Thrustmaster T500RS/T300 wheels thread

  • Thread starter Diablo_rf
Changes made in new driver version 2017_TTRS_6:

- Add new firmware for many Thrustmaster Force Feedback wheels:
* T-GT Racing Wheel: Firmware V3 (for the base)
* TS-XW Racer: Firmware V2
* TS-PC Racer: Firmware V5
* T500 RS: Firmware V46
* T300 RS: Firmware V27
* TX Racing Wheel: Firmware V51

= We strongly recommend that you update your wheel bases with the new firmware.
What torque and sensitivity settings are T300 users using now Post patch? Was using 2/2 but now thats way to light and I almost struggled to drive at those settings cause the wheel gets really loose in the middle of turning.
Changes made in new driver version 2017_TTRS_6:

- Add new firmware for many Thrustmaster Force Feedback wheels:
* T-GT Racing Wheel: Firmware V3 (for the base)
* TS-XW Racer: Firmware V2
* TS-PC Racer: Firmware V5
* T500 RS: Firmware V46
* T300 RS: Firmware V27
* TX Racing Wheel: Firmware V51

= We strongly recommend that you update your wheel bases with the new firmware.

for ps4i still see the v25 as the lastest firmware, im i missing something?
Has anyone had any issues with their T300 in that they feel they are having to overturn the wheel? I'm obviously darting between 2 sims at the moment but I just went back on GT Sport and it felt completely different from 4 days ago and to turn about 60 degrees I have to turn the wheel a full 90 degrees?

I'm wondering whether there's a rotation setting somewhere I might have missed?

Any help is much appreciated!
Mode and Directional pad to the right/left sets wheel rotation from 240 to 1080

Mode and Options buttons turns fan off/on manually.

Unfortunately the T300 resets to 1080 every time you restart a race or go to the pause menu. I hope PD fix this.
The disparity in the reviews of Thrustmaster's products really just blows my mind. You read some people who say they've had their wheel for years without any issues, and I certainly believe them, they have no reason to lie about it. Many others, including myself, seem to be fighting a losing battle with the T300/T500.

I am now on my second T300 in the past month. My first one would feel good for about 5 minutes and then progressively get worse and worse. The FFB would weaken, and begin to slip. The only solution to this problem was to turn the FFB settings so low that I had trouble even feeling what the car was doing. F1 2017 in particular was literally unplayable for me.

I sent Thrustmaster 3 different emails over a span of 2 weeks, the last of which they finally responded to, which was a copy and paste message telling me to record a video and send it to them, which I already had done in the second email. I said screw it, I'll just call them. I was greeted by someone who I could barely understand talk, and he literally offered no help whatsoever. He asked for my email address and sent me another copy and paste email telling me to send them in a video of my problems. This is a solid 2 weeks after I sent them my initial email and I'm literally back where I started, waiting on them to get back to me. Still today I haven't heard anything from them, it is absolutely insane. I said to hell with them and returned the wheel to Amazon and got another in return, hoping for the best. Thinking surely I just got a bad one. I get the wheel, and I am absolutely floored when it starts doing the same crap my other one was doing. Everything works great for 5 minutes, then it turns into a sloppy mess, for the most part regardless of FFB settings.

Needless to say, after spending ~$650 dollars on a T300 alcantara with a shifter and mounting bracket, I am so, so displeased with this product. It's not that it's not a good wheel, it's just in my experience, the durability/endurance of the wheel is absolutely horrible. I came from playing GT5/GT6 with a G27. I put hundreds and hundreds of hours on that thing with not the first problem out of it. As of right now, even after this last update, I can't play the game for more than 15 minutes without fear of damaging the wheel. I did 3 laps at the Nurburgring on 3/4 settings hoping for a change, and while it was better, by the end of the second lap there was a noticeable drop off in performance. As someone who routinely ran 20-30 minute races for a 3-4 hour session with friends online this is beyond frustrating, and I'm wondering if I'm even gonna be able to play this game. Seeing some people say they're playing on 7/8 settings after this update is just crazy to me.

Sorry for the wall of text, I don't know if anyone will take the time to read this but I had to vent somewhere after this latest update.
Changes made in new driver version 2017_TTRS_6:

- Add new firmware for many Thrustmaster Force Feedback wheels:
* T-GT Racing Wheel: Firmware V3 (for the base)
* TS-XW Racer: Firmware V2
* TS-PC Racer: Firmware V5
* T500 RS: Firmware V46
* T300 RS: Firmware V27
* TX Racing Wheel: Firmware V51

= We strongly recommend that you update your wheel bases with the new firmware.

