Transgender Thread.

  • Thread starter Com Fox

Transgender is...?

  • Ok for anyone

    Votes: 15 30.0%
  • Ok as long as it's binary (Male to Female or vice versa)

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • Wrong

    Votes: 7 14.0%
  • No one's business except the person involved

    Votes: 23 46.0%
  • Don't care

    Votes: 4 8.0%

  • Total voters
I mean really, at what point in time did someone who was transgender hurt you? Or better yet, do you even know anyone who is transgender well enough to form an opinion?
No one hurt me but I was raised boys grew up to be men and girls grew up to be women and sexual relations were a birds and bees thing with the man/woman combination.
I fully agree with that is natural and sexual relations between any other combination is abnormal and in my upbringing even wrong. I fully support the way I was raised and even from a religious viewpoint the faith I follow does not support the gay/ lesbian lifestyle as being acceptable. I do know the faith I follow is not the only religion that does not find these alternate lifestyles as acceptable in their teachings.
Explain to me how the friendly pastor in church will get a little boy pregnant.
Glad I am not Catholic and cannot speak for their viewpoints on acceptance within the church and congrgation!
Answer the question, when did you make the conscious lifestyle choice to be a straight male?
Never had the issue surface or the question within myself that needed to be addressed.
Please explain infertility in straight people
You explain it, I have no need too actually.
Threatened perhaps that a boy or man claiming to be something they are not to begin with can walk into a girls bathroom or even worse a schoolgirls locker room/shower and it considered acceptable.
That my friend will never be acceptable to a straight man with straight daughters or grandaughters as again where is their right (the young straight girl) to take a piss without worrying what might happen to them? There are two sides to every coin.

First of all, where in the female toilets is someone going to see or do something to your daughters while urinating? Do they leave the cubicle doors open?

Second of all if a pervert wants to get in to a toilet or locker room a little sign on the door isn't going to stop them. Your attitude literally only impacts those who are trying to go about their lives in peace.

It seems like you're suggesting that trans people should use the bathroom of the gender they were assigned at birth, so how would you feel if a male trans person came in and used the bathroom while your daughters were in there? They'd look male but were assigned female at birth, so what then?

Side note: The non binary model Rain Dove did exactly this and got maced by a woman despite being assigned female at birth.
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Jesus was indeed well known for his utter revulsion of the gays.
King James version of the bible says,
"Leviticus 20:13 - If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them."

Interpret that as wish I guess. Then we have,

"Mark 10:6-9 - But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female."

Nowhere does it say he made a male that is actually a female in a mans body or vice versa.
"Put down the book and think for yourself." is what you seem to support.
I will pass as then I may become confused as some you seem to be.
I have no questions concerning sexuality or what its intentions are as from some of the responses here others cannot say the same.
I am completely comfortable both in my beliefs and my convictions on the subject.
No one hurt me but I was raised boys grew up to be men and girls grew up to be women and sexual relations were a birds and bees thing with the man/woman combination.
I fully agree with that is natural and sexual relations between any other combination is abnormal and in my upbringing even wrong. I fully support the way I was raised and even from a religious viewpoint the faith I follow does not support the gay/ lesbian lifestyle as being acceptable. I do know the faith I follow is not the only religion that does not find these alternate lifestyles as acceptable in their teachings.

I'm guessing you're some sect of Christianity and if that's true, you probably know Jesus taught love, tolerance, and acceptance. You know the whole "love your neighbor as yourself" bit. It often makes me wonder why Christians paint Jesus in such a bad light. Assuming the guy existed and if the account in the Bible is mostly true, I'm guessing he didn't go around hating on anyone and often showed love to the outcasts of society. The guy was probably a genuinely good person, but many Christians seem to think he was a jerk most of the time.
Just learning from you fine folks here! There can be no differing opinion according to most on here.
Isn't it time for you to go watch mayor buttplug in the Democratic debate?

Differing opinions are "pineapple goes on pizza" and "pineapple doesn't go on pizza" not Trans people are bad and they aren't natural

Also, calling people names? Doesn't that go against your religious teachings?

