TOSS' Touge Tuner Shootout - Final Week Test Driver Time Attack

  • Thread starter TimberW
The pp system is not perfect but it's the way we're using at the moment.

As it stands, the car choice is as it is. I will add the HPA to the list later. I don't go through every car cause I don't play GT that much so I just filter it as I go like what MONSTAR said.

The reason the Trial Celica is not eligible because it's a once off Tuner shop showcar and you can't own it in real life.
If you feel you need cars like this then you probably need it.
I read in another thread that you have heaps of quality tunes. And I believe it too. For someone to have so many tunes then I agree that you must know what your doing.
I was only joking about the Pikes Peak but it does help me make my point that we need a better list of ineligible cars.

The linked list from the OP is only a partial list and I have questions behind the logic on several of the cars on it. But as things stand at the moment I could tune pretty much any street car to 500PP (most street cars start under 500PP) and be eligible. Stock BMW M5 is around 480PP the M3s are around that same number or a little less, you have the Lotuses etc. Maybe limiting it to Japanese cars would help or a limit on the cost of the base car. (Yes I said cost as there is a relationship between cost and performance just as in the real world.)

The way things are right now I'd say that the GT-Rs and S2000s from the tuners will be early favorites with BMWs and Audis pushing things. Track setup will play a big role. Point is that if you don't want high performance base cars dominating the field a stricter control of what cars are eligible is needed. People being competitive they are going to look for that edge and a big one starts with the quality of your base car.
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The argument for the car's is basically cars that you can own in real life is eligible and is road legal. That's all. The restrictions are as it is and nothing much more I need to clarify on. =)
I was only joking about the Pikes Peak but it does help me make my point that we need a better list of ineligible cars.

The linked list from the OP is only a partial list and I have questions behind the logic on several of the cars on it. But as things stand at the moment I could tune pretty much any street car to 500PP (most street cars start under 500PP) and be eligible. Stock BMW M5 is around 480PP the M3s are around that same number or a little less, you have the Lotuses etc. Maybe limiting it to Japanese cars would help or a limit on the cost of the base car. (Yes I said cost as there is a relationship between cost and performance just as in the real world.)

The limiting to just Japanese or cost could be a good idea. Like I said we will cross that bridge when we get to it and it's looking like it's getting closer lol.
Also for someone with the tuning experience and knowledge that you have maybe you could help suggest some cars the should be on the banned list. The more opinions we get the better, it will make LOTS a better series.
I will implement the other restrictions next time. I'll take those into consideration to make it a better series.

But for now. It's as the Opening Post.
Ok thanks for sharing that. But do you agree about what I'm saying abouts these cars?

Personally I'd like to have a gentlemans agreement about using these cars. I'm not scared if that's what your thinking lol. Far from it. Rather have a fair playing field that's all.

OSE and I are actually excited to race against some top notch tuners. And look forward to the battles.

A fair duell would be with the same car (driver skill and tuner skill) and not a flawed PP system or different drivedrains.IMO

A fair duell would be with the same car (driver skill and tuner skill) and not a flawed PP system or different drivedrains.IMO


You are right if its a pure single type car challenge. Some players I know opt for a weaker car for more challenge for themselves.

In our league, the PP system is pretty effective at the moment. And nothing is stopping you from choosing the same car as the Brown Hornet. =)
A fair duell would be with the same car (driver skill and tuner skill) and not a flawed PP system or different drivedrains.IMO


That's great to hear. Tune a WRX and I'll see you on the track.
Okay last thing before I get back to work (driving in real life:P). What track is being used for testing? If its a custom track when will that be available to the tuners?
Okay last thing before I get back to work (driving in real life:P). What track is being used for testing? If its a custom track when will that be available to the tuners?
Well, I have one of the custom 'touge' tracks. It's one of the easier ones, I'll put it on share if you want.
I'm finalizing the track with the track creator at the moment. And working out the sharing details. That track will be used for the time attack as well as the final tournament.
Im in as a tuner. Are we supposed to use the sports flywheel and clutch for this too ?

Up to you, it's not being restricted. All other mods are allowed for use apart from fully customizable transmission.
I will present a tune too. One question, are we allowed to mix tires staying in the rules limits . For example front: comfort soft / Rear:sport hard. ???
I will present a tune too. One question, are we allowed to mix tires staying in the rules limits . For example front: comfort soft / Rear:sport hard. ???

Yes you are allowed to do so.
This sounds like so much fun. I'll be in as a tuner. :D

Looking at the discussion on page 2, I'm assuming the NSX is also banned for being able to punch above it's weight too?
The NSX is not banned.
Oh god…a tweaked RKM NSX Evo R running SH is going to either dominate, or just give all testers a bit of a laugh.

Speaking of which, put me down for tester. I'm the top gear motto, 'Ambitious, but rubbish' :dopey:
The Custom Toscana Map will be Songai Shinro created by badboy_etc. You can download the map from me. It's time to unfriend some friends. lol.
Sign me up as a tuner too. Edit: I would like to also be a tester.

I will probably have a few questions about cars. Given the list of eligible tuners it will be hard to pick a regular road car. But there are also some concepts that are not likely to be better than these tuners, so I'm a bit sad they are not allowed. Edit: I understand the reason - I can't go out and buy a concept car, so that's fair.

I suppose I should ask now - what is the definition of concept? Does the word 'concept' need to be in the car name? So no
Atenza Concept '01 right? But what about for example the Mazdaspeed Atenza '05?
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Just downloaded the track and ran a couple laps on it in a 240ZG (HS30) '71 that I've tuned to 478PP to mop up the Supercar Nostalgia races at Rome and SSR5 with. Changed back to the comfort softs the car came with but forgot to switch transmissions. Oh well just wanted to get an initial impression of the track.
4:45 green lap after 3 laps.
Good track no weird off camber or decreasing radius turns and no bumps/jumps.👍👍
Will be a fun track to learn and tune for. Now I just have to test about 500 cars on it to figure out what I'm going to use.:crazy: Just kidding! (Shouldn't need to test over 450 or so...):lol:

Remember as Harvey Wallbanger always says...
Drive hard and have fun!:cheers::gtpflag:
The Custom Toscana Map will be Songai Shinro created by badboy_etc. You can download the map from me. It's time to unfriend some friends. lol.

I'll need to add you then, unless maybe I can download it from Onboy or XDesperado.
I'll need to add you then, unless maybe I can download it from Onboy or XDesperado.
Think Onboy is using my Alaskan track but if no one else needs it shared currently I can put this track on share instead.:D:tup:👍
Think Onboy is using my Alaskan track but if no one else needs it shared currently I can put this track on share instead.:D:tup:👍

I'll just download the track off you so you don't have to keep it up for long. :)
I'll just download the track off you so you don't have to keep it up for long. :)
No worries I really need to grab both maps on with my secondary account as well. Which reminds me anyone who wants can send an FR on PSN to GTP_Desperado67 which is my secondary account. (Had 2000 cars on primary account so needed garage space!:D:crazy:)
I think I'll join as a tuner this time. Finding a car for the job will be pretty fun I will say :sly:

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