skip0110Looks good, I either select areas to color by (1) reoutlining them witht he path tool and choosing the "Create Selection From Path" button, or (2) using the magic wand with threshold at 0, "select trasparent areas" checked and then going to menu item Selection->Grow and then growing the selection by 1px. Then you can use the paint bucket tool. Shading areas can be done with the gradient tool.
Awww, hell! Feck, atleast I'm gonna try !!AutoToonedHey, Ive seen this before......
Youll never top that swanky drift ride, Zoxxy!!![]()
donbenniBetter than the RX, but aren't you going to colour either of them. We've had loads of people that come here and just do the outlines, it would be nice to see soem shading![]()
GTJugendAfter all I've been working on something new, a Fabulous styled W140. Played a few hours with this and so far it's just part of the outlining done. As donb. said there are many outline projects here that never end up in finished toons.. We'll se if that's the case for me, right now I have extremely much to do in school. Excpect slow progress.
And in case you wonder about the slightly bent lines in the bottom part of the rear door, it's supposed to be that way.
Mista BobThose wheels are pure secks.![]()
Made some progress on my GT2..
AutoToonedGTJ, there is a big spocom style movement in Japan with that vehicle, and it already has one of the more popular wheel packages on it, so why not exploit that? Create some crazy graphics for it, a bright color paint, and a 2 tone or chrome color wheel? You can do some wild things with what youre working on.
toyomatt84GO GTJugend!!! Thanks for choosing one of my fave' FABULOUS luxury sedans.
GTJugendKnew you'd like it., I think it was through one of your links I got familiar with Fabulous, and the W140 is always badass.
suzq044fine, don't have respect for me.