Trophies (now with list of supported games)

  • Thread starter Scaff


United Kingdom
OK I'm starting a thread to give a dedicated space to something that I think will become a regular discussion point, the new Trophy system.

For those who have been in a cave for the last few days..

2.40 also delivers trophies to recognise players’ achievements in the online arena. Other competitive activities recognise winners with trophies – so why not gaming on PS3? Many online games will have gold, silver and bronze trophies – with platinum available for those who snag all three – all displayed on the XMB for everyone to see.

Super Stardust™ HD, a PLAYSTATION Network-exclusive released last year, will be the first game to leverage the Trophies system and will offer a variety of trophies**. The following first-party games are also slated to offer Trophy support:


List removed as updated ones have been added below.


Now it has been said that trophy support will be limited to start and that at first developers will not be forced to include it, mainly to ensure it doesn't delay any new games. It will however (its rumoured) be made mandatory in the future.

One rather significant and important bit is that trophies will not work retroactively, so no loading up a game save and getting lots of rewards as a result. We will have to put in the hard work and start all over again, but it does avoid the game-save trading for gamerpoints issue that the 360 has suffered from.

The only issue I see with that is for on-line rewards, many games (such as Warhawk, COD4, BF:BC, etc) keep your performance details on dedicated servers, not your game save. So restarting these will not be an option, but as the data can't be shared I hope that these will just be opened up for trophies.

To explain all of the basic features of the system its easier to put up this little video, rather than trying to explain it.

So what games do you hope will get trophies first, what sort of 'things' do you want trophies for, etc?

Edited to Add.

Games that have Trophies
  • Super Stardust HD
  • PixelJunk Eden
  • Uncharted
  • Buzz: Quiz TV
  • Warhawk
  • Novastrike
  • Pain
  • Ferrari Challenge
  • Burnout Paradise
  • Wipeout HD
  • Linger In Shadows
  • High Velocity Bowling (US only - Boooo)
  • Eye of Judgement
  • Dead Space
  • Far Cry 2
  • Bioshock
  • Mainichi Issho (Japan only)
  • Aquanaut's Holiday (Japan only)
  • Geon: Emotions
  • NBA 09: The Inside
  • Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars
  • Blitz: The League II
  • Rock Band 2
  • Penny Arcade Adventures: Ep1
  • Midnight Club: Los Angeles
  • Grand Theft Auto 4
  • Little Big Planet
  • Merc's 2
  • PixelJunk Monsters
  • Motorstorm 2
  • Battlefield:Bad Company

Games that will have Trophies (new titles or patches)
  • Resistance 2

Games that MAY be updated to include Trophies (speculation/rumour)
  • fl0w
  • Heavenly Sword
  • Street Fighter HD
  • DMC4
  • Puzzle Fighter

Games that will NOT be updated to support Trophies
  • COD4
  • Resistance Fall of Man
  • Ratchet and Clank - Tools of Destruction
  • Civilization Revolution
  • GRiD
  • Fatal Inertia


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Unfortunately, I can't get too enthused about this kind of system. Undoubtedly, a way will be found to exploit it, and within months (if not weeks) it will become so overcome that it will be pointless.
I find this system a bit lame. Unlike MS achievements points we cant do anything with our trophies except showing them to our friends. and what is the point of that? hey I'm rox you sux...

I'm waiting update 2.40 because of in-game custom soundtracks and in-game chats.
I find this system a bit lame. Unlike MS achievements points we cant do anything with our trophies except showing them to our friends. and what is the point of that? hey I'm rox you sux...

I'm waiting update 2.40 because of in-game custom soundtracks and in-game chats.

Im not 100% sure but I thought that if you earn enough trophies you can unlock certain goodies just like the 360. If this is the case then I'm all for it, those who play hard get benefits, those like me who play about 30 minutes per week (sometimes) get zip.

I personally like this idea, its free, its fun and... its free. 👍

Sony have given us a little extra fun for the already nice FREE online service which is FREE and it looks to be implemented really nicely. Granted for me it add's another level of humiliation to my poor track record for been good at any game, but hey ho all in good fun. Its not like its going to make your gaming experience worse.
I find this system a bit lame. Unlike MS achievements points we cant do anything with our trophies except showing them to our friends. and what is the point of that? hey I'm rox you sux...

I'm waiting update 2.40 because of in-game custom soundtracks and in-game chats.

Bragging rights are fundamentally the core of any system like this, and certainly nothing has been said to rule out any rewards for the future (highly likely actually with Home).


