UEFA Champions League Thread [Archive]

  • Thread starter DQuaN
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Did anyone see or catch the highlights of the Bayern v Sporting game yesterday.
Do any of you worry this was a worrying match as at times it looked as though Sporting were losing on purpose. They were already out of the tie after the first leg so maybe that effected them mentally, but the way the goals went in just didn't seem right, kind of like when Porto won the Champions League. ( I am a big believer of if something doesn't look right it probably isn't )

The first goal was a simple ball out and yet the player played it to the Bayern player which caused the goal. Then for the second the keeper flattened the defender and then just didn't seem interested in stopping the ball. The third was the worst, the defender smashed it into is own net on the half volley. Sporting then actually scored, a good goal by Moutinho too, maybe no one told him about losing on purpose :lol: Bayerns fourth could have been down to Sporting relaxing after scoring, it does happen quite a bit, but again the keeping was questionable. The fifth was poor defending but that was about it. The sixth was also a dubious goal, the defender, in my view, deliberately brought down the attacker and it was the most obvious penalty possible. The seventh kind of summed up the game, when after the ball bounced around a bit, the defender on the line passed the ball right accross the goal mouth for the young lad to tap in, he looked pretty embarrased as he did and barely celebrated.

Maybe I am reading to much into it, but I just don't understand how a team so defensive as Sporting could concede the five they did in the first leg, nevermind the seven in this game. The result of 12-1 looks as if Bayern are a seriously good side ( 12-1 on aggregate is now the record Champions League score for this stage ) but for anyone who watched the game or saw the goals, it is quite obvious, in this case the result is not a true reflection of Bayern's ability. In my view this game needs to be investigated to rule out match fixing, I hope I am wrong, I really do.:nervous:
Yeah that was an odd result, but anyway good results. All four English clubs through again, Sepp Blatter will be turning in his sleep tonight. We didn't have to play well to win tonight, we were comfortable in the second half once we went 2-0 up. From what I saw of the Arsenal game they were quite poor tonight but they won the penalty shoot out and went through. We really are top of Europe at the moment league wise.

The only real threat to United winning it again that isn't from another English club (I think Liverpool and Chelsea are capable of going all the way) is Barcelona. They had a fansatic first half, Alves ruined the second half by overreacting to an arm knocking his chin while jostleing for the ball and got a player sent off. Still Barca deserved to win by far if not for the team effort then for Messi's fabulous goal.

I don't think there will be much debate over who wins world player of the year this season.
Congratulations to all the English clubs for getting through. Really happy we ( Manchester United ) got through, we didn't play our best, but we did deserve to go through. I watched Arsenal's penalties with disbelief, what was Doni ( Roma's Keeper ) doing, after he saved the first penalty, all he did was sit on the floor, 👎 he was never going to save any like that. Bring on the draw and watch when all the English clubs draw each other, not that I am calling the draw a fix or anything. :sly:

My predictions, let's see how many I get.

Man U v Liverpool
Chelsea v Arsenal
Porto v Barca
Villareal v Bayern

That sounds about right, can't wait to find out the draw for real.

Edit:- In other news, kind of realated to the Champions League as the alleged incident took place after yesterday's game. A fan has lodged an allegation of assault against Jose Mourinho and the police are investigating. Apparantly Mourinho hit him after Manchester United beat Inter Milan, the alleged incident took place near the team bus outside the ground as Mourinho was leaving.
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The draws:

Villarreal - Arsenal
Manchester United - Porto

Liverpool - Chelsea (again...)
Barcelona - Bayern

My predictions for the two half finals:

ManU - Arsenal
Barcelona - Chelsea
And mine...

Man U - Arsenal
Liverpool - Barcelona

Man U v Barcelona final, with Barca to win :dopey:
That's about the best draw we could have got. It'll mean nothing if we don't play well but if we do then I can't see wht we shouldn't get into the final again. Barca v Bayern will be an interesting game, could be a harder game for Barca than some people think imo. Bayern arn't fantastic but if they play well they will capitalise on Barcas inability to defend long balls. Chelsea and Liverpool again, somtething odd there, they always come up against each other.

I think a United v Barca final seems the most likely outcome, but it's not beyond Arsenal to beat us if we have an off day and Liverpool and Chelsea are both capable of reaching the final.
I couldn't help but laugh at a comment made by the ITV commentator earlier in the night, when talking about the Porto player called "Hulk". Shortly after commenting on the merit of allowing players to use their nicknames instead of their real names, the player with "Hulk" written on his back collided with Wayne Rooney. The ITV commentator speculated as to what it would be like if Wayne Rooney had his nickname on his shirt, quickly adding that his nickname would be something along the lines of "Wazza"... however, considering that "Hulk" is named after a grotesque, green-faced, ogreish comic book character, I can't think of what the commentator might have really had in mind for Rooney...

I think we can help the commentator on this one TM.





That was a good match the Man U v Porto game. Awesome flick by Shrek to Tevez to get Man U 2-1, but what a quick equalizer by Porto.

