I was doing my morning run in GT7, just randomly going through the more obscure cars I haven't bought yet. Knew I had to leave home before noon. Last thing I decide to do before going is checking the TT times and am suddenly gripped by fear of losing my gold only TT record (as in, not golded all, but golded all I participated). I had done only one session with the 918 when the Michelin challenge started and got a 1:16.2. It seemed to be holding fine for the first few days, so had kind of checked it off as done. So now I'm panicking that I was only 6/100ths from dropping to silver. I looked at the watch and realized I have 20 minutes to improve my time. With a combo I had only driven for a dozen laps almost two weeks ago.
Ten minutes into it, I had only done a 1:17.1 and was really struggling to get the last corner (for a hot lap entry) even relatively close to fine. The first section, I luckily had a good flow and was rather consistant. Five minutes left, I started getting close with two consequtive 1:16.2s, but just slightly off my best. One more binned lap after that. And then, a really really nice first section with 3/10ths up on my best. The mid section kinda meh, but nothing super bad. Approaching the S at the end of the back straight I go a bit too deep and can't hit the apex of the left turn, so have to cut the right hander super aggressively. Kinda swearing in my mind, I decide this is do or die, so I keep my foot down over the hill, the car pushes dangerously close to the left side of the track, and just as it is about to drift off, I tap the brakes and totally throw the car to the inside for the final corner, fully aware that there is NO chance of making it through the turn. But that was not the plan. I'm literally dashing to the finish line. I cut the line right at the edge of the track and the time is 1:15.940. The car is deep into the grass, and the next lap obviously void, and being in VR, I don't know if it counted or not. A deep breath, exit, and there it is: valid lap and surely a solid gold.
The time trial ain't finished yet though. I was eventually a good ten minutes late getting on the real, actual road and over 200 kms to do. Luckily good weather and quiet traffic, so just about on time to pick up the missus from her flight home. Phew.