Time Trial Discussion

  • Thread starter seadog777
My early morning Gold time in the desert didn't hold,as expected,so hopefully this time holds,i find these slow-ass,non grip TT's so stressful 😕

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I didn't even spend an hour on this last night so there's definitely more to come. The car is fun to drive but it does feel quite sluggish at times with gear ratios that are just too long. I'd much rather drive the D-Type.
Great work, you think you can get in the top 200!? If you decide to save and share a replay, I might need to see it.
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Did 56km this morning. 1:35,6xx with TCS0, then i switched to TCS1 for my final 2 laps (many invalid tries).

By the way, this seems to be the austrian Mona Lisa (is it ok to post this? i can't open or copy a link to this guys Instagram and i think i found it on 9gag)

btw, how bad is 9gag today? it was fun many years ago.
Did 56km this morning. 1:35,6xx with TCS0, then i switched to TCS1 for my final 2 laps (many invalid tries).
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By the way, this seems to be the austrian Mona Lisa (is it ok to post this? i can't open or copy a link to this guys Instagram and i think i found it on 9gag)
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btw, how bad is 9gag today? it was fun many years ago.
Hi Alex,
I prefer watching the second image, the first isn't funny (to me) :D
Nice job Buddy, it's an impressive score for few kilometers. I'll try to switch from "countersteer weak" to TCS1.
I'm on my friends computer typing this message. Enjoy your week vacation, I started mine Wednesday night, I might stay an extra day and come home into Sunday morning. I'm staying at a friend's house in Myrtle Beach, SC. And I did not take my Playstation, I only took the smartphone to keep in touch with y'all. Some of these TT's the past few months have been a hassle for me, you can see on my page I've only gotten 6 gold, 19 silver and 49 bronze medals. I threw my controller the other night and I made a decision to travel somewhere twice a month for eternity. I think it would ease the stress and clear my mind of the intensity and difficulty of certain TT's.

Honestly I think my best ever run was at the Group 3 challenge at Bathhurst, everything in that lap was smooth. I got really pissed at Spa I kinda smashed my console. It still works. I ran 335 laps over a 6 day period and the best I could do was a 2'23.039 using the NSX GT500. I tend to have anger issues when I can't get something right, I'm sure most of you will read this but it needs to be said. PD picks some damn awkward track and car combos for each TT. No doubt about that.

Sorry guys for cussing so much, but it's frustrating and mind-blowing putting hours and hours of work in and still no huge improvement. I think they need to up the rewards for bronze, to 500k or 750k. That's my opinion. Damn I couldn't even get a gold on the BB raceway challenge with the Amuse Nismo 350RS. I think I had silver and on the last day, someone beat a record and I got knocked down to the bronze level.

Most of the time I'm at the bottom of my friends list, so is the global board.

Maybe it's my autism, I did some research online and people with autism have more trouble doing certain things and skills than most people who don't have it.

Hey Chris, in the end this is just a game that we all play to have fun. If its starting to feel like a hassle and chore, and stop being fun, you should take a break, short or long. So going on a vacation is always good, seeing family and friends or doing other stuff you like. There are other important and good things in life!

And I dont know that much about autism, but I think in light of that your results in the TT are impressive and something to be proud of. I mean, 6 gold is still 6 gold and gold is not easy to get.

And even if you drive 300, 30, or 0 laps and regardless what color your medal is or how high up in the leaderboards you get, you are an equally vital part of this community.

Best of wishes!
The car slides a lot but never so much that you lose it. So i thought CS is not necessary. But i have not tried other assists than TC.
I usually drive with TCS 1 but this car can be driven with TCS 0 even & it's more fun tbh. I'd suggest don't activate any other assist. Try to gain confidence with the car drift & meet every apex of the circuit for the fastest time possible.

This is real fun TT.
I usually drive with TCS 1 but this car can be driven with TCS 0 even & it's more fun tbh. I'd suggest don't activate any other assist. Try to gain confidence with the car drift & meet every apex of the circuit for the fastest time possible.

This is real fun TT.
I found that the difference in feeling between TC0 and TC1 was minimal. But when i looked at a bad laptime and wondered why i saw i forgot to activate TC1...

Edit: yeah, it's fun. But i don't think i will sink a lot of time in the dessert.
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I found that the difference in feeling between TC0 and TC1 was minimal. But when i looked at a bad laptime and wondered why i saw i forgot to activate TC1...

