- 3,692
Hello hello. Where've you been?! All's well here. You starting up your deviantART account again?
Hey Don! Long time no talk.
Just started my final exams on the 14th of November and due to finish on the 2nd of December. Yup, I will be back on dA, though I've encountered a slight problem. mooboy, who was part of the Policy Violations Team (the guy I asked to ban my account) is now no longer part of the team, so I need to email other staff members and find out who is in charge of the PVT now.
Deviant !under18carbon has 903 new messages ( 440D, 36H, 218M, 71C, 125J, 10P, 3N )
Holy crap.
P/S : Do have some art coming up...