Tooned/Vectored Cars + Stuff

  • Thread starter donbenni
Shaaaaaaaaant! :cheers:

Hello hello. Where've you been?! All's well here. You starting up your deviantART account again?

Hey Don! Long time no talk. :D

Just started my final exams on the 14th of November and due to finish on the 2nd of December. Yup, I will be back on dA, though I've encountered a slight problem. mooboy, who was part of the Policy Violations Team (the guy I asked to ban my account) is now no longer part of the team, so I need to email other staff members and find out who is in charge of the PVT now. :indiff: I e-mailed mooboy a few days back but didn't get any reply, checked his journal on dA and found out. Just out of curiosity I tried to log in my dA account and turns out I can log in, but still banned (obviously still not removed). Must email helpdesk soon!

Deviant !under18carbon has 903 new messages ( 440D, 36H, 218M, 71C, 125J, 10P, 3N )

Holy crap.

P/S : Do have some art coming up... :D One completed, and about 3 in progress (I teh lazy :B)
Hey guys.

I've never actually tooned/vectored a car before but since i'm getting a trial of Photoshop in a bit, and I was wondering.

How the hell do you do this?

I want to give it a crack so any tip/methods would be greatly appreciated.
@toyomatt84 : Thanks mate! If you like Lamborghini's... stay tuned. :D

@stumpydino : Thanks! :)

@donbenni : Yeah, it's all good now. I got a reply from helpdesk and this is what they said :

Thank you for your inquiry. I have sent your case up to the appropriate parties for review, you should be hearing from them ASAP.

Glad to see you're using Illustrator :D, and of course, I'll be glad to offer any help! 👍

And finally... here's my latest piece. Well, 2 of them really. I started about 3 other projects and all stopped halfway because I'm lazy! :dopey: Will get back at them though.

Ferrari 360CS

Lamborghini Countach 5000QV (wallpaper'd!)

The reason there is a swisscarsightings logo there is simply because I asked the webmaster if I could use his pics as references, and he kindly allowed me to... so, the lleast I could do was to ask for his copyright logo and stick it on my piece. :)
Countach is my fave'. :D

👍 Most def. It's a beaut :drool:

Shant i've done a set of lines in AI for my next project but they're not nearly as smooth or clean as i would like them to be. They're definitely anti-aliased, but are visibly jagged and rough unless i zoom in to like 500% which isn't very presentable. Any hints or tips with getting the lines just right?
heh heres a question for all u true vector artists! :P what exactly is anti-aliasing and how do u do it? havent found anything like that in PS7 so far :confused: wonder if u ppls could help me!
This is a good example. Basically anti-aliasing is smoothing out the edges of shapes and text etc. Computer games use anti-aliasing to smooth the pixels too.

ok sweet but unless you all ingnored my earlier post with progress on my m3 csl :rolleyes: which it looks like you all did :P i ahve a few jagies in places and was wondering how i could get rid of em
i think my paths have been erased somehow :confused: dunno why but they aint there anymore! ive just got jaggie lines and wanna smooth em out. any tips guys? (or just don since he's the only one looking my way :lol: )
ok sweet but unless you all ingnored my earlier post with progress on my m3 csl :rolleyes: which it looks like you all did :P i ahve a few jagies in places and was wondering how i could get rid of em
i think my paths have been erased somehow :confused: dunno why but they aint there anymore! ive just got jaggie lines and wanna smooth em out. any tips guys? (or just don since he's the only one looking my way :lol: )

I didn't ignore it, just overlooked it :P Looking very nice, good to see people using the block colour look, i'm going back down that road 👍

Yes there are a few jagged lines visible, but they are anti-aliased. Anti-aliasing occurs in conjunction with the brush you use to stroke to stroke the path with, it can't be done afterwards (although blurring the lines lightly creates a very rough immitation).

Have you resized the image at any time? After stroking the path, resizing the image will sometimes mess the lines up. Also if you've rotated the image, or rotate the lines at all will mess them up.
donbenni[ [b
Shant[/b] i've done a set of lines in AI for my next project but they're not nearly as smooth or clean as i would like them to be. They're definitely anti-aliased, but are visibly jagged and rough unless i zoom in to like 500% which isn't very presentable. Any hints or tips with getting the lines just right?

To be honest, I actually don't know what is the problem. I've tried looking for any posibble settings that could be of use, and the only one which I could relate to the problem was anti-aliasing as well... :guilty: Sorry about that. I'll keep on looking.

Can you post a screenshot of the lines or just a single line in a brand new file? With 100% zoom of course. :B

EDIT : Just visited your dA site and saw the Vauxhall Corsa. Not a car I'd drool over :P, but damn, that is pretty slick work. Did you chop the image first or drew it by hand? 👍
wOOt! heehee ive finally finished the bodywork and lights on the m3 csl now made a start on the wheel which should be the hardest and most time consuming part of this piece! take a looksie HERE:P
Ferrari´s image down :( Can you repost it? I would like to check it out.


@ U18C:
Great! I might try doing artistic's like this one! 👍

@ Bondy 1625: Great! Amazing improvement!
thanks zoxxy mate :P i agree :D i have improved a hella lot! also ive been taking much longer over selection and the like and i know how 2 use the pen tool and colour it in better than with my really old clio!!
@bondy : Looking great. Gotta love all those colours... :D Finish up the rim!

@zoxxy : Thanks for reuploading it. My bad, I forgot to check wheter the link was working. :guilty:

@donbenni : :eek: Holy crap that looks good. All the white is making it look so pure :D Love those lights man. Keep it up! Have you ever considered making prints of your works?