I don't presently have a PC to use. Can we use a Mac to update the wheels? Side note, I'm almost scared to update. Thus far my new T300RS GT has given me no issues. Knowing my luck if I update the FW I'll mess it up lol.
Changes made in new driver version 2017_TTRS_6:

- Add new firmware for many Thrustmaster Force Feedback wheels:
* T-GT Racing Wheel: Firmware V3 (for the base)
* TS-XW Racer: Firmware V2
* TS-PC Racer: Firmware V5
* T500 RS: Firmware V46
* T300 RS: Firmware V27
* TX Racing Wheel: Firmware V51

= We strongly recommend that you update your wheel bases with the new firmware.

Thanks for the heads up, I wonder why the T150 didn't get a new firmware update?
T500RS here. After the v1.03 update on GTS, the annoying vibration during understeer and extreme steering angle is gone. Much better thanks, PD!

Now if they can just fix the same problem that's on the t300rs and we will be golden.
Last night when I was playing, on two occasions my TS300 GT suddenly span all the way anti-clockwise until it was locked and each time I moved the wheel to the right it would fight back to go back all the way to the left. I took out the USB from the PS4 but each time I put it back in it would do exactly the same. The only thing that fixed it was taking the power out the base and then turning it back on again. Has anyone else had this issue? I only bought the wheel this week and I'm new to gaming with a wheel. The only other game I have tried it on is AC on the PC which has been great and not had any issues.

I've also had issues with the start and share buttons being pressed randomly and I was worried it was an issue with my wheel but after reading posts on here it seems to be an issue with the game rather than hardware.

On ps4 with pCARS 1 multiple times. But never with Dirt Rally, Dirt 4, Sebastian Loeb Rally Evo, or Assetto Corsa. I believe it is something in the PS4 driver that some games use but others don't.
My experience with GT Sport has been simply my T300RS Ferrari Alcantara is not recognized by the game.
And the wheel buttons/controlls I see in the controller configuration does not match my wheel.
So the game has been out for more than a week, and I've not been able to drive a single lap. I think PD and this visually pretty, otherwise drab game suck. Perhaps I'm over reacting.
I am one of the few who has had zero issues with my T300 in regards to GTSport. It's about 2-3 years old now (bought it when PS4 first came out) but to be fair, I haven't used it a lot, due to a lack of decent racing games. I have updated the wheel once, when PCars1 originally came out, because the FFB settings in that game were insanely overwhelming. Since then, I've changed nothing. I plugged into my PS4 last weekend, didn't change anything, and raced all weekend with zero issues, despite the horror stories I've read here on the forum.

Due to these horror stories, I will still avoid updating my wheel, until I've gotten more feedback from the community about the update and new firmware. The sad stories here on GTPlanet, do make me tempted to sell my wheel before I run into any issues, but I don't have a clue what I would upgrade to, without dropping a chunk of change on the new TG-T, which also has mixed reviews, and is made by the same company.

With the GTSport aspect out of the way, I will say this, for full disclosure.
When I originally bought my wheel, it had an incorrect outlet plug. Here in America, there's 1 'wide' prong, and one narrow prong on the wall plug, but mine had 2 wide prongs, so couldn't even be put into an American socket. I contacted the company, they requested a picture of the plug, and the serial number, and sent me a new one immediately, without needing me to send the original back.

In Project Cars, I had a similar issue that @CJammer883 mentioned above. Midway through a race the FFB felt like it was 'fading', and would get extremely weak. I always assumed it was because it was overheating, that perhaps I had it turned up too high, or that I simply screwed up one of the million adjustments available in the PCars FFB menus. Haven't run into the problem in GTSport yet, so I'm not positive it's even a 'wheel' issue to be completely honest.

I do have some issues with the 'D Pad' from time to time sticking, or not 'staying' down. Trying to quickly scroll to the right amount of Fuel in the pits can be a pain. Lately a new problem has occurred, where the wheel randomly triggers the 'options' (pause/start) button, mid race. That's not so great, but it's once a day for the time being.

Anywho... hope to hear some good news about the updates in the coming days.
Double, I fail.

There is a setting in the t300 FW to always have the fan on. It helps keep it cool. If your version has it.. find out by pressing the mode button and options button at the same time.

Not everyone is reporting issues with t300 on GTS. So maybe you have the correct setup. I too wouldn't update the FW if it's working great as is. Just enjoy.
Just notice one thing on my t300 today. I’m not sure if it related to the1.03 update.

For some cars, when in mid-high speed, the wheel:
1) have much stronger force to return to
centre compare with before.
2) has huge feedback force different when turn on different angle. When turn left or right from 0 degree to 10 degree, it need say 10 amount of force. When turn between 10 degree to 50 degree, it need 30 amount of force. When turn after 50 degree, the force require suddenly drop to 10 amount of force.

It is wierd that the force drop when passing certain angle.

