Top Gear interview (Kazunori Yamauchi)

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He is a gaming God in my book.

Cause Polyphony for 14 years can't make any decent AI and serious physics?

Common, think about it for example: you have in one game stand starts and rolling starts, where handicap depends purely on number of cars and how powerful they are.

This will never work, unless you adjust AI for EVERY SINGLE race in game (and this is not the case in any GT game). It's just plain obvious for 7 years old.

Polyphony has no any idea about this. Sounds like gaming god for you? AI is one of the main bone of any racing game - still absent in GT5
There is no doubting Kazunori's credentials and what he has done for the industry.

They should have asked him why he chose not to include standing starts for the test track. Here's to hoping they release a patch that adds a bespoke Top Gear test track time trial with standing starts and leaderboard
Cause Polyphony for 14 years can't make any decent AI and serious physics?

Common, think about it for example: you have in one game stand starts and rolling starts, where handicap depends purely on number of cars and how powerful they are.

This will never work, unless you adjust AI for EVERY SINGLE race in game (and this is not the case in any GT game). It's just plain obvious for 7 years old.

Polyphony has no any idea about this. Sounds like gaming god for you? AI is one of the main bone of any racing game - still absent in GT5

You point out a few negative things and forget everything positive, then put down somebody's opinion. I hope you were not expecting to be taken seriously.
You point out a few negative things and forget everything positive, then put down somebody's opinion. I hope you were not expecting to be taken seriously.

AI is not a few things. The real races, where you fight bumper to bumper with AI car for laps, - is a heart of racing simulator.

Overtaking everybody including 1.5 times more powerful AI cars in second turn doesn't feel too much like real racing.

What I'm saying GT5 is a very good racing game but somewhere flawed in a very core, which doesn't sounds to me like gaming gods. Still a lot to learn

Though I should say that good AI in racing games is quit rare. I'll go all the way to GT5 over Shift's AI cause those suicidal kamikaze just driving me crazy
You people really need to stop. Forza isn't perfect. Nor is GT5, ToCa, iRacing, F1 20-whatever. You can't have a perfect game. What we know is that Kazunori got to the racing simulator idea FIRST. Doesn't make him better. But look at all the followers. Racing sims are now a huge market because of him. Back in 1998, people still wanted arcadey racing games. He was the spearhead of a mass movement that caused everyone to change. Look at NFS, they weren't much of a sim, now look. Forza wasn't even around back then. He isn't perfect. But without him our sims would probably still be low-tech like GT3-GT4.
What we know is that Kazunori got to the racing simulator idea FIRST. Doesn't make him better. But look at all the followers. Racing sims are now a huge market because of him. Back in 1998, people still wanted arcadey racing games. He was the spearhead of a mass movement that caused everyone to change.

Grand Prix 2 - 1995, probably the first (real) simulator
Grand Prix Legends - 1998

And so on.

The truth is PC guys were playing simulators since 1995 and don't know much about GT even now, just heard something.

So Yamamuchi as a creator and a leader of racing simulator genre - sounds a bit strange.

What he created - GT style racing game, which is a big achievement. Man, I hate all this race cars in PC simulators and all this boring real racing protocols.

Driving some Civic on mountain road - one thing what those PC guys never thought of.
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You point out a few negative things and forget everything positive, then put down somebody's opinion. I hope you were not expecting to be taken seriously.

One huge problem with this argument of only seeing negatives is you have to account for how pervasive the negatives are...

For instance it may be a gourmet meal with perfectly seared steak, tender yet crunchy veggies and the fluffiest potatoes ever... but if the chef knocked over the salt bowl into it, it does no good to argue the good points does it?
Typical answer of someone who never played Forza. You just don't understand. I'm a GT fan, and i hate Forza. But i just can't help get over the fact that the only two things GT5 has over Forza is driving physics and dynamic time of day. Other than that the game is unbelievably rediculess!! What kind of a game would only let you listen to you're music randomly? ofcourse only GT5. Because KY is forcing you to listen to his fav music. And can you explain only being able send one car a day as a gift? well i know that no one can. I mean why is that feature even there? it's just useless. And why does a 5 years of development simulator have a poor tuning options? Why would you buy a custom tramsmission if you can't choose individual ratios? Why can't you apply turbo/supercharge on all cars? How can you not turbo a silvia? how can you not supercharge an M5 or an M3? . My GT5 lack list is a day long and if you ask for it, i will spend all day long showing what kind of content/options/personalisation GT5 is lacking. So you can customize you're profile but you can't customize you're car's look? Who's gonna waste their time observing you're games space? pshhhhh what a joke.

Well...aren't you just a shining light of positive energy.

I don't think we need another - "What is wrong with GT5?". We have enough of those floating around here already.
Some of these posts are just unbelievable! Are any of you older than 12? Go back and play Test drive, or the original Need for Speed, Kazunori has not invented the freakin wheel!
Some of these posts are just unbelievable! Are any of you older than 12? Go back and play Test drive, or the original Need for Speed, Kazunori has not invented the freakin wheel!

Take it a further step back and play any of the Papyrus produced games on PC. Far as I know, that's the first time I remember hearing the phrase "racing simulator". If you look at all the options these games had...not to mention a realistic driving's amazing how far we've NOT come in 15 years. It seems we've stepped back in every area except graphics.
Some of these posts are just unbelievable! Are any of you older than 12? Go back and play Test drive, or the original Need for Speed, Kazunori has not invented the freakin wheel!

NFS and especially old Test Drives never were even close to any simulator.

Except NFS 5, it had quite a good physics back to 2000. But guess what? It repeated GT scheme so closely, that even introduced Factory Driver mode, which was basically redone GT licenses
Sorry Chikane, but people can't seem to stay on topic here. There are plenty of threads that have already been discussed to death on what's being covered here. No fault of your own.
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