Tyre Sounds

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I know a lot of people complain about the tyre screech sounds in the GT series and claim that they're not realistic, but I was wondering if anybody had any good videos showing off realistic tyre screech sounds for comparison?

The reason I ask is because I just watched a small video on Youtube of Sabine Shmitz taking a BMW round the Nurburgring and the tyre screech sounds are very similar to the ones we hear in Gran Turismo games. You can see the video here, it starts properly about 50 seconds in:

edit: In case YouTube embedding is not working, here is the link to the video - Click me

As you can see, the tyre sounds are very GT-ish.

Was wondering what peoples thoughts were since usually I see a lot of people saying that the tyre screech sounds in GT are awful and unrealistic, but by the looks of that video, they're just as grating and nasty in real life too. So what's the deal? Are people just misinformed as to what tyre screech sounds like and wrongly accuse GT of being unrealistic, or are there other videos showing that the GT tyre screech is not accurate and the Sabine Shmitz video is a rarity sound-wise when taking a car round the track?
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Don't know if is just me, but i don't see a video. Have been playing GT Mobile, and i think the tire sounds are alot better!
You need to copy the code after the = in the tags, not the whole link.

I also thing the sounds are pretty realistic, the problems with them are, that theyre always the same, never mind if you are braking, sliding or have wheel spin and they are to loud and appear to fast on racing tyres.
I've been saying this for years now. Living near a rather hazardous intersection, I hear screechy tire sounds from near collisions routinely, even from big cars. I often think people are either deaf, think sounds they hear in movies or other games are real or whatever, but I don't think they know what they're talking about. The sounds in Forza 2 and 3 are the absolute worst I've ever heard.
I've been saying this for years now. Living near a rather hazardous intersection, I hear screechy tire sounds from near collisions routinely, even from big cars. I often think people are either deaf, think sounds they hear in movies or other games are real or whatever, but I don't think they know what they're talking about. The sounds in Forza 2 and 3 are the absolute worst I've ever heard.

Agreed, I'd go further though, if you drive the Amuse Honda 2000 in Prologue and switch through all the views you get a real different sound from each view, which is realistic. You don't hear the exhaust when you're sitting inside a car the same way you hear it if your standing beside it, but most people don't want to hear this, so they whine about GT's sounds without stopping to think for a second.
Wait, we are not talking about engine sounds here, where i still say they are pretty bad.
The sound difference from the views wont change that.
Ah thanks, fixed it.

Yeah though, I've just been playing Forza 3 the past couple days and I thought the tyre sounds might be improved over Forza 2 since people always say it's like, the most realistic racing sim ever or something, but the tyre screeches sound really messed-up and muted and I can't ever imagine a car sounding like that.

I was just then browsing Nurburgring videos on Youtube and came accross that and realized that maybe GT had it right the whole time. I mean it's not perfect (I'd say the GT tyre screech needs more bass and a little distortion) but I think it's much better than most other racing games and certainly the most realistic.

I'm mostly curious to see more videos though really.

Lots of "eeeeeeeeeeeeeee" in this video.

And like i said, the Astra Caravan spin reminds me of FM3, but you wont get that deep sound in a lightweight sportscar.
GT feels more real to me.
I dont powerslide like that guy in every turn, so I cant compare that video to GT5P.

I will say the N and S tires are pretty realistic. The R tires on the other hand might be too noisy, but they might not. I have never driven on R tires, but from watching races on TV it seems like they dont make as much noise.
Big difference the sounds in the OP video are more dynamic, differing from speed to speed, in GT they have the same sounds since GT1, in GT3 they made them higher bitrate but same "basic" sounds, GT5P again, higher bitrate, same basic sound

Which is the same wether you are going 30kmh or 130kmh.

The ones in the FT86 trailer are quite acceptable tho(if they arent dubbed)
I've just been playing Forza 3 the past couple days and I thought the tyre sounds might be improved over Forza 2 since people always say it's like, the most realistic racing sim ever or something, but the tyre screeches sound really messed-up and muted and I can't ever imagine a car sounding like that.
They used a Buick with low tires to capture those sounds, and they just sound terrible. Every car sounds like a truck with low tires. They sound to me like big owls being strangled. And the problem for me is that I have to turn up those sounds all the way in order for me to know how happy the car is with how I'm throwing it into a turn. Gah...

The weird thing is, the tire sounds in Forza 1 were just fine. Deeper, like some people want. I don't know what the heck is wrong with those guys...
I dont powerslide like that guy in every turn, so I cant compare that video to GT5P.

I will say the N and S tires are pretty realistic. The R tires on the other hand might be too noisy, but they might not. I have never driven on R tires, but from watching races on TV it seems like they dont make as much noise.

