Tooned/Vectored Cars + Stuff

  • Thread starter donbenni
@ Brandono: That is sweet. Hope you finish it. Post it here if you do 👍

@Skip: Not bad, try doing something more 'unique' in the future. Loads of Vipers have been done in the past and although not all of them are as good as yours looks like it's going to be, they're still pretty similar.
Also when you save a pic that large (resolution) as a JPEG with such a low file size you're going to have to expect such poor quality. Something that high res should be about 200 - 300k at least to look good.

@ Visua: Yeah, damn man that's a good looking piece of art. Good to see you producing something auto oriented for the net again. I take it you're going to post this on your devART site when it's done?
Anyway. Like Toyo said, great angle. I really like cool angles instead of just recreating the whole car a la your yellow Supra, which i ripped off for my Enzo :D
Sorry about the image size. Was planning on doing this Supra after you did your Do Luck Skyline (the first blue one), pretty similar angle. Only got the line work done and a little colouring before getting bored.
I do hope you're going to do your own lights this time? The indicators look pretty sweet already 👍 The license plate does look a little off, more that it should be rotated slightly anticlockwise rather than that it's leaning into the car too much, but that isn't your fault i know.
Yes, I do my own lights now.
98% completed.
Link to DA when completed.
*edit* It doesnt bother me if you do a pic from D-L-USA, Im not their official artist or anything. :dopey:
And the great thing about crazy angles is that no one does them and doesnt want to do them. People have no clue whats interesting. Im glad you have an idea.
Something else I never finished. Started like 5 months ago and then got commissioned for SEMA posters.
IR you really are one awesome artist, I love the look of that RX8. Also what posters did you do for SEMA?

Also I think your avatar would look better with a 1px black border rather than the white one:
@ Wee Homer: :lol: Glad to see you picked up on the angle thing. Yeah you see, that pic you've done there has SO much more appeal than the one at the top. It's different, it's eye catching and it's still a great car 👍

@ stumpydino: Damn, i had to turn of the brightness on my monitor up to Quake playing brightness to see that ;) Yeah it's pretty dark imo, which makes all your hard work a little wasted. From what i can see, it's pretty good. The body shading isn't my cup of tea as all out gradients don't look that great imo, BUT if that is your style and that's how you like your stuff to be, then go for it. The wheels in general look great, i can see you used the circle tool to create the lines and the gradients are pretty crisp which rocks. The line work around the car needs smoothing off a little. Nice to see you trying the lights, try making the shaded/coloured areas more solid and less 'sprayed'.
U18 - that looks like a great start. Thanks!

Let me ask: I know Photoshop decently well. Illustrator a lot less so, but I can get it installed on my computer. Which would you guys suggest I use to give it my own shot?
@ stumpydino: Damn, i had to turn of the brightness on my monitor up to Quake playing brightness to see that ;) Yeah it's pretty dark imo, which makes all your hard work a little wasted. From what i can see, it's pretty good. The body shading isn't my cup of tea as all out gradients don't look that great imo, BUT if that is your style and that's how you like your stuff to be, then go for it. The wheels in general look great, i can see you used the circle tool to create the lines and the gradients are pretty crisp which rocks. The line work around the car needs smoothing off a little. Nice to see you trying the lights, try making the shaded/coloured areas more solid and less 'sprayed'.

thanks for the tips donbenni, the brightness on my monitor is max i hadnt realised plus its the same when i print out :guilty: i havnt really got a style yet, just trying different stuff
Initial Racing
Go for AI. "Vectoring" in PS is kind of taboo because its not exactly vector. Good for learning the tachnique though.

And you were complaining because i changed the name of this thread from Vectored Cars? ;)
duke - I'd say start using PS as well. Donbenni created a very good tutorial, and I started on Photoshop as well. Once you know the steps, creating a vector in Illustrator is pretty much the same! 👍 I toyed around the idea of doing a tutorial based on Illustrator sometime... (hopefully). :D

IR - Actually, if I'm not mistaken, PS is able to create a true vector. Check this link for a very, very good video on this matter. 👍

In fact, I think everyone who visits this thread should have a look at that movie.
Photoshop CS has true vector elements. Other PS versions do not. It has paths and all that, but the actual useage is raster.
PS is good for learning to use paths though.
I was recentley alerted by someone on devART that you can create vectors in PS too, he made a very plausable arguement, just never got around to implementing it. Checking out the video now.
I'm going to get started with these... I have read Donbenni's tutorial and it's pretty thorough without being confusing... Very helpful...

Wish me luck...

@ IR: Yeah he sounds like a typical loser guy. There is no need at all to hear his voice on that video, yet he feels the need to schpeil about why he's doing this etc. Just show us the damn video. He sounds like that dude that does the art program, he was a loser too.

@ Silvia/DR: Good luck man, looking forward to checking your progress soon.
@ IR: Yeah he sounds like a typical loser guy. There is no need at all to hear his voice on that video, yet he feels the need to schpeil about why he's doing this etc. Just show us the damn video. He sounds like that dude that does the art program, he was a loser too.

Why not? I don't see a problem with him trying to tell people what he's trying to achieve or what message he's trying to get across by having his voice on the video (like a, um, commentary?). :indiff: