Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman

That quote is conjecture... This quote didn't leave you thinking 'gee, why did all the evidence sit around for so long before he was arrested with charges that need a lot of evidence?'?
Depends, do we take the prosecution at their word? If yes, then they were very busy with all the other homicides and were taking this seriously, but do not work at the demand of political pressure or public petition. Thus, until the investigation was completed the evidence wasn't known. But then it leaves us looking at the affidavit and wondering how they came up with the charge.

If we don't take them at their word and assume his dad pulled some strings a simple open records request of phone records will show this. But then we can't trust anything the prosecution is doing is proper. If they only acted on public and political pressure then we have to wonder if that played a role in the charges too and hope that they have evidence to back those charges.

May means not necessary but always possible.
It also means they need to prove it because it is not just assumed because the prosecution says so. That would be a shoddily written law that would have trouble holding up against a competent defense lawyer.
I started this thread out of discussion that was starting in separate threads, and merged them, since they're currently an event that has been discussed in several places I've personally been to in the US in the past month, as well newspapers and even BBC News' website a month ago.

Anyhow, less personal attacks all around...thinly-veiled or direct, please. Although, I can't stand Nancy Grace either, FK.
Shooting infers intent. Prove otherwise.

But it hardly negates the fact shooting at someone infers intent.

Asked my lawyer to explain in legal terms what distinguishes self-defense from murder (since you're so confused about the existence of self-defense). Self-defense is known as an "affirmative defense" against the charge of murder.

Note the small list of affirmative defenses in criminal law toward the bottom:

insanity defense
self defense
statute of limitation

There should also possibly be a diminished capacity affirmative defense. These affirmative defenses can be used to negate mens rea for a given criminal charge. So even if the defendant pointed a gun at someone and fully, knowingly, intended to shoot the person dead (intent), they still are not guilty of a crime if they successfully use an affirmative defense (self-defense) to justify their actions and negate mens rea (guilt) except in strict liability crimes (which murder is not).

Here's more reading on self-defense since you're interested:

Again, I expect that your next post will be an apology and a "thanks" for helping you understand something as fundamental and basic as the notion of self-defense and that shooting someone in self-defense does not make you a murderer (which everyone else in this thread understood without the need for latin).
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since you're so confused about the existence of self-defense

Again, intent to kill is not murder.

From my last post:
...knowing any shot could kill someone, and if you intentionally aim and fire, for any reason...
For any reason... like murder or self defense.
Anyhow, less personal attacks all around...thinly-veiled or direct, please.
Again, I expect that your next post will be an apology and a "thanks" for helping you understand something as fundamental and basic as the notion of self-defense and that shooting someone in self-defense does not make you a murderer (which everyone else in this thread understood without the need for latin).
A thinly veiled insult based of a blatantly wrong assumption. A double foul. :dunce:

Because you're saying that any shot fired is with intent to kill. That's different from saying any shot fired could kill
One infers the other. I think I sufficiently outlined why one infers the other (it was the part you edited out of my post) concerning a penalty for that action, if any.
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A thinly veiled insult based of a blatantly wrong assumption. A double foul. :dunce:

This zebra believes that a certain previously-banned member might be precariously near the limit on team fouls.
Again, intent to kill is not murder.


You only know how to deflect don't you? Ok, please tell me why we're talking about this then? Keep in mind that you've been citing charges for first-degree murder:

In addition, the prosecutor must prove that the defendant had a specific intent to kill. In a first degree murder case, the state may prove the defendant's deliberate intent to commit an unlawful killing by considering the defendant's actions, use of a deadly weapon, or other circumstances.

Here you cite more criminal law:

The law generally differentiates between levels of criminal culpability based on the mens rea, or state of mind. This is particularly true within the law of homicide, where murder requires either the intent to kill – a state of mind called malice, or malice aforethought – or the knowledge that one's actions are likely to result in death; manslaughter, on the other hand, requires a lack of any prior intention to kill or create a deadly situation.

Here's you again:

BUT FOR Zimmerman approaching Martin, Martin would still be alive. Therefore, if Zimmerman approached Martin (which he essentially admitted), Zimmerman is guilty.

Dude is charged with 2nd degree murder. /freedom

But you are right, this isn't really self-defense. Zimmerman was pursuing a teenager on public property, not defending his own property against an offender. Nonetheless, he needs to answer for what he did in front of his peers.

Stand Your Ground means self defense. Initiating a pursuit is the opposite self defense.
Zimmerman is guilty of 2nd degree murder at least.

You've been trying to establish Zimmerman as a murderer throughout, and cited criminal law (which you misread) in the wrong state to try to bolster your claim that possession of a deadly weapon = intent to kill = Zimmerman is a murderer. If that hasn't been your intention this entire time, speak now because I think a lot of people in this thread will be surprised to hear it.

Here's the bottom line with this case:

If Zimmerman questioned the boy, was attacked (regardless of pursuit), and shot in self-defense it would be a grave injustice to lock him away for murder.

If Treyvon was attacked and shot, a grave injustice has already occurred and Zimmerman should be locked away for murder.

Dapper do you dispute any of that?
You've been trying to establish Zimmerman as a murderer throughout
Totally wrong... again! :lol:

He shot Martin with the intent to kill, whether it was murder or self defense is questionable... except Zimmerman chased Martin which excludes self defense in my opinion. And definitely excludes 'stand your ground' defense.
possession of a deadly weapon = intent to kill = Zimmerman is a murderer
The use of a deadly weapon=intent to kill :dunce:

There is major fallacious thinking go on here.
The use of a deadly weapon infers intent. Inferred intent can be used to prosecute someone for crimes such as murder. That does not mean the use of a deadly weapon infers murder.

This zebra believes that a certain previously-banned member might be precariously near the limit on team fouls.
You know I got banned for saying it was "ludicrous" to think a wheel was not much better than a controller for GT5p?
Major foul, I know.

I find GTPlanet a lot of fun, among other positive things, but some people make it not fun sometimes.
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Totally wrong... again! :lol:

He shot Martin with the intent to kill, whether it was murder or self defense is questionable... except Zimmerman chased Martin which exclude self dense in my opinion.
In that case, you ARE trying to establish Zimmerman as a murderer.
In that case, you ARE trying to establish Zimmerman as a murderer.

In the opinion forum, it is only right I express an opinion every now and then.

Use of a deadly weapon infers intent to kill=not opinion
Zimmerman hunted Martin and he is a murderer=opinion
He shot Martin with the intent to kill (not opinion), whether it was murder or self defense is questionable (not opinion, either)...except Zimmerman chased Martin which excludes self defense in my opinion (opinion).
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Zimmerman chased Martin
He did? We know he followed Martin, whom he believed to be a suspicious person, while reporting him to 911. I am unaware that we have solid evidence of what happened after the call ended.
I leave this thread for one day, there's two more pages of comments... ugh

Enforce the existing laws before writing new ones, we have plenty of anti gun laws on the books now that are not enforced.

[hippy soft side]My broader opinion is this; we should get to the root of the social problems we have instead of applying band aids, there are reasons these people find themselves doing terrible things, social reasons. I'll admit there will always be a pure criminal element but I believe a lot of people simply make very bad decisions that ruin their lives and the lives of others under stress or under the positions they unwilling find themselves in at the time.[/hippy soft side] :P

Agreed... and to make things clear, I never suggested more anti-gun laws either.

On the second part... that would be great if we could mitigate the root of the social problem. I agree 100%

Just one more thing...


Knives are dangerous. Cutting people is wrong. Therefore, surgeons are violent criminals who use deadly force and need to be sent to prison.


Sarcastic, I know. But to set things straight, you would need to sign a waiver form before they do that.

A) This doesn't help you.
B) This isn't law.

It was Harvard Law Review.

Walter E. Oberer is an expert on labor laws. It is a long stretch to call him an authority on this subject.

