Tuner Garages

  • Thread starter Kent
That seems unfortunate... I know it'd be shooting ourselves in the foot to see another competitor entered, but to be barred on a technicality like that sucks... I know he said "or whatever tires you want" in the post... if the rest of the AWD competitors agree to his inclusion, could he be allowed to compete assuming he doesn't change anything about the tune but the tires?
That seems unfortunate... I know it'd be shooting ourselves in the foot to see another competitor entered, but to be barred on a technicality like that sucks... I know he said "or whatever tires you want" in the post... if the rest of the AWD competitors agree to his inclusion, could he be allowed to compete assuming he doesn't change anything about the tune but the tires?

I dunno, things are beginning to get a bit late but I wouldn't want to see him excluded because of it either, all AWD competitors please let us know what you think, but remember, whatever Kent decides in the end is final. I think that if sport tyres ruin the setup at least he tried.
Another heads up to another AWD competitor Hemisport15 your setup indicates sport soft tyres but are labelled as N3 tyres, these are S3 tyres man. I'd hate to see you lose points from other drivers coz they're on the wrong tyres.👍
my car was originally tuned on S3 but is an excellent car on race tires...so if my is allow to run excellent but Kent has spoken and said why it has been excluded so thats fine...watch out next time for my AWD that kills MFT cars....
watch out next time for my AWD that kills MFT cars....

[Ace Ventura]Oh reeheeheeheeaallyy..?[/Ace Ventura] :sly:

Maybe it should be you who should be looking in the mirrors. We have recently been making progress with sports tyres and no wing. Scooby-Doo's setup, for example, works just beautifully on the best Impreza ever, AKA 22B. AWD's on sports tyres aren't the best possible cars when chasing laptimes, "but if handling fails, add more power for tailhappiness!"

Hm.. maybe someday I shall put my RWD's and AWD's on performance test..
I'm away for the weekend, though I've only driven the Mini I mentioned earlier. I'll give some input along next week.
Ok, yet another issue has arisen in the AWD category, (who writes this stuff?), on Bunta's Impreza neither oil change or refresher plan is listed, does it go without? What's the story, maybe oil change is obvious but not refresher plan, I've already seen a car in this comp specifically asking not for one, so Vince, Rotary Junkie, what's the go?
First FF Judging Results

nissan tuner's Honda Accord Euro-R '00
2.16.473 lap time
Judge's Notes: Handles good and feels good but it's not as quick. Slides a bit exiting corners at times and has more high speed understeer than others here. Pretty good car for its size.

ah i should of stiffen up the rear and slap on the S3's. oh well im satisfied
Honda NSX Type-R '02
437HP/7300 RPM
Torque-340.45 Ft.Lb/5300 RPM
Cost-220,000 Cr

PARTS-Racing Exhaust,Racing Chip,Stage 2 Tunning,R3 Tires,Racing Brakes,Brake Controller,Racing Suspension,Full Customize Transmission,Clutch Triple Plate,Flywheel racing,LSD,

Spring Rate-11.7/13.7
Ride Height-90/95
Shock Bound-7/7
Shock Rebound-6/6
Camber Angle-2.5/4.5
Toe Angle-1/1

Gear ratios:
1st Gear-2.919
2nd Gear-1.820
3rd Gear-1.269
4th Gear-0.933
5th Gear-0.723
6th Gear-0.591





Down Force-30/30



Weight Balance- -25

Ballast Weight-0
BTW Kent, just to let you know, in the "What's Your Favorite Classic Car" thread, a few of us have been discussing the idea of a Classics Tuner Competition after this one wraps up. Would you be okay with us basically hijacking your concept but using ranges of year models rather than drivetrain layouts for classing purposes? If you wanted to host it within this thread that'd be killer, but we'd be equally happy to start a separate thread just for the purpose.
Ok, yet another issue has arisen in the AWD category, (who writes this stuff?), on Bunta's Impreza neither oil change or refresher plan is listed, does it go without? What's the story, maybe oil change is obvious but not refresher plan, I've already seen a car in this comp specifically asking not for one, so Vince, Rotary Junkie, what's the go?

I still have this issue, but regarding Classics Comp, pleease Kent, This has awesome potential plus it would be so fun- not many tuned classics out there, there are thier fair share but not enough so let's see who can make them the best.
Ok, yet another issue has arisen in the AWD category, (who writes this stuff?), on Bunta's Impreza neither oil change or refresher plan is listed, does it go without? What's the story, maybe oil change is obvious but not refresher plan, I've already seen a car in this comp specifically asking not for one, so Vince, Rotary Junkie, what's the go?

