- 66
- Michigan
- BranFlakes49
I don't have motegi
I don't have motegi
Bran FlakesDang
I don't have motegi
Wow....You guys have been doing this for 3****in years!!!! That's like eternity in internet years 👍 yall some diehards thas fosho. I've been in a handful of online clubs, clans & leagues. The longest was my prior, Kingdoms Of Camelot. A stupid point/click app that started on FB and jumped to Kongregate in 1 year. After playing as savvy as 1 cud for 3mos I realized that the game really was "free to play" but you had to pay to winBut you know I continued to play that exhausting game DAILY for 15 more months because of the people. They had become my close friends, like family. When it came time to leave move on w/e I struggled against it because I knew what I had was already gone. Sure as hell wasn't gonna stick around for love of that game and though KoC doesn't even remotely compare to GT5. I know all to well what Ph1sher & probably some others of you are feeling (especially after 3 years I'm still trying to get my head around that). I went back into the old Praetorian Guard chat last month and folks were still playing and the clan still lives
They control a whole lot less lands and the battles not quite as EPIC as when I was playing
I lament over the way it all ended. When we began to split and group up elsewhere. Things were said. Egos got bruised and feelings hurt. Shouldn't have gone down like that. I guess my point is.... ON top of my head, good thing I wear a helmet
joking aside you should all be proud of what you built here and enjoy this little thing of yours, ours the TURTLES.
Well said Busted
Busted, since ur grinding if you cut the esse's after the first chican you can gain a ton of time that way. I do that and run my pp at 575 and I run 1.44 laps doing that. Nets me 3.1 mil. Every 12:33 mins. This is the only track I grind on right now.
Sssshhhheeettt we don't need no stinkeeng bagdez I cut those esses chicans good already what ju tink I doing out there compa? Hey wait....JU MAKEEN fun of me compa?
Don't forget I know Mexican Judo!
Judo know if I got a gun
Judo know if I got a knife
JUDO KNOW!....okay meng?![]()
Hey guys. I hadn't been on the Turtle threads for awhile (I hadn't posted in the Enduro thread, so I wasn't subscribed to it, and the others I had posted in haven't been updated in forever), but I'm still around and would love to continue racing. So from what I gather, these races will be taking place Saturday evenings. My question is at what time are they taking place and which lounge? And I'm sort of confused by the schedule as well. It's Motegi this week, correct? Are we even running the Benz at all?
Does anyone know where Psycho disappeared to? I always enjoyed racing with him and appreciated his dedication to keeping the series going.
Psycho is wandering the desert in central Texas trying to recover from his peyote induced psychosis. At least, that's what i heard.
And dolph how bout getting in touch with Wins, he sold his rig and is going to be using a controller for the first time in awhile. Poor little thing might need some leadership and guidance to try and keep it together the whole race.
Actually I think I'm doing alright. I'm leading my division in the WRS by .093 and that's with only trying it for about a hour. That's about on par with what I did on the g27. I'll know more about how I'm doing when people start putting in more time and I do some races.
Do you have to have a GTP tagged PSN account to race in the WRS?
Socket68Hey dolph long time no see. Yeah we're racing the Benz. It'll be the last race of the four. It's a fun car to drive on cape ring. It's got some snap oversteer but with a small correction she'll snap right back in line. The landing can get a little squarlly at. Cape ring sometimes but that's one thing that makes it fun there.
If phish doesn't have time to post all four races today in order I'll do it tonight so there's no confusion. I think phish is a busy young man.
He's been dirt track racing I think on the weekends too.Doing pretty well at to I believe.
And dolph how bout getting in touch with Wins, he sold his rig and is going to be using a controller for the first time in awhile. Poor little thing might need some leadership and guidance to try and keep it together the whole race.
Ill post the schedule tonight. Yes I've been very busy with work and racing..I had to fix my car today (dirt racing) I was coming off turn 2 in the lead and 38J got on my inside and got on my rear end and spun me by now I'm in the infield and I over corrected myself going side ways back on the track and 38J slammed right into my car broke the cage of the car, broke the stick shift of my car..and steal damaged. Though I fixed the steel and bought a new cage today and got that on. Just have to fix the gears and the stick shift now..
Thats Spanish for crazy.
Good morning
I will be in Turtle Town tonight at 8:00pm est for practice.
Hope to see some of you there.
BustedFoShoYou want me to go pay 38J a visit muss up his hair a lil bit? Can't keep a real racer like you down forever Ph1sh. You drive your own car, you repair your own car. You probably built your own car. That kind of dedication to your sport shows what your made of. Stay on 'em and the W's will start rolling in 👍 and then the sponsors and the cash will follow. Thanks for making time to get the schedule written. Yourock and 38J sucks :censored:aty balls and a nod to Socket for w/e he did LOL j/k you both rock.
ItsAllAboutWinsPhisher probably rear ended 38J on the first curve and he was getting even.
Inside joke for you all.
johnsomOk... I MAY be able to attend this saturday's race if the live tennis match that I will be watching on saturday finishes early...
Ok... I MAY be able to attend this saturday's race if the live tennis match that I will be watching on saturday finishes early...
Ok... I MAY be able to attend this saturday's race if the live tennis match that I will be watching on saturday finishes early...
Good to hear johnsom!! Shred is still around though..but psycho is gone..we don't know. Hopefully you will join us this Saturday for the races!
TENNIS!??!? You better make it... I have killzone 3 also but I haven't played it yet. I was thinking about trading it in at GameStop to get the collection of 1-2-3. I really want to play the last of us. Coming to the ps3 scene so late, there are a lot of games I wanna play. God of war series, uncharted, heavy rain and a few others. Not to mention diablo 3, gta 5, and gt6 coming out soon.
huh? TENNIS? Americans haven't been doing well in that sport for about the last decade. Who was the last American tennis champion? Thanks now I have to oogle it dam search engine sucking my will for knowledge now I don't have to remember anything I just oogle it. I actually seem quite dull in person unless I have a handheld (dam technology!) Oh, back on point. Welcome back Dolph Drago & johnsom. Hey we almost have enough to fill the lounge this Saturday!