.

EDIT: I also forgot something called "international relations". and this goes further inside the whole immigrant tolerance from the gov.

EDIT: I also forgot something called "international relations". and this goes further inside the whole immigrant tolerance from the gov.

Isn't that when you point a gun at a child's head and deport him to Cuba...?

No pal, immigrants who came legal to the USA are coming for waaayy different me ;) I came to study Architecture here in NY, I pay my whole tuition and when I'm finished with my bachelors, I'll probably get my masters in Italy, not that you care, but remeber that the immigrants of the 1920's are now (if they're still alive) legal....they never came legal, unless there wasn't an immigrant law by that time.

Don't make assumptions. They (mostly) came legally.

I trully understand the difference between both of them. Is just that the "illegal" immigrants of today WILL be legal in years from now, and will have descendants who will be legal and that's how the cycle continues.

No, their children will be legal. They will remain illegal (unless our president gets his way).
(unless our president gets his way).

Thaaaat's the key phrase my friend, that's the key, and that's what I've been talking about in the whole thread.

Isn't that when you point a gun at a child's head and deport him to Cuba...?


jajajaja...yep 👍

Elian is a good example of this...but It was caused mainly by Fidel's ego. The whole thing was just plain absurd. And Ironically, all the people from this get the "political asylum" as you mentioned it before. ok i'm going a bit off topic here.

Back on the topic:
In conclusion.

You have to learn english in this country since it's the unofficial language spoken here, no matter where who you are or where you come from.

If you're a bit too old to get it in your head...then please save your troubles and don't come to live here :)

People who want to emigrate to this country, should not do it the illegal way.

If you are really strugling with money and have no other source of it. Then sell your body! :dopey: , ok I better stop.

United States suck because they just lost to Czech Republic 0-3 :D

No, their children will be legal. They will remain illegal (unless our president gets his way).

Dan, please clear out your private messages. I'd like to send you something.

And, I don't believe that our president should get his way (and did you mean "they will remain legal"???).
Dan, please clear out your private messages. I'd like to send you something.


And, I don't believe that our president should get his way (and did you mean "they will remain legal"???).

Nope, I meant they (the adults) will remain illegal.
I'm sorry wfooshee, I don't know you and I haven't had the chance to talk to you so far...but do you know that you sound like a NAIVE ignorant redneck when you say stuff like that??
Maybe this is not the thread to discuss this, but listen pal, If you knew an 1/614 th of what the goverment thinks about illegal immigrants in this country, you wouldn't be saying funny stuff like this.
Do you really think that among republicans and democrats there are not people who really want immigrants to leave the country? Of course there are!, but the difference between you and them...Is that they have the ability to THINK for their country and make sense while taking decisions, even if you rip them off becasue they let illegals stay in the country. As everyone knows, illegal immigrants, because of their lack of english, they get the hard and dirty jobs only, that a regular american guy who aspires to attend college and get a real carreer wouldn't want to do.

Then let them get a visa, do the job, and pay income tax. Otherwise, not interested. They get a lot of what should be very good jobs, too, but they get them cheap, for cash under the table, off the books. Construction, for one, comes readily to mind, as I watch our north Florida beaches explode into a maze of hi-rise condo buildings. My company had as a customer a Mexican restaurant which was raided by INS (and closed shortly thereafter, having no staff), had not a single legal employed. The restaurant had a dormitory behind the property, and the illegals lived there while they worked there. We were able to recover the equipment they never quite paid for, but we took a huge loss unloading it, as it was now used equipment. These folks expect to be treated at my hospitals, they drive on my streets and occasionally damage property in accidents, yet they contribute not a single tax dime to the national treasury. I'm supposed to be OK with this??!??!

I think you should add, "learn" in this quote wfooshee, nobody is born with the ability to speak the language. You may wanna think the world is a little bigger than the United States.

I refer you to my earlier post in this thread:

There's no reason they shouldn't be comfortable with their previous lives while in their homes, but if they want to be here and participate in society, they should know the language. The language is (American) English, not Spanish, French, German, Russian, Swahili, Hungarian, Italian, Danish, Finnish, or Portuguese.

I, unlike most Americans, have lived and travelled in Europe, and nowhere did it ever occur to me to expect English to be available. Usually it was, but if not, too bad. I was the foreigner, it was my responsibility to get by.

...but remeber that the immigrants of the 1920's are now (if they're still alive) legal....

They were legal when they entered, as previously pointed out by danoff.

The thread is not what about illegal immigration, it's about what to think about the language barrier. Any time you have immigration, or even just tourism or commerce from a country with a different language, you have a barrier. If the barrier exists because you're the differing party, it's incumbent upon you to find a remedy for the situation.

I was at an auto parts manufacturer's shop today, fixing their Internet router. On the girl's desk was an order form from a company in Venezuela. The form was in English and Spanish, all column headings bilingual, all footers bilingual, even the company's address. This foreign company made the effort to conduct business with an American company in English. That's how it should be done. I'm sure that the American company had some contact in Spanish earlier to make their pitch. Again, how it should be done. We called them at their office, conducted business in their language.

The thread is not so much about big business, though, as it is about individuals roaming the countryside in ignorant bliss of the beauty of the words filling their auditory environment. With my own experience in Germany, hearing my dad butcher the simple phrase "Sprechen Sie Englisch?" when trying to shop or get directions (Mom made him try:) ) I can't imagine anyone unable to speak the language cannot conceive of the ecstacy of being able to be understood.
See that was a POST 👍

ok wfooshee, i'm eager to answer you but I don't know what to do :nervous:, this thread is waaay out of topic (mainly my fault) and I don't know if I should continue or just leave it like that....ok let me say only one last thing.

I understand where you're coming from man. The story about your company having a loss is a pity. But you can't generalize about illegal immigrants being irresponssible and doing nothing but damaging this country. Me and you have different visions on what illegals really contribute to this country, it's ok, but for example...what you said
They get a lot of what should be very good jobs, too, but they get them cheap, for cash under the table, off the books..... they contribute not a single tax dime to the national treasury.

I've met a lot of citizens who are working off the books bro, is just economical purposes, and remeber that those who don't contribute with tax money, don't get any either at the end of the year nor health care nor welfare.

I've met a lot of citizens who are working off the books bro, is just economical purposes, and remeber that those who don't contribute with tax money, don't get any either at the end of the year nor health care nor welfare.

. . .nor health care nor welfare.

But see, they do. Not supposed to, maybe, but they do. What hospital can turn away an injured construction worker because he can't show a green card or worker's comp claim? He might get deported, but he gets fixed first. How many 'citizens' are made by a bus ride across the border into El Paso (hospital time paid for by the American public), and taken back home to be supported by cash taken from American "employers?"

Don't for a moment think that that's how I feel about immigrants in general, Mexicans specifically. I will not be called a rascist. I do believe, though, that the law should be obeyed, by the alien, and by our own government.
Nononono, I'm sorry, when I said "health care" and "welfare" I meant that with no SS# you are not able to have a Health Insurance card or if you are not legal, you are not entitle to welfare.
Hospitals can pay your injury, but then one way or another, the illegal is going to have to pay the ridiculous bill, if not, then he might face deportation for this.


okaaayyyy??? :odd:

then he might face deportation for this.

Exactly what I just said, he will be deported because he got busted without a green card. Don't even pretend to think the hospital can even try to make him pay the bill. That bill is absorbed by the hospital's indigent process, funded by Joe Public.
Here's a pretty simple thought which has probably been shared, but, like Ozzy said, this thread is way out of the park:

If you live here you should at least be in the process of learning English. A program should be instated that enrolls new legal immigrants into English lessons immediately upon their arrival. If you are a short-term visitor then it's fine if you don't speak it, though you most likely will have a little bit on hand.
I say that because If I go to Germany the waiter in the restaurant doens't et pissed when I speak English. He would probably speak it also, actually. He may help me with my Deustch on top of that. But most Americans seem to not think about the fact that tourists are that at all and they go straight to the "You better be speakin' some English, ya hear?"
If I chose to live in Germany I would take German classes. It's common sense. Do other people think like that?
I know English is the main business and government language of the world, but I don't think that means we have to make everyone in the world speak it. They only need to if they, well, need to.
What i find ignorant, is that a lot of the immigrants in this country dont realize this isnt an immigration problem. it's an illegal immigration problem. One of the requirements of this country is to be able to speak english, yet they give the citizenship test in various languages.
The city is now attempting to sue and are threatning Joe....he's getting MILLIONS worth of free pub from all the right wing radio nuts and the national media....the GUYS A GENIUS....that sign has been there for almost a year...but thanks to all the nuts..people are actually driving down to his little cheese steak joint and DONATING money for his " lawyers"....Bwaaaahahahahahaa go get ' em Joe ... PATS is trying to think up a sign....there the one's getting the shaft...its not fair..they should get equal air time...and besides IMO they have better STEAKS !!!
I've met a lot of citizens who are working off the books bro, is just economical purposes, and remeber that those who don't contribute with tax money, don't get any either at the end of the year nor health care nor welfare.

You've met a lot of citizens who get payed under the table, huh?........ that is direct implication that a close portion of citizens work under the table compared to illegal immigrants. and that's pure crap.
Sure, some citizens do, but is it even close or comparable to the aliens? hell no, my friend, hell no.
P.S. health care, and welfare... are these the only things tax money goes to? last I knew, it went to a lot more than that

How do you catch the guy who stabbed someone and stole their wallet, if they have no record of existence? even if you have a picture of him?
just think how much easier it would be to commit various crimes with no identity