Tooned/Vectored Cars + Stuff

  • Thread starter donbenni
Thanks guys. Toyo and neon_duke, you might be right, the lighs aren't that bad after all.

U18, yes the blue one looks better. The green version is probably a bit too saturated.

Event, thanks bud, but it's an S40. At least you saw it was a Volvo. ;)

It sure will be interesting of seeing two different versions of the TSX. U18, it looks fine so far 👍 but as you say the rear wheel is a weak point. Hard angle to do something good from..
GTJugend that is one killer of a vector, the blue one for me too, it's awesome! I think what really makes it look so good is the very thin highlights you've placed on it.
noone seemed to notice this last time so ill try again
I'm having trouble getting the gradients to work out well. They don't seem to add the detail that U18 and GTJ manage, among others. Any general tips? I know basically how the tools work in PS7, but it's more strategically that I'm having trouble.

How do you guys select an area to fill?
I'm having trouble getting the gradients to work out well. They don't seem to add the detail that U18 and GTJ manage, among others. Any general tips? I know basically how the tools work in PS7, but it's more strategically that I'm having trouble.

How do you guys select an area to fill?

It might be that what you think are gradients are not. For the colored parts of the body I used only 2 gradients. One very subtle of the whole body (darker at the bottompart) and one smaller, creating also a subtle lighter base at the whole side. No other gradients are used on the colored parts of the body.

Whe I make the gradient I use the lasso to cover the area for it, then select the gradient in the layer window, creating a new layer to fiddle around with and after that blended them to only about 10-20% fill.

This is the first an only vector I have ever done. I got bored of it and don't feel like going back and doing the wing or wheels. I should've chose a picture at a higher resolution...

I have posted this before, but I don't think too many of you saw it.
@Stumpy: Yeah nice one 👍 Not the biggest fan of gradients, but that one's not bad.

@Event: Looking good. Would look good if you finished it, at least try the wheels, it'll be good practice :)
It might be that what you think are gradients are not. For the colored parts of the body I used only 2 gradients. One very subtle of the whole body (darker at the bottompart) and one smaller, creating also a subtle lighter base at the whole side. No other gradients are used on the colored parts of the body.

Whe I make the gradient I use the lasso to cover the area for it, then select the gradient in the layer window, creating a new layer to fiddle around with and after that blended them to only about 10-20% fill.
Hmmm, maybe that's so. Perhaps that's why I seem to be overusing the gradients. I don't want to over do it, because I am going for the cel-shaded look. Here's where it stands so far (reduced size image):


Any and all advice appreciated.
Jkrobby, it turned out pretty nice after all. 👍

Phew, it's done. Took waaaay more hours then excpected. Only thing I'm not satisfied with is that the lights look a bit tame but I had no clue whatsoever how to do them better.


:eek: very nice 👍
another wip shot... of da hot-rod.. the headlights r gonna b a pain.. so i haven't gotten that far yet; it'll be a while til i get this done.. obviously; here ya go: (clicky image for bigger version)
Suz, the 'scoupe is looking great!

I have a question for you folks: for glass and highlights on glass, do you use actual transparency in your PS layers, or do you just pick the appropriate colors? Like for lensed headlights, etc. I'm just getting to the glass in the TSX.

Someone already asked, but he didnt get an answer, does anyone have a tutorial on how to do this in Illustrator because my lines are terrible in Photoshop.
Ok ok... there's some sick **** in here! I can tell the amount of time you guys are spending... suzq, initial, and donnbenni for ex. good work guys. 👍
hot rod is gorgeous and i really like that color on the tsx. the only thing about the tsx is the bottom of the tires to me but whatever, the rest is great. makes me wanna start a new car to vector.
if you want, i might be able to find another view of the one i'm doing? i'm doing 2 views of it, so if you want a pic (i should have more than the 2 i am doing) just PM :)