Time Trial Discussion

  • Thread starter seadog777
I just love this Time Trial, for me best so far. DRS or no DRS, I am enjoying it a lot.

I love this car - understeer and all - and track combo. I'm just useless driving on racing tires.

Sitting on the edge of gold at 1:57.215 after being stuck in the 1:58s for a bunch of sessions. I may need to grow an extra finger and designate it for DRS, or get some tape.

IMO, DRS makes the ID.Rs high-speed turn-in more aggressive. I'm carrying way more speed through sector 1 with DRS on the whole time. Does anyone know if any form of DRS actually works this way? :confused:

Considering how I've performed in the prior TTs with racing tires, I'm surprised I got anything close to the a gold time. Usually, with racing tire TTs I'm holding silver in a death grip as the gold time gleefully sprints further and further beyond my ability and patience. I suspect the aliens need more time to develop and perfect their strategies for now.

My optimal is a 1:56.758. That seems just a tad... optimistic :lol:

Gran Turismo® 7_20230205113114.jpg
Gran Turismo® 7_20230205112352.jpg

Fascinating how you actually turn DRS off and on! What are you steering with? Wheel or controller?
Isn't it additional thing to keep in mind to turn on and off? Surely it doesn't require precision like breaking points but still, what I read most people just tape over the DRS button.
You are really on fire here, that's quite a decent time 😁, I'm no where near that with my 56.5 😭🤣👍👍
I needed more than an hour to get a feeling for that strange car. It resulted in a 1:57:1 with an optimum of 1:56:6 and a feeling that there's still a lot of improvement to be achieved. Sadly I don't enjoy that ride at all (soft and oversteering is more my thing 😇🤣), so hopefully that will stand for gold and I don't have to touch it again.

A sign of hope is that the aliens have now begun fighting for thousandths (how do you spell that?) of a second, so maybe they are already near the possible best... (fingers crossed)
Fascinating how you actually turn DRS off and on! What are you steering with? Wheel or controller?
Isn't it additional thing to keep in mind to turn on and off? Surely it doesn't require precision like breaking points but still, what I read most people just tape over the DRS button.
I use a wheel with DRS mapped to a button near a thumb (one of my thumbs fortunately). It is an additional thing but you get used to it quickly enough. The three important inputs (acceleration, braking and steering) are front of mind with DRS coming into thought after. So if you look at five of my laps, the DRS won't be the same in each lap.
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Couple of quick sessions with this. First without DRS, best lap 57.0 with optimal 56.5. Second one with DRS, best lap 56.8 and optimal 56.6. The upside of DRS seems rather small. It doesn't give any more top speed, so mostly it's acceleration and preventing understeer. Kinda interesting TT and easyish gold, but doesn't really motivate me to push further.
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I quite enjoyed this one. I guess I must prefer race cars over road cars, the more downforce the better. Though my hand is tired from activating the DRS.

After maybe only about 10 laps I did a 1'56.315, which I thought was pretty decent. At least it should be safe for gold. But since I was enjoying it, I kept trying because my best first sector was about a tenth quicker than my record lap, and my final sector wasn't great. So I wanted to see if I could string together better first and last sectors. I thought if I did that, I could do an optimal lap maybe a couple of tenths quicker.

After another 2 hours or so of trying, I was on a lap with a first sector over a tenth slower than my record lap, and almost two tenths slower than my best. I thought, nuts, whatever I'll keep going and see what happens. The rest of the lap must have been magic because I ended up with a 1'55.990. I have no idea where that came from. It's a shame the first sector was crap, but I'm happy with it overall.
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I’am on 1.57.49x atm

I must say i fought hard for it with my controller.
First Session after some labs I hit a low 1.58 pretty fast and was confident to hit 1.56 soon but the devil is in the details for me in this combo there are two sections I totally mess up .
First is the very fast left after the first climb.I guess every third try is an ok one and only every tenth try I would call a good one and a full throttle hallelujah try ( is that really possible 😲) not even once.
Second part and even more painful for me is the chicane close to the end my usual outcome is I’am far to slow I parking in the grass or I earn a pen .
Extrem difficult for me to maintain a proper speed and finding the correct angle.
Sure I watched some videos and replays but they are more likely some guy is riding a train 🤣

best regards
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I’am on 1.57.49x atm

I must say i fought hard for it with my controller.
First Session after some labs I hit a low 1.58 pretty fast and was confident to hit 1.56 soon but the devil is in the details for me in this combo there are two sections I totally mess up .
First is the very fast left after the first climb.I guess every third try is an ok one and only every tenth try I would call a good one and a full throttle hallelujah try ( is that really possible 😲) not even once.
Second part and even more painful for me is the chicane close to the end my usual outcome is I’am far to slow I parking in the grass or I earn a pen .
Extrem difficult for me to maintain a proper speed and finding the correct angle.
Sure I watched some videos and replays but they are more likely some guy is riding a train 🤣

best regards
Those are exactly the pain points on my lap, i have given up on the first for the full throttle, i'm going in with DRS and do lift of, problem is it's going to float a bit, but if I come out at 28.xxx it's fine by me, and good for a 56.
For the last "chicane"-thing, the flow on this corner is hideous, it feels bad nomatter how you take it, the clue with me on that is to cut a fair amount of the first left curb.....but not to much...... :lol:

Just keep pushing, lots of km's here make better laptimes :lol::):)...... ( trust me.... i know :boggled::lol: )

good luck!
Not really a fan of this TT, I feel it's not one where I can end up improving a tiny bit my skills.
However I'm 2/10 into the silver. I guess it's enough, I don't see the best times moving too much, and I don't want to spend hours on this.
Can most here agree this TT was built for wheel users over DS4 ones?
Not sure about their intention but I guess in the end the wheel 🛞 is always better but as usual there are some guys are really good with pad like Barareklam he already posted a 1.55 (no idea how he did this 🚀)
So the gold is not behind a wall …fine by me .
Not sure about their intention but I guess in the end the wheel 🛞 is always better but as usual there are some guys are really good with pad like Barareklam he already posted a 1.55 (no idea how he did this 🚀)
So the gold is not behind a wall …fine by me .
I am actually steering with motion sensor steering, so it's similar to wheel, i was wondering same thing why I am enjoying this one so much and why i am better on this one than any other, it might be that my steering method is similar to wheel steering 🤔
I am actually steering with motion sensor steering, so it's similar to wheel, i was wondering same thing why I am enjoying this one so much and why i am better on this one than any other, it might be that my steering method is similar to wheel steering 🤔
Ok now I see the difference thx for the enlightenment 👍
I am actually steering with motion sensor steering, so it's similar to wheel, i was wondering same thing why I am enjoying this one so much and why i am better on this one than any other, it might be that my steering method is similar to wheel steering 🤔
I tried motion steering on the DS4 once, but I don't think I could get used to it 🤣, but good to see that it it competitive, maby I'll give it a go tomorrow 🤣
@Barareklam I did managed gold time (just) with the motion steering, but nowhere near my fastes time, but i must say that the quicker corners feel quite good with this setting, altho i'm all over the place on the slower less downforce corners, but after 10 laps or so i had it sort of under controle, but i have to put some serious time in it, but it has indeed real potential!,
@Barareklam I did managed gold time (just) with the motion steering, but nowhere near my fastes time, but i must say that the quicker corners feel quite good with this setting, altho i'm all over the place on the slower less downforce corners, but after 10 laps or so i had it sort of under controle, but i have to put some serious time in it, but it has indeed real potential!,
Yes mate good to hear. Glad you are testing it. But I guess it's similar to getting a wheel, it takes some time until one get used to it.