TT PMC - Week 9 - Sibling Rivalry - closed

  • Thread starter Brock5000

Welcome to Week 9 of the Tourist Trophy Photo Mode Competition

This competition will run for approximately 10 days. Please submit your entry by Friday the 12th of June, 2007

Week 7 winner: [empty space]


Theme: Sibling Rivalry

Show two or more different versions of the same bike, in different states of tune.

Bikes: Examples of combinations:
  • Honda CBR1000RR RM vs Morwaki CBR1000RR 8Hour vs 7 Honda CBR1000RRW
  • Suzuki GSX-R1000 RM vs Yoshimura GSX-R1000 8Hour
  • Yamaha YZF-R1 RM vs YSP & Presto R1 8Hour
  • Kawasaki ZX-10R RM vs Trick*Star ZX-10R 8Hour
  • or road versions against the race modified bikes, etc.

Tracks: Any track



Please ensure you read and understand all requirements for this competition. Failure to follow the rules may result in disqualification.
If you have any questions about how this competition is run, please ask in the thread or send me a private message.

Entry requirements
  • Only one entry may be submitted. It must be your own work. You may change this entry once. Please mark your Final entry as such.
  • You must post your entry as either an thumbnail, or as a preview linked to the full image.
  • Your Final Entry may be in standard 4:3 format or wide-screen 16:9 (press all four shoulder buttons in PhotoMode)
  • Previews should be a maximum of 400 pixels along the longest side (400 x 300 for regular 4:3 format or 400 x 225 for widescreen 16:9)
  • Please do not ask other members to choose your entry. Have confidence in your own skills and go with your favourite shot.

Image enhancement rules
(what you can and can't do in Photoshop etc.)

  • You may adjust brightness, contrast and gamma values.
  • You may rotate, crop and resize the image.
  • You may add a border and signature to your entry.
  • You may NOT adjust levels, hue, saturation, curves or sharpen the image.
  • You may NOT use filters, blurs or layers on your entry.
  • You may NOT add any elements to the original photo.

Above all, have fun and enjoy yourself!

I will be away from Thursday to Wednesday next week, so I have decided to let week 9 run longer rather than cut it short. The voting poll for last week will also run until Tuesday, perhaps someone could bump it over next weekend.

Week 10 will also run for a week and a half and as a treat the rules will be relaxed to 2.0 specs for those who like to dabble with the pixels :)
Tangled Web do you know what those bikes are? I don't think they quite meet the theme, in fact I am not sure if they are even from the same manufacturer, but I may be wrong.

The theme calls for different tuned versions of the same bike, so they also should be the same year model. I will leave it up to [empty space] to call this one, but there is still a full week to prepare another entry if you choose to do so.

I don't know much about bikes, just wondered if this shot would be alright? :dunce:

vr6s is good, i dont know about tangled webs. kaedes needs to be either the r6 road vs r6 rm or r1 rm vs r1 road, but, not both r1 road vs r6 road.

Tangled web your shot is hot but I'm sorry to say that one of the bikes (right) is a honda and the other is a yamaha... :indiff:
[empty space];2678218
vr6s is good, i dont know about tangled webs. kaedes needs to be either the r6 road vs r6 rm or r1 rm vs r1 road, but, not both r1 road vs r6 road.


Damn, i missed the details. Thought same manufacturer would do. :lol: Maybe the title should changed to twins' rivalry :lol: Anyway final entry changed.
Ahh freddy, don't let that stop you from using those bikes, or anyone else for that matter. They are a sexy pair and I would be disappointed if no one else uses the Ducatis.

There is plenty of time to get a good photo whatever bike you choose, I expect to see at least 10 entries when I get back next week! :D
This should be interesting,but too bad it has to be the same bikes.Oh well,ill guess ill give it a try.I should try to post it by tomorrow if i can...
It was a hard decision weather i should post a Hayabusa shot or a CBR shot,in the end......i choose the CBR,and here it is

Final Entry​

click for full size

Moriwaki Motul CBR1000RR vs. 7*Honda (sevenstar) CBR1000RR
It took me alot of work to get this picture.Ill guess ill give myself 10/10 upon effort.... :)

(sorry if the image is bigger than the preview size and sorry if this is a double post)
mnm_bmx I will resize your preview for the poll this time but in future please stick to 400 x 300. If you need any help with image editing programs just ask :)