I find this system a bit lame. Unlike MS achievements points we cant do anything with our trophies except showing them to our friends. and what is the point of that? hey I'm rox you sux...
What kind of stuff do the MS Achievements get you? I don't have a 360, so I don't know.
I hope they do some of the older titles like Ghost Recon AW2 because I would like to have a reason to play through it again... was my first PS3 game and at the time I was bowled over by the graphics!

These trophies should add to the replay vaule of games.

I hope NCAA and Madden Football '09 support trophies. I use to have alot of monster records in those games on the highest difficulties

Trophies should be given out in Madden for the same things like passing for 400 yards in a game, running for 250 yards, 200 yards receiving etc etc with maximum 6 minute quarters and all madden difficulty.

GT5P should have trophies as well, 1 trophy for getting gold in all 10 events in a class. I may even try to accomplish that if trophies were given for it. maybe another trophy for getting a top 100 time at a time trial.

Duke does rase some concerns though

What is to stop somebody from downloading a super game save that unlocks all the trophies for certain games? Just download super saves for everygame that supports trophies and there you go, right?

Or did Sony think about that ahead of time?
What kind of stuff do the MS Achievements get you? I don't have a 360, so I don't know.

I dont have it either. wiki says;

The Gamerscore(G) is a measure that corresponds to the number of Achievement points accumulated by an Xbox Live user. These Achievement points are awarded for the completion of game-specific challenges, such as beating a level or amassing a specified number of wins against other players in Xbox Live matches. Initially, retail Xbox 360 games offered up to 1,000G spread over a variable number of Achievements, while each Xbox Live Arcade title contained 12 achievements totaling 200G. These possible totals per game have been raised to 1250G and 250G, respectively; see below. Achievements became a potent system seller for the console.

GameSpot published an article on how to achieve 6,000 easy Achievement points[20] due to the lax requirements that some early Xbox 360 titles had for Achievements, notably EA Sports and 2K Sports titles, that would require almost no effort from the gamer to get the maximum 1,000G. The following year's sports titles (2K Sports' 2K7 and EA Sports' 07 titles) featured far more challenging Achievements. On February 1, 2007, Microsoft announced on their Gamerscore Blog some new policies that developers must follow related to Gamerscore and Achievements in future releases.[21] All games must have 1,000 Gamerscore points in the base game - the title can ship with fewer than 1,000 points, but anything added later must be free. Game developers also now have the option of adding up to 250 points via downloadable content (for a total of 1,250 points) - this content can be either free or paid. Xbox Live Arcade titles may add up to 50 points via downloadable content (for a total of 250 points).

On May 26, 2007, Halo 2 was the first Games for Windows game to feature Achievements, which counted towards a player's Xbox Live Gamerscore.

On March 25, 2008, Microsoft cracked down on "Gamerscore cheaters" (those who used "external tools" to artificially inflate their Gamerscore), and reduced their Gamerscores to zero without the option to recover the scores that had been "earned", and branded the player by denoting on their Gamertag that they were a "Cheater".[22]

I hope those trophies will give us some other awards like downloading ps1 & psn games, downloadable contents or some nice bluray movies


most game saves are PSN-ID locked.
wow man, i am only 2 points behind my friend. WHOP DE DOO!
I really do not care for POINTS and TROPHIES. But there are few games with neat trophy system.
WARhawck will have a nice feature when you can put figurines on a small battlefield sadbox in HOME! So I guess you need to unlock them. NEAT! So that way when you're friend come to youre virtual HOME, they will see what have you earned and unlocked.
I dont have it either. wiki says;
Then why on earth did you say this....

I find this system a bit lame. Unlike MS achievements points we cant do anything with our trophies except showing them to our friends. and what is the point of that? hey I'm rox you sux... are criticising the Trophy system and saying that its lame in comparison to the 360 achievement system, yet a few posts later admit that you have no idea how the achievement system works!!!!!!!!

I dont have a Ferrari but I know it's a fast car!

I know what is achievements points for but just to be sure I refer that text from wikipedia.

It looks to me like the Levels system is very similar to the points sytem.

I don't see where having a lot of Achievement Points actually gets you anything other than to say, "I rox, you sux." So, how is that better?
I dont have a Ferrari but I know it's a fast car!

I know what is achievements points for but just to be sure I refer that text from wikipedia.


The problem here is you've seen a Ford and Vauxhall next to each other and labelled one a Ferrari and the other a Trabant.

In using achievements as a comparison to show how 'lame' Trophies are you have failed to understand one rather basic fact. The operate in almost identical ways.

Some have gone as far as to say that as trophies level you up they give a clearer indication of advancement, over a straight points based system.

Once this Trophy thing gets going, I'm done with Achievements.

