Hi, guys. I decided to join, first of all because this is a wonderful forum, but also to explain some things, after many tests.
I understood how the tire issue works. I'll try to explain it to clarify once and for all.
In the TT with the Subaru for example, if someone has unlocked all the tires, since the limitation of the room is "comfort soft", the only tires you can use are "comfort" or lower and in particular :
-comfort hard
-comfort medium
-comfort soft
-comfort hard (c)
-comfort medium (c)
-comfort soft (c)
So, if someone uses comfort soft (c), the game doesn't recognize them, and assign the stock tires, ( those that you find buying the car from the dealer). In this case sports hard. This is the reason because in the replay appears "sports tires". And you can do a better time not becouse are using comfort (c), but because you are driving with "sports hard". For my tests there is no differnce between comfort and comfort (c). I I did the same time.
So you will understand that with the FGT apply the same rules. So NO ONE can use racing soft. Just because the allowed tired are all those from "racing hard" or lower, with the only exception of "racing hard (c)". If you use these last one, in the replay you can't see something different, becouse FGT has as stock tires "racing hard".
I use stock "racing hard" not (c), even if the same.
So apparently is impossibile to cheat in FGT TT. I don't know if there are any other cheats.
p.s. immortal take it easy...racing soft... please
I think you are cheating too. You accuse me and I will. I consider not a good thing to do the 2nd best time whith another account.
p.p.s I apologize for my english