Oh, and I know it's a bit in the past but I think insurance should pay for trans related healthcare costs ^-^ I'm still recovering from SRS surgery, but I'm the happiest I've been since starting HRT and if other trans folks wish to do HRT or SRS then they should be able to have insurance cover it no matter what!
"Do unto others as you would have done to you," he said.

I have never done anything to anybody for their sexual preferences no matter how flaming they acted nor have I wished harm to come to them as a result either. So your dig from the bible quote does not hit home for me. I am fine that people that follow that lifestyle do not really interact with me.I basically just do not associate with many people of that following for the most part so that would be them treating me the same.

I do not agree with or support their lifestyle or choices and I do not want to see our society adopt policies that is supportive of their behavior for my own personal reasons and beliefs.
you probably know Jesus taught love, tolerance, and acceptance.
I have the tolerance to leave them alone and my acceptance is fine as what you do I really could care less just do not try to constantly throw it in my face with the gay parades and wanting special treatment in society because of their choices and lifestyle.

I do draw the line where I am wrong for not supporting and embracing activities I find repulsive and being called wrong for having the beliefs and opinions that I do not find acceptable personally.
Differing opinions are "pineapple goes on pizza" and "pineapple doesn't go on pizza" not Trans people are bad and they aren't natural
I guess that just like pineapple does or does not go on pizza opinions have just as much right to also be different on a persons life choices. The big question is why is it so important to force this issue on others than to just go about your life?
I know I have never discussed my sexual preferences on a public stage and expected you to agree on what I do, why should I have to put up with a trans or gay/lesbian making me accept what they are doing is acceptable?
I guess that just like pineapple does or does not go on pizza opinions have just as much right to also be different on a persons life choices. The big question is why is it so important to force this issue on others than to just go about your life?
I think the big question is why LGBTQ+ people going about their lives is supposed to be equivalent to forcing this issue on others. By denying them that right, aren't you forcing your religion on them?
I have the tolerance to leave them alone and my acceptance is fine as what you do I really could care less just do not try to constantly throw it in my face with the gay parades and wanting special treatment in society because of their choices and lifestyle.

Be more specific (at least that's my recommendation to you for not being misunderstood). What special treatment are you talking about? As far as I can tell, your issues are with the following:

1) Use of preferred pronoun
2) Use of the opposite gender bathroom (this is going to be terrifying for those Miss Tiffany contestants I was showing you)
3) Coverage in a universal healthcare system
4) Parades

Is that the gist of it? Or is there something else you're arguing against.


Regarding your bathroom problems. Since you think that cutting off your penis doesn't make you a woman because your were born a boy, and we know you were born a boy because you had a penis... I'm still scratching my head on that one... anyway... does that mean that you can't use the ladies room if your junk is missing? What exactly are you worried about at that point?
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Never had the issue surface or the question within myself that needed to be addressed.
Nor do transgender people or gay people, they don't make a conscious choice, this is the way they are born, which is what makes it utterly normal.

Its also why homosexuality exists in numerous other species that humans.

You explain it, I have no need too actually.
You're the one that stated that God created men and women for procreation and that as gay people can't procreate they are 'not normal', as such you do need to explain why your God made people infertile, as it would go against his plan.

King James version of the bible says,
"Leviticus 20:13 - If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them."

Interpret that as wish I guess. Then we have,

"Mark 10:6-9 - But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female."

Nowhere does it say he made a male that is actually a female in a mans body or vice versa.

The Bible also says (in Leviticus) that adultery must be punished by stoning to death when was the last time your church carried out this order of God?

You also can't eat shellfish, women can't go to church when menstruating (I take it this is checked), mixed fibre clothing can't be worn, etc.

This one's good as well "Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?", which would make your membership at GTP an offence against God.

To be blunt the Bible isn't an accurate source, well unless rabbits now ruminate and bats are in fact birds? Neither of which is close to true.
You know when a thread about transgender people and issues is all about meaningful and thoughtful debate when people are quoting the bible :lol:

King James version of the bible says,
"Leviticus 20:13 - If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them."