I'm watching the Villareal v Arsenal game on ESPN right now. 1-0 Villa after 1/2hr. :( Come on Fabregas & Adebayor.....score score score!! :D
Great game to watch, frustrating to see us so open at the back though. Vidic and Evra played well, O'Shea and Evans had poor games. Hopefully we'll play better than that next Wednesday. There's no reason we shouldn't score over there, we just need to organise our defence, who arn't playing like they set a new defensive record not too long ago. Rooney played really well. It was irritatiing listening to the commentators going on and on about Hulk and how good he is, he's nothing special and he didn't do much tonight. Porto played well though, I was impressed with them.
I couldn't help but laugh at a comment made by the ITV commentator earlier in the night, when talking about the Porto player called "Hulk". Shortly after commenting on the merit of allowing players to use their nicknames instead of their real names, the player with "Hulk" written on his back collided with Wayne Rooney. The ITV commentator speculated as to what it would be like if Wayne Rooney had his nickname on his shirt, quickly adding that his nickname would be something along the lines of "Wazza"... however, considering that "Hulk" is named after a grotesque, green-faced, ogreish comic book character, I can't think of what the commentator might have really had in mind for Rooney...


I got annoyed by them constantly going on about "Hulk" and nicknames. It maybe escaped escaped their attention, but Ronaldinho isn't his name. Robinho isn't his name. Pele wasn't his name. It's nothing new.
That's David Pleat for you, his most effort he ever put into anything was exposing himself indecently.
Phew, Arsenal scraped out of that one 1-1, even with injuries to Gallas and Almunia during the game!! :eek:

Good ol' Adebayor, can always rely on him for a well needed goal. 👍 Back to Emirates so we can tear Villareal up. :D
thats why I watched the Barca match
4-0 aginst bayern :ouch:
Bayern manager must be feeling the pressure now
The Chelsea Liverpool game was great to watch, very attacking. In my opinion Liverpool didn't actally play badly, Chelase deserved to win, they played very well but I think that Liverpool would have got the better of a lot of teams playing like that usually. As for Bayern, watching the highlights they were suicidal, You don't invite Barca onto a flat back line, they are too fast for that. You need to have two banks of players defending when a fast team attacks, you don't under any circumstances want a flat line of 4 or 5 players with no one defending infront.
It's a funny old game, Saint... two of the top teams in Europe produce two of the worst defensive displays in the history of the Champions League, and somehow it's the greatest game ever...:rolleyes: OK, so it was a great game to watch :D
Well, I thought I post about today's Chelsea/Barca game.

I'll just quote one of the commentators on ESPN (forget which one) said about Barca's performance (assuming you watched it, of course):

This isn't Lyon or Bayern Munich; This is Chelsea from the Premier League and they play a more physical type of football.

'Nuff said.


Do any of you guys think that Chelsea will hire Jugren Klissmann, or don't you guys think that Abomitich will have the stones to make that kind of hire?

I think Jugren Klissmann and Abomitich are the old PES names.
I just saw the Man U-Arsenal game, but I want to complain about something that Wenger's doing that really pissing me off. in fact, I want to dedicate this to him. and if it pisses off any of you Gunners fans, then, I'm sorry, but Unfortunately, this is the F:censored:ing truth, so, if you don't like it then you can 🤬.

Dear Mr. Wenger,

My name is :name withheld:. now, I am not a fan of your team (Chelsea fan here), but I have strongly disagreed with some of your moves the last couple of years. In order, here they are:

