Time Trial Discussion

  • Thread starter seadog777
They do: WRC 10 and WRC Generations - and at least in Europe they are both offered quite cheap right now... See ya in the woods!
I talked to store here that sells WRC generations and WRC 10 and they told me that's not possible to steer with motion sensor controls? And honestly I tried to find it on internet but there is no single result that shows motion sensor control and WRC? Are you kind enough to maybe show me that it is possible. Example print screen of setting will do. Thanks in advance for kind help 😊
Ok...I think I'm done with Trial Mountain. There is another 2/10s there but I had quite enough of this TT 🙃


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I talked to store here that sells WRC generations and WRC 10 and they told me that's not possible to steer with motion sensor controls? And honestly I tried to find it on internet but there is no single result that shows motion sensor control and WRC? Are you kind enough to maybe show me that it is possible. Example print screen of setting will do. Thanks in advance for kind help 😊
I fired up WRC 9, and that at least does not support it. Also technically the motion sensor is called a "gyro[scope]". If you search for that you find quite a few people asking if WRC 10 supports it, and they're all told that it does not. 😢
Ok, I’m calling it done at Spa. Managed a 2:40.453 thanks to everyone’s tips and a very helpful leaderboard ghost, which leaves me sitting at #596 with a day to go. Crossing my fingers that will hold, hoping to break the top 1000 for the first time!

Back to Trial Mountain now.
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That is how it works, you have to do multiple laps in a single session to get and optimum. The one you are shown in the last session is the optimum for that single session not the combination optimum of multiple sessions.

Session = 2 or more laps
Multiple sessions = pausing exiting and then starting again.

Eg you do one lap and restart multiple times you won't get an optimal as they are "single lap sessions" so the optimal for that session is what you lapped in.

You do 5 laps you'll get the optimal screen showing the best sector for each lap giving you an optimal time

You do 5 laps, exit do another 5 laps exit and do another 5 laps you'll get the optimal for each session

Optimal sadly aren't carried forward which is annoying :(
I don't think I'm in that situation.
I did a 30 mins stint, I had my personal best, which, by coincidence, was also my ideal.
I then recorded my PB and each ideal sector in the spreadsheet I use to keep track of my progression.
I entered then another 15 mins stint.
During this stint I did several restart, but I also completed 2-3 laps, even though none of them was a "green" one.
In the hud display I saw my ideal changing during the stint (and I do understant that this is the ideal of the specifi sting, not the ideal of the ideals). I recall it was something in the 55.1XX, but don't recall the exact value. So it was for sure an improvement to track in the spreadsheet.
When I finally exited the stint I didn't have the summary window, but just the one with the daily kms, and than the windows to start another stint.
Again, I was tired, so I may be wrong with it, but this is what I recall.
This is the replay. I also shared it on GT7, but i'm not sure how you could acquire the ghost.
You can find it in the showcase, by looking for content and adding filters like the type of replay, the track and so on, and it is also easier if your nickname displayed on your account is the same as on the forum.

when saving it you can also add the tag #gtp that we can then use to refine the results to ghosts posted by members of the forum

@crome : found your ghost and collected it for tonight, thanks !
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This is the replay. I also shared it on GT7, but i'm not sure how you could acquire the ghost.

Thanks mate, i'm doing one last session tomorrow morning trying to follow you then, i was kind of done with it, just tomany miles without progression, altho had some 1:09.5's splits what would def lower my time by some.
So i'll give it one more shot, thanks!

i'll study your lap, at work now so that will be my lunchbreak planning :) :lol: :bowdown: :bowdown:
I don't think I'm in that situation.
I did a 30 mins stint, I had my personal best, which, by coincidence, was also my ideal.
I then recorded my PB and each ideal sector in the spreadsheet I use to keep track of my progression.
I entered then another 15 mins stint.
During this stint I did several restart, but I also completed 2-3 laps, even though none of them was a "green" one.
In the hud display I saw my ideal changing during the stint (and I do understant that this is the ideal of the specifi sting, not the ideal of the ideals). I recall it was something in the 55.1XX, but don't recall the exact value. So it was for sure an improvement to track in the spreadsheet.
When I finally exited the stint I didn't have the summary window, but just the one with the daily kms, and than the windows to start another stint.
Again, I was tired, so I may be wrong with it, but this is what I recall.
@newmedia_dev is correct, the 'optimal' is independent in every session.

Incidentally, unless you quit a stint/session before completing a lap, the telemetry screen with your optimal time for that session will always appear after the daily kms screen, even if you only complete one 'red' lap.


