UKGTP14 - XIV - Four No More

  • Thread starter Famine


GTP Editor, GTPEDIA Author
United Kingdom
Rule 12
Well, with GT5 coming out the first week of November and us not getting married again this year, the normal schedule of UKGTP is perfectly suited for GT4's last hurrah.

So, date:

Some other time

(though the usual suspects are welcome before and beyond this). Place:

The frozen North-Eastern steppe

A small amount of negotiation (pleading) will probably mean we can sleep up to seven (besides myself and my wife, obviously) and park three - though this may increase or decrease depending on how confiscated my wallet gets. First refusal for sleeping spots will go to people I actually like and anyone from foreign - there are local hostelries for when we run out of space. I'll also see if we can upgrade the garage electrics before then so Roo doesn't electrocute himself.

Here, sir!
Milford Cubicle*

Matron's office
Touring Mars

See me after class, boy
Tom Servo

9 PS2s - 12+ required
9 TVs - 6+ required
9 GT4s - 12+ required
5 wheels (3 G25, 2 DFP) - 12+ required
11 DS2s - 12+ required
9 memory cards - 12+ required

All LAN equipment already here; Please bring electricity
Prizes/donations gratefully received

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Here sir!

I can bring the usual 2 LCD TV, 2 PS2, 2 DS2, 2 GT4, 3 memory cards, 1 G25 & 1 Playseat.
Getting way ahead of yourself, aren't you Famine? :sly: Have a double-check of the Thread title and you'll see what I mean. :)
I was going to put an "E" and make everyone drive a Celica.

[/platform sharing gag]

You coming over then? :D
I imagine I shall be available, provided I'm not suddenly handed some exams as a Halloween treat or summat.

I'd probably go and be posh and sleep in one of them hotel things again, so no problem there. Though I may or may not require a taxi service depending on whether I've been talked out of insuring my car for another year. Or provided Hertz have stopped giving hire cars to 19 year olds by then, anyway.


1x TV of size that won't squash your handiwork
1x useless PS2
1x GT4
2x DS2
1x DFP

All of which are irrelevant, as I'm probably more suited to watching you lot with a cup of tea in hand.
Count me in. I'd (if possible) like a parking space though I shan't be sleeping in the car this time unless someone fancies cutting me into little slices and putting me in the boot, but I can foresee way too many problems with that, most of all that I won't be able to defend my Clio Endurance titles. On that note (the sleeping, not the slicing) I'd also be grateful for a sleeping place, but if not I'll chip in with someone else to find a motel or something.

I can provide:

1x PS2
1x GT4
1x DS2
1x Memory card
Assorted relevant cables

Talking of endurance racing too, do I remember someone (probably Famine?) saying at the recent LAN that they were thinking of something to replace the Clios for the endurance?

If so I have been doing a few initial tests to see if I can find anything equally fun. It's actually pretty difficult to find something that's quick enough, fun enough and comes in a decent number of colours but I do have a few ideas. One of them actually seems to have very similar lap times to the Clio, funnily enough.
I think the original thoughts were of replacing the Clio with one of the Lupo, Lupo GTi or Beetle Cup Cars, but I'm not convinced they won't rape their tyres.

An idea I had for this time was to allow drivers to test for a while before the event - or even before the LAN - with different tyres and allow free tyre selection. Though that might lead to some interesting intrateam discussion :D
I think the original thoughts were of replacing the Clio with one of the Lupo, Lupo GTi or Beetle Cup Cars, but I'm not convinced they won't rape their tyres.
Yay! Can we use them? Can we? :D
Here, sir!

1x Network adapted PS2
1x memory card
1x GT4
1x G25
2x DS2
2x headphones
2x TVs

If parking is likely to be a problem and Sureboss isn't coming I'll probably go on the train. I'd like to sleep inside but am happy in a tent, if the lawn is still there, or can go in a hotel. That's possibly the least commital (sp?) paragraph I've ever written.

There's always the '85 Mitsubishi Dakar car truck thing for 50 laps of Hong Kong.
the normal schedule of UKGTP is perfectly suited for GT4's last hurrah.

It's gotta be done - but I'll have to remain non-commital for now.

Should nothing get in my way and I manage to get all the way up North then I'd like to request somewhere more comfy than a staircase to sleep, and will endevour to bring what little useful equipment I have, vis-a-vis daan's GT4, my psychic DS2 and a lurvely 22" LCDTV.
I think the original thoughts were of replacing the Clio with one of the Lupo, Lupo GTi or Beetle Cup Cars, but I'm not convinced they won't rape their tyres.

