TVR-RM World Championship. ( IN NEED OF NEW DRIVERS)

  • Thread starter STEG-13
If you change anything after quali will it not reset & you'll lose grid order?mess up the grid?
Can I still join even thought I didnt make it to the pre season race?

No problem at all mate, you were there on time and it wasn't your fault there were connection issues.

We will need to get all the guys together that had issues, probably over the weekend, to check connections.

Maybe we will need to change the host, maybe not, but twhatever we need to do at least we have time to sort it before race 1.

Jack- I think if only the person in last place (or missing quali) leaves to change settings then we should be ok.

The best option would be just to set the tyres to medium before we start quali and I will check everyone once they are on track.

The only issue with that is if when I am on track and someone leaves to either change settings or gets d/c'd I would need to leave to check they don't change to mediums.

I will have a long think about this over the weekend but would also like to hear you guys opinions on it :)
No problem at all mate, you were there on time and it wasn't your fault there were connection issues.

We will need to get all the guys together that had issues, probably over the weekend, to check connections.

Maybe we will need to change the host, maybe not, but twhatever we need to do at least we have time to sort it before race 1.

Jack- I think if only the person in last place (or missing quali) leaves to change settings then we should be ok.

The best option would be just to set the tyres to medium before we start quali and I will check everyone once they are on track.

The only issue with that is if when I am on track and someone leaves to either change settings or gets d/c'd I would need to leave to check they don't change to mediums.

I will have a long think about this over the weekend but would also like to hear you guys opinions on it :)

second suggestion...Im assuming you will watch the replays...How about some sort of penalty if they start on medium tyres...👍
Yeah good shout, would need to be a simple DQ from that race as it's a serious incident.

Thats one option...Everyone here are aware that its about clean racing, Steg has made it very clear that its not about you're pace, its about good honest racing...Surely everyone can be trusted to run the hards in quali's...keep up the good work...
Right 99% decided, if there are any huge objections I will re-consider.

Max tyre will be set at medium for Qualifying, I will check to make sure everyone is on hards before I start putting laps in myself.

After the race I will check everybody's tyres on the replay and anyone found to of qualified or started the race on mediums will be DQ'd from that race.

Any repeat offenders will be asked to leave the series.

It's not that I don't trust you guys but mistakes happen ;)
I would like to enter in that as I have some free time on my Wednesday's. What is the time EST? Is it 4:00 or 5:00?

Also here my info:
Car color: Pink/Black rims.
Number: 20
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I would like to enter in that as I have some free time o. My Wednesday's. What is the time EST? Is it 4:00 or 5:00?

Also here my info:
Car color: Pink/Black rims.
Number: 20

Pm'd you bud, time would be 4:00 for you ;)
So do you all practice together throughout the week? If so I would like to have some practice races today if anyone is interested.
I have a question about next week's first "real" race on Trail Mountain... As we all know there are paved areas with yellow stripes on the insides of two corners (the one just before the tunnel and the one after the straight after the tunnel). Will these areas with yellow stripes count as track or not? Will using them when racing be counted as "cutting" or not? I think I know the answer but just wanted to ask to makes sure...
Right 99% decided, if there are any huge objections I will re-consider.

Max tyre will be set at medium for Qualifying, I will check to make sure everyone is on hards before I start putting laps in myself.

After the race I will check everybody's tyres on the replay and anyone found to of qualified or started the race on mediums will be DQ'd from that race.

Any repeat offenders will be asked to leave the series.

It's not that I don't trust you guys but mistakes happen ;)

No objection from me, great idea mate:tup:

So do you all practice together throughout the week? If so I would like to have some practice races today if anyone is interested.
You can add me if you like, I'm always up for some races :)

I have a question about next week's first "real" race on Trail Mountain... As we all know there are paved areas with yellow stripes on the insides of two corners (the one just before the tunnel and the one after the straight after the tunnel). Will these areas with yellow stripes count as track or not? Will using them when racing be counted as "cutting" or not? I think I know the answer but just wanted to ask to makes sure...
I asked Steg this a while ago, although not really encouraged, driving on the yellow striped areas will be allowed as it's less hassel than having to police all those areas.
My thoughts are allow everyone to run on those areas then it's the same for everyone.