If he has a law degree, that makes him authority. Lawyers don't graduate from Law School as specialists in one field. Indeed, they can move from one type of law to the next if they want to.

To me the issue, as it applies to this case, is not in how we define the use of a deadly weapon and how it applies to intent, but whether the prosecution can prove the intent was to harm or kill. The law you are quoting from wiki says that it may be used to infer intent. It does not automatically imply intent in the way you appear to claim. We do not know the events leading up to the shooting, and just because there was a gun used does not mean that Zimmerman intended to kill anyone.

The prosecution believes Zimmerman did not intend to use his gun to kill Martin before the confrontation. If they thought that they would have gone for 1st degree murder. By choosing a 2nd degree murder charge they will have to prove that the physical confrontation was started by Zimmerman and that he at least intended to harm Martin. The fact that he had a gun on his person and that after the confrontation began it was used does not mean he intended to harm or kill Martin. The prosecution either has unknown evidence or they are over-reaching.

The difference between 1st degree murder and second is the premeditation phase, not the intent. Malice is key to murder cases, whereas malice is present in the former degree, and a lesser degree of malice is present for the latter.

If malice is not there, then you have manslaughter.

Hopefully they do have unknown evidence. Not saying that they can't pull it off if they don't have it, but it would certainly help their case.

*Some* of your argument is correct, as I've illustrated above. But not all of it. In a life or death situation, shooting IS deadly force. But in some other situations, that isn't always the case. Which is what myself and several others have been saying for the last dozen pages or more.

Does the person have to die for it to be considered "deadly force?" Deadly force is used. If I intend to kill someone, but fail to do so, does that make the state's argument that I used deadly force weak?

Nope. Deadly force isn't implied when you intend to use force that causes death. It's explicit. Even if it's the wrong death.

Deadly force is implicit if you intend to shoot someone dead but only injure them.

No, you still used the same amount of force (deadly force) to shoot someone. Doesn't matter if you miss or you injure or you actually kill them.

If there is intent, then you go on to other questions: was the use of deadly force used as a means of self-defense or out of malice? Thus, the discussion of whether the prosecution can effectively pull of this charge as opposed to an easier manslaughter charge...

However, if you shoot someone to injure them and do so, you have only used the innate properties of the gun - to deliver remote, penetrative and injurious force.

Which is the same force used regardless if you injure, kill or miss. If you miss your target, this doesn't diminish the fact that the weapon has released "less force."

Except you've now shuffled past the point. The statement is that a gun is a deadly weapon. You've already agreed that it isn't, only a weapon. You've already agreed that deactivated guns are not deadly weapons either. You just need to make that last step and agree with the original statement that an empty, fully rule-1-safe gun sitting on a shelf is not a deadly weapon and you'll have agreed with the point you posted to disagree with...

You put my words out of context. Of course it's a deadly weapon (even if I didn't put "deadly" in my sentence.

Actually, they are tools. Tools used in the production of beeswax, honey and royal jelly.

They are not tools innately. Their purpose (in nature--as they're insects) is not to help us produce and sell honey. The purpose of guns is to, as you keep repeating, induce remote, injurious force.

Thus, bees are not innately deadly weapons. As to whether they could be, if they are purposefully placed in a place that the aggressor knows that they will sting and kill, is another question (they could or could not be).

Oddly, there is a kind of sense in UK law - a sentence not often uttered - when it comes to this. The law here differentiates between a tool designed as a weapon and a tool used as a weapon - essentially it being worse for you if you use a weapon (a sword, gun, African Throwing Knife, baseball bat [not much baseball over here], knife kept under the pillow for defence purposes) than if you pick something to use as a weapon (frying pan, random beehive in the hallway, paperweight, hockey stick).

Which is what I'm kind of getting at.

But then it all falls down when we're not allowed to use deadly force in self-defence and where guns are the Antichrist and made of dead babies.