An idea I had for this time was to allow drivers to test for a while before the event - or even before the LAN - with different tyres and allow free tyre selection. Though that might lead to some interesting intrateam discussion :D

The best car I've tested so far along the lines I was considering was the Amuse S2000 R1. It runs on sports tyres rather than racing tyres, but doesn't seem to be significantly slower over a lap than the Clio. And even if it was, you don't really notice when everyone's racing in the same car.

It's a bit more neutral than the Clio - less turn-in understeer, less snap oversteer. On hard tyres you can get some nice four-wheel drifts going. Comes in lots of colours too so the race would look pretty...

Also, goes easy on its tyres, unlike the FWD Volkswagens.
Here, sir!

1x Network adapted PS2
1x memory card
1x GT4
1x G25
2x DS2
2x headphones
2x TVs

If parking is likely to be a problem and Sureboss isn't coming I'll probably go on the train. I'd like to sleep inside but am happy in a tent, if the lawn is still there, or can go in a hotel. That's possibly the least commital (sp?) paragraph I've ever written.

There's always the '85 Mitsubishi Dakar car truck thing for 50 laps of Hong Kong.

I'll almost certainly be working all weekends for most of the next 2 years, though I can't really say what will happen until I know more about it. Nor do I know where I'll be, I could be in Guernsey, I could be in Yorkshire itself!

For now, I'm out, if I can make it, I'll be there of course. But won't know until September at the earliest.
I'll almost certainly be able to make it along this time! I should be able to offer up my G25 with stand, assuming that before October I can buy a car/weasel a lift/man up and carry it on my back. I could also provide a pair of headphones or two if needed.

Or because you're Anthony's brother.

It appears it isn't what you know, but who you know :D
Indeed. You know I didn't know what I know until someone you know who knows you told me.
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Any thoughts on the enduro car suggestion? I'll keep testing in the meantime. I'm not trying to get rid of the Clios but a change might be fun...
Well... on the one hand, it might be nice to say goodbye to them. On the other, we're about out of tracks now, unless we make it a slightly longer track - and thus event.

All suggestions gratefully ignored. :D
I'd like to put myself down as a 'possible' too. I have been wanting to attend again for some time but life has just been getting in the way, as it does. I'm not sure what i could bring either, other than a lightly used DFP, as my PS2 controller and copy of GT4 have been missing in inaction since the last UKGTP i graced my presence with.
Thx for the invite, it is really appreciated. However I'm leaving for Cold Down Under 4 days after this event and my employer will definitely not appreciate me taking off even more days this year. I already had to negotiate moving 2009 leave entitlements to 2010 to have enough days for 2010. I wish all participants a very enjoyable weekend with lots of fun and good racing. I've only been twice but thoroughly enjoyed both.

Have fun guys and galls! 👍

I'd like to put myself down as a 'possible' too. I have been wanting to attend again for some time but life has just been getting in the way, as it does. I'm not sure what i could bring either, other than a lightly used DFP, as my PS2 controller and copy of GT4 have been missing in inaction since the last UKGTP i graced my presence with.
'Tis fine, Mr. Me will update the first post as soon as he realises you've posted. I feel I should point out that due to certain logistical difficulties and attendee-indecisiveness, that this LAN is by invite only. Feel free to take offence at that, but I don't actually give a crap.

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Thanks for the invite, and despite still being a thumb cripple and still being entirely incompetent with a wheel, I'd like to come - I won't know until nearer the time that I can definitely make it, but it should be OK.

My equipment is available with or without me, such as it is:

1x PS2
1x GT4
2x DS2
1x Memory card
Assorted relevant cables
I feel I should point out that due to certain logistical difficulties and attendee-indecisiveness, that this LAN is by invite only. Feel free to take offence at that, but I don't actually give a crap.

None taken, an invite had been received.
I would like to say 'yes I will be attending' but given I appear to be very unreliable with attendance, I would take me as an interested but unlikely. I may come back at a later date and say 'yes i can definitely make it', if at that stage there is no more lan spaces available for me, then so be it. If I were to be able to confirm my attendance, I will be staying in a hotel anyway so there are no issues there at least. 👍
Has anyone realised ( I mean apart from Famine ) that this will coincide with GT5's release? ahem ahem.

If it actually does get a release, then this could be the very weekend we could all first get our hands on it, and you lot will be sat in a garage somewhere, playing the old, old game and eating Sure-tbread.

Now I think about it, that does sound more appealing......

VEXD, go ahead, be a sheep, like the rest of the lemmings. :D

Edit: I have just noticed my subtitle makes no sense now due to the layout change. If I'm offline I appear incontintent, and if I'm online, I appear bloody confused. :D
Why is it, whenever I'm online on MW2, I can't be stealthy to save my life, or even multiple lives, but whenever I'm on GTP these days, I'm always
Online (Stealth) ?
