Time Trial Discussion

  • Thread starter seadog777
Didn't have the willpower to improve my time at Mt. Panorama anymore. A low 2:13 is still a pretty decent time, just a shame to miss out on the 2:12 club.

@half_sourly Is it possible to be added to the leaderboard for specific Time Trials? What I mean is, I generally don't put in any more effort than needed for gold, being the main reason I did not want to be included, to save me from embarrassment. :lol:
Can do. I'll add you in from Mount Panorama and leave you to let me know when you don't want to be included in future ones.
Can do. I'll add you in from Mount Panorama and leave you to let me know when you don't want to be included in future ones.
That's the thing, I dunno if I'll push a lot in upcoming ones. I don't remember the last time I went for the best possible time in a Time Trial :lol:
Managed to squeeze into the 2:20s at Panorama. Only 3.8 seconds or so off a silver now. In around 36000th place so at least I’m not the only one struggling there.

Quick go at the other 2. A second off silver after 3 laps at Suzuka, should be doable. 1.5 seconds off gold at RBR after 2 laps, not my favourite track/car combo by any means but I may concentrate on that.
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OK thanks. I guess motion sensor steering is far more challenging now with Maserati on SH tires than Nordschleife tuned NSX.
Anyone else on motion sensor steering and how does it go for you on Mount Panorama Maserati TT?

When I don't set the rig up I use motion steering.

I haven't done this one on the wheel yet but I can say motion steering is hell with this 😂.

Think I've done about 3 clean laps out of about 10 and I'm somewhere around 2:18 if I remember right.

I just can't handle the early braking as the car seems so heavy.

I've got gold in the other two TTs fairly easily but not sure if my RBR is going to be safe until the end date.
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I also use this back button for gears, I find it so much easier.


I have them set up so that down shift is right hand and up shift is left hand as it seems better when accelerating with right trigger and braking with left trigger, so that I'm not using two fingers on one hand at the same time which in turn means that I can then be smoother with acceleration and braking.

Accelerating with right hand but upshift with left hand.

Braking with left hand but downshifting with right hand.

Opposite to on the wheel but I tried the back buttons the same way as the wheel and I was so inconsistent with smooth trigger movements because of it.

This and motion sense is as close to the wheel as I can get when I can't be bothered the set the rig up 😂
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Holy crappola! I hopped on track tonight with it being the last day of the TT at Mount Panorama, fully expecting not to improve on my 2:13.733 after multiple days away from the combo. It took some time, but I bettered it by a tenth, then out of nowhere came this lap. A pickup of roughly .450 seconds. Where did that come from?!? Needless to say I'm quite pleased. :D


I lost some time on the uphill sector but gained in the final sector. Usually it's the other way around. Optimal was a sub 2:13, but that realistically wasn't going to happen. The fact that the optimal was even that fast is wild.

And yet, I'm still behind multiple aliens here. 👽 :P
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Holy crappola! I hopped on track tonight with it being the last day of the TT at Mount Panorama, fully expecting not to improve on my 2:13.733 after multiple days away from the combo. It took some time, but I bettered it by a tenth, then out of nowhere came this lap. A pickup of roughly .450 seconds. Where did that come from?!? Needless to say I'm quite pleased. :D

View attachment 1282410

I lost some time on the uphill sector but gained in the final sector. Usually it's the other way around. Optimal was a sub 2:13, but that realistically wasn't going to happen. The fact that the optimal was even that fast is wild.
View attachment 1282408

And yet, I'm still behind multiple aliens here. 👽 :P
View attachment 1282409

Looks like you got the uphill part dead on 👍
Not sure about you but I lost the most time at the last left hand sweep going uphill. I can't seem to keep the car in control while keeping the speed up.
That may be my favorite section of the entire course. All those left handers in a row with the undulations and a near infinite amount of lines you can take depending on how you work the throttle. Personally, I love sliding through the last two bends, playing chicken with the right side wall, then daring myself to see how close I can come to brushing the inside wall without actually doing so before blasting out of the corner. It's so satisfying when you hit everything perfectly. Of course, it's also very easy to immediately lose your lap with the hard braking zone immediately after with the chicane. It's hard enough in a car that is stable, which makes it feel even better when you nail it using a car such as the MC20.
I wish I had started this TT earlier! Banked a gold a few days ago but didn’t go all in until tonight. At first a difficult TT but once you get to know the MC20 better this was a very satisfying time trial. I really think this was quite the pleasure to drive, despite the somewhat ridiculous gear action in places. For a few hours I sat on a 2’12.5XX which was a good lap and had placed me somewhere around P50 - 60, I don’t recall the exact position. It felt like a good lap but I also felt immediately a few sections where I could’ve and previously had gone considerably quicker which is why I was surprised it placed me that high.

Fast forward another hour ish and I finally set a nice lap I was very happy with, 2’12.140! Pretty fortunate to nail that one when I did because at that point my fingers and hands were beginning to hurt a little bit and once that starts happening the ability to perform where you should slowly diminishes. Looks like it’ll also turn out to become my best TT position so far. :cheers:

A commendable TT for a few reasons. One being that the difficulty was pushed up a bit, (but still absolutely achievable and we’ve had more difficult ones prior) this was clearly evident in how far up the leaderboards one would place with a good but not excellent lap. Compare the same kind of feeling of a lap, if you know what I mean, on some of the past time trials and your position would be far from equal. It was also more than two minutes and has many turns and braking points, giving you the opportunity to gain (and lose) time in many places. That, I praise.


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Spent another 30 minutes with the Suzuka TT and sneaked in to gold. But it is still slower than my time in the Suzuka CE with the same car and I don't remember that one being too difficult. I saw that my first sector in the Suzuka CE was a second faster than the required gold time, so don't know what I'm doing differently, but it is annoying. Could have a faster time in the TT, but I need to practice for the Nations Cup on Sunday as the Corolla is just weird to drive.
ambulance dream dies
How convenient Mate.....Talking of death keeping an ambulance in mind!!!!

Well, we've already had two trials at the Glen...one trial at Road Atlanta.
I know but those tracks are super fun. It was just an opinion Mate.

I prefer Monza to Suzuka for the simple reason that it's less technical & quite straight forward. Hoping it will be fun.
Here are some statistics for TT40 at Mount Panorama in the Maserati MC20 '20.


It will be a reduced service and no interim results for Suzuka or the movie one, because I have been and continue to be snowed under at work. I've not been on GT7 since last Thursday, my longest non-activity in a very long time, bar holidays. Thankfully my time at Panoramo set about 10 days ago held for gold. Given the rush, there is a higher than usual chance of errors, so feel free to drop a note and I'll fix it at some point.
@TumeK5 I have added you but not your historical data, hence no best/ave finishing positions.
@brcd44 I don't know why your country rank isn't working - will sort it out later.

  • One of the tougher ones, but great fun. Gutted I didn't get more time on it.

TT-main table.jpg
TT-DR Table.jpg
TT-DR Graph.jpg

Drivers with gold in all TTs
Not done this week.