With one morning meeting, Sony has made me ready to buy every cross-platform title on the PlayStation 3 instead of its Microsoft-bred competitor. Sure, points are nice, but now I'm Leveling up? You mean to tell me that Sony's turned my gaming into an RPG of its own? You mean that everyone's going to be starting from square one and have an equal chance at being king of Trophies?

Sign me up.
Source -

So I will ask the question again - what exactly is it about achievements that makes PS3 trophies 'lame'?

As you haven't actually answered that, anyone can copy and paste from Wiki, however in this case you have failed to actually use the information to prove anything.

You see what you should have done is linked to this....

X-Box Rewards

...which details MS's rewards system. Now that may have given you a remote chance of actually proving your point, however as its sum total appears to have been one promotion last year with Old Spice, it doesn't even amount to that much proof of why you claim Trophies are lame (in comparison to achievements).

Sorry but you've got to try a bit hard than this........

Unfortunately, I can't get too enthused about this kind of system. Undoubtedly, a way will be found to exploit it, and within months (if not weeks) it will become so overcome that it will be pointless.

If it's used only as a way to compare one person's *accomplishments to another, then I agree, it could easily become meaningless.

*(notice I did not say skill) :D

However, as Earth mentioned, one thing this feature could do, regardless of how others choose to use it, is to offer an opportunity to add replay value to a game by encouraging a player to try and accomplish some specific task or challenge they may have otherwise not considered doing before. 👍

Another use I can see out of this new trophy system is to be able to identify which among my PSN friends has accomplished a specific challenge that I may be having trouble with in a specific game. Once identified, I could then easily send them a message asking for tips on how to approach the challenge in a way I had not considered before.

As far as bragging rights, I could care less, but I can definitely see the value of a system like this as far as adding more replay value to the games I own, and offering me the option of trying to take on challenges in a game that I may have otherwise not thought of on my own.... and possibly helping me identify those that might be able to give me some tips on how to take on a difficult challenge. 👍

As an added incentive to earning trophies, I hope developers come up with some interesting looking trophies. Although, as I speculated in the System Update thread, perhaps they are holding off the "spectacular" 3-D looking trophies (perhaps even animated ones?) for when Home is finally released.
ok Scaff you got me.frankly I was knowing x360 achievements system completly wrong. I've never been interested to xbox in my entire life thatswhy I dont know xbox thing so deeply.I thought that you can transform your achievements points into MS points then you can buy some arcade games or DLC. but achievement points and MS points are two different things. As you stated achievements points belongs to gamer card (trophy=gamer level) M$ points is a shopping card for marketplace. I take my "lame" word back. Actually I'm happy to be wrong.Because I believe Sony will improve this trophy system and then we can get some free (unlike Micro$oft) games or game contents maybe a free furniture in Home.
Sony confirmed that uncharted is getting trophies and burnout has been confirmed on the official playstation blog to be the first game to read you saves and give you the trophies you have already earned.

I might add that Burnout Paradise saves all of your data on the PSN, so games that do that will be more likely to be retroactive, because it cannot be cheated.

Although games that save data on the HDD, unless locked, will be the least likely.

In the future, this will probably mean more locked game saves that will be tied to a specific user. Game save sharing will probably become harder.
I've added a list in the first post that contains all the games that currently support trophies (a very short list of one as it stands today). I will try and keep it updated as more gain support, obviously it will end up redundant (as all games will eventually support it), but I hope it will prove handy for now.

So if you spot a game with trophy support that is not on the list, let me know.


I hope they do find a way to tie this into some free swag of some sort along the way. Even if specific games are involved I would just bump that game to the top of my Gamefly list so I would have it in that time period.

Anyway, the PAIN! blog said earlier this week that they will update to include trophies, but not cause us to lose any of our in-game trophies (cause they've been using trophies from day one in-game).

I'll pass along word to you, Scaff, when they update that.
I hope they do find a way to tie this into some free swag of some sort along the way. Even if specific games are involved I would just bump that game to the top of my Gamefly list so I would have it in that time period.

Anyway, the PAIN! blog said earlier this week that they will update to include trophies, but not cause us to lose any of our in-game trophies (cause they've been using trophies from day one in-game).

I'll pass along word to you, Scaff, when they update that.

At the very most, you'll get Home Content or something for certain levels or trophy's. Don't expect any monetary reward for your trophies.
At the very most, you'll get Home Content or something for certain levels or trophy's. Don't expect any monetary reward for your trophies.
I don't expect it, because that just makes it too tempting for people to find ways to abuse the system.

But I could always hope.
I collected some of pain trophies but they didint show in my trophy collection (XMB menu)

Please read the thread, its already been clearly discussed that Pain does not yet support the new trophy system (but will be patched soon) and that pain has always had in-game trophies.
