Tuner Garages

  • Thread starter Kent
There should be an announcement regarding that soon from Kent. The current challenge ends March 10th, and the next one ought to begin soon after that.

I don't want to say too much so as to steal Kent's thunder, but as to your question - most any "normal" (non-race, non-concept, non-tuner) car will be eligible.
cant wait, its been a while since i tune anything not being "racecar".
im starting to have ideas in my mind but ill get em quiet down (not me though) and wait till it starts
Well I posted a Golf R32 and I dont think anyone noticed it so I figured the Vintage comp. was the only thing going on at the time.
Yeah, with a challenge going on, it may be difficult to get people to test a single tune - but save it for the upcoming challenge, and that'll guarantee it gets tested! 👍
Since you're all so busy tuning Touge cars, it seems that 1 category was forgotten. The 1973-1980 category for instance. ;)

I'll be judging it since none of you guys have (and I don't have an entry in there :P) and you'll get some feedback tomorrow sometime. It means you'll get an extra day of tuning on me for your touge cars.....I feel you'll need it anyway. :sly::mischievous: jk.

Start nailbiting....................................now. :D
Well its come to my attention you guys are in need of judges for the current challenge, and that you have one category with no jugde...

Just wondering which one, if its one of the smaller ones I may be able to help out before the new challenge gets full momentum and I start judging that one

*Edit, nvm, it looks like you guys got a jugde after all, problem solved.
Yeah, horray last second volunteers! mafia_boy and stidriver are planning to judge 1973-1980 and Classic Club Racers respectively.

I'm the only one who's judged 1981-1988, but it's the largest division. If you want to, Kurei, you're still more than welcome to judge it or any of the divisions, but it would definitely be more time consuming to do 81-88.

Nonetheless, thanks for checking it out! 👍
Yeah Leo, does your spitfire have a wing at all?? If it does, I don't see the stats in your figures that's all. :) I'm testing yours right now (already did Holdenboy's one), and I'll do it with and without downforce.

Onto car #2.....4 more after this one. 👍
Thanks Leo, wingless it is then.......that means I'll do more of your car now then, compared to Holdenboy's this will be different that's for sure. :dopey:

I will say though to Holdenboy, nice work with your tune, very deceptively paced. Couple of niggles with some areas but nothing that has ruined your score, and a LOT better than your Corvette effort. :D
I tried to keep the car loyal to the original cars handling characteristics. maybe a good or bad thing, that's your decision. :nervous:
Leo, it may affect the times but that's not the point of tuner cups, you should know that by now.....especially when it comes to my scoring. Overall feel always plays in there, and even if you're a tenth slower on the 1/4 or whatever, obviously I'm going to compensate for the fact you haven't got it winged.
Remember, in the pre-63 category, his car was better balanced than yours and so he got the handling points over you, but your car was so much more fun to drive it got you the final podium place over him in my scoring due to that single factor.
:cheers: cheers for that. I know that I'm not chasing the first podium, but I think I might get close to third place now.
I'm afraid the Alpine is suffering from a botched 1st and 2nd gear... I updated everything else but my gearing settings are dead wrong... I tesed it with the posted settings just now and... erm... lag. Oh dear...
It's still quite good imo... just not what I wanted. The powerband comes on so late that I had to stretch 1st and 2nd to prevent sudden wheelspin at ~6Krpm, but I left it too long from an early posted version... gah!

Either way, it can sit to rust beside both of the Spits :sly: I have a sneaking suspicion a certain Japanese rally darling might pull this one out.
Thanks Leo, wingless it is then.......that means I'll do more of your car now then, compared to Holdenboy's this will be different that's for sure. :dopey:

I will say though to Holdenboy, nice work with your tune, very deceptively paced. Couple of niggles with some areas but nothing that has ruined your score, and a LOT better than your Corvette effort. :D

My Corvette kills everything. Call it boring, I find it lively, and fast, and a real classic. I guess I didn't have enough respect for the Fire Spitter to not use a wing.
My Corvette kills everything. Call it boring, I find it lively, and fast, and a real classic.
It kills exciting driving, that's it. It's a boat, an improved boat but was still a boat.

I guess I didn't have enough respect for the Fire Spitter to not use a wing.
That's your choice, you did it with it, Leo did it without it. I'll give the results after my son goes to sleep, I've only got Grey's and RJ's to test left, saving the best for last I felt. :D
I never seen the boat in it :D I just love the C1 Corvette- style, performance (for V8 models) and I don't know- just love it.
I hope I'm looking forward to your results. If I do badly I'll probably wish I hadn't stayed up to see :sly: