TVR-RM World Championship. ( IN NEED OF NEW DRIVERS)

  • Thread starter STEG-13
I don't get it, Ive held four hour long online endurance races before and never had a problem even with 16 players, just did a speed test and I'm running a strong 12 Meg connection,.
My race

1st lap: Smashed all over the place in tunnel by Skyline(bad lag I think), recieved heavy damage, drop to the back

9th lap: Pit but press button too quick keep RH's on :banghead:

10th lap:Pit grab RM's manage to catch and overtake SICWHITT (who'd lapped me) and caught up to Jamesybograt showing I had race pace

16th Lap: Pit again and slowly over the laps catch up to James again near race end and end only 3 secs behind Steg :)

Sorry for pit incident James I had no idea you was pitting and running up to the left right handers I didnt want to cut you up or bump you off as you'd lapped me hence why I went slow

Not a great 1st race but if it wasnt for the lag I think i'd have done better with the way I kept my tyres after 10 laps 👍
Within the first lap, divebombed by Skyline and took me out completely. From the hour waiting, couldn't be arsed racing alone for an hour at the back.

Also, sorry guys but im pulling out. Really dislike driving the TVR, it's probably just me, but after last weeks pre-season it feels nothing like it used to.

Goodluck for the rest of the season. 👍
Honestly I just cut inside after you and haig slowed for some reason mate, I actually ran through the grass to avoid contact and lost all grip on the grass
Honestly I just cut inside after you and haig slowed for some reason mate, I actually ran through the grass to avoid contact and lost all grip on the grass

Well on my screen, you did divebomb me. I slowed at the top of the hill as Haig braked right in front of me. Watched about 10 seconds of the race and you we're jumping around side to side with engine and both frontal damage. As Culk said, probably just a connection issue.
There was quite a bit of lag, might explain sics incident with me but given our history It wasnt the first conclusion I came to.. ALSO I qualified 3rd yet started 8th or 9th? Anyone else have that problem?
Sorry culkin! Don't remember being near you tho?

I dont think you was near me bud but the lag shot you backwards, then sidewards into me then you shot miles forwards while going sideways with lots of smoke :crazy:
Oh, well il take a look at the replay, although I do remember seeing you lagging significantly, if it's only you lagging on my screen, most times it's something on your end but if everyone is lagging to me it's my problem
Oh, well il take a look at the replay, although I do remember seeing you lagging significantly, if it's only you lagging on my screen, most times it's something on your end but if everyone is lagging to me it's my problem

Well yours was the only car flying about all the rest were fine...Good old GT5 online :yuck:
Holy mother of all connection issues tonight lol. Was fine in Steg's lounge, qualified pole but connection issues for others.
Tried to get into Sebs's lounge but nothing on list, tried everything, in the end had to confirm with steg how to connect through him and that worked in the end. Apologies for the hold up with that lads, appreciate you waiting 👍

Yeah R35 don't think qualifiying was working properly plus when I did my one and only run I had the time glitch (999.999 so on). Lots of lag at the beginning, was hit and hit other people but it cleared up a few laps later.

Ps R35 - Chameleon's are stealthy they can camouflage them selfs, ged it 💡
Here's my race report:

1st quali was interesting, was shocked to see jonzster get down to a 1'22.9xx on hard tyres. Then the connection issues came up, had to quali again. R35 set a good lap, 1'.23.3xx I think, which I of course wanted to beat :sly: Eventually I did beat it, but never got down to jonzster's times.

Started 2nd, got a relatively good start (for once, my starts usually sucks) and managed to take the lead. Just yesterday evening I made some small changes to the suspension settings that improved the lap times and the car felt a lot better in the race than in the practice sessions I did last week. I think, however, that you guys must have been fighting a lot back there which slowed you down a little. In any case I was waiting to see when you guys made your pit stops, I think it was around lap 15. When the distance suddenly jumped from 17 to 30 seconds, I understood that (most) of you guys had pitted and I pitted too and put on mediums.

