Every time trial I try to gold just serves to remind me how bad I actually am 🥲
Well I'm no one to ask advices for, but maybe you should try to aim at Silver then... improving is a process which takes time and commitment, some people take longer than others and that's ok but not everyone has the skills/time/willpower to become an "alien" (thankfully).
Look at it as a ladder, you climb one step at a time, and the higher you go the harder it gets... don't start building a house by the roof, start from the ground up, make a solid foundation and work your way up.
And most importantly: have fun while doing it, if that doesn't happen then maybe you should go and do something else
Now, my weekly results:
After some more laps, I managed to secure a Silver at the Croissant.
It was a nice Time Trial, with a somewhat demanding car... not that it is unpredictable or hard to drive, it certainly isn't but its rear end can get lively pretty easy when coming out of corners, especially when in 2nd and 3rd gear (despite the Racing Softs).
Or maybe I shouldn't have such a heavy right foot... I might need to work a bit more on my throttle sensitivity!
Anyway, it's another Silver and another million credits in my pocket so, happy days
Time for the beemer at Dragon Trail:
Definitely made an improvement here, from 1:54.839 to 1:52.106, now a Silver-worthy lap time.
I believe this is the first time I get so close to being within the top 10000, and I'm quite pleased with it!
However, I still need to find a whole second to come closer to Gold, and that might not be an easy task here... some more lap time video analysis is needed.
I'll keep on trying and see where I end up.