In testing all of that out this morning, I managed to improve my time at TM to 1:54.289 - still nowhere near a gold, but at least it is a solid silver. The first couple of turns make a huge difference, but I also think that I'm not cutting the yellow corners near the end enough or smoothly enough.
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Well, my run of barely having time for gt continues. I did manage to hop on for a few laps each of the past couple days and got a reasonable gold time. Honestly not a big fan of the track but the combo was a nice drive. Probably could have cut at least .5 from my time, but I just don't have the time these days.

Looking forward to putting some laps in for the trial mountain one
I had a difficult time at Spa, got in the 2'51'000's, that is not even close to silver, I have 2 videos to share with you all.

I'm gonna tell you one thing, the Spa track sure gave me a workout for an hour trying to control the car on the road while not bumping into the wall or driving on the grass/sand. So I will most likely accept my bronze on the Spa track.
MUCH BETTER (thanks to @Evilmuffin and @crome help and @crome's ghost) :
Gran Turismo™ 7_20240110135409.jpg

Medium time on 10 laps (despite 2 bad laps) is BETTER than previous best lap 😱

And if I had not touched the wall exiting turn 9, I would be comfortably in silver !

Optimal barely under 1:55

Happy Jonah Hill GIF

Thanks for the hints and motivation boost 😁

PS : best lap shared also just in case.
@crome : you are too wide in turn 9 IMHO that's partly why we are closer in that sector
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I had a difficult time at Spa, got in the 2'51'000's, that is not even close to silver, I have 2 videos to share with you all.
You are on PS4 ? The loading time seems very long.

I'll let more experienced users comment more savily than me, but I think you have a lot to gain in Eau Rouge and Raidillon (as me but your margin seems bigger). Don't hesitate to use all the left curb at the bottom (your right wheels on the curb, the left wheels on the grass), and abuse the right curb while climbing too.

At the end of the long straight after Eau Rouge (Kemmel Straight) you lift way before the 150 board and begin to brake way before the 100 board. I go full speed and apply full braking power on the tree shadow before the 100 board.

Before the hairspin at turn 8, you brake too soon I think, I brake just before the start of the curb on the left.

During the hairspin you give a few pushes on the throttle, what input are you using for throttle ? I gently add a bit of throttle after passing the slowest point of this turn, just so I don't catapult myself on the left.

Turn 9, you are too close to the left, take advantage of the space (and the curb) on the right to flatten the curve of next turn.

Turn 10 again too close to the left when entering this corner.

You should go wider on turn 11, right wheels on the right curb.

Braking too early before turn 14 I think. And you could use the curbs on the left after that to negociate turn 15 with a wider angle, there is a long flat out section after this turn, you want to have the best exit speed possible otherwise you lose time continuously. And you should be flat out in turn 16.

Turn 17, too close to the left, you can use more of the track on your right to open next turn more (you can put right wheels in the green on the right)

For turn 18 and 19 you go too deep in each one, may be slow a bit on the entrance to have a better exit speed.

And I'll ask also what method you use to steer ? Are you steering with D-Pad and accelerating/braking with buttons ? (X and square or else, don't remember which buttons were used)

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I'm not the fastest but I'm pretty quick I think. Happy to have both of these into solid gold territory. I'm going away for a week for work (nights to boot) and won't be able to get back on until mid next week so my goal was to get the Supra TT into the 51s and I happily was able.

Crazy thing is if I keep grinding I guarantee I could shave another quarter second. This one just clicks so well with me. It's by far far far the most fun a time trial on here has ever been for me. All cars should be this brutally balanced.
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I often wonder how much of a difference some of the more subtle settings (Assist and Controller settings) have on lap times.

I wasn't bothering to even consider them, other than to shift to TCS 0 (from TCS 1), which has made a big difference, even though it requires a bit of getting used to.

Steering sensitivity can also make a difference, but I find it depends on the car, but I usually leave this quite high like 8.

However, I have always had ABS as default and ASM on - I'm starting to think that one or both might be costing me some time.

I just switched ABS to weak (I don't like it completely off) and ASM off, and I managed to beat my time at TM. Not only that, I put together 4 consecutive laps under 1:55, which is the first time I've done that.
I often wonder how much of a difference some of the more subtle settings (Assist and Controller settings) have on lap times.

I wasn't bothering to even consider them, other than to shift to TCS 0 (from TCS 1), which has made a big difference, even though it requires a bit of getting used to.

Steering sensitivity can also make a difference, but I find it depends on the car, but I usually leave this quite high like 8.

However, I have always had ABS as default and ASM on - I'm starting to think that one or both might be costing me some time.

I just switched ABS to weak (I don't like it completely off) and ASM off, and I managed to beat my time at TM. Not only that, I put together 4 consecutive laps under 1:55, which is the first time I've done that.
I started playing with settings two days ago when I was barely into gold and felt like it was impossible to find more time. ASM on and tcs 0 with countersteer assist weak seems (for me) to be money.
I started playing with settings two days ago when I was barely into gold and felt like it was impossible to find more time. ASM on and tcs 0 with countersteer assist weak seems (for me) to be money.
Interesting... I've always had countersteer assist off.

