Finally decided to upgrade my Logitech G29 to a Thrustmaster T-GT, really happy with it so far.

Just had to make a few modifications to my rig to be able to mount the pedals inverted but worked out quite nicely I think. FFB feels so much better, can really feel what the car is doing now. Also like the belt system a lot more. Almost no noise when using it, even on rally tracks. Try that with a G29 and you'll go crazy from the sound it makes.

Pedals not really an upgrade but pretty much the same, just the conical brake mod is better than the rubber stopper that's in the G29's brake pedal.
Only thing I didn't like was the auto calibration of the pedals in combination with the conical brake mod. Each time you'd press just a bit harder on the brake the 100% brake input would move further away. Couldn't really be consistent on the brakes this way. It should calibrate only once in my opinion. So I ended up removing the brake mod but didn't like the long pedal travel after being used to the brake mod for a few hours. So I decided to modify the brake mod a little bit and add an adjustable hard stop that's just a bit further away than the actual conical mod. This way the pedal can't go further and this will always be the 100% brake point. It's pretty much perfect for me now.

Added benefit is that the bolt I used also sits against the base, eliminating any movement of the mod itself.
And then there's still the T-DFB. I'm not sure what to think of this. While it's nice to get more info on what the car's doing I've actually turned this off for now since I think the constant vibrations are a bit too much and there's no way to adjust it. Maybe if you could tone it down a little I would actually use it but the way it is right now I don't think I ever will.
Lets see how long this wheel will last. Coming from a Logitech DFGT, G27 and G29 with very good reliability I'm hoping this will be the same, especially at this price range. But I've also read the many stories about Thrustmaster here on the forums. Only time will tell I guess.