Time Trial Discussion

  • Thread starter seadog777
It was cooking yesterday in marathon I had...

And it came today, not right in the morning, but little later.

A Gold lap!!

Here it is:

View attachment 1311120

View attachment 1311121

I really, really hope so it can survive...

wohoo!! congrats, that is how it is done, and you even have not touched apex at very last corner, great time champion!
It was cooking yesterday in marathon I had...

And it came today, not right in the morning, but little later.

A Gold lap!!

Here it is:

View attachment 1311120

I really, really hope so it can survive...
Nice work!!, congrats on that gold time!

And indeed you even did it without hitting the apex on the last turn, that did cost you some time!
and like @Deni323 mentioned, i def would try a lap without TC, now is the time to try!
with this car it's rather save, it has somuch downforce you even can't 180 it while exiting the hairpin in 1th
combined with that apex, half a second mate!
I saw one of these before and thought It's fake but now I got one myself
I saw one of these before and thought It's fake but now I got one myself
View attachment 1311130
I fully expected it framed and delivered to my address with my name on it.

Otherwise, what's the point? And what's the problem with printing a couple thousand of these to send out to people?

I get that it's not even really that big of an achievement but this feels uncharacteristically cheap, they literally just linked us a .jpg.

I guess I can just print it and sign it myself, but it doesn't feel as official.
wohoo!! congrats, that is how it is done, and you even have not touched apex at very last corner, great time champion!
Thank you my online friend!
I was dying for this gold...

Good lap but why TC is on? I feel like if you turn it off you're getting instant 0.2 sec.

It's a 4WD car so except some minor understeer there's no risk at all driving without it.

Nice work!!, congrats on that gold time!

And indeed you even did it without hitting the apex on the last turn, that did cost you some time!
and like @Deni323 mentioned, i def would try a lap without TC, now is the time to try!
with this car it's rather save, it has somuch downforce you even can't 180 it while exiting the hairpin in 1th
combined with that apex, half a second mate!
I will definitely try without TC.
But this is almost 700hp beast...
I fully expected it framed and delivered to my address with my name on it.

Otherwise, what's the point? And what's the problem with printing a couple thousand of these to send out to people?

I get that it's not even really that big of an achievement but this feels uncharacteristically cheap, they literally just linked us a .jpg.

I guess I can just print it and sign it myself, but it doesn't feel as official.

They always stated it would be emailed to us, so expecting it to be physically sent was unrealistic.

Not having our names or laptimes on them is spectacularly poor though.
They always stated it would be emailed to us, so expecting it to be physically sent was unrealistic.

Not having our names or laptimes on them is spectacularly poor though.

Yeah I guess this statement was too literal than I imagined it would be.

Like I expected an email with a link to fill out user details and have our time on it, I expected it to be linked through our Playstation account, at the very least.
They could have put more effort I have to admit, at least name and lap time, even if it is a image sent through mail...
Indeed, the mail isn't the problem, but i had loved to see my name on it, we had to earn it by grinding, altho me, it was not the easiest, so i realy thought of something bigger here, it doensn't take away that i am/was proud to earn it, and was exited for the prize, ..... that exitement is gone now, now it was just a hard TT just as some others.

But wel we still did good mate! :)
I have suspected for quite some time now that PD is a pretty bad software development company. This sloppy certificate is another piece of (potential) evidence.

What I mean by this is not that they are incapable of publishing a decent product. I absolutely love the GT series. What I mean is that I encounter little bits every now and then that I personally can only explain by ineptitude, bad (really bad) processes and structures as well as lack of programming and data management best practices.

In this instance my "confirming evidence" is that it would take any half competent intern at the very most one hour to create some script to automatically fill these pdfs with the names and times as well as a script to automatically mail the correct pdf to the corresponding player. It is inconceivable to me that they just decided to just not care at all and therefore not do this. Therefore my theory is that they or the person in charge of this just didn't know how or there are no structures in place for that person to get these ressources.

The overarching theory is that their professional standards and processes are stuck in the 90s and that they are incredibly inefficient and error prone which leads to insane quality control overhead and/or faulty releases.

Of course I have absolutely no inside knowledge whatsoever and I'm aware that I and my theory might suffer horribly from confirmation bias. I'm also only a data analyst and data manager by trade and only code as a hobby with a keen interest in educating myself about software development. Not a full blown software development pro myself. So maybe I just have no clue what I'm talking about.
The BugGatti TT is starting to annoy me big time. I was watching the #1 ghost and the speed he had was a good 10kph fast than me through both chicanes.

I spent a good 30 mins trying his line and turned in at the exact same point only to see myself flying off the track. I couldn't even get the outside wheel to hit the curb with his turn in point no matter how much I yank the wheel....or even with a slower entry speed. I did however found a tenth and a half at the last corner using his line. I might try it one more time this evening....but hope to get better time is not high.
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The BugGatti TT is starting to annoy me big time. I was watching the #1 ghost and the speed he had was a good 10kph fast than me through both chicanes.

I spent a good 30 mins trying his line and turned in at the exact same point only to see myself flying off the track. I couldn't even get the outside wheel to hit the crub with his turn in point no matter how much I yank the wheel....or even with a slower entry speed. I did however found a tenth and a half at the last corner using his line. I might try it one more time this evening....but hope to get better time is not high.
I dunno if you call them crubs purposefully but it reminds me of an old thread in a forum I've been a member of longer than any other and it's worth a Google search of 'crubs and fents' if you need to kill some time. 🍻🍻
I dunno if you call them crubs purposefully but it reminds me of an old thread in a forum I've been a member of longer than any other and it's worth a Google search of 'crubs and fents' if you need to kill some time. 🍻🍻
Ooops...curb I meant 🫠

@Wilsonson Agreed.....as a programmer myself, I can confirm it is not a hard job at all. As a matter of fact, I had done exactly that at my first job as a programmer.

There is just something very odd with most of the Japanese games I played....the UIs are just.....weird.....either overly complicated or very unintuitive or down right make no sense. They do make pretty games tho....
Jeddah improved and become n1 again, leaving me in gold, but at 2.97%

Then I listened words of wisdom, turn off TCS...

I did, and very fast:

More then half second off, with big mistake at final corner, where I almost run off.

Now my heart is in the place.
With some luck, 1:16 possible.

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