The significant coverage of the Amy Fisher incident made Buttafuoco a minor celebrity. In the late 1990s when he was on trial, Buttafuoco was invited to a bar by Pantera musicians Dimebag Darrell and Vinnie Paul. Shortly after the case surfaced, Andrew Dice Clay invited Buttafuoco to appear in one of his stand-up routines. Buttafuoco, a Dice Clay fan, first agreed, but later declined after accepting legal advice. In 2002, he participated in the Fox Network's Celebrity Boxing, originally slated to oppose John Wayne Bobbitt, who dropped out due to being arrested for domestic abuse. Bobbitt was replaced by female pro wrestler Joanie "Chyna" Laurer.[7]Buttafuoco, despite being booed, won the fight in a majority decision (29–28, 29–27, 28–28).[8] In 2006, he and Amy Fisher were reunited at the Lingerie Bowl for the coin toss.[9] In a story reported in the New York Post, reality show producer David Krieff suggested that Buttafuoco and Fisher were currently "dating" again, although this was not supported by any direct statements from either Buttafuoco or Fisher.[10] On May 23, 2007 Mary Jo Buttafuocco appeared on CNN's Larry King Live program to discuss the recent reunion of her ex-husband and the former "Long Island Lolita."[11] Joey Buttafuoco and Mary Jo Buttafuoco have been regular guests of The Howard Stern Show since 1992. However, despite many news articles reporting his rumored romance with Fisher, Buttafuoco's second wife, Evanka, withdrew her divorce petition on June 22, 2007, and apparently has reconciled with him.[12]
That'd be more like found not guilty wouldn't it?
Nope, and I'm quite sure you know this. What is your reason for trying to distort?Also known as literally the definition of innocent.
Nope, and I'm quite sure you know this. What is your reason for trying to distort?
Of course someone who is innocent is also not guilty. The question is whether or not it applies the other way around, and specifically within the context of a legal judgment. The answer is no. You might want that to be different, but the answer is still no.
You really do seem to have a penchant for becoming the self-appointed curator for select threads.
Of course someone who is innocent is also not guilty. The question is whether or not it applies the other way around, and specifically within the context of a legal judgment. The answer is no. You might want that to be different, but the answer is still no.
You really do seem to have a penchant for becoming the self-appointed curator for select threads.
Need I remind people this is far from new? Zimmerman was found innocent. His name has been tarnished and he won't be able to have a normal life again. This is far less shocking than what some who are guilty of crimes, such as Joey Buttafuoco, did.
Call it what you want. Means the same thing to me. Not sure why it's important. He isn't treated innocent by self-appointed judges in the public.That'd be more like found not guilty wouldn't it?
Let's see here. You find it necessary to "correct" @Zenith here and in the same breath say he's being a "self-appointed curator"?![]()
Certainly, and the reality of innocent, not guilty, and guilty outcomes. Now hit that launch button.Out of curiosity, @LeMansAid, do you believe in the concept of innocent until proven guilty?
I'm gonna support @LeMansAid here. The definition of "innocent" is "not guilty". However, the definition of "not guilty" is not "innocent".First result to the Google search: innocent definition.
Maybe we actually verify our stuff before we go out with claims like that.
- 1.
not guilty of a crime or offense.
"the arbitrary execution of an innocent man"
synonyms:guiltless, blameless, in the clear, unimpeachable,irreproachable, above suspicion, faultless; More
I'm gonna support @LeMansAid here. The definition of "innocent" is "not guilty". However, the definition of "not guilty" is not "innocent".
Yes, our system runs on "innocent until proven guilty". This principle means that you're assumed not guilty - the definition of innocent - until proven guilty. The key word being "proven" - in the US, the burden of proof is on the prosecution. They are trying to prove the defendant guilty. The defendant is trying to refute accusations - not prove innocence - because they're the defense. If the prosecution is unable to prove the defendant guilty then the defendant is acquitted - they're not guilty because they haven't been proven guilty, but they've not proved themselves innocent either, because they can't. They might actually be guilty as hell and nobody knows it.
science can't prove anything.
Then why can't you plea innocent in court?The presumption of innocence is a fundamental tenet of law in any civilized country. Can't prove guilt? Then the person is legally innocent, period. What you are seemingly defending is the presumption of guilt i.e. the feeling that someone really is guilty, despite no evidence to support such a claim.
Court is a trial of guilt. Without proof of guilt then you are legally acquitted of the charges and considered innocent.Then why can't you plea innocent in court?
I already said that.Court is a trial of guilt. Without proof of guilt then you are legally acquitted of the charges and considered innocent.
And thus, the law treats him as innocent. A legal term in a courtroom does not make the real world definition change.I already said that.
My point is that by dictionary definition an innocent person is innocent. But in legal terms, they're not guilty, because in court the defendant doesn't prove innocence, the prosecution proves guilt, and if they can't do that then the defense is not guilty.
The difference between the real world definition and the courtroom usage is very important though. Innocent means not guilty. But not guilty doesn't mean innocent, as I said earlier and you just reiterated. In fact, you just now said that a person can be found not guilty despite the fact that they may secretly be guilty (another thing I've already mentioned). But earlier you said - the thing that started this argument - that Zimmerman was found innocent, which he wasn't. He could still be guilty as hell and none of us realize it because he wasn't found innocent because innocence is not proved in court.And thus, the law treats him as innocent. A legal term in a courtroom does not make the real world definition change.
Similarly, being found not guilty in court does not mean you weren't guilty. You could have performed the act. It just means you were more clever than the police and prosecutors.
As I told him, and as he assumed, it wasn't a mixup. I never saw evidence of the charges he was given. I will call it innocent, just as I call my cousin married.I don't think anybody wants to admit that @LeMansAid was right for calling out that tiny but important word mixup.