Edit: yeah, it's fun. But i don't think i will sink a lot of time in the dessert.
Don't give in Mate. A few laps with 0 will help you acclimatize with the car because the car doesn't gain much speed. It's only in the turns where it gets tricky but due to low speed, it's very manageable. Even for an amateur like myself who has always driven with TCS 1 since GT4.
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Don't give in Mate. A few laps with 0 will help you acclimatize with the car because the car doesn't gain much speed. It's only in the turns where it gets tricky but due to low speed, it's very manageable. Even for an amateur like myself who has always driven with TCS 1 since GT4.
Thanks, I'm good. ;-)

I know, i always talk like i try everything with assist. Truth is, i always start with TC0 and only ABS.

Particularly this TT i hit a peak time about 35:600 and then activated TC1 and got under 1:35 immediately WITHOUT driving a better line, i even thought it where bad laps.

I'm good for this one. :cheers:
Wellcome to the "I don't get this" corner....

I had a quick session yesterday, spending some time on Road Atlanta and Big Willow

At Road Atlanta is really hard for me to put power down, I'm really temptative and this is costing handful of time. Plus ( for the "I don't get this" corner), I cannot really handle the top of the hill corner (T3). I know it's there, I know it's coming, but at this speed I never nail it.

Sometime I'm late on brake and overshoot it still staying on track, sometime I go in too early redlapping, very few times I put the wheels close to where I'd like to, but to achieve it I slow down too much or too early. Part of this is also because I haven't estabilished yet a consistent racing line in the uphill and don't have a reliable (for my poor reaction time) braking point.
So right now this is close to my worst performance in TTs hosted by this track

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At Big Willow I'm stil learning the car. I think I did some improvement which is not yet reflected in the valid lap time.
However ( for the "I don't get this" corner) T4 is a mistery. Whenever it comes to that section it's like I see it for the first time.
I seem to be like those turtles who stretch their necks as far as they can to see what's 10 centimeters away,and regularly either I open too late leaving half a track unused on the way out, or I open too early and have to renegotiate so I don't end up out.
I have yet to watch the tutorials, but on other occasions I have watched them and the feeling has never gone away.

So far my performance here is in line with the previous, which is itself an half defeat
Done 5 laps in VR at BW with the 300SL, the combo seems well adapted to get used to VR. No too much terrain relief, wide field of view.


I thought that I was again really slower in VR compared to my one lap test form yesterday.

Turns out that I did not do much better without VR...


Watched @Mistah_MCA's lap guide, seems so easy... yet it is not 🤣
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Whenever comes a trial where we have to drive a x2019, I resign to having to end up with a silver. I use a gamepad and it's just the most difficult car to drive on it. But this morning, I decided to give it a try one last time, and... Came up with one of my best laps ever.

1:00.545. I hope it will hold up.

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Morning folks!,

Took a look at the board this morning and noticed i dropped to 46 :) :lol: but i new there was some time to find cause my last sector wasn't that good, so changed the oil on the Smurky Mercie and went for it..
God that things slides nicely! very controllable, you just have to be very delicate but i like this one!

Found a few tenths again, still room in this lap for sure but felt good :-)
Had a different approach on the last turn beeing more on the inside, could hit throttle fairly early here, don't know if a wider line is faster, we will find out :lol: :) :)


Has any one tried driving the Willow TT with both M/T & A/T? With just 4 gears in operation of which only 3rd & 4th gears are used, does M/T provide better handling & engine braking capability?
MT does offer better stability mid corner. Because the gear spacing is so wide between 3rd and 4th, an unexpect downshift during corner entry can really upset the rear and cause a lot of oversteer. In MT it is useful in turn 3 to swing the car arround (which is really the only time you need to downshift at all).
Morning folks!,

Took a look at the board this morning and noticed i dropped to 46 :) :lol: but i new there was some time to find cause my last sector wasn't that good, so changed the oil on the Smurky Mercie and went for it..
God that things slides nicely! very controllable, you just have to be very delicate but i like this one!

Found a few tenths again, still room in this lap for sure but felt good :-)
Had a different approach on the last turn beeing more on the inside, could hit throttle fairly early here, don't know if a wider line is faster, we will find out :lol: :) :)

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Loved what you did with the downhill left hander after going partially over the dirt. The engine braking is a nice tactic there as we have to brake hard for that left hander. Thanks for this vid Mate.

MT does offer better stability mid corner. Because the gear spacing is so wide between 3rd and 4th, an unexpect downshift during corner entry can really upset the rear and cause a lot of oversteer. In MT it is useful in turn 3 to swing the car arround (which is really the only time you need to downshift at all).
Thanks for the input Mate. I did realise that M?t offers more stability compared to A/T. This trait was very prominent in the RB ring TT.
Has any one tried driving the Willow TT with both M/T & A/T? With just 4 gears in operation of which only 3rd & 4th gears are used, does M/T provide better handling & engine braking capability?
I have tried AT twice as much as a did MT at Willow. The thing is trying to perfect all those turns and corners with MT is a challenge, you also have to keep your eyes on the road or else you'll end up in the sand trap.

@Gomario JSP lol, I was waiting for you to post, did you sleep late? I just woke up 30 minutes ago myself.

Does anyone have any good MT guides, I mean the Youtubers who explains about MT to the nitty gritty, every aspect of it. When I come back Sunday morning I want to be ready to study and learn everything about MT and how it benefits players in GT.

The problem for me is that I'll either have the gear too high or I'll choose the wrong gear when braking and cornering, frustrating at times.

@Evilmuffin do you ever use a controller for any TT? I know you own a wheel but I wonder how MT would be different from whatever equipment people use.

@Uday9479 Hi, I'm Chris, are you an MT expert?
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I have tried AT twice as much as a did MT at Willow. The thing is trying to perfect all those turns and corners with MT is a challenge, you also have to keep your eyes on the road or else you'll end up in the sand trap.

@Gomario JSP lol, I was waiting for you to post, did you sleep late? I just woke up 30 minutes ago myself.
I was indeed a bit late Chris, woke up at 6 AM to blast around Willow untill 8 AM, then off to work, normally i post immidiately when at work but had two different appointmenets with clients so was a bit late at the office :) :)

Using MT here is the way to go Chris, watch my lap, there are not many places to shift in the trial, 4th is our friend here! :)
1 image > 1000 words

Here is a summarize of my morning session at BW with the German Granny (I did +/-150 kms here).


A regular first sector in 29.7xx (my very best is 29.710).
A medium 2nd sector (very best at 34.085). I really need to work on this one to get a good exit speed for the long straight.
A last sector that ruins my efforts (when it's not the 2nd) once on two.

I'm sure I can string 3 excellents sectors, just need time and patience.
My optimal is still over 1:35 and I'll keep on pushing to lose some tenths (3, would be great) here and there...

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1 image > 1000 words

Here is a summarize of my morning session at BW with the German Granny.

View attachment 1370091

A regular first sector in 29.7xx (my very best is 29.710).
A medium 2nd sector (very best at 34.085). I really need to work on this one to get a good exit speed for the long straight.
A last sector that ruins my efforts (when it's not the 2nd) once on two.

I'm sure I can string 3 excellents sectors, just need time and patience.
My optimal is still over 1:35 and I'll keep on pushing to lose some tenths (3, would be great) here and there...

Lol, "German Granny" Where did you get that term, is the car slow some?
I have tried AT twice as much as a did MT at Willow. The thing is trying to perfect all those turns and corners with MT is a challenge, you also have to keep your eyes on the road or else you'll end up in the sand trap.

@Gomario JSP lol, I was waiting for you to post, did you sleep late? I just woke up 30 minutes ago myself.

Does anyone have any good MT guides, I mean the Youtubers who explains about MT to the nitty gritty, every aspect of it. When I come back Sunday morning I want to be ready to study and learn everything about MT and how it benefits players in GT.

The problem for me is that I'll either have the gear too high or I'll choose the wrong gear when braking and cornering, frustrating at times.

@Evilmuffin do you ever use a controller for any TT? I know you own a wheel but I wonder how MT would be different from whatever equipment people use.

@Uday9479 Hi, I'm Chris, are you an MT expert?
Nope Mate, I've always been an A/T expert (if it means anything).

I'd suggest check @snc for his TT guide through videos. He explains which gear to use where & gives good reference points to brake or turn. Any guidance from anyone does help in getting our driving style more sharp.