Interpret that as wish I guess. Then we have,

"Mark 10:6-9 - But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female."

Nowhere does it say he made a male that is actually a female in a mans body or vice versa.
The Bible, written by Jesus Christ.
I have never done anything to anybody for their sexual preferences no matter how flaming they acted nor have I wished harm to come to them as a result either. So your dig from the bible quote does not hit home for me. I am fine that people that follow that lifestyle do not really interact with me.I basically just do not associate with many people of that following for the most part so that would be them treating me the same.

I do not agree with or support their lifestyle or choices and I do not want to see our society adopt policies that is supportive of their behavior for my own personal reasons and beliefs.
I think there's a subtle point or two you've missed here, so I'll spell it out for you.

Firstly, you're referring to a "version" of the Bible as though it is ultimate authority. Even in isolation the fact that there's a "version" should tell you it's not the ultimate anything. If lumped together with the fact that it's one of several different English translations of an anthology put together by a committee which didn't speak English (nobody did, as modern English didn't even exist at the time) from a selection of volumes they liked while ignoring the ones they didn't like, which were themselves translated into Latin from myriad earlier languages, it kinda asks the question of why anyone would treat this as an authority on anything either.

Then there's Leviticus. Leviticus lays out a set of moral and hygiene standards for all to follow. Not putting your willy into another dude is definitely on the list - although it's quite light on scissoring action, and, per the thread topic, doesn't make any mention whatsoever of a dude who used to be a chick or vice versa - but there's an arkload of other things on there that somehow get ignored by people who like to quote that particular bit about dudes. @Scaff covered a handful, but if you've eaten shrimp, crab, or pork recently I'm afraid you've broken God's law. I also hope you don't wear mixed fabrics, or have any tattoos, or a foreskin, or touch anything that a menstruating woman touches (or a menstruating woman). And although it's in Deuteronomy (technically related as a set of moral standards) don't forget that if a dude rapes your daughter you have to sell her to him to be his wife, for 50 pieces of silver. Unless she's already betrothed, in which case stone the bitch.

Elsewhere on this particular chain composed entirely of weak links is the book you're quoting from. Christians are followers of Christ and Christ's teachings - the New Testament. Leviticus is part of the Old Testament - the Bible's rather colorful story of how the Jews (after first coming into being) were enslaved in Egypt while God did something else, then escaped to Israel after God woke up and hurled a bunch of plagues at the Egyptians (including bioterrorism, divine siege tactics, and - my personal favorite - the region-wide murder of babies and infants [one per household, eldest only] for the crime of being born to Egyptian parents), only for him to go for another quick snooze and allow them to be conquered by Romans. But that's okay, because he then raped a Jewish virgin and told her woodworking husband to suck it up (which, by the way, would have got both God and Mary stoned to death under Mosaic Law) and go do what the Romans wanted them to do so that they could kill the kid 35 years later. It's a heart-warming tale of an evil, all-powerful deity who turns rivers into blood and commits genocide for the hell of it, in-between periods of doing absolutely **** all. Like from ~40AD to the present day. It's quite the nap.

The New Testament is the new covenant between God and mankind, as taught by Christ - one of the three aspects of God in the Holy Trinity - and not as yelled at human prophets by the Father.

If you think Leviticus tells you that being gay is wrong, then congratulations, you're Jewish, put down the crabsticks and BBQ ribs. If you're actually a Christian, here's all the things Jesus said about homosexuality:

And here's all the things that the Old and New Testament say about transgender:
The Bible
Jesus taught love, respect, and tolerance. He didn't teach stoning gays to death, or that MTF is a pig in lipstick. Gotta love the Christian values on that gem.

You won't accept any of this because that isn't how belief, especially religious belief, works. It works by finding things that support your belief and ignoring things that don't - and you'll ignore the fact you're pulling a single passage, in English, from a 2,000-year old Hebrew public health manual for Jewish slaves in Africa while simultaneously pretending the rest of it doesn't apply to you against the wishes of your chosen deity, because it doesn't fit your belief that God hates gays and the transgender.

