Hey guys!
so I was a T300RS user since 2015 and was always really happy with it, never had any problems whatsoever. The ffb was really good for its price, but there was one issue that was always bothering me: the ffb fade.
This is why I looked up alternatives for quite a while already.
I'll be honest, I always found the T-GT to be really cool, and as a PC and PS4 GT Sport player it was the only logical upgrade besides the fanatec department. The thing that held me back on both wheels was obviously the price tag. I also was deep inside the thrustmaster ecosystem so it would be a plausible move towards the TM- product.
All this came together nicely when I saw that the T-GT was on sale for a mind boggling 419€ with free shipping. I was sold.
I have the wheel 3 days so far.. and man.. it's so much better than the T300!
Wheel and base quality is really adequate, I even find the pedals to have better weight to them compared to the nearly identical T3PA-Pedals that I used to have on my Playseat rig. I really like the paddle shifters, more powerful click and shorter throw compared to the T300RS paddles.
The ffb is very smooth and accurate, which really helps with consistency. And my main concern is gone - no more ffb fade, hell yeah!
I really enjoy the T-DFB. I was so surprised when I first used it! Because I'm using a Playseat, it felt like I have a buttkicker and a 'pedalkicker?' installed. I was also surprised about its accuracy. It gradually gets stronger the more g forces you tackle. Just a few examples where it really shines: When youre on the starting grid and bounce on the rev limiter, you really feel the engine rumbling you around. Even when youre cruising and shifting through gears you feel the shift sending off a satisfying push as you expect in a real car - awesome stuff!
It's truly a great addition of immersion in GTS imo and I wish it would be available on pc.
So far I'm really happy with this kit. I think there is nothing on the market that could come close to this quality at a price of 419€!
Now let's just hope the best for reliability! I'm positive about that with my experience with my old T300RS