Time Trial Discussion

  • Thread starter seadog777
Last night's work. Had a 6'50.310 I was unsatisfied with due to a poor exit after Quiddelbacher-Höhe on an otherwise great lap. Obviously had to fix it and in the end I sacrificed some hours of sleep and endured quite some pain in the hands after intensive time trialling.

Had to stop and rest my hands in order to get some driving capability back. :lol: But it paid off! 6'49.926! Great feeling to go below 50!


From the looks of it, this next TT is going to be one of the easiest.

Yeah. Gr.4 cars are extremely easy to drive. Not really much we can improve from them and this track has like 3 corners where the time is made. Unlike the Nurburgring which had like 100...

This one I'll try it on the weekend. Seems like the WRX is the definite meta. Of course it is... Of course it's a 4WD car that's the meta in Gr.4. :)

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Heartbreaking. If only I had another hour. 😫

Feels bad... I got it barely by the skin with a 54.160. Kept my Gold streak.

How many Golds y'all got?View attachment 1220735

I have 12 but I didn't participate in 2 of the TTs (R34 at Interlagos and Escudo at Willow). If I was able to gold these 2 last ones, I am quite certain I would gold these 2 as well. Looking at the stats, they weren't that difficult either, medium I'd say.
From the looks of it, this next TT is going to be one of the easiest.
Oh, yeah. This morning, I'm trying the TT with all of my Gr.4 cars. I can get a gold lap with about half of them.
You definitely don't need AWD to get there.
I'd like to see one of the streamers who are a lot better than me, make an attempt at getting gold laps in every one of the Gr.4 cars.
I'm pretty sure it could be done.
@Mistah_MCA could pull it off. :D
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I wouldn't mind if the margins were adjusted on a per TT basis, it feels weird going from the past 2 TT's being that difficult to gold to this one being as easy as it is.

On that note, I'm currently on a 56.204 which will easily see me through. My goal is a 55.x, which I will try for in due course. There's not much to this one so it's certainly possible.
Polyphony must’ve been feeling generous after the past two TTs. Gr.4 on a 55 second lap with a few turns, lol.

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I was just thinking that. Maybe they saw the drop-off in participation on the latest one after the previous, noticing the trend of making it harder and less people enjoying it... But making it super easy seems a bit over the top!
Polyphony must’ve been feeling generous after the past two TTs. Gr.4 on a 55 second lap with a few turns, lol.

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Indeed. They missed a trick by not doing this one over Christmas. So many people will have got the game over Christmas and many may have gone deep enough into the game to open the TTs only to be met by the 'Ring in a tuned car. This Sardegna one would have potentially brought many more people to the TTs; now many may have been put off. Makes no difference to my experience of course; just an observation.
There's really not much to go for this one. Only 3 corners where to gain actual time.

If the top 1 gets a time of 55 seconds flat, which from the looks of it, doesn't seem likely. The gold time would still be a 56.650 ...

Yeah, instead of getting almost 80% of people not even getting bronze like the last TT, it seems more likely for this time to like everyone will get bronze. I can't see people failing to get bronze on this unless they do it on purpose really.
Managed to get a 56.056 with the WRX. Feel like I can get maybe 1-2 more tenths with a better run to the line to start the lap and a smoother lap overall. Hardest part for me was nailing turns 9 and 10 (track map for reference). You really have to commit to hitting the inside curb of turn 9, then braking in a straight line for turn 10. Overshot turn 10 quite a few times. Also love the cheeky track extend you can do at the exit of turn 4.

I really enjoy Gr.3/Gr.4 cars on smaller circuits.
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I missed most of the Nurb TT in the end - guessing I got a bronze, first non gold. Had little desire to play it... then got COVID over Christmas. Then New Year and back to work being super busy... all combined to bronze!

Sounds like not much to get out of this one though?
I wonder how much of the participation drop off was due to people seeing it was tuning and not even trying, seeing it was nordschleife and not even trying, or how many actually tried but couldn't get to the finish line without lots of crashes so they gave up. Or if the holidays had any effect.

Hope they do a tuning one again but at a normal track so we can get stats and see a better sample of the effect tuning really has. My feeling now is that for a single car at a set weight and power tuning makes it possible to get the car feeling more to an individual's liking, but there is little effect on the final time (unless there are obvious big differences which makes the car undrivable, or the gearing is completely wrong for the track)

PD need to do a better job at educating people on the tuning system in-game in order to lower the barrier for use. I think too few people know how it works for it to be part of the game on a regular basis at this point in time.

Off topic, but looking back to the first week of the game and the daily races tuning has a lot of potential for making the game better (given they have eliminated glitches and loopholes in the system), as it takes some pressure off having perfect bop and opens up for using more cars, and also potentially allows for different strategies to be more viable. E.g. you can tune a car to reduce tyre wear at the cost of grip in order to save yourself a pitstop, or vice versa, and similar with fuel consumption. The way it is now there will usually always be one best strategy and car, and it's just not dynamic enough.
PD need to do a better job at educating people on the tuning system in-game in order to lower the barrier for use. I think too few people know how it works for it to be part of the game on a regular basis at this point in time.

I mean they do offer a pretty in-depth description of what effect each aspect of tuning has on the car (in the triangle menu of the settings page). It doesn't fit in with people's expectations of instant gratification, unfortunately.
Now we focus on the short track, rather amusing I must say, I did 20' ish laps or so and ended up with a 0:56.378. @ 1.20% With the WRX, tried the GTR but was consistently slower with it, but think I still can find some time with the WRX, last corner still not feeling 'right' I will end up in the '55 hopefullly 😁
I mean they do offer a pretty in-depth description of what effect each aspect of tuning has on the car (in the triangle menu of the settings page). It doesn't fit in with people's expectations of instant gratification, unfortunately.
Yeah it's certainly possible to get an understanding through the tool tips, and also reading beyond the apex (although not everything is documented well), but like you say it doesn't give much instant gratification and for most people it's not that fun to sit down and read and spend hours trying to understand something theoretically in a game, and then spend even more hours trying to put it into practice by driving and then changing settings over and over. There's a big gap between understanding what the settings do, and understanding how they all relate, and then finally going out on track and feeling how a car drives and knowing what to change.

It's just a big barrier of entry for utilising a significant part of the game to its full extent. So then we end up in this weird limbo where we are now, where most people don't really know how to tune, and PD either have to do what they're doing now and barely use it, or force people to learn it by including it in daily races that count for SR and time trials. Maybe a more interactive and rewarding way of learning could help. The modern gamer needing instant gratification and their hand held may be worthy of criticism, but it appears to be reality. Somehow PD has tried to adapt to this in the worst possible way with the cafe system, but tuning is one aspect where I think it would actually be beneficial.
Last week I was happy with Silver at 7:02.5xx but then the time moved and I was .08 out of silver. So I went out last night for one last session before the deadline and got down to 7:00.135. Couldn't quite get under 7, but happy to have not lost the silver!

I learned a lot from this TT and definitely had an incremental improvement in my ability, so it was worth it for that.
Did 20 full laps but I'm really tired after workout today. With the WRX, barely into gold 0:57:337. Pretty sure I can reach the medium 0:56 once I get the hang of the last lap.

Might try the Alfa too, might be more stable on that turn

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