Three Hundred Miles Per Hour

  • Thread starter Dark Elite
I know, the Option Z can get quite close, though. Congrats to whoever gets 300 with it. By the way, whos got some advice to get 300 with a viper? It's a frustrating car.
I know, the Option Z can get quite close, though. Congrats to whoever gets 300 with it. By the way, whos got some advice to get 300 with a viper? It's a frustrating car.

I think perhaps you're just starting with all the wrong cars. Build up some experience using the Audi R8, Bentley etc. They'll be able to reach 300mph pretty easily and the results from changes in setup will be much easier to see. Apply what you've learnt from those cars to the viper/supra and you'll get to 300mph with no problems.

I know, the Option Z can get quite close, though. Congrats to whoever gets 300 with it.

It can get very close. But it does have the power band of a chain smoking caffeine addicted dwarf. Yeah, its small, and hard to get it in the sweet spot and keep it there. I coudnt get it past 297. Good luck

the only 350Z i brought into the leaderboard was the Nissan Motul Pitwork Z Race Car, but this was a fight over months!


Another pain in the rear. 296 was my best, and that was 2 broken controllers ago...
You cannot post speeds on the Leaderboard, for the simple reason that if you could, no proof would be necessary... I'd have thought that was quite obvious :P

For a speed to be placed on the Leaderboard, it must be verified as outlined in the first post of this thread. As the first post clearly states, I might add. Otherwise, certain unsavoury people could claim four hundred miles per hour in a Formula GT, and wouldn't that be fun to administrate!

Nice work, speedemon08 - there's just the slight issue of me being unable to tell what the digits in your photo are :eek: I can't decide between .06 and .08, so unfortunately I can't put it on the Leaderboard. I'm afraid I'll have to ask for a new photo, but a re-run should be easy enough with that comfortable speed :)
While we're at it, I'd need you to confirm that you've read and followed all of the rules outlined in Post #1 of this thread.

Depending on what that last digit is, you're around 327th on the Leaderboard with that speed

ive changed the photo to a better one. i took one with the flash off and on.

yes i have read the rules

1. no wheelie was used
2. nos and racing tyres used

and another thing. the car was swerving badly.
I'm currently attempting to break 300 with a Subaru Impreza Spec-C. Despite the 100-shot of nitrous, I can only reach 285 or so. How well am I doing?

Also: It seems that the Tommy Kaira ZZ-II is insanely easy to go very fast with. Mine has 24 miles on the clock, and I've already gone 308 with it. I'm hardly proud of it...
285? Seems you're doing halfway decent. I pull 250 through the 1000m every time, but my car still tops out right around 285ish no matter what.
i have made 301.xx mph with my Option Stream Z, but with nitro, but he is not a lmp car or so, i think thats why this record is awsome, too.

i will change my settings, that i can run over 300mph without nitro
I'm currently attempting to break 300 with a Subaru Impreza Spec-C. Despite the 100-shot of nitrous, I can only reach 285 or so. How well am I doing?
Pretty well. We've heard of higher ones, but not by much. The damn thing's aerodynamics seem to completely annihilate it once you get to a certain point, and it literally pulls like a train until suddenly slowing right up. There doesn't seem to be any chance at all of getting the Impreza to 300mph, to be honest.

Street Racer 77
i have made 301.xx mph with my Option Stream Z, but with nitro, but he is not a lmp car or so, i think thats why this record is awsome, too.
...Really? I think quite a few people would like something to prove that one.

ive changed the photo to a better one. i took one with the flash off and on.

yes i have read the rules

1. no wheelie was used
2. nos and racing tyres used

and another thing. the car was swerving badly.
...And now I can't read the bloody car name for certain :lol:
Ho hum. I'll put it up anyway once I know you've followed all the rules, it's not just wheelies that can give you an unfair advantage.

Post #1
1. All speeds must be proven
-1.1 All speeds must be proven by photograph of the Session Record screen showing your maximum speed in miles per hour to go onto the Leaderboard.
-1.3 Video proof can be requested for any particular speed which is suspected of breaking any rule(s).

Oh, God.

Well, MS, if anyone's going to achieve something that 'seems' impossible, my money would probably be on you :rolleyes: I've had to eat my words before, doubtless I'll have to do it again! Now... Where's the black pepper...

Alright, speedemon, thanks for clearing that up - I have to ask, you know, protect the integrity of the Leaderboard and all that... Welcome to the Club :)

Leaderboard Updated ...with two months and thirteen days being the greatest ever gap between updates

Nice work. Whilst the Chaparral isn't exactly the easiest car to go rule-breaking in, I'll still have to ask you to verify that you've read and followed all of the rules outlined in Post #1?

2. At no point in your run must any of the car's wheels leave the ground. At no point in your run must your car make contact with any barrier, visible or invisible.
3. All speed runs must be made at the Test Course in Max Speed Test mode.
4. You must not at any point in your top speed attempt travel backwards around the course.
5. Nitrous is allowed where available.
I read all the rules, especially the ones above. Like you said, it would have been hard to cheat with this car:). Count me in!
Thats decent, GTfan.

Next up is my Gillet Vertigo! I already got 300.20, but a) there isnt a pic... and b) i can do better. I'll be back!!!
Im trying in a Tommy Kaira ZZII. damn 5th and 6th gear are too steep and i need another 40-50 mhp! :( :( :( anyone have some tips for it? I NEED MORE SPEED!!!!!!