You are allowed. That's where the "Stand Your Ground" law comes in the picture. I never said it was ever bad to use deadly force. And it shouldn't, depending on the circumstances.
Does the person have to die for it to be considered "deadly force?" Deadly force is used. If I intend to kill someone, but fail to do so, does that make the state's argument that I used deadly force weak?

You're missing that I was talking about two different scenarios. Self defense could reasonably be considered deadly force. A marksman deliberately not aiming with deadly intent cannot be considered deadly force.


You know I got banned for saying it was "ludicrous" to think a wheel was not much better than a controller for GT5p?
Major foul, I know.

Since you want to call the staff out on this one...

You received 10pt as EERS4YEARS for low grade posting (including lazy grammar and useless posts) and abusive comments. You received 10pt more as EERS4YEARS for abusive comments again, directed at other racers. You received 9pt more as EERS4YEARS for abusive comments again, directed at other racers. You were then banned for making a useless post - and your quote above is falsified, as is the context. Your entire useless post was:

Ludacris... thread title is Ludacris

Considering it was the second response in this thread and you were already on 29pt for abusive comments, useless posts and low grade posting, it was stunning you thought that was a good post to make.

You then moved onto ISmokeGT, where you got 10pt for... abusive comments. You then got another 10pt for... abusive comments. You decided to make another new account - Dapper - and the 20pt reminder was brought across for you. Your six Infractions were delivered by five different members of staff.

Pretence otherwise and deliberate misrepresentation of the staff's actions and your role...

You will not knowingly post any material that is false, misleading, or inaccurate.

I'm now the sixth member of staff.

No, you still used the same amount of force (deadly force) to shoot someone. Doesn't matter if you miss or you injure or you actually kill them.

Yes it does. A force is only a deadly force if it kills. Otherwise it's just force. At best you can claim "potentially deadly force", but then we're back to cars and bees again.

If there is intent, then you go on to other questions: was the use of deadly force used as a means of self-defense or out of malice? Thus, the discussion of whether the prosecution can effectively pull of this charge as opposed to an easier manslaughter charge...

Ummm, no. Now we're on defences to the offence. Completely different - and legal - matter.

Which is the same force used regardless if you injure, kill or miss. If you miss your target, this doesn't diminish the fact that the weapon has released "less force."

It hasn't. It's released the same force - a remote, penetrative and injurious force. That's all the gun is designed to do in normal operation. Shoot to kill and succeed and the injury is death - deadly force. Shoot to kill and miss and the intent is death - intended deadly force. Shoot to injure and kill and the injury is death - deadly force. Shoot to injure without death and succeed and the injury is just injury - injurious force. Shoot at something not living and the injury is always injury alone - injurious force.

You put my words out of context.

Umm... no I haven't. You stated that a deactivated firearm - one no longer capable of firing - is not a deadly weapon. I don't really understand why you're so adamant that a fully rule-1-safe firearm not in operation - one that is not capable of firing - is a deadly weapon. Neither can fire, injure or kill. Both can have their condition altered to be capable of firing, injuring and killing. They're either both deadly weapons or both not deadly weapons.

They are not tools innately. Their purpose (in nature--as they're insects) is not to help us produce and sell honey. The purpose of guns is to, as you keep repeating, induce remote, injurious force.

Thus, bees are not innately deadly weapons. As to whether they could be, if they are purposefully placed in a place that the aggressor knows that they will sting and kill, is another question (they could or could not be).

Let's just repeat that last part...

The purpose of guns is to, as you keep repeating, induce remote, injurious force.

Thus, guns are not innately deadly weapons. As to whether they could be, if they are purposefully shot at a place that the aggressor knows that they will penetrate and kill, is another question (they could or could not be).

Tools. Not deadly weapons, unless used as one. We're right back at intent again...

You are allowed.

No, I'm not. Remember I just cited UK law, not US law...
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One infers the other. I think I sufficiently outlined why one infers the other (it was the part you edited out of my post) concerning a penalty for that action, if any.

I edit out anything that's not relevant to the conversation. You're lucky I quote anything at all.

