Well take my T-GT, when the car understeers, the wheel judders like crazy to tell me the wheels are slipping. As a result of the judder the steering also shakes and as a result I can't trace a smooth line. As a result I end up always driving just below the limit of traction to avoid that uncomfortable judder whereas with my G25 I can go right up to the limit of grip and still hold a smooth line.
Same with oversteer, because the wheel auto countersteers so quickly and violently I cannot control how much opposite lock I want to have exactly. Whereas with the G25 with its weaker motors and low internal resistance I can whip it about at the exact angle I want.
I know you can change the strength mate, even G25 can do that as well. I have it at 3/10 on GT Sport (as opposed to 4/10 for G25). On PC I run it 65% Gain (G25 always at 100%). Centering spring, dampers and other forces are always off. Problem with lowering the strength is you lose the useful feedback as well. You only end up with the internal resistance of the mechanism with no force assistance to counter it. Not a solution.
The anticipation part is more relating to how I perceive under/oversteer. If I go into a corner too fast, I can tell from visuals, tyre noise, my speed dropping that I understeer. So the wheel juddering isn't telling me anything that I don't already know at that point. The FFB just becomes an extra noise at that point.
Anyway, driving feel is a highly subjective thing. Objectively higher end wheels may be better, but to me personally, with the techniques and understanding I have cultivated with my G25 over 10 years I just feel more comfortable with it. Possibly I was expecting too much as well from the new wheel - creating an expectation in my head that no toy wheel could match (not even those insane Accuforce/Bodnar DD wheels). I still enjoy driving with the T-GT and its own unique sensations, but I realise that I do just fine with my good ol' trusty G25

Heck, I remember holl01 (GTP's resident alien) used to be unbeatable in GT4/5P with only a DFGT.