First, I really hope
@KAlex122 is on holidays this week in the middle of nowhere without internet connection...
Everything is fine, Alex, everything is fine....
This afternoon, I had a very positive (short) session in Sardegna with Miss ballerina Dino-saur.
First improvement at
1:05.459 (-0.005 sec) but we agree, it's still an improvement.
Sector 1: 28.450 - My average score on T1.
Sector 2: 37.009 - A good T2, but with still some lack of bravery here and there.
Second improvement at
1:05.381 (1:05.371 for Alex....)
Sector 1: 28.549 - Sadly, my T1 was really medium, compares to my usual times here. 0.1 lost here
(lucky you)...
Sector 2: 36.832 - A fantastic T7 with an excellent exit speed. And for once, the final turn right wasn't too much butchered.
View attachment 1338345
I had several T2 under and that's a fantastic positive point
(not for Alex). At the end, I've maybe gained only 0.083 on my previous PB but nearly 300 places in the overall ranking and mainly, a huge boost for the confidence. Clearly, I'm sure there's still some tenths to gain.