I feel like I'm definitely quicker with ASM off - I just broke my best time again albeit voided by the tiniest touch on the wall in the final sector :ouch:


One thing I've noticed which bugs me a bit is that if you get a red first lap, it will use that time as your reference time, even if you get another red lap which is faster.

I did two red laps, the second one being close to a PB and over 1s faster than the first. On my third lap, which was clean, I was over a second up on my split, but it was measuring it relative to the slower (first) lap, and not the second.

I've noticed this many times now, so I knew not to get too excited - but it has caught me out in the past, thinking that I'm about to get a gold/purple time, only to find that I'm only beating a slower lap than I think I'm beating.
I often wonder how much of a difference some of the more subtle settings (Assist and Controller settings) have on lap times.

I wasn't bothering to even consider them, other than to shift to TCS 0 (from TCS 1), which has made a big difference, even though it requires a bit of getting used to.

Steering sensitivity can also make a difference, but I find it depends on the car, but I usually leave this quite high like 8.

However, I have always had ABS as default and ASM on - I'm starting to think that one or both might be costing me some time.

I just switched ABS to weak (I don't like it completely off) and ASM off, and I managed to beat my time at TM. Not only that, I put together 4 consecutive laps under 1:55, which is the first time I've done that.
Tc off is the fastest, no ASM and no counter steer.

The reason is they are intrusive interventions.

I tried with a long time ABS weak and it is potentially faster in race but not in QT.

The smoother you are on the brakes the less ABS you trigger so realistically it's a back up assist (it's not really but you know what I mean)

I would definitely try to drive round needing ASM and counter steer, they are just time killers and training wheels to be perfectly honest.
Tc off is the fastest, no ASM and no counter steer.

The reason is they are intrusive interventions.

I tried with a long time ABS weak and it is potentially faster in race but not in QT.

The smoother you are on the brakes the less ABS you trigger so realistically it's a back up assist (it's not really but you know what I mean)

I would definitely try to drive round needing ASM and counter steer, they are just time killers and training wheels to be perfectly honest.
I totally agree with most every combination I've tried but in this car in this BOP race, for me, it's faster with those assists I mentioned on. The car still gets as loose as you want it but it's much more natural and controllable, like I would imagine the actual car to feel in an oversteer situation. Maybe I'm still at the point where I need nannies but I think I can safely say it works here... not trying to be argumentative just offering my experience. You are typically a far faster driver than I am though.
I totally agree with most every combination I've tried but in this car in this BOP race, for me, it's faster with those assists I mentioned on. The car still gets as loose as you want it but it's much more natural and controllable, like I would imagine the actual car to feel in an oversteer situation. Maybe I'm still at the point where I need nannies but I think I can safely say it works here... not trying to be argumentative just offering my experience. You are typically a far faster driver than I am though.
We are all on a journey bud, so whatever works for you.

And what works for a lot of people. But I will say this, as a journey it's about getting out of the comfort zone, self analysing and just practice.

Not preaching just saying the faster way is infront of you. It just takes time and effort.

But if you are having fun now and enjoy it then just keep having fun. It's a game at the end of the day.
Don't you think that practice could explain a lot more why you've done better times ?
Practice is the main thing, but different car/track combos can be helped (sometimes alot) by tweaking these settings.

I remember the TT with the Aston Martin at Goodwood - the default steering sensitivity was nowhere near enough, and that made a big difference in that TT.

I guess it's a question of getting the balance right for one's own driving style, but it's quite important as these settings stick from race to race unless you manually change them.

What @newmedia_dev says makes sense though - some of these assists help keep you on track by slowing you down slightly, but ideally you want to be able to control the car without the assists so you keep as much speed as possible. That said, with ASM off and countersteering assist off, I can feel the car(s) are 'freer', but I can already feel myself getting a bit quicker with these settings off.
Enjoying this TT and down to a 1:52.39 now.

I found putting my controller sensitivity down really helped my lap times. It’s at the minimum and I think it avoids some understeer.

First few corners are by far the hardest for me. I only get below a 31s sector every 5 laps or so. Just can’t seem to replicate the quick guys.
Enjoying this TT and down to a 1:52.39 now.

I found putting my controller sensitivity down really helped my lap times. It’s at the minimum and I think it avoids some understeer.

First few corners are by far the hardest for me. I only get below a 31s sector every 5 laps or so. Just can’t seem to replicate the quick guys.
It takes a lot of time to replicate those guys. I'm 4000 hours in on this version of GT and I can't catch them!

But the silver lining is you get faster each time you try, and that's what drags you up the leaderboard. Realising where you are slow and fast.

And this is the beauty of a time trial you get to practice and perfect :)