Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman

We're not the only clients of the museum. This exhibit will be kept for a long time (possibly) as a marker for future generations.

As such, it's not evidence for the case, or something obscure, but an easily recognizable symbol or object attached to the event. Like a piece of the Berlin Wall, or wreckage from 9-11. It's merely there to record the event, not to explain it.

I wouldn't be too quick to use those comparisons, a piece of the wall is viewed by most as a symbol of the tyranny that eventually led to destruction of the wall. Likewise, a piece of wreckage from the WTC is going to be viewed by most Americans as a symbol of the attack on the western world by fundamentalist.

Bottom line is that no matter who views the items they end up being symbols of right and wrong.

That leads to the question, what does the hoodie symbolize?
Is it a symbol of racism in America? A symbol of distrust for the justice system? Is it simply a symbol of American youth being assumed to be criminal?

For an object to take a place in the Smithsonian I believe it needs to have greater value and a more direct message. As of now, I don't think the hoodie has a message or any great value.

If there is any message to take from the hoodie I'd say it's a message of Black Americans being marginalized if they are not the center of a racist agenda.

One black 17 y/o is killed by a half latino, half white male and the media goes nuts about racism.

193 people were murdered in New Orleans in 2012...
"Landrieu says that the murder epidemic in New Orleans is largely confined to African-American men between the ages of 16 and 30, both victims and perpetrators. Murder is the leading cause of death for that demographic group, he said."
Yet no one but Spike Lee gives a crap apparently. :(

That averages out to be one murder in a little less than every two days.
Where is the media and outrage there?

It isn't there because the racism-mongers can't exploit the crimes for their own good.
Ultimately, I think the importance of this case is yet to be seen. We have an opportunity to turn it into a teachable moment, and racial profiling can have little or no role in that. If we remove the racial profiling we still have a discussion about how the criminal justice system treats race differently (I do believe the case would be different if Zimmerman had died, for multiple reasons), how we each bring in our preconceived notions (read the first few pages from this thread), how media approaches things, and even the role of political figures in criminal cases.

If nothing else, I'd put this in a journalism museum.

The importance of this case is readily apparent to those willing to see it. If the liberal media and race pimps cannot find anything to do with race in a particular case involving a victim and perpetrator of different races, they will simply proceed as if it is there. We also learned that about half the country is gullible enough to listen to the drive by media and believe the 30 second sound bites that pass for news these days on many networks.
Well, why not? Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton both had plenty to say on the matter, why not Ted Nugent?
Well, why not? Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton both had plenty to say on the matter, why not Ted Nugent?
Speaking of which, hasn't Jesse Jackson recently been charged with abusing campaign funds for personal gain? I'm pretty sure that was him. So much for helping the ghetto.
Mr Zimmerman is back in custody under investigative detention following some sort of domestic incident involving a gun apparently.
Let the post-trial mental breakdown begin.

He's had a few run-ins with the law, already, and that divorce.

You just had to know whatever the outcome, Zimmerman would still end up with the short end of the stick.
It's nothing more than a typical argument between ex-husbands and wives. This sort of thing happens all the time. The only reason it's in the news is because it involves Zimmerman. It's not news at all, but outlets know they can create traffic and revenue on his name alone. Frankly, all the stories about it should be erased because they're nothing more than bogus, sensationalist journalism.
From what I have read it sounds like a very weak domestic violence case anyway, I bet if it was not him charges likely would not be filed. Of course in many cities the law requires one family member go down to the jail for the night once the cops are called.

I did see the cops grabbed a smashed laptop or tablet or some sort to try and retrieve evidence? Maybe he's been cyber bullying her lol.

EDIT: and what keef said, even a 1/2 tree'd
From what I have read it sounds like a very weak domestic violence case anyway, I bet if it was not him charges likely would not be filed. Of course in many cities the law requires one family member go down to the jail for the night once the cops are called.

I did see the cops grabbed a smashed laptop or tablet or some sort to try and retrieve evidence? Maybe he's been cyber bullying her lol.

EDIT: and what keef said, even a 1/2 tree'd

He supposedly hit her father, smashed her iPad, according to her 911 call. If you hear the call (they played it on The Adam Carolla Show) she is saying he got angry with her, grabbed the iPad and busted it and slashed at it with his pocket knife, then went out and attempted to close the garage door on her, and then got in his car and held his gun telling her to come closer.

As no gun was found, I'm guessing her interpretation of the events were a bit exaggerated by emotions. Police say the iPad has video of the events. I'm guessing he showed up to confront her regarding the divorce, her dad stepped in and was shoved or punched, she was recording it on the iPad and he did a "turn that camera off" move where he grabbed it and smashed it, then stormed out and she was chasing him so he tried closing the garage door to stop her, then got in his car and he began yelling at her after grabbing a phone or pretending to have a gun. Then when cops showed up calmer heads prevailed and no charges were pressed. If things went above a certain level then it becomes the DA's case, and that is the importance of the video. He could face charges from the DA.

They're in the middle of a divorce, they won't have a civil conversation for a while.

Here's the audio. And transcript.

Listening to it, she seems shaken and taking things out of proportion, even arguing with her dad if he needs an ambulance. At the end it sounds like she is shocked to see a woman get out of Zimmerman's car. Um, if she missed a full person, how could she see a gun? And his bodyguard was there. I'm guessing Zimmerman wasn't threatening to shoot anyone with two witnesses present.
It's nothing more than a typical argument between ex-husbands and wives. This sort of thing happens all the time. The only reason it's in the news is because it involves Zimmerman. It's not news at all, but outlets know they can create traffic and revenue on his name alone. Frankly, all the stories about it should be erased because they're nothing more than bogus, sensationalist journalism.

But... but... he's the scumbag who got away with a racially motivated murder?!?! We need to know every facet of his subsequent life so we can catch him when he kills again!!1!!11!
"Saying" he had a handgun is the operative word because no handgun was found, so it looks like she just assumed he had one.

OR she knew he didn't have one, but knew it would be enough to get the police out there considering who she was calling on. Women can be trouble, am I right? *braces for impact*
OR she knew he didn't have one, but knew it would be enough to get the police out there considering who she was calling on. Women can be trouble, am I right? *braces for impact*

Anything is possible in these types of heating domestic
I bet the reason she dropped the charges is she realized it would affect the Florida state paying George Zimmerman and she wants to keep her "fair share" of the money when their divorce is final.
I bet the reason she dropped the charges is she realized it would affect the Florida state paying George Zimmerman and she wants to keep her "fair share" of the money when their divorce is final.

Whaaat!?!? Are your sure about FL paying him. His legal team maybe but not him.
Even though she aint pressing charges the State is still pursueing charges, so again why would they be paying him?
Whaaat!?!? Are your sure about FL paying him. His legal team maybe but not him.
Even though she aint pressing charges the State is still pursueing charges, so again why would they be paying him?

The original findings of the police that there was no evidence of a crime in this case, were proved out in court. The man has a reasonable case for malicious or wrongful prosecution I would think. His life is basically over as a normal person with a normal job because he was paraded around for months and branded a racist by the leftwing media. He'll forever be in the media spotlight until he burns himself out, which by the sounds of things, isn't too far off. I think he'll be taken out by someone with a grudge eventually.
He was declared not guilty. Let's get over this and close this thread.
The problem is at the Federal level. Zimmerman may still face Federal charges over the shooting by Eric Holder, calling it, a "Civil Rights Violation".
I'd say what the 🤬-ety 🤬, but I don't really have it in me to be surprised at the entertainment industry anymore, not after OJ wrote a book about killing his wife.

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