Refresh it and change the oil.

And run it at the higher power level.
OK thanks, thuis afternoon when I get home I hope to be able to test the car then drive each car once more and start giving out scores.
Da Professor, unfortunately you have missed the deadline for this competition.
i don't think that it was an entry. just a new set of settings. if you look at the parts to buy it says R3 tires so it wouldn't be able to enter anyway.
Da Professor:Maybe the next time we have a comp you can enter.
First AWD Judging Results
Alright here we go again, if you wish to see my judging methods they're on page 67 of this thread I think but just a friendly reminder, the test track used is Grand Valley Speedway, the judging is in no way biased and I take this very seriously. So here are the results.

CraftyLandShark's Peugeot 205 Turbo 16 '85
2.02.391 lap time
Judge's Notes: This is a brilliant compromise between drivability and stability, and way better than the default settings. It turns when asked, it is stable and poised under brakes although it does take a while to pull up. Even when understeer occurs, it rarerly does, you can easily correct it through easing off the throttle.

Greycap's Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IV GSR '96
2.06.499 lap time
Judge's Notes: Agile and responsive car. Speed reducing slides are easily encountered at low speed. High speed understeer but that's easily counterable by slightly easing off throttle. Slow times are only because of lack of power but the major reason this car makes second is the improvement over default settings, impressive.

hemisport15's Nissan Skyline GT-R '99
1.58.286 lap time
Judge's Notes: Too tail happy at times which hurts corner exit speeds. Second quickest car here but loads of horsepower helps that. The car has responsive handling though and certainly gives off an overall good feel. Not much understeer.

Leonidae's GT-R Tokyo Motorshow Concept '01
1.54.013 lap time
Judge's Notes: Understeers like a dog at higher speeds and it has a fairly lowzy brake balance. It's not very responsive either. Despite being the quickest car here that is more than probably courtesy of copious amounts of horsepower and a most superb gearbox that takes almost no shift time whatsoever. It is however stable at low speeds and fairly willing at low speeds, but it doesn't feel like a winner, that's for sure.

Vince247's Subaru Impreza WRX STi Ver. V '98
2.04.602 lap time
Judge's Notes: Another aggressively understeerig car at anything above a speed that you can't make out how hot the babe on the first row in the grandstand is, that is low speeds it is fairly reasonable. The car isn't brilliant, but it is far from pathetic either and still packs a good punch while being a reasonably fun drive. It definitely shows improvement on stock and the car is willing to do what you ask of it if you are patient as it's not too responsive.

Delta Train's Honda Odyssey '03
2.14.053 lap time
Judge's Notes: Ok, I better explain myself here, you see this car came as a total shock to me, TOTAL shock. It handles well and it pulls up fast even without race brakes, and it's a people mover! But as you noticed it's not very quick and once again, sorry Delta Train, but it's ultimately underdone. The tune was barely if at all better than default and that hurt this car's score badly otherwise it may have been in the top 3 despite it's sluggish pace. An absolutely brilliant people mover though, hey kids, we goin to the airport and it's normally a 1hr drive but we need to be there in 20mins, I think we can make it.

Judge's Thoughts: Well that's all the judging I have to do here, and congratulations to all entrants once again. The field here was a 1000 times harder to separate than the FF category and as a result you may noticed that 2nd to 6th is only separated by 13 points, not bad for a 100 point scoring system. To all of you that didn't fair so well this time I sincerely wish you the best of luck next time. Now I can sit back and watch the cudos roll in.
Sorry guys. had a rough weekend, away with family in belgium. Thanks for the reviews all, seems there is more talent in this thread than I had ever imagined! Keep it up yo! :)

I hope to find some time soon to release my FR judgings, so keep watching this thread this week.
3rd palce isn't bad, i managed to beat one of the mighty finns. i would have been happier with a first place victory but this was more of a personal win. this version of my skyline has more horsepower and runs on lower tires than the first time i tuned it so i am proud of myself. it was fun and congratulations to CraftyLandShark on the win. it was fun:tup:
3rd palce isn't bad, i managed to beat one of the mighty finns. i would have been happier with a first place victory but this was more of a personal win. this version of my skyline has more horsepower and runs on lower tires than the first time i tuned it so i am proud of myself. it was fun and congradulations to CraftyLandShark on the win. it was fun:tup:

Thanks, but congratulations are premature... this is only the first judge... who knows how many more will weigh in before the new year :)
Thanks, but congratulations are premature... this is only the first judge... who knows how many more will weigh in before the new year :)

Indeed, one judge's (mine) opinion won't matter much if everyone else ranks it last because they think it is too easy to spin or something crazy, and considering the rest of the pack other than the Peugeot was so close, they are so hard to split, it may end up completely different, especially if other judges use lap times as the majority of their score- that changes things:)
Of course I couldn't dock points for having to wait for it- a good car is a good car:tup:
Tuner Challenge v2: Four Wheel Drive Results

Notes on the Judge and Scoring

On the judge… I’ve achieved 80 gold licenses, 100% game completion, and carry a Division 1 classification in the Weekly Race Series.

