Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman

Not so surpising, honestly... as the female juror in the article said... whatever you may feel about this personally, the letter of the law exonerates Zimmerman.


Not that it's all that much comfort to him, I suppose. His life is practically over. At this point, we're just waiting for what the final meltdown will look like.
Zimmerman's apparently trying to auction off the gun he killed Trayvon with:

Wouldn't it be something if someone bought it, then used it to kill Zimmerman?

The hosting site killed the listing as soon as it went live.

EDIT: I'm not going to give the site any kudos for doing so, though. Seeing that it's the same outfit that was willing to sell Trayvon silhouette gun range targets a couple years ago, I'm guessing they didn't pull the listing due to any moral objections to it.
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Yes, the NPR article I linked to has already been updated to indicate the auction has been taken down. Hence why I said Zimmerman's trying to auction it off, not that he is auctioning it off. :lol:

Why do we care?
We don't. Or at least I don't.

I just figured I'd share the news in the relevant thread...
Why do we care?

Emotive symbolism, I guess. To my mind if he's legally allowed to keep it then he's allowed to make a legal trade in it. Being me... you might expect that I'd form a dim opinion of somebody who wanted to purchase the weapon for any symbolic value... and you'd be right. But the trade is fair.
Emotive symbolism, I guess. To my mind if he's legally allowed to keep it then he's allowed to make a legal trade in it. Being me... you might expect that I'd form a dim opinion of somebody who wanted to purchase the weapon for any symbolic value... and you'd be right. But the trade is fair.

Is symbolism a better or worse reason to own a weapon than self defense?
Is symbolism a better or worse reason to own a weapon than self defense?

Subjective on the part of the purchaser. To me it would be better to own a weapon for symbolic reasons than to own one for self-defence, I have no need of a lethal form of self-defence but I enjoy owning "nice things".
Subjective on the part of the purchaser. To me it would be better to own a weapon for symbolic reasons than to own one for self-defence, I have no need of a lethal form of self-defence but I enjoy owning "nice things".

I'm sure his good luck charm hasn't exactly brought fortune to go with the fame, thus the sale.
Subjective on the part of the purchaser. To me it would be better to own a weapon for symbolic reasons than to own one for self-defence, I have no need of a lethal form of self-defence but I enjoy owning "nice things".

No gentleman of proper aesthetic sensibilities would be immune to the joys of owning a German Luger and a sharp medieval dagger of considerable length and jeweled pommel.

Being no longer in the services, my best self-defense is my awareness, my wits and my legs. But I do carry at least one blade at all times.

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