TRAVIAN : Browsergame :Build villages & go to war! NEW : TRAVIANER (info : last page)

  • Thread starter Max_DC
Boy am i glad there's only 2 teutons around me.

I'm surrounded by gauls and fellow romans in the NE. The teuts get their share, but nothing from me - at any given time i have only a hundered of just one resource. I don't even need a cranny.

40 Pop in Candirius

Lumber: 20 per hour
Clay: 24 per hour
Iron: 17 per hour
Grain: 10 per hour

@ 82|21.
Subject:     Torgoland attacks 01. Thunderhead
sent:     on 07.07.06 at 15:28:36 o'clock
Attacker     Ginja from the village Torgoland
     [Clubswingers]     [Spearfighters]  .......
Troops    51    0    0    0    0    0
Casualties    0    0    0    0    0
Bounty     204 395 254 299

:( :grumpy: He took everything.

Build a cranny, n00b.

He only got the res because I wanted to take a freakin nap. Erg. I guess its time for a cranny to go up.
Okay, I've build the Rally Point, but do I have to keep checking it to know if someone is trying to attack me or do I get a message or what?

So far:

Lumber:28 per hour
Clay:32 per hour
Iron:20 per hour
Grain:8 per hour

Population: 42
Lumber: 24 per hour
Clay: 24 per hour
Iron: 20 per hour
Grain: 11 per hour
Pop: 35

Iron soon to be 24, crop 9.
If you'd like some, I can arrange it.
No thank you. :D

Edit: I just noticed I was attacked this evening while I was sleeping. But I had few resources at the time and I have a cranny so all he got was 40 crop. :)
Well, I haven't been attacked yet :)

: 32 per hour
: 36 per hour
: 28 per hour
: 11 per hour
: 49/60

I got an embassy now.
That can be arranged ;)

Lumber: 28 per hour
Clay: 34 per hour
Iron: 28 per hour
Grain: 22 per hour
Grain usage: 50/72

I've had to start to build up my cranny instead of resources :(. Guess its a good thing the Gaul cranny is twice as big :)
Lumber: 61 per hour
Clay: 61 per hour
Iron: 32 per hour
Grain: 14 per hour

i have already gotten 3 messages about farming and two promising war, bloody noobies still havent bothered to build crannies

Tut tut, don't forget travel times ;)
And the fact that I have no troops ;)

I haven't really had the opportunity to build any .. I've just been building up resources for the most part.
I'm a Gaul with barracks but its hard to accumulate enough resources to have any chance of raiding at this point. Because of this I'm focusing totally on resources atm.
I'm a Gaul with barracks but its hard to accumulate enough resources to have any chance of raiding at this point. Because of this I'm focusing totally on resources atm.

Resources and a slight bit of a cranny.
I was attacked twice yesterday, the same guy that attacked me the other day tried again, but again he only got fourty crop. :lol: But another person attacked me and got a bit more:

Attacker mOnStEr from the village mOnStEr

Troops 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Casualties 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bounty 245 74 3 62

No big deal, but I'm building a barrack right now.
i got soo lucky... there's hardly a raider around me. All sim citiers, and the teuts are a step behind the gauls and romans.

Lumber: 20 per hour
Clay: 28 per hour
Iron: 24 per hour
Grain: 9 per hour

[cancel] Woodcutter (level 2) 0:04:26 h done at 08:42 am o'clock
[cancel] Marktetplace (level 2) 0:29:12 h done at 09:06 am o'clock

I'll begin building my first troops tomorrow, after leveling up 2-3 crop fields.