but my daughter is highest prio
Of course Mr. Patrick.
I'm in for the next one.
Nr 8
You won't be able to change the number on the car this week, Mathieu.
There will be tons of action
Agreed. A short track with a quick car. We need to be mindful of one another
and give each other some space.
I just want to tell you a little story about myself!
Häftigt Markus!
Maybe it was just the two of us who had this mazda 626 sport 2 door in europe
Mazda, Honda, Nissan and Mitsubishi yes. Toyota no!
First car I ever 'drove' was my dads white Volvo Amazon;
Dad worked the pedals while I sat in his lap and took care of the steering (I was ~ five years old).
First car I drove on my own was when I borrowed granddad's wine red Volvo 245 with an automatic transmission;
My first purchased car was a 1988 BMW 320 which I acquired within two weeks of getting my drivers license;
Since that BMW though I have only driven and ridden Japanese vehicles. Yamaha x2 and Nissan x2;
I will try to make my next purchase Japanese as well. Shame to break a tradition.
Oh yes, while my grandmother still had a car I got to drive it on a few occasions. It was a little embarrassing
being seen in it though. Truly an awful creation in both design and quality.
It was built as a tank though and never broke down;
My granny couldn't work the clutch very well though.

You always knew when she was about to go somewhere. If you heard a car revving up to 4,500 rpm's
backing out of a driveway, ten out of ten times it was her. That poor Lada engine..