On the scoring… Hong Kong (forward) was used for the official hotlap comparison. Costa Di Amalfi was used for two-lap test races in the special conditions hall. All cars were driven several times and an equal number of times. Only clean laps on the proper racing line were used for hotlap records.

Lap Times (Hong Kong)
1’19.5 Leonidae’s GT-R Concept
1’24.4 Hemisport15’s GT-R R34
1’28.9 CraftyLandShark’s 205
1’29.4 Vince247’s Impreza V
1’30.6 GreyCap’s Evo IV
1’36.1 Deltra Train’s Odyssey

The Scores

6th Place: Delta Train’s Honda Odyssey, Score- 75
Impressive. Performed well beyond my expectations due to the 1700kg weight. Handling was mixed, understeer could be found in both acceleration and braking but good turning under half throttle and razor sharp reflexes gave this van enough cornering potential to be surprisingly enjoyable. Drift style driving isn’t much of an option and lap times were not competitive but the simple, cost-effective build kept this car from being the letdown I feared. Given more appropriate competition this car would be a serious contender for the top spot. Unfortunately, in this competition the Odyssey mini-van was out-classed from the start by thoroughbred four-wheel drive sports cars.

5th Place: Hemisport15’s GT-R R34, Score- 78
Drift anyone? This car had too much power oversteer for serious tuner-car racing. Full throttle corner exits were nearly impossible and snap-back oversteer was a possibility when drifting too great of an angle. Wheel-spin was never an issue but forward traction never matched the reputation of the GT-R’s four-wheel drive system. Steering response was sharp but turning became a matter of relying more on power oversteer than total balance. I felt this GT-R could have been better in both feeling and track performance given the base car’s amazing potential. None the less, this GT-R was very fast.

4th Place: Vince247’s Impreza WRX STi V, Score- 80
No major flaws. This Impreza defines “well balanced.” Understeer only came out under full acceleration and even then it wasn’t a major problem. Every aspect of this car’s handling set a standard for being just enough. The stability under braking and acceleration was great. Traction was always good and wheel spin was never a problem. However, turn-in was never great and a little more oversteer would do wonders during the turns. Overall, the desirable characteristics of this car were balanced out by the undesirable characteristics creating a great standard for comparison.

3rd Place: Leonidae’s GT-R Concept, Score- 82
Fastest by far. This car’s reflexes were sharp and oversteer was very controllable. Turn-in under braking was horrible but at the same time very stable. Using proper braking distances allowed the near perfect oversteer to make up for the poor turn-in under braking. However, the poor balance of handling between braking and accelerating made sure this incredibly fast GT-R was not the best handling car of the test group. None the less, this car’s potential for race use is astounding and the amazing lap time helped edge out cars like the Impreza.

2nd Place: CraftyLandShark’s Peugeot 205, Score- 84
3, 2, 1, lift-off! Oversteer was great when lifting off the brakes or gas. However, managing understeer while accelerating was a constant task. Further, although the turning while braking was good, it seemed to be a trade-off between turn-in and stability (in which stability took the short end of the stick). The ride felt disconnected and the reactions to my inputs were slow. However, predictable oversteer was enough to overcome the body roll and slow reflexes. I’d say this is a great example of what a good base can do for a tuned car. The 205 is an excellent platform and this car utilized that base well.

1st Place: GreyCap’s Lancer Evolution IV, Score- 90
This car is radical. Power slides and oversteer were awesome but the sensitive nature of braking power slides held this car back from taking a higher grade. Once I adapted to the handling I was rewarded with great cornering and very respectable lap times considering the relatively low HP pushing 1200KGs. Oversteer was available to the driver at any time and easily induced. The car’s excellent response to a variety of driving techniques revealed this Evo as a well-balanced tuner. Definitely a great car but I suspect more feedback and research/ refinement could result in a faster, more controllable car.
Excellent stuff there Kent, and I didn't know you were a divsion 1 driver, I'm division 2,and obviously you are good. I found it very interesting then that given our different speeds and very different tracks our order of first to last lap times was the same and I'm happy we got similar impressions of each car meaning I didn't screw up. The battle will rage on.