I assume - since you quoted very little of my post in response - that you agree with the rest of it?
Dapper is not available to take your post. Please leave your message after the beep. Beeeep.

It was Harvard Law Review.

"Review" being the operative word. Law Review is just commentary, operated by law students, generally for law professors to publish in.

If he has a law degree, that makes him authority. Lawyers don't graduate from Law School as specialists in one field. Indeed, they can move from one type of law to the next if they want to.

While this is true, lawyers don't graduate experts or authorities in anything. They generally spend their careers developing a specialty within the law, because being an expert in all of law is nearly impossible. Even judges specialize.

The difference between 1st degree murder and second is the premeditation phase, not the intent. Malice is key to murder cases, whereas malice is present in the former degree, and a lesser degree of malice is present for the latter.

If malice is not there, then you have manslaughter.

Not if you have an affirmative defense (listed earlier). The affirmative defense that would apply here would be self-defense. The whole discussion of "intent" is a huge red herring. This case is all about whether or not it was self-defense. I'm actually struggling to see how this could end up manslaughter unless somehow it gets proven that this was imperfect self-defense which I think might be impossible due to stand-your-ground laws and which I think would also be next-to-impossible to determine given the lack of evidence. Of course stranger things have happened.

No, you still used the same amount of force (deadly force) to shoot someone. Doesn't matter if you miss or you injure or you actually kill them.

Tell that to them. What really makes a difference is not whether you actually kill them, but whether you meant to kill them.
Dapper is not available to take your post. Please leave your message after the beep. Beeeep.

Some people accuse you guys of being gtplanet nazis, but at least you guys are very funny nazi. I just saw the reason why Dapper was banned in the banned user log.

Oh my god. So sad, yet so funny. :lol:👍
police say back off,

The police never told him to back off, a dispatcher did, they have no authority and are just there to dispatch emergency vehicles and try to keep people calm until said vehicles get there.

As for why he continued to follow him, we may never know. He may have been looking for a fight or he could have seen Trayvon attempting to break into a house and decided not to wait, only 1 person knows and his 🤬 is on the line right now so he may just say what supports his side even if it's not the truth.

As for the gun thing, the second amendment says he can carry one and he had the proper permits. I know people who carry a gun whenever they can, every time I ask them why they carry it they say "Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it".
This is what happens when the media blows something up without getting a story straight.

Witness report says Trayvon was beating the crap out of Zimmerman's face before he got shot.

I'm not even wasting my time with this story until the court case is over with.
I was about to post something familiar to yours.

Notice how NBC edited the 911 call to make Zimmerman sound like he is racist. Turns out, the 911 operator asked Zimmerman what was Treyvon's race.
Yeah, many people carry guns in the States, everyday. It's not at all out of the ordinary, especially for some cop wannabe.

911 recording tells me that Zimmerman wanted to be Batman that night. Most people would back off when told by the 911 operator to stop following the suspect. Unless Trayvon Martin was just about to actually commit a crime, there was no reason to continue following him, let alone engaging the suspect. Police would have handled it.

I have no idea how the fight broke out, or exactly why. I don't think we will ever know if this self-defense was justified. Only Zimmerman knows how it went down. Either way, even if it was a justified self-defense, at least to me, Zimmerman is a complete fool to put himself in a dangerous situation, even after being advised to stop following. Then after engaging the kid, he thought he was going to get his ass kicked to death by an unarmed high school kid, so he shoots him.

Idiot of the year, this Zimmerman.
There was a comment indicating that he had the right to carry a firearm... I totally agree... So someone tell me, How do you stop the mentally unstable from obtaining a gun permit? Those of you without guns in the US, may have a more difficult time in obtaining permits in the future.
There was a comment indicating that he had the right to carry a firearm... I totally agree... So someone tell me, How do you stop the mentally unstable from obtaining a gun permit? Those of you without guns in the US, may have a more difficult time in obtaining permits in the future.

Gun permits require a background check. As for future rules, if anyone was going to increase restrictions due to shootings with legal guns it would have happened long before now.