Tooned/Vectored Cars + Stuff

  • Thread starter donbenni
So you have to import those paths in Illustrator to have no quality loss. :odd:

Yeah it is odd. Photoshop can create all the paths and all that, but it's zoom feature zooms in a solely raster kind of way where as Illustrators zoom feature works in a vector way.

Yeah your pic is nice, lets see more.
That is well cool Stumpy, you've got skills. 👍

Edit: Been super busy these last few days. Haven't had a try vectoring/tooning/whatever we call it. Does anyone have a good simple picture for me to start with? My parents computer and I'm not allowed too much internet time so I can't search one up right now. I hope that will be the last of my questions :scared:
Nothing special, just a carbon fibre remake of the Ab Flug Supra. I'm working on something special, but due to lack of any time at all it's probably not going to be finished for months.


@ Stumpy: Looks great. Would be nice to see more harsh edges to your shading rather than smooth all the time i.e. the highlight on the top of the section just in front of the engine is nice. Minor niggle though.
Has anyone made a FC yet?
Why not give it a shot? I did, with the help of U18C and donbenni among others. Just make it yourself.

I just started on a quick '97 SS 30th Anniversary Camaro for a friend of mine. It's his car.
Why not give it a shot? I did, with the help of U18C and donbenni among others. Just make it yourself.

I just started on a quick '97 SS 30th Anniversary Camaro for a friend of mine. It's his car.

Always nice to hear a success story Duke ;)
I've finished the outline, I don't think it looks that bad. Thanks for the help with this Donbenni and Skip.

Edit: I can't upload my picture. Neither GTP nor imageshack support xcf as a valid file type. Should I change the file to a jpeg or something?
Edit: Check post 1860 for more recent piccie

Finished outline. I haven't coloured it yet because I not sure how to. I can see some areas which could do with some touching up but here it is. Comments and criticism are appreciated.
Hmm only thing I can think of, is to make the lines connect/flow together better in some spots.
Aside from that, its great!
You did a good job on the wheels, I always have trouble doing the wheels. :guilty:
Mista Bob
Hmm only thing I can think of, is to make the lines connect/flow together better in some spots.
Aside from that, its great!
You did a good job on the wheels, I always have trouble doing the wheels. :guilty:

When I have some free time this afternoon I'll clean up the line-work. From all the kerfuffle (hehe) around here I thought the wheels were going to be difficult but they weren't that bad. It might have something to do with using GIMP instead of PS. The only really difficult part was getting the wheels more circular because after doing the wheels the first time they appeared to be flat. Also hard was trying to guess where the tyres ended in the shadows beneath the car.
I think I'm gonna ditch my RX-7. It's looking feck. If anyone could send me a modded FC, and help to choose a decent color, I'd be very glad.

edit: I just changed my mind! :D

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