Team for you steg!
#1 R35 SKYL1N3
#2 Jameseybograt
The Flying Scotsmen :D

Way to start the ball rolling, lovin the name!
@ Steg- I'm not bothered who I team up with so random pick will suffice :)
I asked Steg this a while ago, although not really encouraged, driving on the yellow striped areas will be allowed as it's less hassel than having to police all those areas.
My thoughts are allow everyone to run on those areas then it's the same for everyone.
Yup, I feel the same about that. When I raced in the WRS some years ago they allowed it, if I remember correctly.

[HD] Replay is done.. enjoy! :)

Great replay as always jonzster, just watched it 👍 Saw you updated the graphical elements for the new season too. I noticed that my last laps were a bit messy to be honest.. had a slight contact with Gray and was off on the grass several times.. I think I got a little unfocused in the final laps :ill: Was driving constantly during practice and quali and had slept waay too little because the DLC with Spa etc. but that's no excuse of course. (Talking about Spa, I reaaally love the GT5 version of it, it's the best by far in a game and I really can't wait to race there with the TVR, it's gonna be so great!:))

On the replay one could really see how amazing the lightning effects are too, on the random generated circuits with 6:00AM :) And the TVR really has a great sound on low RPMs and idle, like in the pit stops.
Cheers Toffe, yeah been mucking about in Photoshop again :D Great race the other night, really good track Steg made. R35 did an awesome job for the win, you didn't do to badly either, if that's you being unfocused you got me worried for the rest of the season lol.

It is a great version of Spa, it's kept me up playing a lot more of late as well, will have to get together and race there again sometime 👍

Yeah the lighting does look really good on Steg's track, you can see the detail in the track surface, looks amazingly real.
Awesome replay Jonzter, every time we race you somehow manage to make them better :lol: Well done mate 👍

Yellow lines are counted as part of the track here :)

R35, no problem mate, the rest of the teams will be announced by tonight ;)
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Right everybody, apart from the first two teams ( they were requested )

Every other team was drawn at random.

I sorted you guys out into who I believe to be number one drivers based on race result and my experience racing with you and drew a team mate out the hat (pocket).

If you hate your team mate, personally, for whatever reason then now is the time to say :lol:

Otherwise these are the teams we will be rocking for the TVR Series.

1.R35-SKYL1N3/Jamesybograt/ The Flying Scotsmen
2.Sicwhitt/sebastiangurka/ Team Massiv
3.RCS_Carts43/RCS_MrLayVon/ TBD
4.Granddriver/Incredibleculk/ TBD
5.Jonzster/ Haigis/ TBD
6.Joshua1994/ Loskey1/ TBD
7.GrayFox32/ Jackargent/ TBD
8.GTP_Toffe/ Steg_GT/ TBD

Add your team mate and start discussing which colour you want as your team colour this season.

All drivers named first are number 1 drivers and must use that number on their car.

All drivers named second are number 2 drivers and must use that number on their car.

I hope you are all happy with your teams and I look forward to seeing you guys at Trial Mountain :)
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Awesome replay Jonzter, every time we race you somehow manage to make them better :lol: Well done mate 👍

Yellow lines are counted as part of the track here :)

R35, no problem mate, the rest of the teams will be announced by tonight ;)

Cheers Steg, nice of you to say mate because that's exactly what I try to acheive each time 👍

Looking forward to teaming up with Haigis 👍 I might actually have a team mate that sticks around for the whole season lol.
Cheers Steg, nice of you to say mate because that's exactly what I try to acheive each time 👍

Looking forward to teaming up with Haigis 👍 I might actually have a team mate that sticks around for the whole season lol.

He should be about all season mate, hopefully he will pull the finger out now he is in the champs team :lol:
He should be about all season mate, hopefully he will pull the finger out now he is in the champs team :lol:

lol It was a shame he couldn't take part in the pre-season race, was that connection issues? What's the best way to contact Haigis, not seen him about lately, message here or PSN?

Best replay yet!! Some awesome racing going on...👍

Cheers kk 👍 yeah was a great race
Just found out that Marco Simoncelli died at Sepang.....

It has been a very sad couple of weeks for motorsport indeed :(