Tooned/Vectored Cars + Stuff

  • Thread starter donbenni
Yes, BUT the point is the way he is conveying point. He has no idea how to do so. His voice is the most annoying ever, he's talking like he's spent his whole life converting people to the PS vector cause, he expresses himself in a really extreme way. A small written paragraph in the devART comments section would be enough for me.
On a side note, i'd like to thank all that have contributed to this thread reaching the 1500 posts mark. Top 10 contributers are (excluding myself):
under18carbon 120
Initial Racing 98
Mister E 89
TokyoDrifta 66
suzq044 64
drifterzzz 59
keram 43
Chaos Fire 41
skip0110 33

Lets get to 3K people 👍
I suck.


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Chaos Fire - I actually like that a lot. Black is real tricky in my experience. Maybe if you put some white gradient "shine" on it? Although it seems that gradient shading isn't really your thing.

donbenni - Yup, to 3K we go :)
@ Silvia/DR: Good luck man, looking forward to checking your progress soon.

Thankyou Donbenni... If I have any questions, do you mind if I send you a PM?... I'm sure I will have some questions, as this is my first time attempting anything like this... I have been messing with Photoshop for a while and I have a decent grasp of the basic PS tools... Here is something I just started working on last night:


Pretty simple so far, but it is still in the alpha stages...

I have been following the vector thread for as long as it has been a reality... Donbenni and Initial Racing are the reason I have such a fascination with vectors... I look forward to learning from all of you...

BTW, I'm lovin' the lights on that Trueno, DB... Great Job!...

Thanks, DR, for saying we are an inspiration. It makes me feel doubly good as it would for DB since I was the one that inspired him and helped him begin. Im glad he has progressed as well as he has.
But, Im not much of a teacher. I would rather have people develop thier own style from practice and hours upon hours of staring at your monitor than break down what I do.
I like originality, so, basically...Im paranoid about seeing stuff that looks like mine. :P
Chaos Fire

What are you talking about?? That rules 👍 Shame it's so small though. You got it on devART?

Delphic Reason
Thankyou Donbenni... If I have any questions, do you mind if I send you a PM?... I'm sure I will have some questions, as this is my first time attempting anything like this.

Yeah no problem, any time :)

Delphic Reason
I have been following the vector thread for as long as it has been a reality... Donbenni and Initial Racing are the reason I have such a fascination with vectors... I look forward to learning from all of you.

Initial Racing
Thanks, DR, for saying we are an inspiration. It makes me feel doubly good as it would for DB since I was the one that inspired him and helped him begin.

Absalutely. Always good to hear that we're inspiring others to create. IR puts it perfectly 👍
Skip0110: Thanks man, I seriosuly thought I sucked.

Donbenni: Yeah I ahve a DevART page but I lost my password and stuff. I'll be starting a new vector today and hopefully finish it later today. I seriously thought I sucked, heh. Thanks.

I'll put up my vector once I make it. :D
A farewell piece!

duke : I'll be away for one whole week, got 2 weddings to attend, so progress on the TSX might be abit slow. :guilty:

Chaos : That doesn't look bad at all! Maybe just the window reflections look abit odd, but apart from that I don't see anything wrong. Make your lines smoother and 👍!
Wow haha. I did alot of the thing by hand because it looked better when it was done by hand. :D ( Most of the wheels, Brakes, the bottom vent mostly too. :D)

I'm not sure of the most amazing ever, I mean there have been alot of vectors much much better than this but thanks alot. Plus, this is only my 2nd finished vector. :D
Well, it's just my favorite vector i've ever seen! :D Perhaps its something about the colors or the stance? Anyhoo...good job!! :w00t:
holy crap chaos that looks awesome. i got me a new wallpaper. i don't care if it's not smooth. i like the little inconsistancy's, it gives a more handcrafted look.
Not bad Stumpy. The lines would look better if they were slightly smoother, most notably from the back of the car to the roof area. Try making the lines longer and trying to get them to curve around the shapes instead of creating lots of smaller ones. But it's good, keep it up.
My lines look bad, i remember someone telling me to try to make them longer and curve them, I try but it doesnt work, so i was wondering is there a tutorial that goes more in depth on the slection phase, or a flash one.


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DRprince, You might try my technique. I never done tooned cars before and I thought I'd give it a try so I spent a few hours on this so far. It's timeconsuming but anyway:

First make several single lines (not attached with each other) with pentool to get a "base" curve. Then make a new line with those previous placed lines as guidelines. Always use 1600% zoom and make a lot of anchorpoints. When 2 "base" lines crosses each other you have to do an estimate of the best compromise to get the transfer smooth.

I have a question too. Is it possible to free transform each single line created with pentool? As now, I can only do free transform on all individual lines together at once.

Stumpy, it looks really good. Just make the lines smoother as don said, it will look even better. :)

Creating base-lines: (this is 2 individual lines)

This is how close I put the anchor points: (zoomed out from 1600)

And this is how it looks so far. The only line I'm not happy with is the window-roof line. It was tricky.

Guess that car: :)

BMW 7 series?

Why put the anchor points so close? Sort of defeats the point behind the pen tool. You could use two or three anchor points there and get the same effect.

Looking good though 👍
You dont need a million and one anchor points. 2 or 3 is allways sufficient for me.

Here is a preview of whats to come. You wont find this Mustang anywhere.
