ToCA9 - Final Standings And A Final Thank You.

  • Thread starter Furinkazen
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Um... that's not gone well! First it was Panoz, then me.... wonder if the US is having issues.
First it said lobby had issues, then it log me out of PSN. At least I'm not the only one.
At least I'm getting some experience with my wheel.
I've DC'd now, don't mean to turn into a witch hunt but your room has been laggy for a few weeks now Furi since you went private......
RPM and SYM have kind of err started a war it seems. Bloody well would hate to get a win by DQ by the way (you can guess R3 result being investigated).

R1: Dumb
R2: Dumb
R3: Car was amazing, and I drove to my limit.
I think I should cough up for a new controller rather than risk spinning out. :scared: At least I've scored 21pts.
Before we clutter the thread. Any complaints try and keep to PM'. For any SYM-related issues (me and Lancer) - I won't have a say in them - it is up to Carb and Neljack to judge.
Race 1: Stupid DC... Race 2: P10 Race 3: P9 Dead last in both? Yes. But its good points scoring for me and experience as well. :D Anyway, let the bricks be thrown but please replace them.
Subject to race result tweaks, Carb just needs 3 pts over Panoz to clinch Independents.
Seems as though every time I clear my cache I get disconnected as when I came in the 1st time I was fine apart from the penguin not being able to see me
RPM and SYM have kind of err started a war it seems. Bloody well would hate to get a win by DQ by the way (you can guess R3 result being investigated).

I find it odd to say the least that I would be investigated for race 3, but go ahead, I have nothing to fear. I got pushed around in all three races, but I won't file a complaint as I luckily was able to continue and stay on track each time. (which is a first at Indy)

I'd like to publicly apologise to Lancer for what happened in qualifying though. My phone started ringing in the banked curve and I wanted to get out of the way to pick up and just when I thought you would pull out of my draft I hit the brakes to slow down besides the pit wall when I should just have lifted a bit until you passed. It was a dumb move on my part, but I was honestly not "brake-checking" you.
I have seen last lap R3 myself and seen nothing on my part that warrants a penalty, and I'm biased and would want the win off you, ya thief :P
I'd like to publicly apologise to Lancer for what happened in qualifying though. My phone started ringing in the banked curve and I wanted to get out of the way to pick up and just when I thought you would pull out of my draft I hit the brakes to slow down besides the pit wall when I should just have lifted a bit until you passed. It was a dumb move on my part, but I was honestly not "brake-checking" you.

Fair enough 👍 Was a bit upset after the first incident, otherwise it probably wouldn't have been an issue.
I have seen last lap R3 myself and seen nothing on my part that warrants a penalty, and I'm biased and would want the win off you, ya thief :P

In spirit it probably should have been yours. Felt like without Neljack's push you would have got it. Judging by the result, even the game thought so. :lol:
In spirit it probably should have been yours. Felt like without Neljack's push you would have got it. Judging by the result, even the game thought so. :lol:

So close to 3 wins in 3 seasons :ouch:

With regards to my connection, it has dropped across the whole area lately... apparently BT are taking out some of there lines... my DL speed has gone from 11-14 on average to 6 to 10...
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So close to 3 wins in 3 seasons :ouch:

With regards to my connection, it has dropped across the whole area lately... apparently BT are taking out some of there lines... my DL speed has gone from 11-14 on average to 6 to 10...

My DL speed is ~8Mb/s back home in Ireland, so your internet is slower than that of "The Laggiest Man in Ireland". :P
In other words, back at Season 2, DK's connection was too fast for Furi's room, causing it to crash.
I had a mobile modem back then, which would sometimes plummet to speeds you'd expect in 2001, not 2011. :lol:
Brooks to wildcard for final two rounds with RPM backed Civic
Former TOCA driver, Tom Brooks is scheduled to make a one-off comeback to the series for the final two rounds as part of an agreement reached whereby he will have backing from the longest running TOCA team, RPM. Brooks left the series partway through Season 8 after a turbulent time running his own team due to a series of disappointing results as well as their number two driver, Rob Adams jumping ship. However, after a break from racing all-together, a revitalized Brooks is raring to go after taking the Honda Civic that he will drive for a shakedown earlier today. We caught up with him earlier.

"I'm incredibly excited to be making a comeback in TOCA, especially with such fantastic backing from a great team. Having raced for RPM before, I know Alex very well and I'm very glad that we could come to an agreement so I could race in the final TOCA series of 2013. I took the Civic that I will be racing for a shakedown at Spa earlier and I have to say that I am really relishing the challenge as the chassis is fantastic!"

Yep, in the car previously vacated by Smuffy.

In light of stewards enquiries, no common conclusion has been reached other than LancerEvo getting a warning for his driving. No other action in any other cases.
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