Is it normal or my wheel is broken?
My experience with GT Sport has been simply my T300RS Ferrari Alcantara is not recognized by the game.
And the wheel buttons/controlls I see in the controller configuration does not match my wheel.
So the game has been out for more than a week, and I've not been able to drive a single lap. I think PD and this visually pretty, otherwise drab game suck. Perhaps I'm over reacting.

Does you wheel work at all, or is it just a problem with the configuration, if the wheel works then try and set your buttons using the T500 configurator, failing that, try it in PS3 mode in T300 mode, then if that doesn't work try T500 again. (to switch from one to the other, turn off in PS4 until the light goes out then switch it over to PS3)
Just got my retail copy of GTS this afternoon. As a PC racer guy I never had a chance to use my T300RS on console. My setup for PS4 includes TH8A shifter connected to wheelbase, Fanatec Club Sport V1 pedals with load cell mod connected to wheelbase via CPX adapter. I bought it a couple years ago when thinking I was gonna get DriveClub.

Anyway with today's GTS patch and never having updated my wheel's firmware, everything works in PS4 mode. Force feedback at default 5/5 is suprisingly solid but I put FFB down to 2/2 which also feels great. I may raise it back but for now during the honeymoon phase I want to be cautious about wearing out the motor.

I'm thankful I didnt have any issues whatsoever or needed any firmware updates. Today's patch for the Thrustmaster driver issues came at the perfect time.
The front wheel drive cars are the worst to drive because of the bad feed back it clunks and vibrates every time you accelerate
Everything working here with my T300 Alcantara (never updated the firmware so far), but am I right that the clutch is not working in GTS?
I am almost certain that the firmware for t500 or t300 updates are for pc only. As soon as you pull the usb out of the pc it forgets settings as there is no on board memory on the wheel. Correct me if im wrong but thats the way i understand it.
I am almost certain that the firmware for t500 or t300 updates are for pc only. As soon as you pull the usb out of the pc it forgets settings as there is no on board memory on the wheel. Correct me if im wrong but thats the way i understand it.
The T300 certainly has on-board memory.
Just applied the recent firmware for my T300 and I'm fairly sure FFB levels increased, had to drop it 1-2 in the options. What does the sensitivity setting in the options actually do btw?

TH8A now works in H mode connected to the base but... the clutch implementation is indeed as rubbish as mentioned. If you don't have the clutch in 100% when you shift, the shift fails and you're dumped into neutral and need to physically come out of gear and try again. I get that they want to ensure people shift correctly (why even have a clutch otherwise?) but you absolutely cannot have the game register neutral when the physical shifter is in gear! Makes no sense. There is no physical moving parts to push the shifter back like a real gearbox may do if you screw up a shift. It has to go in. Sure, give the user a grinding audio cue and slow the shift/unsettle the car, but don't dump them in neutral!!

The most fun I had was in non H-gate cars where there's no clutch but still going through the clutching motion as it's not possible to get a failed shift! H-gated cars are pretty lousy as they are currently. You either use the unreliable clutch or you paddle shift and have to keep lifting off on each shift so you don't punt the revs up and slip the clutch each time /rantover
My experience with GT Sport has been simply my T300RS Ferrari Alcantara is not recognized by the game.
And the wheel buttons/controlls I see in the controller configuration does not match my wheel.
So the game has been out for more than a week, and I've not been able to drive a single lap. I think PD and this visually pretty, otherwise drab game suck. Perhaps I'm over reacting.
Hi, I am using the same wheel and have had no problems mapping buttons. I have these labels I printed up and applied to my wheel. If they are of any use I can send you the file for you to print them.


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I believe the patch has improved things for the T300rs somewhat, though the release notes only appear to mention the T500 as far as could see.

FFB when driving normally is acceptable (I am still set to 1-1). However, the feeling when understeering/sliding or hitting a curb is still way too strong and doesn't give you informative ffb. The grinding feel has been mentioned in other posts and is still present despite patch.

Developers: Get a T300 set up in the office if you haven't already, you'll soon see what I mean.

50% better since patch though so one more patch should do it hopefully.
bought a t300gt and th8a shifter for gt s and so far not impressed. for some reason it seems that every car is running at 270° lock-to-lock. even tried changing it with the mode+d-pad buttons but it never changed the quarter turn each side. any input?
the clutch implementation is indeed as rubbish as mentioned. If you don't have the clutch in 100% when you shift, the shift fails and you're dumped into neutral and need to physically come out of gear and try again.

This was how GT5 was for me. In GTS it works really good. I can lightly press the clutch even just a few millimeters and it will let me shift into gear. Its quite forgiving after having to fully press down the clutch in GT5. Kicking you into N does suck though. Making a grinding noise would be cool similar to missing notes in Guitar Hero.

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