Thoughts/Ideas in the shower?

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When I'm in the shower, I often start to think about caterpillars..

Some say... :lol:

Most of my thoughts actually just come to me in the outside world. Usually I just think about what I've thought of in the shower, so yeah.
So, other than thinking about a great race there's a scare in my bath. When I was 5, I watched this X-Files episode where this guy was having a poo and a snake bit his bottom. I was :scared:!!!

Until today, I have no bravery to take a long time doing the business. When I'm taking my bath, I sometimes thinking about if a snake is going to come out of the toilet bowl, is it going to attack me?... :s
Another thing that makes me think is GT5 racing actually, but I don't do much of that these days. That used to make my mind float around and I would log better times than if I was trying.

Strangely, that happens to me as well! There's something about the lack of concentration that makes me concentrate more. It doesn't make sense but when my minds on something else, I start doing the lap kind of like on auto-pilot mode and somehow get better times.
Strangely, that happens to me as well! There's something about the lack of concentration that makes me concentrate more. It doesn't make sense but when my minds on something else, I start doing the lap kind of like on auto-pilot mode and somehow get better times.

I've done that but then realized I wasn't focusing and then mucked it up on one of the final turns. :grumpy:
I've done that but then realized I wasn't focusing and then mucked it up on one of the final turns. :grumpy:

I think that sudden realization that you weren't focusing enough made you crash lol
Strangely, that happens to me as well! There's something about the lack of concentration that makes me concentrate more. It doesn't make sense but when my minds on something else, I start doing the lap kind of like on auto-pilot mode and somehow get better times.

FINALLY! I'm not the only one! Whenever I'm racing and I have friends I always try to get them to talk about something unrelated so I can race better.

However communal showers (back in uni), not such an easy place to think.....

communal showers shared with girls, even harder to think. :scared:

Get strong sticky square things, place one on either side of the shower entrance, and attach a towel to said sticky square things. I figured that out very quickly, because I wouldn't have been able to survive in my university's communal showers otherwise.
I usually hallucinate when taking a bath; the last time I took a shower, I thought of pissing 10 year old MW3 players...
Strangely, that happens to me as well! There's something about the lack of concentration that makes me concentrate more. It doesn't make sense but when my minds on something else, I start doing the lap kind of like on auto-pilot mode and somehow get better times.

Hahaha especially on the Nurburging. Then I end up on the straight did I get here..... and also some corners remind me of thoughts I had at the same section on a previous lap, so then my mind starts doing circuits as well. Its all a bit weird to be honest. :P
Just got out. Thought over the day and thinking about some girls I'd like to go out with.
The first thing that pops in my mind when I jump under the shower is : Crap, I forgot to shave again. (it's to long for the razor.)

And then my mind shifts gear and ******* **** ** **** ***** *** ********* ********.

The AUP doesn't allow that kind of language. /mod
The first thing that pops in my mind when I jump under the shower is : Crap, I forgot to shave again. (it's to long for the razor.)

And then my mind shifts gear and ******* **** ** **** ***** *** ********* ********.

The AUP doesn't allow that kind of language. /mod

This doesn't have anything to do with that thing I still have no idea about, does it?
I always like to imagine I'm the passenger in a really expensive supercar, and people are looking at me.

I like the "I'm better than you" feeling I get.. Shame it isn't real..
^ I always think of driving a real expensive car on the Nurburgring with the girl I like. I don't know why but it's usually a GT3 RS, '76 911 Turbo, LFA or BMW M3 GT1.
These kind of things pop into my mind when I think of the Nurburgring.. A great track, but rather dangerous..


Plus, if you crash while your daydreaming, you'll have a spaz attack.
But in my day dream state I'm a pro driver who can drive anything with ease and if not it's just driving around some back roads like a boss. She's on my mind to much...
I've recently been thinking of business in the shower, or at least, a potential business I could run which will allow me to live a good life in the north of Thailand.
I've recently been thinking of business in the shower, or at least, a potential business I could run which will allow me to live a good life in the north of Thailand.

Like what?
Cross country motorcycle tours over 500km with me as a guide and bike provider, I've got it all planned out. My second option is to rent a whole abandoned village a hour outside of the city (I've looked into it) and turn it into a paintball centre with all kinds of different game types. I've got a few years to get it together so the plans will formulate over time. I've got the means (money, experience, connections), all I need is the opportunity.
Was just in and all I could think about was if I could do anything I wanted what that would be. It was a toss up between being with the girl I like (Shocker, who didn't see that coming) or being a professional driver in the FIA GT1 and driving an M3. I also couldn't stop thinking about how awesome cars sound when redlining.
Cross country motorcycle tours over 500km with me as a guide and bike provider, I've got it all planned out. My second option is to rent a whole abandoned village a hour outside of the city (I've looked into it) and turn it into a paintball centre with all kinds of different game types. I've got a few years to get it together so the plans will formulate over time. I've got the means (money, experience, connections), all I need is the opportunity.

Damn, you should let me in on that. Except, I know nothing about business. :banghead:
^ I always think of driving a real expensive car on the Nurburgring with the girl I like. I don't know why but it's usually a GT3 RS, '76 911 Turbo, LFA or BMW M3 GT1.

Lol I get this when I am listening to an awesome song. But its usually in a Pagani Zonda F on a deserted highway.
I'm no business man myself, I'm an ideas man. My wife and step mother are the business savvy ones, I just provide the money, input, manage and market. They handle all of the purchasing and finances.

I'm really hyped for it and will be doing my research as soon as I get back to China. Either one of my two ideas will need be thought through with my advisor and preparations made.