When I got out I saw that jonzster was just 4-5 seconds behind. :eek: To be honest I was quite shocked. I don't know how you did it but you must have taken tonnes of time somehow 👍 (early pit stop to mediums?). Like, I had expected a lead of about 15 seconds and thought I would have a relatively calm ride to the finish line. Instead, here I was on cold tyres with jonzster catching up from behind. :scared: I got stressed and made a small mistake in the first corners on the 2nd lap after my pit stop if I remember correctly. I think the distance fell under 4 seconds a while there. When the temperature got up and I got used to grip of the mediums, I began to pull away again and eventually finished about 15 seconds ahead.

Good run from Steg too. I had a great race, it was certainly not an easy win even if it maybe seemed like it. In fact, my clothes got all sweaty, these races are like a workout :lol:
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By the way, when I try to log onto, my anti-virus gives a warning about a trojan, Trojan-Downloader.JS.Iframe.coa :boggled:
By the way, when I try to log onto, my anti-virus gives a warning about a trojan, Trojan-Downloader.JS.Iframe.coa :boggled:

Will check it out mate, better safe than sorry.

It is probably something to do with the adverts though, we are not putting viruses on our own site :lol:

Well played again on the win Toffe!

This first race was a nightmare, we had connection issues but instead of accepting a few losses we fought back :)

Even with everyone on track & times set in qualifying, everyone was willing to change lounge to allow the others a chance to get in.

Even though this was a pain in the arse I really appreciate you guys waiting and I am sure the others do also ;)

Eventually Seb hosted an open lobby for us and the people who couldn't get in managed, but Loskey couldn't get in 👎

Seb, cheers for doing that mate, I know you had very little time to qualify as a result so many thanks 👍

Loskey, sorry we had to start but we were about an hour behind schedule and really couldn't wait or change again.

When the race got underway there was quite a bit of lag at the start.
I have noticed this only recently in GT and have no idea what the deal is with that.

Seeing as it was only Loskey that couldn't get in I think he should host the lobby if that's ok with him ?

You will need to call it do not enter or something as every Tom, Dick & Harry wanted to join Seb's "Track Day" last night :lol:

When the lag was over, and everyone was in, the racing was good.

Congratulations to Toffe for a great race one win.

Jamesy and Sebastian also put in a fantastic performance so well played to you guys 👍

Tables and what not will be up shortly (Haig ,the table guy, has been unwell)
Any incidents that were reported will be viewed and dealt with by Sunday.
Any incidents you want to bring to my attention make sure you Pm me before Saturday night, or it will not be looked in to. ;)

Qualified quite well 4th but started 5th :ouch:.
got a good start, and just tried to keep out of trouble .
loved the flying teammate in the tunnel on the first lap (we are the flying Scotsmen not the flying TVR :lol:).
Had an awesome fight with SIC for the first stint before i pitted .
Made the mistake of putting racing hard on,as i thought the mediums would need another stop. :ill:
had an incident with Culk on pit entry but no biggie ( he said sorry but there was no need ,racing incident)
After pitting the battle commenced with SIC but him being on mediums he was just faster than me .
So finished 6th in my first race , not so bad but what could it have been?

Must say a big thanks to SIC for the racing .
We swapped position many times without swapping any paint .
GREAT RACING.........👍
Toffe - you're right I took an early pit stop for mediums lap 10. I worked out that the hard compound tyre would go 10-11 laps then I would be into the 1.25's, were as mediums would give 15+ laps and still be getting 1.25's (as it turned out I was getting 1.24 at the end, lower fuel helps I guess).

That strategy also helped me get by R35's car which unluckily was lagging quite a lot, contacted with him twice on the first lap, car damaged both times.

Also dropped all by myself chasing Seb which put me back into another fight with R35 :lol: this time kept a bit of a gap then caught up right to his bumper just before I pitted.

Came out of the pits in 7th, caught up to Seb and we must have gone passed another car in the pits as we moved up a place.

Lap 13 I Got a tow on Seb after coming out of the tunnel and down the straight and went by for 5th place.

Lap 14 overtook several cars while they were in the pits and to my surprise jumped to 2nd! About a lap later the timings showed I was about 8's behind the leader then next lap about 4-5s, thought I might be able to challenge Toffe for a while but the times stabalized then grew. Thought he might have gone for a later pitstop so would be on fresher tyres so no chance of catching him.

Well pleased with 2nd :) Big thanks to Steg again and all the guys for having to wait 👍 Also well done again Toffe, great win:tup:
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