So. What are your thoughts on how protandry in clownfish - the breeding male in a colony transforms into a breeding female when there are no females present - absolutely blows your "it's not what nature intended" idea out of the literal water?
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King James version of the bible says,
"Leviticus 20:13 - If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them."

Interpret that as wish I guess. Then we have,

"Mark 10:6-9 - But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female."

Nowhere does it say he made a male that is actually a female in a mans body or vice versa.
Do you eat pork?
Lev. 11:7–8, “And the pig, though it has a divided hoof, does not chew the cud; it is unclean for you. You must not eat their meat or touch their carcasses; they are unclean for you”
The big question is why is it so important to force this issue on others than to just go about your life?

Because many people don't understand trans folk, they don't understand why they do what they do and they don't show them the same respect as cisgender people. It also helps those people who are still closeted or confused about their gender identity. Look at Caitlyn Jenner, her coming out as trans really made more people aware of what being transgender means!

Also, I'd just like to say on a personal note that without being part of the trans community you have no idea what it's like to try and live a normal life. I read things every single day that say I'm mentally ill or I don't exist because I'm non binary. I panic deciding which bathroom to use because I might be presenting more feminine than masculine one day. I worry that when I walk past a group of guys together I'm going to get some form of verbal abuse. A trans friend of mine recently got approached by a guy in a coffee shop who started telling her that he masturbates to "shemale" porn and that he was interested in "shemales like her".

My reaction to any of this is to shout about my identity as loudly as possible to try and prove to these people that yes, I exist, and I'm also leading a perfectly normal life with a good job, and am worthy of the same level of respect as everyone else.

I know I have never discussed my sexual preferences on a public stage and expected you to agree on what I do

Once again - Gender identity is not a sexual preference.
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Ahh select bible quoting always makes me laugh.

Here are some that are often conveniently forgotten.

Adultery carries 2 different penalties depending on which version you read iirc. 1 is stoning to death. The other is having your ears and nose cut off.

'She lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.' Ezekiel 23:20 NIV

Elisha went up to Bethel. As he was walking along the road, some boys came out of the town and jeered at him. “Get out of here, baldy!” they said. “Get out of here, baldy!” He turned around, looked at them and called down a curse on them in the name of the Lord. Then two bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the boys. 2 Kings 2:23-25 NIV

Slaves, obey your earthly masters with deep respect and fear. Serve them sincerely as you would serve Christ. Ephesians 6:5 NLT

You may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way. Leviticus 25:44-46 NLT

Oh yes god was a huge fan of slavery.

If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them: Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place; And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard. And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die. Deuteronomy 21:18-21

Now therefore, kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman who has known man intimately. But all the girls who have not known man intimately, spare for yourselves. Numbers 31:17-18

Whosoever ... hath any blemish, let him not approach to offer the bread of his God. For whatsoever man he be that hath a blemish, he shall not approach: a blind man, or a lame, or he that hath a flat nose, or any thing superfluous, Or a man that is brokenfooted, or brokenhanded, Or crookback, or a dwarf, or that hath a blemish in his eye, or be scurvy, or scabbed, or hath his stones broken ... He shall not go in unto the vail, nor come nigh unto the altar, because he hath a blemish; that he profane not my sanctuaries. Leviticus 21:17-23 KJV

So basically if you have a scab after you cut yourself, you are an abomination my friend.

Not to mention the contradictions.

“… I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.” — Genesis 32:30

“No man hath seen God at any time…”– John 1:18

“The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father…” — Ezekiel 18:20

“I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation…” — Exodus 20:5

Also let us not forget who compiled the bible. Was it god? No, Jesus? Nope. It was the Council of Nicea primarily. People, human people. Not a god or council of gods or anything like that.

Now let us get to why people are forcing their views on you, or so you say.

It's not possible for someone to be gay or trans in private. You have to take your partner with you sometimes and if you are trans you have to present yourself to people. So you want people to disappear from the street, if that's what you truly want? Certain people not be allowed out their house for their entire life? Or worse killed?

