Track Creator Racing - ALL WELCOME!

  • Thread starter imalexi
Corrected the guy that wrote about tcr. Credit should be shared by turbonator and joylord as it's been them that make the tracks and keep it interesting week in and week out. We're the lucky nutters for them letting us race!

Thanks Will.
And thanks for everybody sticking around.
I'll have a track and car ready for Friday night.
Oh crikey, seems GTPlanet news found us a couple years too late, lol!

Anyway, I've made some changes to the first post and will be talking to Dave and Jon, to see how they want to run this. I'll try to join you guys when I can (I wondered where you guys where on Friday!), but as Baby is coming in 4 weeks, its probably best I take a back seat...Oh crap, that reminds me, I need to buy a baby seat.

Oh crikey, seems GTPlanet news found us a couple years too late, lol!

Anyway, I've made some changes to the first post and will be talking to Dave and Jon, to see how they want to run this. I'll try to join you guys when I can (I wondered where you guys where on Friday!), but as Baby is coming in 4 weeks, its probably best I take a back seat...Oh crap, that reminds me, I need to buy a baby seat.


All the best with the little one mate, make sure the baby seat comes with a stealing wheel, LOL
Z4 M COUPE '08

10/5/13 AT 8.30PM​


SETUP: Full weight reduction including windows 1240KG
:6 speed close-ratio box
:front spoiler only, no rear wing
:embarrassed:il change

:PP 488


Minimum 5 full laps on track on sports medium tyres, plus 1 out lap and 1 in lap =7 laps total fuel / tyre wear this week on fast.
Track will only be available from Wednesday night and practice on Thursday night from 7pm onwards. I'm holding the track back as to give everybody a fair chance on Friday. see you all soon buddies.
Track will be available at 4pm for download, please treat it with respect and don't leave it a mess.Lol
Who's joining us for practice tomorrow night?
I'll be about, and can't promise there won't be bits of tyres everywhere lol it is rwd afterall!
Track will be available at 4pm for download, please treat it with respect and don't leave it a mess.Lol
Who's joining us for practice tomorrow night?

I'll be about later Dave, just very busy at mo sorting car insurance for daughter after she just pass test today. :scared:
I won't be around, being away all day. Have fun!
Would be nice if there would be some new faces. 👍
Will can you please open a online room(TCR Z4)
Tonight as I have a job tonight. I will try and make it if I'm not to late.
Thanks mate and have fun. And put the room number down so the new comers know where to go. Tup
Thanks for opening the room Will, not a bad turnout then. That first corner still gets me confused but ill get it.

Confused, I find the track a little too technical, well for my slow reactions it is I never know if I’m turning left or right, right or left.

I like to visualise the track as I’m going round, you’ve seen the drivers in the pits with F1 going through the turns in their minds, with this I’ve not a clue. We love racing on made tracks as it’s a refreshing change from world tracks, but we come to race each other not fight with the track.

Last night was evident two out front, one trying to chase then the rest of the field spinning round the track, take an oval track very nice but boring what would you do to make it entertaining so you ended up with good close racing (which is what we all want)but yet still good entertainment.

We use to do Monday Tuesday track testing but with members very short on free time that is out the window, I think it’s about time TCR members got a little more involved and put forward some new fresh ideas. I know your all super intelligent with lots of good ideas for free flowing tracks for very close racing. It’s very hard for just 2 or 3 to keep coming up with new track layouts.

TCR is on the front page can we keep it there.
Lol, sorry you feel that way Phil but I try and make them a little harder each time, the guys from TCR are becoming to good for normal tracks. I'm preparing them for future events(lol).
Longbow battled for the first ten laps but soon was challenging the boys in front. I was two seconds off the pace, after ten laps was 3 tenths off. I like the challenge what do you guys think, do want easier tracks?
Don’t read into it that I’m getting on the case of the guys making the tracks Dave, far from it, but we have to watch that we don’t get too technical with the limited time members have to practice for a race.

A challenge is good but the main challenge should come from close racing, we sent pm’s to one another the other day, about what can be done to move TCR forward and get more member activity in TCR these are just some of my thoughts.

Using tracks like Tuscana or a dirt race now and then, wet conditions and classics are others, GT5 is getting old now (ha bit like me) so we need inspiration (oh my bit like me again) as I said these were just thoughts, maybe inspire others to put pen to paper with theirs.
I kind of agree in terms of the difficulty (in terms of the time to practice anyway), but it's good to have a challenge too's a balance I guess. I do agree about this being a difficult track, at least for me. Some tracks just don't agree with me and this would probably be one of them. It took longer than the mentioned 10 laps, hah. Although me not running the 6-sp Short Trans in the stock car also didn't help. :lol:

I have plenty of tracks I've never really used that I like. Eventually I'll consider suggesting one, maybe. I think more participation from people will be more from word-of-mouth between good racers at this point...I'm not sure if having more/less difficult courses would make a difference.

Also...could you state with the start times what timezone it is? (GMT, BST...) as it can be more difficult to determine from across the pond.
To be honest I should be the fastest driver as I make the tracks but I don't have time like orders (cough) to practice and do I moan or do I just get my head down and find the racing line.
I love b---- talk, lol
Indeed...I don't know how much time I will have for that refresher. I asked about the timezone your time is in but didn't get an answer...(GMT or BST), or you could just tell me how long it will be until the race.
Indeed...I don't know how much time I will have for that refresher. I asked about the timezone your time is in but didn't get an answer...(GMT or BST), or you could just tell me how long it will be until the race.

Its BST at the moment.👍👍
Indeed...I don't know how much time I will have for that refresher. I asked about the timezone your time is in but didn't get an answer...(GMT or BST), or you could just tell me how long it will be until the race.

GMT time mate from 8ish
Indeed...I don't know how much time I will have for that refresher. I asked about the timezone your time is in but didn't get an answer...(GMT or BST), or you could just tell me how long it will be until the race.

GMT time and race starting at 8/8:30
Sorry guys that i had to leave mid race,had to take care of something...

Great night of racing tho!!!

Awesome race last night gents, it's always a pleasure racing with you guys. Will you need to be a bit more cautious when overtaking mate, there was no ways we were going to get three cars through the first corner and pushing me out spoilt the race for me. You were the third car from behind and used me as you barrier to over Gary on the next.
When I hit you first race I was descent enough to wait for you to get back on the road and continue our battle.
Till next time guys.
Apologies for my over eagerness, it won't happen again. Sorry for ruining your race and anyone else's.