The Tyre roar and squeels are apparently louder on slick tyres. My only source for this is Top Gear though... But it does make sense that road tyres are designed with sound in mind, whereas slick tyres are designed for extra grip and punishment on a circuit, sound is not an issue there.

I've never had a problem with the tyre squeel sounds, i always imagined they were like that in real life. Those videos kind of prove PD have the sounds about right for the tyres. The engines however are a different matter.

Not that sounds (or graphics) matter in the great scheme of things.
Well... let's face it. I like the sounds in Prologue, but they could use a little more pop and grunt.

Fact: I'm confident GT5's will be even amazinger.
I'm all aflummox at how amazingly you are correct. :lol:

And really, the PS3 is an audiophile/videophile piece of gear. The sounds in games like Metal Gear Solid and Killzone show that it can reproduce stunning graphics and sound without much effort. I'm sure that Kaz and the team are aware of how much griping has gone on about every issue in Gran Turismo from day one. With GTPSP being improved, you know their flagship racer is going to get some special attention.
The quality of the reproduction of the recorded sound is relivant too.
Your speakers, your wires and the amp all are passages to change the recorded sound.
The PSP has its own speakers and amp yer?.. so the reproduction is "tuned" to this recorded sound.

My T.V. doesn't sound as good as my sound system... and all of it is Sony.
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So you're implying that the engine sounds in GT don't need polishing?

Now THAT'S an opinion.

I rest my case. :sly:

Did I say that? Did I ever say that anywhere?

Way to stick words in my mouth dude. I at least gave some supporting evidence to my claim that GT at least sounds close to what it is supposed to. You ran your mouth off about your opinion without any supporting evidence, stating it as a fact. And NO posting a video of a WRX without a stock exhaust manifold, and then posting a video of the WRX in GT does not count as supporting evidence. Same goes for any other car. WHY? Because the cars in GT are running on the STOCK EXHAUST MANIFOLDS. Which almost NEVER have that deep grunt that most of you here desire.

Supporting evidence here: https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showpost.php?p=3613369&postcount=24

That was posted in the "Sounds recorded at full throttle?" thread, where the engine sounds are actually the topic of discussion.

On topic:

I personally think that the tire sounds from Prologue are OK, but they have no dynamics. They're completely monotone, which simply isn't the case in reality.
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Did I say that? Did I ever say that anywhere?

Way to stick words in my mouth dude. I at least gave some supporting evidence to my claim that GT at least sounds close to what it is supposed to. You ran your mouth off about your opinion without any supporting evidence, stating it as a fact. And NO posting a video of a WRX without a stock exhaust manifold, and then posting a video of the WRX in GT does not count as supporting evidence. Same goes for any other car. WHY? Because the cars in GT are running on the STOCK EXHAUST MANIFOLDS. Which almost NEVER have that deep grunt that most of you here desire.

Supporting evidence here: https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showpost.php?p=3613369&postcount=24

That was posted in the "Sounds recorded at full throttle?" thread, where the engine sounds are actually the topic of discussion.

On topic:

I personally think that the tire sounds from Prologue are OK, but they have no dynamics. They're completely monotone, which simply isn't the case in reality.

:yuck:I noticed the monotone tyre sounds also, but it's not a deal breaker. It's actually fine by me. Tyres in GT Prologue didn't get into manufacturers and it's not like there's a catalog of tyres to chose from either. That being said, different tyres with varying kinds of rubber compounds will sound differently at different angles, to what you refer to as "dynamic" I believe.

As far as recording the engine sounds, would somebody please account the doppler effect also? The sound of course is the actual sound recorded from the actual vehicle, just as the body dimensions are measured from the actual scaled model. Room cavity, speaker placement, hearing sensitivity will all affect the interpretation of the sound.
I've always thought GT's tire sounds were pretty accurate, but of course their's always room for improvement as recording and audio technology advances.
I've been saying this for years now. Living near a rather hazardous intersection, I hear screechy tire sounds from near collisions routinely, even from big cars. I often think people are either deaf, think sounds they hear in movies or other games are real or whatever, but I don't think they know what they're talking about. The sounds in Forza 2 and 3 are the absolute worst I've ever heard.

Of all the racing games I have played, GT5p is by and far the absolute worse sounds from tires I have ever heard.

Since I have raced for many years, and spend quite a bit of time at Road America, it's easy to hear all the proper sounds from all the different tire manufacturers, as well as each type of tire and on the cars themselves.

Drifting events have started to become quite popular at Road America, so even the distinct sound of the tires in that environment is noticeable. I almost cringe to the point of wanting to turn my stereo off when I hear the GT5p sounds.
You should have got a Samsung :sly:

I haven't seen any T.V.s that put out 1000watts through 5.1 yet.......let alone a...?Samsung?...
....I'm sure they make heavy earth moving vehicles. They sound great:D