  • Getting rid of not only your best player, but your captain, your rock of your team, and, quite frankly, the reason why you were so successful for the majority of your tenure in the first place; Thierry Henry. Now, I know that he was Injured for the majority of the last season he was with you, and also he was getting old. But let me make one very important point to you; without him, you wouldn't be s:censored:. screw Bergkamp or Pires: Thierry Henry was the reason why you were successful the last 10-12 years. without Henry, you would've never went underdefeated in the Premiership over two years, and you would've never reached the final of BOTH the UEFA Cup AND the Champions League. Plain and simple. Quite Frankly, Mr. Wenger, you misvalued his importance to your club. which leads me to number two.....
  • Getting rid of Jose Antonio Reyes. Flatout, you didn't think that you needed a 'Insurance Policy' to an OFT-INJURED (I had to bolden that) Robin Van Persie. I don't even need to tell you how much his career has gone downhill since you transferred him to Real Madrid. OK, maybe I do: Spain won Euro 2008 WITHOUT Him AND he's playing for Benfica. BENFICA. you Can figure out the rest.
  • disposing of another one of your 'Insurance Policies', Gilberto Sliva. IMHO, most of the time when a soccer player has a problem with their Manager/Trainer/whatever you call them, it is mostly the manager's fault, because, quite Frankly, a.) they brought you to fit their team, and b.) they have the choice to play you or not. which made the your 'squabble' with Gilberto Sliva one of the most ridiculous (including 'the chosen one's' feud with William Gallas, who will be mentioned later) in the history of the English Premier League. you, Mr. Wenger, Banished a defensive midfielder who not only scored important goals AND was captain in absence of Thierry Henry, BUT was STARTING for the Brazilan National Team at the time to the TURKISH LEAGUE? surely you Jest, Mr. Wenger. shame on you. if I was the owner of Arsenal, not only Would I have Fired you, But I would have made sure that you got your own 9th circle in hell when you die.
  • When Thierry Henry left, you Got William Gallas from Chelsea as compasation for 'sending' Ashley Cole to the Blues (actually, it didn't quite happen that way-long story) and not only did you gave him the number 10 and then give a lame-ass excuse why, but you immediately named him captain of a very young team. Now, I don't watch much Premiership games, but I heard some rumblings that maybe Gallas shouldn't be captain. and each time, you stuck up for him. Now, I understand why, Mr. Wenger; after all Gallas was not only replacing the best player you ever had under your tenure, but arguably the best captain in the Gunners' long and storied history, PERIOD. so, again, I understand why you stood by him when people said that he shouldn't be captain. now, this was the case until the middle of this Premiership season, when, for some unknown reason, you took away the captain's armband from Gallas, A almost 30-year-old MAN and gave it to Francesc Fabergas, a 22-year-old BOY. Mr. Wenger, I cannot put into simple English human words how much of an idiot/moron/wanker you are. You gave the captain's armband to a player, while extremely talented (one of the top ten best in the world, IMHO, and he's only 22!!) who, leadershipwise, could end up either being Diego Maradona or Pele. Screw that; he's doesn't have the leadership skills to be captain, IMHO (again). You might be a genius when it comes to devloping young talent, Mr. Wenger, but not when it comes to deciding who should be captain. Your team, right now Mr. Wenger, is in a total state of flux, IMHO (yet again). maybe Cesc Fabergas will be a great Captain, maybe he won't. who knows. but I do know this, Mr. Wenger; you went all in with a player, while talented, might not have the leadership skills to lead your team to that UEFA Champions League that might finally complete your resume. and you might either win or go home with your pockets hanging out.

So, here my opinion about the last couple years under your leadership, Mr. Wenger. Hope this makes you wake up and smell the coffee and realize that what you are doing is wrong. but don't worry; there's still time, your team is young. And maybe, one day, on your deathbed, you will look back at all these moves and wonder how are you getting to heaven. because, you never know, The Gatekeeper (if there is such a thing) might be a Arsenal fan.:dopey:


Well, at least you spelled most of the names right.
Pretty strong for a Chelsea fan isn't it. I have to dissagree with Henry, if anything it was a shame they didn't sell him the summer before for twice the price. Henry didn't leave because he was loving life at Arsenal, he left because he wanted out. He wanted to move and Wenger knew that. As for Bergkamp, Bergkamp was as big a reason for any success Arsenal had while he was there as Henry was. Bergkamp was a fabulous player. Jose Reyes is simply not good enough. The players have a say in transfers too you know, sure their arms can be held behind thier backs a bit, but Henry wasn't dragged away kicking and screaming because he didn't want to leave. He wasn't forced out in any way.

But why do you care, is it because United have beaten them tonight, is that the problem? If anything the only odd thing was that Wenger played 4-5-1 and not 4-4-2 or 4-3-3.

On the topic of tonights game I'm happy that we're starting to show some form again, we've been worryingly poor recently but the last couple of games have seen us starting to fire again. It's a shame we couldn't get that second goal but Almunia was brilliant in the first half, the second half at times seemed to be just sometihng to get out of the way with only the odd move for either team actually doing anything. Roney played well, Tevez husseled and caused a few problems, didn't look happy when he came off though. It'll be a shame if we can't work out a deal to keep him, but he's not worth the advanced fee we agreed in the loan deal which is supposed to be around £30 million. He's worth £15-18 million at most imo, but I'd love to keep him if we can work something out.
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But why do you care, is it because United have beaten them tonight, is that the problem? If anything the only odd thing was that Wenger played 4-5-1 and not 4-4-2 or 4-3-3.

No, actually, I've been thinking about this for a while, ever since I found out that Fabergas was the captain. to me, how in the hell do you give the armband to a KID who DIDN"T EVEN PLAY IN THE LAST WORLD CUP and IMHO is not set out to be a leader of one of the most popular and most successful soccer clubs of the past 20 years.

Like I said, This is a very young team. reminds me a lot of the Leeds United team of a few years back that went to the semifinals of the Champions League before losing to the eventual champions Valencia.

Only dif is, The owners of the team went bankrupt the very next season and have never really recovered (unlike Lazio, who had a similar thing that happened to them but was saved by the implentation of a strict "Salary Cap" rule that saved them and eventually led them to go back to the Champions League). I don't see Arsenal's owners doing that any time soon.

EDIT: Besides, I wasn't nearly as angry about Henry as I was about Reyes, Gilberto Silva, and Gallas/Fabergas.
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