If gay pride is what offends you. Think why they have it. It's because it was literally illegal for many many years which caused a huge number of suicides. Has it ever been illegal to be christian where you are from? Or select religion that is considered the norm. What did people do when christianity was illegal under the romans? They went out and, by your standards forced it down people's throat. And after it became legal people started having services. Isn't a Sunday church service basically a celebration of your faith? People celebrate the fact that they can love/be who they want without fear of the law.

If my dad can accept people like this whilst being someone not far off being an ordained CoE priest then why can't you?

Now the toilets thing since you gave the stupid argument.

Do you really think people go through up to 10 years of medical treatment and permanently change their body just to perv in the ladies? And should gay men be forced to use the ladies? Or should gay people be outright banned from toilets? Since you seem to object to gay people existing too. Just let them pee on the shop floor i guess.
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Oh, goody. This presents an interesting opportunity.

King James version of the bible says,
"Leviticus 20:13 - If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them."
As one who espouses this punishment, would you be amenable to dole it out as you see fit? Have you done so already? Why or why not?
1) Being trans isn't a lifestyle choice, it's something you know and experience every minute you're awake. I'm non-binary not through a lifestyle choice but because I know that I cannot truthfully say my gender is male or female at any one time (have fun with that one...)
2) The main reason people shout about it so much is because people like you still exist. They just want to be accepted without worrying about being sexually assaulted just for existing or being singled out for being different. They should also be able to take a piss without worrying about what might happen to them.
3) The more they shout about it the more other people who may be experiencing the same things can relate to it. This can genuinely stop people from killing themselves. This was actually one of the driving forces behind me coming out on social media recently.

Also, I'd just like to say on a personal note that without being part of the trans community you have no idea what it's like to try and live a normal life. I read things every single day that say I'm mentally ill or I don't exist because I'm non binary. I panic deciding which bathroom to use because I might be presenting more feminine than masculine one day. I worry that when I walk past a group of guys together I'm going to get some form of verbal abuse. A trans friend of mine recently got approached by a guy in a coffee shop who started telling her that he masturbates to "shemale" porn and that he was interested in "shemales like her".

First of all I respect everybodies choice in gender and sexual preference. I do know of genuine people who have trouble identifying with male or female. There however a lot of people I also see that are either just "trolls" or people who are not genuine in their binary gender claim. I think there is a rather large percentage of people (compared to LGBT) that are fake (not in a malicious way). Either mentally unstable or insecure people that just want to belong.

You have mentioned both Trans and binary together. Is a Binary person Trans? Or visa versa?
First of all I respect everybodies choice in gender and sexual preference. I do know of genuine people who have trouble identifying with male or female. There however a lot of people I also see that are either just "trolls" or people who are not genuine in their binary gender claim. I think there is a rather large percentage of people (compared to LGBT) that are fake (not in a malicious way). Either mentally unstable or insecure people that just want to belong.

You have mentioned both Trans and binary together. Is a Binary person Trans? Or visa versa?
As far as I'm aware, trans is used to refer to anyone who doesn't fall under the category of 'identifies with the gender to which they were assigned at birth'. Which would include non-binary, trans man (FTM), trans woman (MTF), two-spirit, etc.
You have mentioned both Trans and binary together. Is a Binary person Trans? Or visa versa?
"Binary" here refers to the male/female genders, so someone who describes themselves as non-binary doesn't necessarily identify with either gender, while trans means they're moving from one to the other - male to female or vice versa.
"Binary" here refers to the male/female genders, so someone who describes themselves as non-binary doesn't necessarily identify with either gender, while trans means they're moving from one to the other - male to female or vice versa.

As far as I'm aware, trans is used to refer to anyone who doesn't fall under the category of 'identifies with the gender to which they were assigned at birth'. Which would include non-binary, trans man (FTM), trans woman (MTF), two-spirit, etc.

These 2 contradictary answers is the reason why I asked @Moglet. I think the misinformation and contradictary information out there is one of the reasons why there is not enough acceptance. People are afraid of what they dont understand.